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114 BrookerWidmaierGrahamStiling: IV. Evolution 24.

Population Genetics The McGrawHill

Biology Companies, 2008

24.1 Genes in Populations
24.2 Evolutionary Mechanisms and Their Effects
on Populations

Colorful African cichlids. The choice of mates among populations of

cichlids may depend on color.

opulation genetics is the study of genes and genotypes This chapter will examine the various ways that natural selec-
in a population. The central issue in population genetics tion leads to adaptation.
is genetic variation. Population geneticists want to know
the extent of genetic variation within populations, why it exists,
and how it changes over the course of many generations. Popu-
lation genetics helps us to understand how underlying genetic 24.1 Genes in Populations
variation is related to phenotypic variation, and other issues Population genetics is an extension of our understanding of Dar-
such as mate preference (see chapter opening photo). wins theory of natural selection, Mendels laws of inheritance,
Population genetics emerged as a branch of genetics in the and newer studies in molecular genetics. All of the genes in a
1920s and 1930s. Its mathematical foundations were developed population make up its gene pool. Each member of the popula-
by theoreticians who extended the principles of Mendel and Dar- tion receives its genes from its parents, which, in turn, are mem-
win by deriving equations to explain the occurrence of genotypes bers of the gene pool. Individuals that reproduce contribute to
within populations. These foundations can be largely attributed the gene pool of the next generation. Population geneticists study
to British evolutionary biologists J. B. S. Haldane and Ronald the genetic variation within the gene pool, and how such varia-
Fisher, and American geneticist Sewall Wright. As we will see, tion changes from one generation to the next. The emphasis is
several researchers who analyzed the genetic composition of often focused on an understanding of variation in alleles between
natural and experimental populations provided support for their members of a population. As discussed in Chapter 16, alleles are
mathematical theories. More recently, population geneticists different forms of the same gene. In this section, we will exam-
have used techniques to probe genetic variation at the molecu- ine some of the general features of populations and gene pools.
lar level. In addition, the staggering improvement in computer
technology has aided population geneticists in the analysis of
A Population Is a Group of Interbreeding Individuals
their genetic theories and data.
In this chapter, we will explore the extent of genetic varia- A population is a group of individuals of the same species that
tion that occurs in populations and how such variation is sub- can interbreed with one another. Certain species occupy a wide
ject to change. In many cases, such changes are associated with geographic range and are divided into discrete populations. For
adaptations, which are characteristics of a species that have example, distinct populations of a given species may be located
evolved over a long period of time by the process of natural se- on different continents. (A more detailed description of popu-
lection. The concept of adaptation was discussed in Chapter 23. lations and their native environments is given in Chapter 56.)
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Another common situation is that a large mountain or some

other type of geographic barrier may separate two or more pop-
ulations on the same continent.
Populations are dynamic units that change from one gen-
eration to the next. They may change in number, geographic
location, and genetic composition. Natural populations may go
through cycles of feast or famine, during which the popula-
tion gains or loses individuals. In addition, natural predators or
disease may periodically decrease the size of a population sig-
nificantly, and then later the population may rebound to its
original size. Populations or individuals within populations may
migrate to a new site and establish a distinct population at a new
location that may differ in environment from the original site.
As population sizes and locations change, their genetic com-
position generally changes as well. Some of the genetic changes
involve adaptive evolution, which means that a species is better
adapted to its environment, making it more likely to survive
Figure 24.1 An example of polymorphism: the two color
and reproduce. For example, a population of mammals may
variations found in the orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina.
move from a warmer to a colder geographic location. Over the
course of many generations, adaptive evolution may change the
population such that the fur of the animals is thicker and pro- nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). SNPs (snips) are the small-
vides better insulation against the colder temperatures. est type of genetic change that can occur within a given gene,
and they are also the most common. In human populations, for
example, SNPs represent 90% of all the variation in human DNA
sequences that occurs among different people. Current esti-
mates indicate that SNPs with a frequency of 1% or more are
Genes in Natural Populations found very frequently in genes. In humans, a gene that is 2,000
Are Usually Polymorphic 3,000 bp in length will, on average, contain 10 different SNPs
in the human population. The high frequency of SNPs indicates
The term polymorphism (meaning many forms) refers to the that polymorphism is the norm for most human genes. Like-
phenomenon that many traits display variation within a popu- wise, relatively large, healthy populations of nearly all species
lation. Historically, polymorphism first referred to variation in exhibit a high level of genetic variation, as evidenced by the
phenotypes. Polymorphisms in color and pattern have long at- occurrence of SNPs within most genes. As discussed later in
tracted the attention of population geneticists. Figure 24.1 illus- this chapter, genetic variation provides the raw material for
trates a striking example of polymorphism in the elder-flowered populations to evolve over the course of many generations.
orchid (Dactylorhiza sambucina). Throughout the range of this
species in Europe, both yellow- and red-flowered individuals are
prevalent. Population Genetics Is Concerned with Allele
From a genetic perspective, polymorphism is due to two or and Genotype Frequencies
more alleles that influence the phenotype of the individual that
inherits them. In other words, it is due to genetic variation. To analyze genetic variation in populations, one approach is to
Geneticists also use the term polymorphism to describe the vari- consider the frequency of alleles in a quantitative way. Two fun-
ation in genes; this is sometimes called genetic polymorphism. damental calculations are central to population genetics: allele
A gene that commonly exists as two or more alleles in a popu- frequencies and genotype frequencies. Allele and genotype
lation is described as a polymorphic gene. By comparison, a frequencies are defined as:
monomorphic gene exists predominantly as a single allele in Number of copies of a
a population. By convention, when 99% or more of the alleles specific allele in a population
of a given gene are identical, the gene is considered to be mono- 
frequency Total number of all alleles
morphic. Said another way, a polymorphic gene must have one
or more additional alleles that make up more than 1% of the for that gene in a population
alleles in the population.
Number of individuals with a
At the level of a particular gene, a polymorphism may in-
Genotype particular genotype in a population
volve various types of changes such as a deletion of a signifi- 
cant region of the gene, a duplication of a region, or a change frequency Total number of individuals
in a single nucleotide. This last phenomenon is called a single- in a population
116 BrookerWidmaierGrahamStiling: IV. Evolution 24. Population Genetics The McGrawHill
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Though these two frequencies are related, make sure you keep are not changing. Lets examine the Hardy-Weinberg equation
in mind a clear distinction between them. As an example, lets using the population of four oclock plants that we have just
consider a population of 100 four oclock plants with the follow- considered. If the allele frequency of R is denoted by the vari-
ing genotypes: able p, and the allele frequency of r by q, then
49 red-flowered plants with the genotype RR p  q  1
42 pink-flowered plants with the genotype Rr For example, if p  0.7, then q must be 0.3. In other words, if
9 white-flowered plants with the genotype rr the allele frequency of R equals 70%, the remaining 30% of
alleles must be r, because together they equal 100%.
When calculating an allele frequency for diploid species, re- For a gene that exists in two alleles, the Hardy-Weinberg
member that homozygous individuals have two copies of an equation states that
allele, whereas heterozygotes have only one. For example, in
tallying the r allele, each of the 42 heterozygotes has one copy (p  q)2  1 (Note: the number 2 in this equation reflects the
of the r allele, and each white-flowered plant has two copies. fact that the genotype is due to the inheritance of
Therefore, the allele frequency for r equals two alleles, one from each parent.)

