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1/7/2017 JasonBlaha'sIceCreamFitness5x5NoviceProgram

Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness

5x5 Novice Program
A potent and proven novice muscle and strength building program
from Jason Blaha & Ice Cream Fitness. Testimonials continue to
pour in touting it's eectiveness.

Main Goal Build Muscle

Workout Type Full Body

Training Level Beginner

Days Per Week 3

Equipment Required Barbell, Cables, EZ Bar

Target Gender Male & Female

Author Jason Blaha

For more information on Jason Blaha and Ice Cream Fitness, please visit the
Juggernaut Fitness Youtube or Facebook fan page.

I would like to thank Muscle & Strength for hosting my Ice Cream Fitness (ICF)
5x5 novice program which I put out for free. Since I released it a year ago
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of people have contacted me about their results. Please watch the 1/21
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video I break down the full progression and methodology behind the

Jason Blaha Novice 5x5 Fullbody

The program is to be conducted 3 days per week alternating workout A&B on

non-consecutive days. For example:

Week One

Day 1 - Workout A
Day 2 - Rest
Day 3 - Workout B
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - Workout A
Days 6 & 7 - Rest

Week Two
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1 - Workout B 2/21
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Day 2 - Rest
Day 3 - Workout A
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - Workout B
Days 6 & 7 - Rest

ICF Workout A

Novice Program

Exercise Sets Reps

Squats 5 5

Bench Press 5 5

Bent Over Row 5 5

Barbell Shrugs 3 8

Tricep Extensions 3 8

Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8

Hyperextensions with plate 2 10

Cable Crunches 3 10


ICF Workout B

Novice Program
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Squats 5 5

Deadlift 1 5

Standing Press 5 5

Bent Over Row (10% lighter than Workout A) 5 5

Close Grip Bench Press 3 8

Straight Bar or Incline Curls 3 8

Cable Crunches 3 10


One of my fans created a detailed FAQ based upon half a dozen videos in
which I answered specic questions. Some of the FAQ are based upon
statements I made on another forum.

If you notice a common question or concern that is not posted below, feel free
to reply in the comments section below and I will add it.

Again, original credit goes to iBeastMode207 for taking the time to write the
original up.

I have questions...
Watch the video. 99.9% of all of your questions can be answered by actually
taking the time to watch the video on this page.

I don't have enough time to do this program

If you can't take the time to do this you are simply not worth the gains the
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is around 1.5 hours.

Can I change anything? 4/21
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Can I change anything?

Unless you are unable to do this program for medical reasons: do not alter the
program. You are a novice, and quite simply you don't know what you're
doing. If you did you wouldn't be looking for a workout.

If you want to go changing everything to t what you believe will give you
better results, go post it in the workout programs forum so everyone can refer
you right back to a proven program that works, such as this one.

I have bad knees

If you have bad knees, do box squats. Otherwise, unless you are medically
unable you should squat.

Can I add more deadlifts?

Deadlifts are 1x5 for a reason. They are taxing on your CNS and if you mess
around you will get hurt. So don't be the tough guy who wants to do 5x5
deadlifts, because you will fail miserably.

Do the reps and sets as they are laid out in the program.

I don't like squats and deadlifts

Don't ask if you can ditch squats or deadlifts because "you don't like them".
They're essential, so just do them.

Can I add calf work?

Supplemental calf work is acceptable, but you don't need it. If you want to do
the extra work, feel free.

Can I add side lateral raises?

Side lateral raises are also acceptable, but Jason suggests doing face pulls
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Can I add extra ab work? 5/21
1/7/2017 JasonBlaha'sIceCreamFitness5x5NoviceProgram

Additional ab work is acceptable. Doing ab work on o days instead is also

acceptable. You can also substitute in other ab exercises if you do not have
access to a cable station for cable crunches.

How should I lift when cutting?

The cutting version is 3x5 for main lifts, 2x8 for accessory lifts. Also, you only
progress every other session, not every session. Example Workout B: deadlift
200, next workout B: deadlift 200, next workout B: deadlift 205.

Can I add cardio?

With a good diet, you do not need to do cardio. Most people here don't even
bother as it will not make you magically lose weight. Diet is what aects
weight. You will receive all the same benets from this program (As well as any
high-intensity weight training program) as you would receive from "cardio."

Any advice on tracking calories?

For tracking calories, Mytnesspal is a pretty solid app. To calculate your TDEE
(calorie needs determination) click here.

