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Computer Language Chart

Category Description Purpose Specific Examples

A group of programs that control the operation of a computers

System equipment. It is the management layer between the user and the You cannot communicate directly with your computer so 1. Microsoft Windows
computer, other software and the computer, and other software your operating system is a program built to let you interact 2. Mac OS X
Software and other software. All in all, it runs the computer, managing with your computer.
resources, memory, processes, etc.
1. Word Processing Software
2. Database Software
These are general off the shelf type programs that are
Software that can perform a specific set of tasks for a user. 3. Spreadsheet Software
Application Software Specific programs or group of programs designed for users.
designed to allow users to create, edit, and solve the specific
4. Presentation Software
computer tasks one may need.
5. Multimedia Software
6. Desktop Publishing Software
Created as a collaborative effort in which programmers 1. LibreOffice
Software which provides its source code to the general public improve upon the code and share the changes with the 2. GIMP
Open Source Software to use in certain ways. Using the software or modifying the community. When programmers can read, redistribute, and 3. VLC Media Player
code from its original design all free of charge. modify the source code, the software evolves quickly and 4. Shotcut
more advanced- benefitting everyone. 5. Firefox

The original computer programming language. Consists of

binary values that represent the actions a CPU can perform. The It is the only language directly understood by the computer
Machine program is machine oriented and requires extensive knowledge and does not need to be translated. Its purpose is to
Language of computer hardware and its configuration. It is difficult for communicate information/ instructions to a computer using
humans to work with. binary notation.

A low-level programming language that uses word-based

Assembly Level Makes machine language more readable by humans. While
commands corresponding directly to machine language
some still used today, these are still pretty difficult to NA
Language instructions. Acts as the assembler

It is the most user-friendly and similar to English with words

1. Java
A high-level programming language that uses English and and symbols making it the most easily used and understood.
2. python
High Level Language mathematical symbols within its instructions. This is the It also is the most compatible- most can be translated into
3. Fortran
language most often used by programmers to write programs. many machine languages and there can run on most any
4. C++
The purpose is to translate unusable information into a
Coded statements are processed by a compiler program, which
Compiled format that can still be used and accessed. Ex: if used a Mac 1. C++
converts them into machine language instructions. Translations
operating system to create a document, you still want to be 2. Swift (Apple)
Language are computed within one step prior to the transaction, so it is
able to read that file on a another computer that may have a 3. COBOL
usually faster.
different operating system such as Windows.
Computer program that simulates a computer that understands The purpose is to directly perform the instructions written
1. Java
a high-level language. Text is translated line by line into an within a program without having to previously compile them
Interpreted Language intermediate form, which it then executes. It does not translate without having to use it again. Harder for humans to read but
2. Perl
3. Ruby
statements to the CPU machine code. allows for a more efficient execution.

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