(Rr)  2(rr) Therefore

Frequency of r  p2  2pq  q2  1 (the Hardy-Weinberg equation)
2(RR)  2(Rr)  2(rr)
If we apply this equation to our flower color gene, then
42  (2)(9)
Frequency of r  p2 equals the genotype frequency of RR
(2)(49)  (2)(42)  (2)(9) 2pq equals the genotype frequency of Rr
q2 equals the genotype frequency of rr
  0.3, or 30% If p  0.7 and q  0.3, then
Frequency of RR  p2  (0.7)2  0.49
This result tells us that the allele frequency of r is 0.3. In other
Frequency of Rr  2pq  2(0.7)(0.3)  0.42
words, 30% of the alleles for this gene in the population are the
r allele. Frequency of rr  q2  (0.3)2  0.09
Lets now calculate the genotype frequency of rr (white- In other words, if the allele frequency of R is 70% and the allele
flowered) plants. frequency of r is 30%, the expected genotype frequency of RR is
9 49%, Rr is 42%, and rr is 9%.
Frequency of rr  To see the relationship between allele frequencies and geno-
49  42  9
types in a population, Figure 24.2 considers the relationship
9 between allele frequencies and the way that gametes combine
  0.09, or 9% to produce genotypes. The Hardy-Weinberg equation reflects the
way gametes combine randomly with each other to produce off-
We see that 9% of the individuals in this population have white spring. In a population, the frequency of a gamete carrying a
flowers. particular allele is equal to the allele frequency in that popula-
Allele and genotype frequencies are always less than or tion. For example, if the allele frequency of R equals 0.7, the fre-
equal to one (that is, less than or equal to 100%). If a gene is quency of a gamete carrying the R allele also equals 0.7. The
monomorphic, the allele frequency for the single allele will frequency of producing an RR homozygote, which produces red
equal or be close to a value of 1.0. For polymorphic genes, if we flowers, is 0.7  0.7  0.49, or 49%. The probability of inher-
add up the frequencies for all the alleles in the population, we iting both r alleles, which produces white flowers, is 0.3  0.3
should obtain a value of 1.0. In our four oclock example, the  0.09, or 9%. In our Punnett square, two different gamete com-
allele frequency of r equals 0.3. Therefore, we can calculate the binations can produce heterozygotes with pink flowers (Figure
frequency of the other allele, R, as equal to 1.0 0.3  0.7, 24.2). An offspring could inherit the R allele from pollen and r
because they must add up to 1.0. from the egg, or R from the egg and r from pollen. Therefore,
the frequency of heterozygotes is pq  pq, which equals 2pq. In
The Hardy-Weinberg Equation Relates Allele our example, this is 2(0.7)(0.3)  0.42, or 42%.
The Hardy-Weinberg equation predicts an equilibrium of
and Genotype Frequencies in a Population
unchanging allele and genotype frequencies in a population. If
In 1908, Godfrey Harold Hardy, an English mathematician, and a population is in equilibrium, it is not adapting and evolution
Wilhelm Weinberg, a German physician, independently derived is not occurring. However, this prediction is valid only if certain
a simple mathematical expression called the Hardy-Weinberg conditions are met in a population. These conditions require that
equation that relates allele and genotype frequencies when they evolutionary mechanisms, those forces that can change allele and
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genes. However, researchers often discover instead that allele

and genotype frequencies for one or more genes in a given spe-
Generation 1 cies are not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. In such cases, we
would say that the population is in disequilibriumin other
words, evolutionary mechanisms are affecting the population.
Genotypes RR Rr rr
When this occurs, population geneticists may wish to identify
Genotype frequencies 0.49 0.42 0.09
the reason(s) why disequilibrium has occurred because this
Allele and gamete frequencies R  0.7 r  0.3 may impact the future survival of the species.
Generation 2
R r
0.7 0.3
24.2 Evolutionary Mechanisms and
Their Effects on Populations
The genetic variation in all natural populations changes over
0.7 RR (p 2 ) Rr (pq) the course of many generations. The term microevolution is
(0.7)(0.7)  0.49 (0.7)(0.3)  0.21 p 2  2pq  q2  1 used to describe changes in a populations gene pool from gen-
0.49  2(0.21)  0.09  1 eration to generation. Such change is rooted in two related phe-
nomena (Table 24.1). First, the introduction of new genetic
variation into a population is one essential aspect of microevo-
lution. As discussed in Chapter 23, genetic variation can origi-
0.3 Rr (pq) rr (q 2 ) nate by a variety of molecular mechanisms. New alleles of pre-
(0.7)(0.3)  0.21 (0.3)(0.3)  0.09 existing genes can arise by random mutation, and new genes
can be introduced into a population by gene duplication, exon
Frequency of RR genotype (red flowers)  (0.7)2  0.49 shuffling, and horizontal gene transfer. Such mutations, albeit
Frequency of Rr genotype (pink flowers)  2(0.7)(0.3)  0.42
rare, provide a continuous source of new variation to popula-
Frequency of rr genotype (white flowers)  (0.3)2  0.09
tions. In 1926, the Russian geneticist Sergei Tshetverikov was
the first to suggest that random mutations are the raw material
Figure 24.2 Comparing allele and genotype frequencies for evolution, but they do not constitute evolution itself. Muta-
in a population with the Hardy-Weinberg equation and a tions clearly supply new genetic variation to a population. How-
Punnett square. A population of four oclock plants has allele
ever, due to their low rate of occurrence, mutations do not act
and gamete frequencies of 0.7 for the R allele and 0.3 for the
as a major force in promoting widespread changes in a popula-
r allele. Knowing the allele frequencies allows us to calculate
the genotype frequencies in the population. tion. If mutations were the only type of change occurring in a
population, that population would not evolve because muta-
Biological inquiry: What would be the frequency of pink flowers
tions are so rare.
in a population where the allele frequency of R is 0.4 and the
In this section we will discuss the second phenomenon that
population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Assume that
R and r are the only two alleles. is required for microevolution, the action of evolutionary mech-
anisms that alter the prevalence of a given allele or genotype in
a population. These mechanisms are natural selection, random
genotype frequencies, are not acting on a population. With regard genetic drift, migration, and nonrandom mating (Table 24.1).
to a particular gene of interest, these conditions are: The collective contributions of these evolutionary mechanisms
over the course of many generations have the potential to pro-
The population is so large that allele frequencies do not mote widespread genetic changes in a population.
change due to random sampling error. To consider the effects of these evolutionary mechanisms,
The members of the population mate with each other we will examine how they may affect the type of genetic varia-
without regard to their phenotypes and genotypes. tion that occurs when a gene exists in two alleles in a popula-
No migration occurs between different populations. tion. As you will learn, these mechanisms may cause one allele
or the other allele to be favored, or they may create a balance
No survival or reproductive advantage exists for any of the
where both alleles are maintained in a population. Although
genotypesin other words, no natural selection occurs.
we will discuss the effects of these mechanisms on genetic
No new mutations occur. variation involving alleles of a single gene caused by muta-
In reality, no population satisfies the Hardy-Weinberg equilib- tion, keep in mind that these same evolutionary mechanisms
rium completely. Nevertheless, in large natural populations can also affect the frequencies of new genes that arise in a
with little migration and negligible natural selection, the Hardy- population by gene duplication, exon shuffling, and horizontal
Weinberg equilibrium may be nearly approximated for certain gene transfer.
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that have inherited certain genotypes. Such genotypes confer

