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Fast Track Day 1 Notes:

Course Requirements:
14.3 Dual Received in the Course

Over use of abstractions (Being too vague) is the main issue with instructors today.

Understanding Human Needs

Learning is defined as a change in behavior of the learner because of experience. However, the
experience does not have to be first hand. You must be able to control behavior so that the
students will adhere to that in the future. Behavior is how a human reacts to a stimulus. Stimuli is
what the SP experiences.

The Two Theories

Theory X the boss theory is primarily first stage private students, but as a leader it is you
job to get them to the next theory.
Theory Y is when the student is self-disciplined

Know your student and know their goal use this knowledge to help you figure out the best
methods to teach them and how to boot them out of bad habits. (i.e. the hopefully navy fighter
pilot who wont look outside)

PRE-ASSESS YOUR STUDENT That will make sure the student is ready to learn.

Self-Confidence is knowing your abilities and that you can do them.

When a student displays defense mechanisms (subconscious reactions) find a way to

circumnavigate those. Do not get angry with them. You must find reasons why their beliefs are

Emotional Reactions (Normal and Abnormal) to Stress and Anxiety Normal reactions (Not
liking stall while every other maneuver is up to PTS/ACS) Abnormal Reaction (extreme over
cooperation, inappropriate laughter or singing, server anger, excellent moral followed by deep

Learning Process:

Reinforcement: should be positive however sometimes negative reinforcement is needed.

Behaviorism: Pavlovs Dog
Cognitive Theory: Focuses on whats going on in the students mind.
Combined Approach: You should bot
Characteristics of Learning:
Learning is a result of experience: SPs must know that it exists.
Learning is an active process: SP must be actively engaged along with the IP.
Learning is multifaceted: You cannot focus on just one type of learning. All
things must come together in learning. When you group perceptions together and
know that something is going to happen this is called insight.
Learning is purposeful: You must make sure the SP knows why they are doing
Learning Styles: Listening, tactile, and visual.

Principles of Learning
Primacy: You must teach things right the first time because it takes a lot more
energy to reteach someone something.
Readiness: The basic needs of the learner must be satisfied before he or she is
ready or capable of learning.
Intensity: Immediate, exciting, or dramatic learning connected to a real situation
reaches a learner more than a routine or boring experience.
Stages of Skill Acquisition
Cognitive Stage: You must create and verify knowledge before
you can use the knowledge. Also preforming memorized steps.
Associative Stage: IP demonstrates and helps the SP complete the
necessary steps also known a practicing.
Automatic Response Stage: The SP can understand everything
without any input from the IP.
Effect: All learning involves the formation of connections and connection are
strengthened or weakened per the law of effect.
Exercise: Connections are strengthened with practice and weakened when
practice is disconnected. (8 touch and gos versus 3 stop and gos)
Recency: The student must be keep recent throughout the course (ground

Levels of Learning
Rote memory: What are the inspections (AAV1ATE) BAD
Understanding: Pop
Application/Correlation: Use scenario based testing and questions. This helps
students gain Higher Order Thinking Skills. You can verify an SPs by using
Blooms Taxonomy. 1 being which is the cognitive stage. 2 being associative. 3
being application. 4-5 being automatic response.

Learning Physical Skills

Desire to learn
Patterns to follow
Knowledge of Results
Progress Follows a pattern
Duration and Organization of Lesson
Evaluation versus critique
Application of skills

How People Learn

All learning comes from perception: Person gives meaning to sensations.
Learning occurs most rapidly thought more than one sense
Sight 75% and Hearing 13%

Factors Affecting Perceptions

Physical Organism
Basic Need
Goals and Values: if something matters then Im more likely to focus on that.
Self-Concept: Self-esteem and self-confidence
Time and Opportunity: Know when and where to provide feedback.
Element of Threat:


Domains of Learning
Cognitive Domain (how they think)
Affective Domain (decision making, ADM, diversions)
Psychomotor Domain (Skill, Coordination)
Practical Applications of Learning Objectives

Memory: Three Types (Sensory Register, Working or Short-

Term, and Long-term)

Retention of Learning
o Praise Stimulates remembering
o Recall is promoted by association (Soft field landing is just a normal landing with
a little power)
o Favorable attitude aid retention
o Learning with all our senses is most effective (because it is multifaceted)
o Meaningful repetition aids recall
o Mnemonics

Theories of Forgetting
o Retrieval Failure (tip of the tongue)
o Fading (just over time)
o Interference (rotating at 70kts in the Cessna)
o Repression or Suppression

Transfer of Learning
o Positive (Subaru engine compared to the 4 cylinder horizontally opposed engine)
o Negative (Taxing an aircraft vs driving a car)

o Most dominant force in learning
o Positive (achievements, rewards)
o Negative (reproofs, threats)
ONLY with overconfident students
o May be very subtle and difficult to identify

Effective Communication:

Basic Elements:
o Communication takes place when one person transmits ideals or feelings to
another person.
o Effectiveness of the communication is measured by the similarity of the two
o 3 elements
The ability to select the appropriate language for symbols
Technical Language must first be taught then understood.
Source consciously or sub-consciously reveals their attitude toward
the ideas and the student.
Effective communication is more likely if the information is
accurate, up to date, and stimulating.
Responsible to realize the effectiveness of the communication is
dependent of the receivers understanding of the symbols used.
Avoid slang
The information must be a communicated with a positive attitude
to be effective.
Must be current
Symbol (how you display the information)
The symbol may mean something different to the student.
Oral Cues (tone and inflections-the way you say it-the words you
Visual (body language, facial expressions, sigh)
Gestures (hand movements) facial expressions.
Communication is achieved through symbols and by their
interpretations through different perceptions
o Channels: Uses one of three senses
Visual, auditory, kinesthetic.
o Required for effective communication
o Instructors receives feedback from student
o Student must also receive feedback from the instructor.

Questions to Avoid Asking for Feedback Especially.

o Puzzle, Oversize, Toss-Up, Bewilderment, Trick Questions, Irrelevant Questions,
True-False, Yes-No and DO YOU UNDERSTAND.

Barriers to Communication:
o Lack of Common Experience
o Confusion between the symbol and the symbolized object
o Overuse of abstractions
o Interference
Physiological Interference (Illness, injury, etc.)
Environmental Interference (Noise Level)
Psychological Interference (Fear or Mistrust)

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