What if I add weight and fail?

If you fail a rep/set/whatever, you repeat that weight during the next workout.
If you fail the next workout, you lower your weight by 10% and continue to use
that until progress. Reset weights get rounded down.

Do I need accessory work?

You do not need to add any extra accessory work, you are a novice. Your
entire body is lagging right now. You x your overall body before moving to
intermediate level workouts. Then you can focus on specic body parts and

What if I Build
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If you are not progressing and stall for a while, you may need to deload. Read

Any substitutions for hyperextensions?

Hyperextension can be substituted with good mornings or cable pull

Any substitutions for close grip bench press?

CGBP/Dips are a matter of preference, Jason just prefers CGBP.

What about rest between sets?

Break times between sets are 3-5 minutes for the 5x5 sets and 1-2 minutes for
the 3x8 sets.




Jason Blaha
Jason Blaha is a well respected YouTube celebrity, mastermind of Ice
Cream Fitness, and holder of more inter-planetary titles than any
bodybuilder or powerlifter in recorded history.
View all by Jason Blaha


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Posted Thu, 01/05/2017 - 19:37 LIKE 0

Can I do the program every other day, or is there a reason for the two rest days in a
row beyond the practicality of a program tting into a weekly schedule?


Posted Fri, 01/06/2017 - 09:03 LIKE 0

Hi Oliver,
You could do this every other day, just make sure to have a full days of rest in
between workouts so that you'll properly recover.


Posted Tue, 12/27/2016 - 12:48 LIKE 0

Hey i stay came here because of David laid an de I wanna know where to t pull-
ups. I've seen David laid do them all the time and i personally like the physique it
had built him and it's a personal goal of mine to be strong at pull-ups.


Posted Fri, 12/23/2016 - 17:14 LIKE 0

can you swap at bench for incline


Posted Tue, 12/27/2016 - 09:38 LIKE 0

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Yes, you can.


Posted Tue, 12/13/2016 - 14:23 LIKE 3

In another video about the dierences between men and women, Jason mentioned
women are prone to developing a dominant anterior chain. Following this caution,
he mentioned altering this program for females to include less squats and more
deadlift and glute/hamstring work. I'm wondering what this would look like while
also taking the caution about not doing more than 1x5 on deadlift seriously. I'm a
petite woman (5'2", 140 lbs, around 30% bf) wanting to add strength and size from
muscle. As a former collegiate runner, I developed bad problems with ITband and
petellar femoral syndrome, then tendonitis on the front, inner part of my knee.
Curious if my case would benet from taking this advice seriously/what it would
look like.


Posted Mon, 12/12/2016 - 22:55 LIKE 2

Ryan b
Is it okay I had a bad rst day. Don't feel sore after workout and idk if I did
exercises correctly. I used a barbell for squats too but it was like 45 lbs so idk if
that's okay. I also did isolation exercises rst and then did my compound lifts. Do I
do workout b on Wednesday still or do I start over. I am a beginner and new to
weightlifting and trying to gain muscle. I did boxing and some workin out but not
like real weightlifting. I am also 5ft 7-8 and 145 lbs


Posted Tue, 12/06/2016 - 03:51 LIKE 3

Ridge Morrison
Would it be ok to swim on the rest days?
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Posted Wed, 11/30/2016 - 13:23 LIKE 5

Hello! I have been training for around 10 mounths, when I started I could barley do
2 reps with only the barbell in bench and squats and like 40 kg in deadlifts, now my
1rep max's are: Bench 70kg, Squat 87.5 kg and deadlifts 125kg. I am about to start
this programm cause I want to get stronger and was wondering if I could change
at bench for incline cause my upper chest i lacking compared to the rest and
incline trains the whole chest better than at, right ?


Posted Wed, 11/30/2016 - 13:01 LIKE 5

I want to build strength, but mostly muscle. Will this program help me do that? And
will my chest, biceps, triceps, etc get bigger.


Posted Thu, 11/24/2016 - 14:45 LIKE 7

Hi, I've been training for exactly a year now. When I started i weighed 146 at 5"11,
now im 182 still at 5"11 and roughly the same body fat, maybe slightly higher.
My max bench is at 170, squat at about 280 and deadlift at 320. I've achieved this
by doing my own "bro" push pull legs-split. My question is, would it still be
benecial for me to start this program considering the progress I've already made?
My goal is to improve strength as much as possible, as well as build some good
mass. What numbers can I expect to hit if i run this program until its inecient?