Table 24.1 Factors That Govern Microevolution greater reproductive success. In this regard, natural selection
Sources of new genetic variation* usually acts upon two aspects of reproductive success. First,
certain characteristics make organisms better adapted to their
New alleles Random mutations within pre-existing genes
environment and more likely to survive to reproductive age;
introduce new alleles into populations, but at a
very low rate. New mutations may be beneficial, such organisms have a greater chance to reproduce and con-
neutral, or deleterious. For alleles to rise to a tribute offspring to the next generation. Therefore, natural selec-
significant percentage in a population, evolutionary
tion favors individuals with adaptations that provide a survival
mechanisms, such as natural selection, random
genetic drift, and migration, must operate on them. advantage. Second, natural selection favors individuals that
Gene Abnormal crossover events and transposable produce viable offspring. As discussed later in this chapter,
duplication elements may increase the number of copies of traits that enhance the ability of individuals to reproduce are
a gene. Over time, the additional copies can often subject to natural selection.
accumulate random mutations and create a gene
family. Lets consider how natural selection can operate when a
gene exists as two alleles in a population. Keep in mind that
Exon shuffling Abnormal crossover events and transposable
elements may promote gene rearrangements natural selection acts on individuals, while evolution occurs at
in which one or more exons from one gene are the population level. A modern description of natural selection
inserted into another gene. The protein encoded by can relate our knowledge of molecular genetics to the pheno-
such a gene may display a novel function and can
then be acted upon by evolutionary mechanisms. types of individuals.
Horizontal Genes from one species may be introduced into
gene transfer another species. Events such as endocytosis and 1. Within a population, allelic variation arises from random
interspecies mating may promote this phenomenon. mutations that cause differences in DNA sequences.
A mutation that creates a new allele may alter the amino
Evolutionary mechanisms that alter existing genetic variation acid sequence of the encoded protein. This in turn may
Natural The phenomenon in which the environment selects alter the function of the protein.
selection for individuals that possess certain traits. Natural 2. Some alleles may encode proteins that enhance an
selection can favor the survival of members with individuals survival or reproductive capability compared
beneficial traits or disfavor the survival of individuals
with unfavorable traits. As a type of natural selection, to that of other members of the population. For example,
sexual selection favors traits that increase the an allele may produce a protein that is more efficient at
reproductive success of individuals. a higher temperature, conferring on the individual a
Random This is a change in genetic variation from generation greater probability of survival in a hot climate.
genetic drift to generation due to random sampling error. Allele 3. Individuals with beneficial alleles are more likely to
frequencies may change as a matter of chance from
one generation to the next. This is much more likely survive and contribute their alleles to the gene pool of
to occur in a small population. the next generation.
Migration Migration can occur between two different popu- 4. Over the course of many generations, allele frequencies
lations that have different allele frequencies. The of many different genes may change through natural
introduction of migrants into a recipient popula-
tion may change the allele frequencies of that
selection, thereby significantly altering the characteristics
population. of a population. The net result of natural selection is a
Nonrandom The phenomenon in which individuals select mates population that is better adapted to its environment
mating based on their phenotypes or genetic lineage. This and more successful at reproduction.
can alter the relative proportion of homozygotes
and heterozygotes that is predicted by the Hardy-
Weinberg equation, but it will not change allele As mentioned earlier, Haldane, Fisher, and Wright developed
frequencies. mathematical relationships to explain the phenomenon of natu-
ral selection. To begin our quantitative discussion of natural
*Described in Chapter 23.
selection, we need to consider the concept of Darwinian fit-
ness, which is the relative likelihood that a genotype will con-
tribute to the gene pool of the next generation as compared with
other genotypes. Although this property often correlates with
Natural Selection Favors Individuals physical fitness, the two ideas should not be confused. Darwin-
ian fitness is a measure of reproductive success. An extremely
with the Greatest Reproductive Success fertile individual may have a higher Darwinian fitness than a
As we discussed in Chapter 23, Charles Darwin and Alfred Wal- less fertile individual that appears more physically fit.
lace independently proposed the theory of evolution by natural To examine Darwinian fitness, lets consider an example of
selection. According to this theory, only a certain percentage of a hypothetical gene existing in A and a alleles. We can assign
the offspring that a species produces will survive. This strug- fitness values to each of the three possible genotypes accord-
gle for existence results in the selective survival of individuals ing to their relative reproductive success. For example, lets
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suppose that the average reproductive successes of the three creases the mean fitness of the population. In this way, the
genotypes are: process of natural selection results in a population of organisms
that is well adapted to its native environment and likely to be
AA produces five offspring
successful at reproduction.
Aa produces four offspring
aa produces one offspring Natural Selection Can Follow Different Patterns
By convention, the genotype with the highest reproductive suc- By studying species in their native environments, population
cess is given a fitness value of 1.0. Fitness values are denoted geneticists have discovered that natural selection can occur in
by the variable W. The fitness values of the other genotypes are several ways. In most of the examples described next, natural
assigned values relative to this 1.0 value. selection leads to adaptation so that a species is better able to
Fitness of AA: WAA  1.0 survive to reproductive age.
Fitness of Aa: WAa  4/5  0.8
Directional Selection Directional selection favors individuals
Fitness of aa: Waa  1/5  0.2
at one extreme of a phenotypic distribution that have greater
Variation in fitness occurs because individuals with certain geno- reproductive success in a particular environment. Different phe-
types have greater reproductive success. Such genotypes exhibit nomena may initiate the process of directional selection. One
a higher fitness compared to others. Natural selection acts on way that directional selection may arise is that a new allele may
phenotypes that are derived from an individuals genotype. be introduced into a population by mutation, and the new allele
Likewise, the effects of natural selection can be viewed at may confer a higher fitness in individuals that carry it (Figure
the level of a population. The average reproductive success of 24.3). If the homozygote carrying the favored allele has the high-
members of a population is called the mean fitness of the pop- est fitness value, directional selection may cause this favored
ulation. Over many generations, as individuals with higher fit- allele to eventually become predominant in the population, per-
ness values become more prevalent, natural selection also in- haps even becoming a monomorphic allele.

Dark brown coloration arises population
by a new mutation. Dark
brown fur makes the mouse Number of
less susceptible to predation. individuals
The dark brown mouse has a
higher Darwinian fitness than
do the tan mice.

Light fur Dark fur

Many generations

This population has a higher after directional
mean fitness than the starting selection
population because the darker Number of
mice are less susceptible to individuals
predation and therefore are
more likely to survive and

Light fur Dark fur

(a) An example of directional selection (b) Graphical representation of directional selection

Figure 24.3 Directional selection. This pattern of natural selection selects for one extreme of a phenotype that confers the
highest fitness in the populations environment. (a) In this example, a mutation for darker fur arises in a population of mice. This new
genotype confers higher Darwinian fitness, because mice with dark fur can evade predators and are more likely to survive and reproduce.
Over many generations, directional selection will favor the prevalence of darker individuals. (b) These graphs show the change in fur color
phenotypes in this mouse population before and after directional selection.
Biological inquiry: Over the short and long run, does directional selection favor the preservation of genetic diversity?
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Another possibility is that a population may be exposed to parental care and food. In addition, the strain on the parents
a prolonged change in its living environment. Under the new themselves may decrease their likelihood of survival and there-
environmental conditions, the relative fitness values may change fore their ability to produce more offspring. Having too few off-
to favor one genotype, and this will promote the elimination of spring, however, does not contribute many individuals to the
other genotypes. As an example, lets suppose a population of next generation. Therefore, the most successful parents are those
finches on a mainland already has genetic variation that affects that produce an intermediate clutch size. In the 1980s, Swedish
beak size (refer back to Figure 23.2). A small number of birds evolutionary biologist Lars Gustafsson and his colleagues exam-
migrate to an island where the seeds are generally larger than ined the phenomenon of stabilizing selection in the collared fly-
they are on the mainland. In this new environment, birds with catcher (Ficedula albicollis) on the island of Gotland south of
larger beaks would have a higher fitness because they would be Sweden. They discovered that Lacks hypothesis concerning an
better able to crack open the larger seeds, and thereby survive optimal clutch size appears to be true for this species.
to reproductive age. Over the course of many generations, direc-
tional selection would produce a population of birds carrying Disruptive Selection Disruptive selection (also known as di-
alleles that promote larger beak size. versifying selection) favors the survival of two or more different
genotypes that produce different phenotypes. In disruptive selec-
Stabilizing Selection Stabilizing selection favors the survival tion, the fitness values of a particular genotype are higher in one
of individuals with intermediate phenotypes. The extreme val- environment and lower in a different environment, while the fit-
ues of a trait are selected against. Stabilizing selection tends to ness values of the other genotype vary in an opposite manner.
decrease genetic diversity. An example of stabilizing selection Disruptive selection is likely to occur in populations that occupy
involves clutch size (number of eggs laid) in birds, which was diverse environments, so that some members of the species will
first proposed by British biologist David Lack in 1947. Under survive in each type of environmental condition. An example in-
stabilizing selection, birds that lay too many or too few eggs per volves colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis). In certain locations
nest have lower fitness values than do those that lay an inter- where this grass is found, such as South Wales, isolated places
mediate number of eggs (Figure 24.4). Laying too many eggs has occur where the soil is contaminated with high levels of heavy
the disadvantage that many offspring will die due to inadequate metals such as copper due to human activities such as mining.
The relatively recent metal contamination has selected for the pro-
liferation of mutant strains that show tolerance to the heavy met-
als. Such genetic changes enable the plants to grow on contami-
nated soil but tend to inhibit growth on normal, noncontaminated
Number of nests

