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El trfico vehicular en la zona del PP.JJ. Tpac Amaru es inadecuado, lo cual causa incomodad
a las personas que viven en la zona por la gran cantidad de polvo lo cual genera enfermedades
respiratorias, tambin genere un trnsito lento e inseguro para los transentes que quieran cruzar
las vas.
Por consiguiente el presente proyecto abarca la realizacin de diversos estudios tales como:
Topogrficos (incluye levantamiento planimtrico y altimtrico), Mecnica de Suelos (de muestras
alteradas e inalteradas), Conteo de trfico, Canteras, Hidrolgicos.
Se realizaron los ensayos correspondientes al desarrollo eficiente del proyecto: Se logr
determinar las caractersticas y propiedades de los suelos que presenta el rea de estudio, as
como la resistencia de estos cuando son sometidas a cargas vehiculares; se logr determinar la
calidad de los materiales granulares que se deben usar en la ejecucin del proyecto, indicndose
en los planos la cantera de donde provienen y el tipo de material a ser extrado, puesto que los
clculos se realizaron tomando en cuenta las propiedades de estos. Posteriormente se realiz
estudios de impacto ambiental en la etapa de ejecucin, determinndose los factores ms frgiles
y acciones ms agresivas a tenerse a cuenta para contemplar un plan de medidas de mitigacin.
Despus se realizaron 6 presupuestos de diversas alternativas las cuales fueron expuestas; se
eligi el pavimento flexible en caliente con un espesor de rodadura de 2.5 (6.25 cm), capa Base
6 (15 cm), Capa Sub-base 6 (15 cm) y una capa de mejoramiento de Sub rasante de 6 (15 cm)
el cual se mejor con aditivo CON-AID. Se estabilizar el suelo tomando en cuenta la presencia
del manto acuoso, el CBR de diseo, etc.
Finalmente se realiz un anlisis econmico ms profundo, cronograma de obra.

The vehicular traffic in the area of the PP.JJ. Tupac Amaru is inadequate, which causes
inconvenience to people living in the area because of the large amount of dust that causes
respiratory illness, also generate a slow and unsafe transit for passers-by who want to cross the
Therefore, the present project includes the realization of several studies such as: Topographic
(including planimetric and altimetric survey), Soil Mechanics (of altered and unchanged samples),
Traffic counting, Quarries, Hydrological.
The tests were carried out corresponding to the efficient development of the project: It was
possible to determine the characteristics and properties of the soils that the study area presents,
as well as the resistance of these when they are submitted to vehicular loads; It was possible to
determine the quality of the granular materials to be used in the execution of the project, indicating
in the plans the quarry from which they came and the type of material to be extracted, since the
calculations were made taking into account the properties of these . Subsequently environmental
impact studies were carried out at the implementation stage, determining the most fragile factors
and more aggressive actions to be taken into account to contemplate a plan of mitigation measures.
Afterwards, 6 budgets of different alternatives were made which were exposed; Hot flexible
pavement with a tread depth of 2.5 "(6.25 cm), Base Layer 6" (15 cm), Sub Base Layer 6 "(15 cm)
and a 6" (15 cm) which was improved with CON-AID additive. It will stabilize the soil taking into
account the presence of the watery mantle, the design CBR, etc.
Finally, a deeper economic analysis was carried out, a work schedule.

Bach. Ing. Civil Benavides Villanueva, Alan Gabriel
Bach. Ing. Civil Sosa Reyes, Angel Renato

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