Posted Tue, 11/29/2016 - 03:51 LIKE 7

Build muscle, lose
Honestly fat & stay
I would just motivated. Joincant
do it until you 500,000+ newsletter
progress any more. You are pretty
close or at intermediate level, so just do it to OFFICIALLY become 10/21
1/7/2017 JasonBlaha'sIceCreamFitness5x5NoviceProgram

intermediate. I added 20 kg to deadlift in 8 weeks (still going)


Posted Thu, 11/24/2016 - 10:05 LIKE 4

Is there any way to get a downloadable version of this??


Posted Sat, 11/19/2016 - 15:27 LIKE 6

Hey what do you think about adding high intensity cardio like boxing training with
some bodyweight exercises to weekly schedule?
I would like to keep up my boxing hobby while i do this program but im not sure if
gains from this will be dimishing because i do 2x boxing a week on rest days.


Posted Mon, 11/21/2016 - 09:15 LIKE 6

Should be ne. In fact, I would imagine you'd have a positive carry over
between the weight lifting and your power when boxing. Give it a shot for a
little while and see how you feel. If you're tired all the time, your probably not
recovering properly. If that's the case, you may want to cut back on one of
the two activities.
Hope this helps!


Posted Sun, 11/06/2016 - 16:09 LIKE 5

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i was going for 4 months last year>> i am 18cm tall and 69 kg ..i have been going to
the gym for 2 months... playing bro split 6 days per week.. would it be better to
change to Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 prog or stick with the same bro split and just
change the on it???


Posted Sun, 11/06/2016 - 08:00 LIKE 6

now i am a novice and i have been doing your 5x5 novice program in 3 monthes,
and i wonder 2 things how long are you supose to run this program and arnold
allways said you got to shock you muscles with new training rutines if you do that
how the hell are you going to proggresive overload ?


Posted Mon, 11/07/2016 - 17:46 LIKE 8

Justin S
I'm not an expert by any means but what I've got out of this work out is
working on form and range of motion for me .squaring 3 times a week is
shocking enough


Posted Thu, 11/03/2016 - 18:47 LIKE 9

Buljong smeagil
I have hurt My upper spine icant squat CAN i replace IT with 5x5 legpress?


Posted Thu, 10/27/2016 - 12:22 LIKE 8

Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Join 500,000+ newsletter
Can I train 4 times a week with this program? Something like:
Day 1: Train A 12/21
1/7/2017 JasonBlaha'sIceCreamFitness5x5NoviceProgram

Day 2: Train B
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: A
Day 5: B
Day 6.7 - rest


Posted Fri, 10/28/2016 - 17:33 LIKE 6

No. With a high volume fullbody program like this it's absolutely necessary to
have a day o between each training session. If you want to train with the
schedule you mentioned you should look for a 4 day upper/lower split
program, it's perfect for that. (I highly recommend Candito's linear
progression program, you can download it for free just google it)


Posted Sun, 10/23/2016 - 10:07 LIKE 7

Justin S
How would you keep your macros if your looking to cut bad weigjt ?


Posted Sun, 10/23/2016 - 00:13 LIKE 8

Ryan Soranno
I have been running a reverse pyramid program while being a beginner.
Unfortunately, I was cutting bodyfat so I wasn't able to make as many muscle gains.
Now that i have been working out for a little more than a year, will the 5x5 be good
for me?
Here are my max lifts for the program I was on previously (not 5x5)
Incline Dumbell press: 60 lb 10 reps
sumo deadlift: 185 lb 5 reps
Didn't squat for past few months, but denitely in the mid 100s
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Thanks for your help! 13/21
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Posted Sat, 10/22/2016 - 06:54 LIKE 8

Justin S
How would you do your macros . I'm looking to cut bad weight and tone up right
now I'm about 40 fat 40 protien 20-15 carbs