soil. These metal-resistant plants often grow on contaminated
sites that are close to plants that grow on uncontaminated land
and do not show metal tolerance (Figure 24.5).
In the case of metal-resistant and metal-sensitive grasses,
the members of a population occupy heterogeneous environ-
ments that are geographically continuous; members of the pop-
Few Number of eggs Many ulations can freely interbreed. In other cases, members of a
single species may occupy two or more different environments
that are geographically isolated from each other. Given enough
time, disruptive selection due to heterogeneous environments
Population can eventually lead to the evolution of two or more different
after species, a process that will be described in Chapter 25.
Number of nests

Balancing Selection Contrary to a popular misconception,
natural selection does not always cause the elimination of
weaker or less fit alleles. Balancing selection is a type of nat-
ural selection that maintains genetic diversity in a population.
Over many generations, balancing selection can create a situa-
tion known as a balanced polymorphism, or a stable polymor-
Few Number of eggs Many phism, in which two or more alleles are kept in balance, and
therefore are maintained in a population over the course of
Figure 24.4 Stabilizing selection. In this pattern of natural
many generations.
selection, the extremes of a phenotypic distribution are selected
against. Those individuals with intermediate traits have the highest Balancing selection does not favor one particular allele in the
fitness. These graphs show the results of stabilizing selection population. Population geneticists have identified two common
on clutch size in a population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula ways that this pattern of selection can occur. First, for genetic
albicollis). This process results in a population with less diversity variation involving a single gene, balancing selection favors
and more uniform traits. the heterozygote rather than either corresponding homozygote.
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Agrostis tenuis Starting population

Plants on uncontaminated

Number of individuals
soil do not usually carry
metal-resistant alleles.

Uncontaminated soil

Plants on contaminated
soil are likely to carry
Contaminated soil metal-resistant alleles.
Metal sensitive Metal resistant

(a) Growth of Agrostis tenuis on uncontaminated and contaminated


Figure 24.5 Disruptive selection. This pattern of natural

selection selects for two different phenotypes, each of which is Population after
disruptive selection
Number of individuals

most fit in a particular environment. (a) In this example, mutations

have created metal-resistant alleles in colonial bentgrass (Agrostis
tenuis), that allow it to grow on soil contaminated with high levels
of heavy metals such as copper. These alleles provide high fitness
where the soil is contaminated, but they confer low fitness where
it is not contaminated. Because both metal-resistant and metal-
sensitive alleles are maintained in the population, this situation
is an example of disruptive selection due to heterogeneous
environments. (b) These graphs show the change in phenotypes Metal sensitive Metal resistant
in this bentgrass population before and after disruptive selection. (b) Graphical representation of disruptive selection

