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Project Diary

Aims- Todays aim is to get the first page complete and have the logo and
blocks on the page moving around.
Evidence- The first thing to do when you are creating an
ident using Director is to open up the software. It will
come up loaded with a timeline but you need to set your
size of the stage and be sure it is correct. I will go to the
right hand corner where it says Property inspector. There
will be little tab saying movie, click that. When I have
clicked that it came up with the size of the stage which
was 320x240 as the default settings. This will be too
small to do so go to the small arrow beside it and select
832x624. The stage size will automatically get bigger
and you can start to create your ident now. The first step
is to insert your assets to the document and to do this
you go to file/import and find my logo which is under
creative media in the personal workspace folder. It will
then appear in the cast section below the timeline to the right. I dragged
my logo over to the stage side and dropped it where it then appeared. As I
wanted to have a black screen for it then to fade out and the logo appear
would be too difficult I will add another effect so the logo will now slide up
from the top.
Learnt- In this lesson I learned how to set a stage size as I had forgotton
from last time. I also learnt how to import files from the computer and put
them into director.

Aims- The aim of today is to get the first page finished today with the
blocks on and the transitions in.
Evidence- Picking up from yesterday I need to add the transition of the
logo which will appear on the page. The first thing I did was open up
director and the Ident file. It will come up the same as it was yesterday as
so what I need to do is add the slide in. Click on the logo in the stage and
it should come up with a little red circle in the middle. Move the logo down
to the bottom and then using the red circle, drag it up to where you want
the logo to end up. When you have done this it should automatically move
when you click the little play button on the bottom left. Next, go to the
czst on the right where it shows the logo on the timeline. Drag it over to
50 where the logo will finish. This slows down the speed of it moving and
so 50 is ideal. Next, rather than it playing over and over again you want it
to stop there. Just above the 50 mark double click and it should come up
with a little tab about the script. In between you can just enter the text go
to the Frame and cross it off. This will mean when you play the ident it
will end there. Next, I need to add some blocks. What I will do now is on
the toolbar to the left find the rectangle one. Click on that and draw a
small square on the background of the stage. I will want the blocks to
match the colours highlighted on the logo so the first one I will go for is
red. To change the colour, ensure you have highlighted the rectangle and
then to the right it will have forecolour and backcolour usually already in
black. Just select the little arrow beside that and find red on both. The
square should then change to the selected colour. Next, I want the block
to rotate and so I will use the rotate tool on the toolbar section. Once I
have done this I will then use the small red arrow to drag a line across the
screen to where I want it to end up. I will repeat the same steps using the
rectangle tool to create small shapes throughout the page. I will then use
the small red dots to drag them across to give the scattered effect. I will
also use the fore and back colour tab to change each one to match the
colours of the logo. When you have done this, the page should look
something similar to the screenshot below. You can drag the pinpoint to
the beginning on the timeline where you can play it and see the
transitions. The next step is to begin the collage page. I will want the the
logo to fade out so dragging out the time of the asset I will take it to 130
on the timeline where I can add a transition. All of the blocks I want to
disappear one by one, so creating a staircase kind of effect drag each
asset across the timeline missing one second between each just like the
screenshot I will add below. The next step is to begin the next page where
I will create a collage type effect with the videos in them. What I did was
go to the rectangle tool from the bar and draw a thin line right down the
middle of the stage. I then chose the colour to be pink therefore I needed
to use the forecolour tab and backcolour. I set the colour to #FF66FF
which is a dark pink. I then moved on to create the second line which I
again used the rectangle tool. I drew a horizontal line this time over the
pink one and again kept it very thin. The colour I set this line was blue and
called #0099FF and I placed it one third down. The last step to creating
the grid was the third line and so I took the rectangle tool. I draw one two
thirds down the page and changed the colour to green and the shade of
this was #00CC66. Now that I have added the
lines I should have something that looks like a
grid and yours should look something like this:
When you have your
grid, the next step is to
have the clips in each
one. I will open up
google on the internet