Posted Fri, 10/21/2016 - 13:22 LIKE 15

Hey! Been following this plan for a few months and i am progressing pretty good.
My question is, ive been deadlifting 1 lift x5 all the way at my max rep. My back and
core are pretty strong tho. And i can add weight after some workouts. I feel no pain
or anything being damaged. Every lift is clean and feels amazing. I just need some
thoughts on this.
Also for abb workout i am doing high angeled crunches x3 to failure, ripps pretty
good. Is this ok or should i should by any means do cable crunches?
Bench and standing press are at a staling point where i cant increase the weight for
some time now, so ive been doing x2 supersets with lighter weights to just totally
empty my muscles, same for bicep and tricep. I kinda feel i need to do this to burn
all my muscles.
Gonna follow this for a year, seeing great increase and progress after about 3
months and cant wait to progress more. Awesome plan, love it!!! Answers to this
post is muuuch appreciated. =))


Posted Tue, 10/18/2016 - 23:12 LIKE 9

I have been told that doing a dumbell bench press is more eective than the
barbell bench, when working the pecs. Is it ok to do a dumbell bench rather than a
barbell for more focus and better ROM?
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REPLY 14/21
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Posted Wed, 10/19/2016 - 09:19 LIKE 8

Sure you can make the swap. Although, I wouldn't exactly name one better
than the other, both have their pros and cons.
While dumbbell bench allows for a greater range of motion, it also requires
more shoulder stability forcing you into using lighter weight than you may
have with regular bench.
Traditional bench press on the other hand forces your shoulders into a xed
position. The xed position will allow you to push more weight than you
would with a dumbbell press, but can aggravate the shoulder joint (especially
if you have prior injury history).
In short, absolutely feel free to swap one out for the other, but remember
each has it's own benet.


Posted Mon, 10/17/2016 - 20:35 LIKE 10

Im an ectomorph, trying to gain weight.
Some suggest that I only need 45mins to workout.
does it work for an ectomorph?
Can i do it 38 instead of 5x5 to decrease the workout time?
Thank you and i will appreciate your respond.


Posted Fri, 10/14/2016 - 09:26 LIKE 12

Please forgive if you answered this. I listened twice and didn't hear it. As a super
novice, knowing absolutely nothing, do you do all sets of the same exercise and
then move to the next exercise or do I set of each? Also, any general advice about
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gym etiquette (I don't want to be lurking but I've got to get it done and get out).
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Posted Fri, 10/14/2016 - 09:28 LIKE 12

Do all of the sets of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise.
Hope this helps!


Posted Fri, 09/30/2016 - 21:55 LIKE 13

Are super squats an acceptable replacement for squats?
Is an xplod mid row acceptable replacement for rows?
I love this routine but herniated my L5 disc 18 months ago. After a year of physio I
went back for an MRI and it's still fully herniated. I'm ne with all the other lifts but
need squat and row replacements.


Posted Mon, 09/26/2016 - 22:29 LIKE 12

Hi, I think I'm stressing my back a little more than it should be. Does excluding
hyper extensions would help ?


Posted Sun, 09/25/2016 - 15:36 LIKE 15

Tim giling
How does it work with the progression?
For example is it like this;
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monday: 100lose
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wensday: 100 LBS

Friday: 100 LBS
Monday: 105 LBS
Is it progressing every week or every workout?


Posted Mon, 09/26/2016 - 09:23 LIKE 16

Aim to progress by 5lbs every week.


Posted Thu, 09/22/2016 - 22:57 LIKE 14

Can I do this:
Monday - A
Tuesday - B
Wednesday - A
Thursday - B
Friday - A


Posted Fri, 09/23/2016 - 09:22 LIKE 14

I wouldn't. You work the same muscles for both workouts in this split. Not
giving yourself time to recover from the heavy 5x5 lifts in workouts A & B
won't be conducive to building strength or muscle as recovering from your
workouts is key to muscle development.
If you're
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500,000+ in a week, I'd consider
checking out a 4 or 5 day split. The two below are a couple of our more 17/21
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popular programs. Check them out:


Posted Tue, 09/20/2016 - 08:13 LIKE 13

Can i do smith machine overhead shoulder press, instead of standing press?


Posted Tue, 09/20/2016 - 09:16 LIKE 13

Hi JR,
You could, but it'll be more benecial for you to do the standing press. If you
switch them for the smith machine, you'll likely have to do them sitting down.
This, along with the fact that the smith machine provides a xed plane of
motion, will eliminate all the stress to the core and other synergistic muscles
trying to stabilize the weight used.
If your goal is ultimately to build better strength, then do not make this


Posted Tue, 09/20/2016 - 09:56 LIKE 13

Thanks Josh. My back is being stressed after a workout. Is that normal or my
form is not right in some of the exercises. I feel sore even after a whole day
of rest. Please note that this is just my second week of this routine.