This situation is called heterozygote advantage. Balanced poly- both yellow- and red-flowered individuals are prevalent. The
morphisms can sometimes explain the high frequency of alleles explanation for this polymorphism is related to its pollinators,
that are deleterious in a homozygous condition. A classic exam- which are mainly bumblebees such as Bombus lapidarius and
ple is the HS allele of the human -globin gene, which is de- Bombus terrestris. The pollinators increase their preference for
scribed in Chapter 14. A homozygous HSHS individual has sickle- the flower color of D. sambucina as it becomes less common in
cell anemia, a disease that leads to the sickling of the red blood a given area. One reason why this may occur is because D. sam-
cells. The HSHS homozygote has a lower fitness than a homozy- bucina is a rewardless flowerit does not provide its pollina-
gote with two copies of the more common -globin allele, tors with any reward such as sweet nectar. Pollinators are more
HAHA. However, the heterozygote, HAHS, has the highest level of likely to learn that the more common color of D. sambucina in
fitness in areas where malaria is endemic. Compared with HAHA a given area does not offer a reward, and this may explain their
homozygotes, heterozygotes have a 1015% better chance of preference for the flower color that is less common. For exam-
survival if infected by the malarial parasite, Plasmodium fal- ple, in an area where the yellow-colored flowers are common,
ciparum. Therefore, the H S allele is maintained in populations bumblebees may have learned that this color does not offer a
where malaria is prevalent, even though the allele is detrimen- reward, so they are more likely to visit red-flowered plants.
tal in the homozygous state (Figure 24.6). The balanced poly-
morphism results in a higher mean fitness of the population. In Sexual Selection Is a Type of Natural Selection
areas where malaria is endemic, a population composed of all
That Directly Promotes Reproductive Success
HAHA individuals would have a lower mean fitness.
Negative frequency-dependent selection is a second way Thus far we have mainly focused on examples of natural selec-
that natural selection can produce a balanced polymorphism. In tion that favor traits that promote the survival of individuals to
this pattern of natural selection, the fitness of a genotype de- reproductive age. This form of natural selection often produces
creases when its frequency becomes higher. In other words, rare adaptations for survival in particular environments. Now lets
individuals have a higher fitness and common individuals have turn our attention to a form of natural selection, called sexual
a lower fitness. Therefore, rare individuals are more likely to selection, that is directed at certain traits of sexually reproduc-
reproduce while common individuals are less likely, thereby ing species that make it more likely for individuals to find or
producing a balanced polymorphism in which no genotype be- choose a mate and/or engage in successful mating. Darwin
comes too rare or too common. originally described sexual selection as the advantage that cer-
An interesting example of negative frequency-dependent tain individuals have over others of the same sex and species
selection involves the elder-flowered orchid (D. sambucina), solely with respect to reproduction. Within a species, members
which was shown earlier in Figure 24.1. Throughout its range of the same sex (typically males) compete with each other for
122 BrookerWidmaierGrahamStiling: IV. Evolution 24. Population Genetics The McGrawHill
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Areas where malaria 02.5 7.510.0 (a) Intrasexual selection (b) Intersexual selection
is common 2.55.0 10.012.5
5.07.5 >12.5 Figure 24.7 Examples of the results of sexual selection, a
(a) Malaria prevalence (b) H S allele frequency (percent) type of natural selection. (a) An example of intrasexual selection.
The enlarged claw of the male fiddler crab is used in direct male-
Figure 24.6 Balancing selection and heterozygote to-male competition. In this photograph, a male inside a burrow
advantage. In this pattern of natural selection, genetic diversity is extending its claw out of the burrow to prevent another male
is maintained in a population. This example shows balancing from entering. (b) An example of intersexual selection. Female
selection maintaining two alleles of the -globin gene, designated peacocks choose males based on their colorful and long tail
HA and HS, in human populations in Africa. This situation occurs feathers, and the robustness of their display.
due to heterozygote advantage, because the heterozygous con-
dition confers resistance to malaria. (a) The geographic prevalence
of malaria in Africa. (b) The frequency of the H S allele of the Now lets consider an example of intersexual selection,
-globin gene in the same area. In the homozygous condition, namely female choice. This type of sexual selection often results
the HS allele causes the disease sickle-cell anemia. However, this in showy characteristics in males. Figure 24.7b shows a classic
sickle-cell allele is maintained in human populations as a balanced example that involves the Indian peacock (Pavo cristatus), the
polymorphism, because in areas where malaria is prevalent, the
national bird of India. Male peacocks have long and brightly
heterozygote carrying one copy of the HS allele has a higher fitness
colored tail feathers, which they fan out as a mating behavior.
than either of the corresponding homozygotes (HAHA and HSHS).
Females select among males based on feather color and pattern
and physical prowess of the display.
the opportunity to mate with members of the opposite sex. Such A less obvious type of intersexual selection is cryptic fe-
competition results in sexual selection. male choice, in which the female reproductive system can influ-
In many species of animals, sexual selection affects male ence the relative success of sperm. As an example of cryptic
characteristics more intensely than it does female. Unlike fe- female choice, the female genital tract of certain animals selects
males, which tend to be fairly uniform in their reproductive suc- for sperm that tend to be genetically unrelated to the female.
cess, male success tends to be more variable, with some males Sperm from males closely related to the female, such as broth-
mating with many females and others not mating at all. (See ers or cousins, are less successful than are sperm from geneti-
Chapter 55 for a discussion of different mating strategies be- cally unrelated males. The selection for sperm may occur over
tween the sexes.) Sexual selection results in the evolution of the journey through the reproductive tract. The egg itself may
traits, called secondary sexual characteristics, that favor repro- even have mechanisms to prevent fertilization by genetically
ductive success. The result of this process is sometimes a signif- related sperm. Cryptic female choice occurs in species in which
icant difference between the appearances of the sexes in the females may mate with more than one male, such as many spe-
same species, a situation called sexual dimorphism. cies of reptiles and ducks. A similar mechanism is found in many
Sexual selection can be categorized as either intrasexual plant species in which pollen from genetically related plants,
selection, between members of the same sex, or intersexual perhaps from the same flower, is unsuccessful at fertilization,
selection, between members of the opposite sex. Lets begin while pollen from unrelated plants is successful. One possible
with intrasexual selection. Examples of traits that result from advantage of cryptic female choice is that it inhibits inbreeding,
intrasexual selection in animals include horns in male sheep, which is described later in this chapter. At the population level,
antlers in male moose, and the enlarged claw of male fiddler cryptic female choice may promote genetic diversity by favoring
crabs (Figure 24.7a). In many animal species, males directly interbreeding among genetically unrelated individuals.
compete with each other for the opportunity to mate with fe- Sexual selection is sometimes a combination of both intra-
males, or they may battle for a particular territory. In fiddler sexual and intersexual selection. During breeding season, male
crabs (Uca paradussumieri), males enter the burrows of females elk (Cervus elaphus) become aggressive and bugle loudly to chal-
that are ready to mate. If another male attempts to enter the lenge other male elk. Males spar with their antlers, which usually
burrow, the male already inside the burrow stands in the bur- turns into a pushing match to determine which elk is stronger.
row shaft and blocks the entrance with his enlarged claw. Female elk then choose the strongest bulls as their mates.
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Sexual selection can explain traits that may decrease an in- By comparison, females may produce relatively few offspring
dividuals chances of survival but increase their chances of re- and their reproductive success may not be limited by the num-
producing. For example, the male guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is ber of available males. Females will have higher fitness if they
brightly colored compared to the female. In nature, females pre- choose males that are good defenders of their territory, and have
fer brightly colored males. Therefore, in places with few preda- alleles that confer a survival advantage to their offspring. One
tors, the males tend to be brightly colored. However, in places measure of alleles that confer higher fitness is age. Males that
where predators are abundant, brightly colored males are less live to an older age are more likely to carry beneficial alleles.
plentiful because they are subject to predation. In this case, the Many research studies involving female choice have shown that
relative abundance of brightly and dully colored males depends females tend to select traits that are more likely to be well de-
on the balance between sexual selection, which favors bright veloped in older males than they are in immature males. In cer-
coloring, and escape from predation, which favors dull coloring. tain species of birds, for example, females tend to choose males
Many animals have secondary sexual characteristics, and with a larger repertoire of songs, which is more likely to occur
evolutionary biologists generally agree that sexual selection is in older males.
responsible for such traits. But why should males compete, and Overall, sexual selection is a form of natural selection in
why should females be choosy? Researchers have proposed var- which the evolution of certain traits occurs differently between
ious hypotheses to explain the underlying mechanisms. One the two sexes. Sexual selection is not some extra force in oppo-
possible reason is related to the different roles that males and sition to natural selection. It is governed by the same processes
females play in the nurturing of offspring. In some species, the involved in the evolution of traits that are not directly related to
female is the primary caregiver, while the male plays a minor sex. Sexual selection can be directional, stabilizing, disruptive,
role. In such species, the Darwinian fitness of males and females or balancing. For example, directional selection probably played
may be influenced by their mating behavior. Males increase an important role in the evolution of the large and brightly col-
their fitness by mating with multiple females. This increases ored tail of the male peacock. As described next, sexual selection
their likelihood of passing their genes on to the next generation. can be diversifying if females select for males with different traits.

Seehausen and van Alphen Found That Male

Coloration in African Cichlids Is Subject
to Female Choice
Cichlids are tropical freshwater fish that are popular among
aquarium enthusiasts. This family of fish (Cichlidae) is made up
of more different species than is any other vertebrate family.
The more than 3,000 species vary with regard to body shape,
coloration, behavior, and feeding habits. By far the greatest
diversity of these fish is found in Lake Victoria, Lake Malawi,
and Lake Tanganyika in East Africa, where collectively more
than 1,800 species are found. Lake Victoria, for example, has
(a) (b)
500 species.
Cichlids have complex mating behavior and brood care.
Females play an important role in choosing males with particu- Figure 24.8 Male coloration in African cichlids. (a) Two
males (Pundamilia pundamilia, top, and Pundamilia nyererei,
lar characteristics. To study the importance of female choice,
bottom) under normal illumination. (b) The same species under
population geneticists Ole Seehausen and Jacques van Alphen
orange monochromatic light, which obscures their color differences.
investigated the effect of male coloration of Pundamilia punda-
milia and Pundamilia nyererei. In some locations, P. pundami-
lia and P. nyererei do not readily interbreed and behave like two have a metallic blue and red dorsal fin, which is the uppermost
distinct biological species, while in other places they behave like fin. By comparison, P. nyererei males are orange on top and yel-
a single interbreeding species with two color morphs. They can low on their sides.
interbreed to produce viable offspring, and both inhabit Lake Seehausen and van Alphen hypothesized that females choose
Victoria. Males of both species have blackish underparts and males for mates based on the males coloration. The researchers
blackish vertical bars on their sides (Figure 24.8a). P. punda- took advantage of the observation that colors are obscured under
milia males are grayish white on top and on the sides, and they orange monochromatic light. As seen in Figure 24.8b, males of
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Figure 24.9 A study by Seehausen and van Alphen involving the effects of male coloration on female choice in African cichlids.

HYPOTHESIS Female African cichlids choose mates based on the males coloration.
STARTING MATERIALS Two species of cichlid, Pundamilia pundamilia and Pundamilia nyererei, were chosen. The males differ with regard to
their coloration. A total of 8 males and 8 females (4 males and 4 females from each species) were tested.

Experimental level Conceptual level

1 Place 1 female and 2 males in an This is a method to

aquarium. Each male is within a evaluate sexual
separate glass enclosure. The selection via female
enclosures contain 1 male from each choice in 2 species
species. of cichlid.

2 Observe potential courtship behavior for

1 hour. If a male exhibited lateral display
(a courtship invitation) and then the
female approached the enclosure that
contained the male, this was scored as a
positive encounter. This protocol was
performed under normal illumination and
under monochromatic illumination.