and visit youtube. I got

the first clip from family
copied the URL. The name of
the video was WHAAAT -
Family Guy clip [funny] so I
pasted it into the website
and clicked download. It
automatically saved to my
files now. I then went back to YouTube and found
an American Dad
clip this
was called
inflatable fight. I copied the same
steps to downloading this and it
saved to my files. The third clip to
find was the TV show friends, so I
found one called the funniest
scene with phoebe. I took the URL
and pasted it into the converting site where
I downloaded it. The next clip I saved was
Simpsons Tapped Out and I will feature this in
my ad. The second to last clip I saved was
from Goggle-box called 1D on Goggle-Box and
then I moved on to the last clip for the big
bang theory. The final clip was from the Big
Bang Theory and this was called The Big Bang
Theory - The Robotic Manipulation on YouTube.
Now that I have downloaded all of my clips I
will use premiere to crop them if needed. I
opened up the software from the computer and made a new file. I named
this file video1 as it will help me know which is which when I come to
import them. I went to file/import and over to
downloads where I selected the family guy clip and
it appeared in the project bar at the bottom. I
dragged it over to the source section and played
the clip. I marked the video in at 6 seconds and
marked it out at the end. This video lasted approx
13 seconds. When I did that
I then dragged it down to
the timeline bar where I had
completely edited the video
to suit the ident. I then went
to file/export and selected
the quick time format which is usually the default
setting. I then clicked export at the bottom where it
did automatically. I repeated the same steps
throughout by making a new document for each
and exporting them as a quick time file but all with
different time settings and here are the clips I used
and where I marked them in/out:

Family Guy-
Marked in- 6 seconds
Marked out- End

American Dad-
Marked in- beginning
Marked out- 8 seconds

Marked in- 21 seconds
Marked out- 34 seconds
Marked in- 2 seconds
Marked out- 6 seconds

Marked in- 48 seconds
Marked out- 1 minute 3 seconds

The big bang theory-

Marked in- 16 seconds
Marked out- 25 seconds

Now I have edited all of my clips and have it the right length, I need to
import them to Director. I went back to the software and then file/import.
Learnt- In todays session I learnt some skills as I wasnt sure how to
download videos from the internet and be able to have them on the
computer ready to import to director. I also learned how to clip videos
using Premiere and then to export them to the right format.

Aims- Todays aim will be that I complete my ident for tomorrows deadline.
Evidence- The first thing to is to open up
Director and load the ident file. I then just
watched the video to be sure that I knew
where exactly I was up to. The next step
was to load the videos into director by
going to file/import. They then appeared
in the cast:internal tab at the bottom.
What I did then was drag the videos over
to each square in the collage and resize
them to fit. Once I did this, using the
timeline bar I dragged the sprites out so
they started after eachother so that they
didnt play together at the same time. The
way I did this was by selecting it on the
timeline until it was highlighted dark blue.
I grabbed the end of the clip and dragged it out to the suitable frame. It
didnt matter too much how long it was on the timeline as it was a clip so
it played all the way through anyway. I repeated the same steps with each
clip by going to file/import and found the videos I had which were saved in
creative media-unit 4-assignment 3 and inserted them. Once all of my
clips were inserted, I had them all playing one by one when I selected
play. This ran through smoothly and all the audio should automatically
play. The next step is to add some text on to the clips. I went into
file/import and loaded the text files I had created
in PhotoShop. These were in unit 32 assignment
3 and were named after each clip. I dragged
them from the
cast section
into the
timeline where
I re sized them
to fit the
collage. I
dragged them
on the timeline
so they played throughout the
ident. It should begin to look
something like this screenshot
I will include below:

After this, I want the text to have a transition when they are appearing so
they dont look boring. The first transition I will add is to family guy. I
selected the text on the timeline and went to the code/library and
behaviours/sprite transitions. These are located on the right towards the
bottom and you can browse the effects that they have. I will first add the
barn door effect added to this so what I will do is select and drag the
transition over to the text on the timeline. It should come up with an
option of when the sprite will play. I want it to begin at the start and this
will already be on default so just select okay and the effect will be added.
The next step is to repeat this with each piece of text we have included on
the ident, but selecting a different transition each time. I will go down in
order from the barn door effect and add the one below to the next text
and continue like that following the same steps. What I will do when I have
added all of these effects is using the little cursor on the
timeline, drag it back to the beginning of the ident and
using the stage tab click the little play button at the bottom.
Once everything is done I just finally need to add a sound
effect to the beginning of the sprite. I went again to the
file/import and found the file called whoosh in Unit 32
assignment 4 and clicked import. What I did then was drag
the asset over to the timeline where I used the timeline tool
to extend it to fit. This will create a whoosh sound when you
pl ay the ident at the beginning. The final step to complete
the ident now is to export it to the right format. To do this go over to
file/publish. It should automatically publish for you where you can see on
this screenshot it will come up in a tab and play how it should play when it
is on the television. I have now completed the ident and hopefully using
these steps you can also create the same.

Learnt- In this lesson I have learned how to import videos and to place
them in my ident so they play after eachother rather than all together. I
also learned how to plan clips so they play after the text has been

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