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Posted Tue, 09/20/2016 - 11:46 LIKE 15

It's tough to say. Muscle soreness would be a normal response, especially
considering that you are fairly new to the program and the rst workout
consists of squat, bent over row, and hyerpextensions, all of which will
impact the back muscles either directly or indirectly.
It's pretty normal to feel sore days after a workout, especially if you're not in
superb conditioning.
Although, if you're not experiencing muscle soreness and it's more along the
lines of pain/feels as though there is nerve or structural damage, you may be
performing the lifts with incorrect form. This is something you'd want to seek
professional help to correct.


Posted Tue, 09/20/2016 - 11:53 LIKE 13

Thanks so much for replying Josh.
Also can you please tell me if this is the correct workout routine for me or
should i do something more.
I'm 6 foot almost 145 lb weight with 23-25% body fat. Should i follow this
routine or should i do something additionally. I've started working out just a
month ago. I feel like all my body fat is in my belly. How do i take care of that
apart from strict diet.
Thanks again.


Posted Tue, 09/20/2016 - 12:08 LIKE 12

You're welcome, JR. It really depends on your long term goals. Since you're
just starting out, you'll nd it will be easy to burn o that body fat and build
muscle. This'll likely continue for well over a year if you're persistent and lock
down the diet aspect of tness.
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This program is a beginner program. From the sounds of things, you're

reacting as any beginner would. I'd recommend sticking with this program
until you feel as though it's too easy (You're moving up in weight every week
and not experiencing the soreness mentioned in your prior question). At that
point, it might be time to pursue a more challenging program or add in other
forms of training like cardio.


Posted Tue, 09/20/2016 - 12:23 LIKE 11

Thanks a lot Josh.
Right now my goal is to reduce fat and build a little bit of muscle. Looks like
this program does both. So i'll continue with this routine for now. Thanks for
patiently replying back to my questions.


Posted Mon, 09/19/2016 - 11:35 LIKE 10

Anonymous user
Also what weights should i start with. You recommend starting with the bar, but
thats too easy. Should decrease my weights to allow for linear progression? How
much should i decrease them by? When i squat, will i become sore, or no, because
if so, how could squat 3 times per week?


Posted Mon, 09/19/2016 - 04:57 LIKE 13

Anonymous user
1.) I'm assuming this is basically the same as the Stronglifts 5x5 workout, except
looking at the exercises, it seems to be longer with more 'minor' exercises like
hyperextensions etc, unlike major exercises like squats. Is this all necessary, like the
hyperextensions and cable crunches, if I am doing all the major exercises like
I have about 1.4 years experience lifting, but only 7 months taken seriously. Still
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pretty weak
-squat 225 lbs for 3 20/21
1/7/2017 JasonBlaha'sIceCreamFitness5x5NoviceProgram

deadlift 1rm 286 lbs

bench 165 lbs 1rm (Weakest)
I want to build muscle mainly, but obviously understand need to build strength. Is
this the right program for me for strength/muscle gains. How much expected gains
(strength) in 6 months, say??
Thanks for reply


Posted Mon, 09/19/2016 - 15:47 LIKE 14

Random Advisor
'Necessary' needs context; necessary for OPTIMAL, again, OPTIMAL
hypertrophy? Yes. Necessary for hypertrophy, period? No. You can do just the
5x5 lifts and gain muscle, but doing the accessories will increase the amount
of muscle you will build. Also, outside of hypertrophy, there IS carry over
from the accessories to the 5x5's: eliminating tricep accessories will run the
risk of damaging your bench press progress; eliminating cable crunches runs
the risk of not strengthening your core enough for all the 5x5 lifts.
Yes, for your situation, this couldn't be a better program for you.


Posted Wed, 09/14/2016 - 15:40 LIKE 11

Am I supposed to lift the same weight on the 5x5's ? Because im nding it really
hard to progress if I'm lifting the same added weight on all 5 sets. I have no
problem progressing in the rst set, but the rest sets are realy though to get . Any
help is apreciated!


Posted Mon, 09/19/2016 - 15:55 LIKE 10

Random Advisor
Are you
Build muscle, actually
lose getting
fat & stay 5 reps for
motivated. 5 sets?
Join It is meant
500,000+ to be hard, if you are
getting 5 reps for 5 sets, there is no problem, again, it is supposed to be hard.
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