Female Male Light condition Percentage of positive encounters*

P. pundamilia P. pundamilia Normal 16
P. pundamilia P. nyererei Normal 2
P. nyererei P. nyererei Normal 16
P. nyererei P. pundamilia Normal 5

P. pundamilia P. pundamilia Monochromatic 20

P. pundamilia P. nyererei Monochromatic 18
P. nyererei P. nyererei Monochromatic 13
P. nyererei P. pundamilia Monochromatic 18

*A positive encounter occurred when a males lateral display was followed by the female approaching the male.

both species look similar under these conditions. As shown in and female begins when a male swims toward a female and ex-
Figure 24.9, a female of one species was placed in an aquarium hibits a lateral display (that is, shows the side of his body to the
that contained one male of each species within an enclosure. female). If the female is interested, she will approach the male,
The males were within glass enclosures to avoid direct compe- and then the male will display a quivering motion. Such court-
tition with each other, which would have likely affected female ship behavior was examined under normal light and under orange
choice. The goal of the experiment was to determine which of monochromatic light.
the two males a female would prefer. Courtship between a male
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As seen in the data, Seehausen and van Alphen found that mating with P. nyererei males. In this case, sexual selection ap-
the females preference for males was dramatically different de- pears to have followed a diversifying mechanism in which cer-
pending on the illumination conditions. Under normal light, P. tain females prefer males with one color pattern while other
pundamilia females preferred P. pundamilia males, and P. nye- females prefer males with a different color pattern. When this
rerei females preferred P. nyererei males. However, such mating occurs, a possible outcome of such sexual selection is that it can
preference was lost under orange monochromatic light. If the separate one large population into smaller populations that selec-
light conditions in their native habitats are similar to the normal tively breed with each other, and eventually become distinct
light used in this experiment, female choice would be expected species. The topic of species formation is discussed in greater
to separate cichlids into two populationsP. pundamilia fe- depth in Chapter 25.
males mating with P. pundamilia males and P. nyererei females

In Small Populations, Allele Frequencies Can 1.0

N  10 All BB
Be Altered by Random Genetic Drift
Frequency of B allele

0.75 In a large
Thus far, we have focused on natural selection as an evolution- population,
ary mechanism that fosters genetic change. Lets now turn our N  1,000 many more
0.5 generations are
attention to other ways that the gene pool of a population can required before
change. In the 1930s, Sewall Wright played a large role in de- N  10 the allele is
veloping the concept of random genetic drift, which refers to eliminated or
changes in allele frequencies due to random sampling error.
The term genetic drift is derived from the observation that
allele frequencies may drift randomly from generation to 0 10 20 30 40 50 All bb
generation as a matter of chance. Although the Darwinian fit- Generations
ness values of particular genotypes allow researchers to predict
the allele frequencies of a population in future generations, Figure 24.10 Genetic drift and population size. This graph
random sampling error, or deviation between observed and pre- shows a hypothetical simulation of random genetic drift and its
dicted values, can arise due to random events that are unre- effects on small and large populations of black (B allele) and
lated to fitness. For example, an individual with a high fitness white (b allele) mice. In all cases, the starting allele frequencies
are B  0.5 and b  0.5. The red lines illustrate two populations
value may, as a matter of bad luck, not encounter a member of
of mice in which N  10. The blue line shows a population in
the opposite sex. Changes in allele frequencies due to genetic which N  1,000. Genetic drift leads to random changes in allele
drift happen regardless of the fitness of individuals that carry frequencies, eventually causing either the elimination or fixation
those alleles. Likewise, random sampling error can influence of alleles. This happens much more quickly in small populations
which alleles happen to be found in the gametes that fuse with than it does in large ones. In this simulation, genetic drift has
each other in a successful fertilization. led to small populations of all-black (BB) or all-white (bb) mice
What are the effects of genetic drift? Over the long run, in 50 generations or less.
genetic drift favors either the loss or the fixation of an allele
when its frequency reaches 0% or 100% in a population, re-
spectively. The rate at which an allele is either lost or fixed ated much less. As discussed in Chapter 16, the relative effects of
depends on the population size. Figure 24.10 illustrates the random sampling error are much less when the sample size is
potential consequences of genetic drift in one large (N  1,000) large. Nevertheless, genetic drift will eventually lead to allele
and two small (N  10) populations. This simulation involves loss or fixation even in large populations, but this will take many
the frequency of hypothetical B and b alleles of a gene for fur more generations to occur than it does in small populations.
color in a population of miceB is the black allele and b is the In nature, genetic drift may rapidly alter allele frequencies
white allele. At the beginning of this hypothetical simulation, when population sizes are small. One example is called the bot-
which runs for 50 generations, all of these populations had tleneck effect. A population can be reduced dramatically in
identical allele frequencies: B  0.5 and b  0.5. In the small size by events such as earthquakes, floods, drought, and human
populations, the allele frequencies fluctuated substantially from destruction of habitat. Such occurrences may randomly elimi-
generation to generation. Eventually, in one simulation, the B nate most of the members of the population without regard
allele was eliminated, while in the other, it was fixed at 100%. to genetic composition. The period of the bottleneck, when the
These small populations would then consist of only white mice population size is very small, may be influenced by genetic drift.
or black mice, respectively. At this point, the allele has become This may happen primarily for two reasons. First, the surviving
monomorphic and cannot fluctuate any further. By compari- members may have allele frequencies that differ from those of
son, the frequencies of B and b in the large population fluctu- the original population. Second, allele frequencies are expected
126 BrookerWidmaierGrahamStiling: IV. Evolution 24. Population Genetics The McGrawHill
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to drift substantially during the generations when the popula-

tion size is small. In extreme cases, alleles may even be elimi- Starting population includes
nated. Eventually, the bottlenecked population may regain its 3 phenotypes of frogs: yellow,
original size. However, the new population is likely to have less dark green, and striped.
genetic variation than the original one. A hypothetical example
of this process is shown with a population of frogs in Figure
24.11. In this example, a starting population of frogs is found
in three phenotypes: yellow, dark green, and striped. Due to a
bottleneck caused by a drought, the dark green variety is lost
from the population.
As another example, the African cheetah has lost nearly all
of its genetic variation. This was likely due to a bottleneck effect.
An analysis by population geneticists has suggested that a severe
bottleneck occurred in this species approximately 10,00012,000
years ago, reducing it to near extinction. The species eventually A drought causes a
bottleneck in which the
rebounded in numbers, but the bottleneck apparently reduced population size is decreased
its genetic variation to very low levels. The modern species is and the dark green
monomorphic for nearly all of its genes. phenotype is lost.
Another common phenomenon in which genetic drift may
have a rapid impact is the founder effect. This occurs when a
small group of individuals separates from a larger population
and establishes a colony in a new location. For example, a few
individuals may migrate from a large continental population
and become the founders of an island population. The founder
effect differs from a bottleneck in that it occurs in a new loca-
tion, although both effects reduce the size of a population. The
founder effect has two important consequences. First, the found- Population size recovers but
genetic variation is decreased,
ing population, which is relatively small, is expected to have as only 2 phenotypes are left.
less genetic variation than the larger original population from
which it was derived. Second, as a matter of chance, the allele
frequencies in the founding population may differ markedly
from those of the original population.
Population geneticists have studied many examples in which
isolated populations were founded via colonization by members
of another population. For example, in the 1960s, American
geneticist Victor McKusick studied allele frequencies in the Old
Order Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. At that time, Figure 24.11 A hypothetical example of the bottleneck
this was a group of about 8,000 people, descended from just effect. This example involves a population of frogs in which
three couples that immigrated to the U.S. in 1770. Among this a drought dramatically reduces population size, resulting in
population of 8,000, a genetic disease known as the Ellisvan a bottleneck. The bottleneck reduces the genetic diversity in
Creveld syndrome (a recessive form of dwarfism) was found at the population.
a frequency of 0.07, or 7%. By comparison, this disorder is ex- Biological inquiry: How does the bottleneck effect undermine the
tremely rare in other human populations, even the population efforts of conservation biologists who are trying to save species
from which the founding members had originated. The high fre- nearing extinction?
quency in the Lancaster County population is a chance occur-
rence due to the founder effect.
the time, genetic drift promotes neutral variation, which does
The Neutral Theory of Evolution Proposes not favor any particular genotype. According to Kimuras neu-
That Genetic Drift Plays an Important Role tral theory of evolution, most genetic variation is due to the
accumulation of neutral mutations that have attained high fre-
in Promoting Genetic Change
quencies in a population via genetic drift.
In 1968, Japanese evolutionary biologist Motoo Kimura pro- Neutral mutations involve changes in genotypes that do not
posed that much of the variation seen in natural populations is affect the phenotype of the organism, so they are not acted
caused by genetic drift. Because it is a random process, genetic upon by natural selection. For example, a mutation within a
drift does not preferentially select for any particular alleleit structural gene that changes a glycine codon from GGG to GGC
can eliminate both beneficial and deleterious alleles. Much of would not affect the amino acid sequence of the encoded protein.
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The resulting genotypes are equal in fitness. Because neutral mu-

tations do not affect phenotype, they can spread throughout a The DNA segments represent a
GGG codon within a gene in a
population due to genetic drift (Figure 24.12). This theory has population. Each gene is found
been called non-Darwinian evolution and also survival of the GGG in a different individual.
luckiest to contrast it with Darwins survival of the fittest the-
ory. Kimura agreed with Darwin that natural selection is respon- A new
sible for adaptive changes in a species during evolution. His GG G GG mutation


main idea is that much of the modern variation in gene sequences GGG
is explained by neutral variation rather than adaptive variation.
The sequencing of genomes from many species supports G GGG GGG
the neutral theory of evolution. When we examine changes of G GGG
the coding sequence within structural genes, we find that nucleo-


tide substitutions are more prevalent in the third base of a codon GG

than they are in the first or second base. Mutations in the third GG
base are often neutral because they may not change the amino
acid sequence of the protein (refer back to Table 12.1). In con-
trast, random mutations at the first or second base are more
Genetic drift occurs over the
likely to be harmful than beneficial and tend to be eliminated course of many generations.
from a population. In addition, when mutations do change the
coding sequence, they are more likely to involve conservative
substitutions. For example, the difference between two alleles
of a given gene may be the replacement of a nonpolar amino GGC G
acid with another nonpolar amino acid. This change is conser- G
vative in the sense that it is less likely to affect protein function.
In general, the DNA sequencing of hundreds of thousands GGG


of different genes from hundreds of species has provided com- GGC
pelling support for the neutral theory of evolution. However, the
argument is by no means resolved. Certain geneticists, called G G GGC
selectionists, oppose the neutralist theory. They often present G GGG
persuasive theoretical arguments in favor of natural selection as C

the primary factor promoting genetic variation. In any case, the C


argument is largely a quantitative rather than a qualitative one. GG
Each school of thought accepts that genetic drift and natural
selection both play key roles in evolution. The neutralists argue
that most genetic variation arises from neutral genetic muta- Figure 24.12 Neutral evolution in a population. In this
tions and genetic drift, whereas the selectionists argue that ben- example, a mutation within a gene (each gene shown represents
eficial mutations and natural selection are primarily responsible. a member of the population) changes a glycine codon from GGG
to GGC, which does not affect the amino acid sequence of the
encoded protein. Over the course of many generations, genetic
Migration Between Two Populations Tends drift may cause this neutral allele to become prevalent in the
to Increase Genetic Variation population, perhaps even monomorphic.

Earlier in this chapter, we considered how migration to a new

location by a relatively small group can result in a founding pop- opposite direction as well and would then affect the western
ulation with an altered genetic composition due to genetic drift. population. This phenomenon, called gene flow, occurs when-
In addition, migration between two different established popu- ever individuals migrate between populations having different
lations can alter genetic variation. As a hypothetical example, allele frequencies.
lets consider two populations of a particular species of deer that In nature, individuals commonly migrate in both directions.
are separated by a mountain range running north and south Such bidirectional migration has two important consequences.
(Figure 24.13). On rare occasions, a few deer from the western First, migration tends to reduce differences in allele frequencies
population may travel through a narrow pass between the moun- between neighboring populations. In fact, population geneti-
tains and become members of the eastern population. If the cists can evaluate the extent of migration between two popu-
two populations are different with regard to genetic variation, lations by analyzing the similarities and differences between
this migration will alter the frequencies of certain alleles in the their allele frequencies. Populations that frequently mix their
eastern population. Of course, this migration could occur in the gene pools via migration tend to have similar allele frequencies,
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Population 1 Geographic barrier Population 2 CC Cc Cc

Allele I-1 I-2 I-3
variant 2

Cc Cc Cc Cc
Allele II-1 II-2 II-3 II-4
variant 1

Western deer Mountain range Eastern deer

population population
CC Cc Cc cc



Figure 24.14 A human pedigree containing inbreeding.

The parents of individual IV-1 are genetically related. Therefore,
Figure 24.13 Migration and gene flow. In this example, individual IV-1 has a higher probability of being homozygous for
two populations of a deer species are separated by a mountain genes than do members of a noninbred population.
range. On rare occasions, a few deer from the western population Biological inquiry: Although inbreeding by itself does not affect
travel through a narrow pass and become members of the eastern allele frequencies, how might inbreeding indirectly affect allele
population, thereby changing some of the allele frequencies in frequencies over the course of many generations if natural
the population and promoting gene flow. selection was also occurring?

whereas isolated populations are more disparate, due to the Another form of nonrandom mating involves the choice of
effects of natural selection and genetic drift. Second, migration mates based on their genetic history rather than their pheno-
tends to enhance genetic diversity within a population. As dis- types. Individuals may choose a mate who is part of the same
cussed earlier in this chapter, new mutations are relatively rare genetic lineage. The mating of two genetically related individu-
events. Therefore, a new mutation may arise in only one popu- als, such as cousins, is called inbreeding. This sometimes occurs
lation. Migration may then introduce this new allele into a neigh- in human societies and is more likely to take place in nature
boring population. when population size becomes very small.
In the absence of other evolutionary forces, nonrandom
mating does not affect allele frequencies in a population. How-
Nonrandom Mating Affects the Relative ever, it will disrupt the balance of genotypes that is predicted by
Proportion of Homozygotes and Heterozygotes the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. As an example, lets consider
inbreeding in a family pedigree. Figure 24.14 illustrates a human
in a Population
pedigree involving a mating between cousins. Individuals III-2 and
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, one of the conditions re- III-3 are cousins and have produced the daughter labeled IV-1.
quired to establish the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is random She is said to be inbred, because her parents are genetically
mating. This means that individuals choose their mates irrespec- related. The parents of an inbred individual have one or more
tive of their genotypes. In many cases, particularly in human common ancestors. In the pedigree of Figure 24.14, I-2 is the
populations, this condition is frequently violated. Such nonran- grandfather of both III-2 and III-3.
dom mating takes different forms. Assortative mating occurs Inbreeding increases the relative proportions of homozy-
when individuals with similar phenotypes are more likely to gotes and decreases the likelihood of heterozygotes in a popula-
mate. If the similar phenotypes are due to similar genotypes, tion. This is because an inbred individual has a higher chance of
assortative mating tends to increase the proportion of homozy- being homozygous for any given gene than does a noninbred in-
gotes and decrease the proportion of heterozygotes in the popu- dividual, because the same allele for that gene could be inherited
lation. The opposite situation, where dissimilar phenotypes twice from a common ancestor. For example, lets suppose that
mate preferentially, is called disassortative mating. This type of individual I-2 is a heterozygote, Cc (see red lines in Figure 24.14).
mating favors heterozygosity. The c allele could pass from I-2 to II-2 to III-2, and finally to IV-1.
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Likewise, the c allele could pass from I-2 to II-3 to III-3, and In natural populations, inbreeding will lower the mean fit-
then to IV-1. Therefore, IV-1 has a chance of being homozygous ness of the population if homozygous offspring have a lower fit-
because she inherited both copies of the c allele from a com- ness value. This can be a serious problem as natural populations
mon ancestor of both of her parents. Inbreeding does not favor become smaller due to human habitat destruction. As the pop-
any particular alleleit does not favor c over Cbut it does ulation shrinks, inbreeding becomes more likely because indi-
increase the likelihood that an individual will be homozygous viduals have fewer potential mates from which to choose. The
for any given gene. inbreeding, in turn, produces homozygotes that are less fit,
Although inbreeding by itself does not affect allele frequen- thereby decreasing the reproductive success of the population.
cies, it may have negative consequences with regard to reces- This phenomenon is called inbreeding depression. Conserva-
sive alleles. Rare recessive alleles that are harmful in the homo- tion biologists sometimes try to circumvent this problem by
zygous condition are found in all populations. Such alleles do not introducing individuals from one population into another. For
usually pose a problem because heterozygotes carrying a rare example, the endangered Florida panther (Felis concolor coryi)
recessive allele are also rare, making it very unlikely that two suffers from inbreeding-related defects, which include poor
heterozygotes will mate with each other. However, when inbreed- sperm quality and quantity, and morphological abnormalities.
ing is practiced, homozygous offspring are more likely to be To alleviate these effects, individuals from Texas have been in-
produced. For example, rare recessive diseases in humans are troduced into the Florida population of panthers.
more frequent when inbreeding occurs.

This variation is acted upon by natural selection, genetic drift,

migration, and nonrandom mating to alter allele and genotype
frequencies, and ultimately cause a population to evolve over
Population genetics is the study of genes and genotypes in a many generations. (Table 24.1)
population. The focus is on understanding genetic variation.
Natural selection favors individuals with the greatest reproductive
success. Darwinian fitness is a measure of reproductive success.
The mean fitness of a population is its average reproductive
24.1 Genes in Populations success.
All of the genes in a population constitute a gene pool. Directional selection is a form of natural selection that favors one
With regard to population genetics, a population is defined as a extreme of a phenotypic distribution. (Figure 24.3)
group of individuals of the same species that can interbreed with Stabilizing selection is a second form of natural selection that
one another. favors an intermediate phenotype. (Figure 24.4)
Polymorphism refers to a genotype or phenotype that is found in Disruptive selection is a third pattern of natural selection that
two or more forms in a population. A monomorphic gene exists favors two or more genotypes. An example is when a population
predominantly (99%) as a single allele in a population. occupies a diverse environment. (Figure 24.5)
(Figure 24.1) Balancing selection maintains a balanced polymorphism in a
An allele frequency is the number of copies of an allele divided population. Examples include heterozygote advantage and negative
by the total number of alleles in a population, while a genotype frequency-dependent selection. (Figure 24.6)
frequency is the number of individuals with a given genotype Sexual selection is directed at traits that make it more likely for
divided by the total number of individuals. individuals to find or choose a mate and/or engage in successful
The Hardy-Weinberg equation (p2  2pq  q2  1) relates allele mating. This can lead to traits described as secondary sexual
and genotype frequencies. (Figure 24.2) characteristics. (Figure 24.7)
The Hardy-Weinberg equation predicts an equilibrium if the Seehausen and van Alphen discovered that female choice of mates
population size is very large, mating is random, the populations in cichlids is influenced by male coloration. This is an example
do not migrate, no natural selection occurs, and no new mutations of sexual selection. (Figures 24.8, 24.9)
are formed. Genetic drift involves changes in allele frequencies due to random
sampling error. It occurs more rapidly in small populations and
leads to either the elimination or the fixation of alleles.
24.2 Evolutionary Mechanisms and Their Effects (Figure 24.10)
on Populations The bottleneck effect is a form of genetic drift in which a
Microevolution involves changes in a populations gene pool from population size is dramatically reduced and then rebounds.
one generation to the next. During the bottleneck, genetic variation may be lost from
a population. (Figure 24.11)
The sources of new genetic variation are random gene mutations,
gene duplications, exon shuffling, and horizontal gene transfer.
130 BrookerWidmaierGrahamStiling: IV. Evolution 24. Population Genetics The McGrawHill
Biology Companies, 2008


The neutral theory of evolution by Kimura indicates that much 6. In a population of fish, body coloration varies from a light shade,
of the genetic variation observed in populations is due to the almost white, to a very dark shade of green. If changes in the
accumulation of neutral genetic changes. (Figure 24.12) environment resulted in decreased predation of individuals with
the lightest coloration, this would be an example of ____________
Gene flow occurs when individuals migrate between different
populations and cause changes in the genetic composition of the
a. disruptive
resulting populations. (Figure 24.13)
b. stabilizing
Inbreeding is a type of nonrandom mating in which genetically c. directional
related individuals mate with each other. This tends to increase d. sexual
the proportion of homozygotes relative to heterozygotes. When e. artificial
homozygotes have lower fitness, this phenomenon is called
7. Considering the same population of fish described in question 6,
inbreeding depression. (Figure 24.14)
if the stream environment included several areas of sandy, light-
colored bottom areas and lots of dark-colored vegetation, both the
light- and dark-colored fish would have selective advantage and
increased survival. This type of scenario could explain the
occurrence of
a. genetic drift.
b. disruptive selection.
c. mutation.
1. Population geneticists are interested in the genetic variation in d. stabilizing selection.
populations. The most common type of genetic change that can e. sexual selection.
cause polymorphism in a population is
8. The microevolutionary force most sensitive to population size is
a. a deletion of a gene sequence.
a. mutation.
b. a duplication of a region of a gene.
b. migration.
c. a rearrangement of a gene sequence.
c. selection.
d. a single-nucleotide substitution.
d. genetic drift.
e. an inversion of a segment of a chromosome.
e. all of the above.
2. The Hardy-Weinberg equation characterizes the genotype frequencies
9. The neutral theory of evolution differs primarily from Darwinian
and allele frequencies
evolution in that
a. of a population that is experiencing selection for mating success.
a. neutral theory states natural selection does not exist.
b. of a population that is extremely small.
b. neutral theory states that most of the genetic variation in a
c. of a population that is very large and not evolving.
population is due to neutral mutations, which do not alter
d. of a community of species that is not evolving.
e. of a community of species that is experiencing selection.
c. neutral variation alters survival and reproductive success.
3. Considering the Hardy-Weinberg equation, what portion of the d. neutral mutations are not affected by population size.
equation would be used to calculate the frequency of individuals e. both b and c.
that do not exhibit a disease but are carriers of a recessive genetic
10. Populations that experience inbreeding may also experience
a. a decrease in fitness due to an increased frequency of recessive
a. q
genetic diseases.
b. p2
b. an increase in fitness due to increases in heterozygosity.
c. 2pq
c. very little genetic drift.
d. q2
d. no apparent change.
e. both b and d
e. increased mutation rates.
4. Which of the following does not alter allele frequencies?
a. selection
b. immigration
c. mutation
d. inbreeding
e. emigration
5. Which of the following statements is correct regarding mutations?
a. Mutations are not important in evolution.
1. Explain the five conditions that are required for Hardy-Weinberg
b. Mutations provide the source for genetic variation that other
evolutionary forces may act upon.
c. Mutations occur at such a high rate that they promote major 2. List and define the four types of selection.
changes in the gene pool from one generation to the next. 3. Define the founder effect.
d. Mutations are insignificant when considering evolution of a large
e. Mutations are of greater importance in larger populations than
in smaller populations.
BrookerWidmaierGrahamStiling: IV. Evolution 24. Population Genetics The McGrawHill 131
Biology Companies, 2008

This website includes answers to the Biological Inquiry questions
1. What hypothesis is tested in the Seehausen and van Alphen found in the figure legends and all end-of-chapter questions.
2. Describe the experimental design for this study, illustrated in Figure
24.9. What was the purpose of conducting the experiment under the
two different light conditions?
3. What were the results of the experiment in Figure 24.9?

1. Discuss four sources of new genetic variation in a population.

2. Discuss various patterns of natural selection that lead to
environmental adaptation and also discuss sexual selection.

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