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U. S.

Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration

Washington D.C. 20537

AR/SPRO So Paulo, 09 de marco de 2015

Ilmo. Sr. Dr.

Cezar Luiz Busto de Souza
Delegado de Polcia Federal
Coordenador Geral CGPRE/DCOR
Ministrio da Justia


Prezado Dr. Cezar de Souza,

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Agents in Sao Paulo, Brazil, have received
information regarding a Brazilian drug trafficker named xxxxx. According to DEA
information, in 2004 xxxxx personally negotiated the purchase of multi-hundred
kilogram quantities of cocaine from various associates of the FARC in Colombia. DEA
information indicated that xxxxx would arrange for pilots to transport currency and
firearms from his personal ranch in Paraguay to Colombia. Upon arrival in Colombia,
the airplane was loaded with cocaine, which was then returned to xxxxx ranch in
Paraguay. xxxxx would then arrange for the cocaine to be transported to Sao Paulo,
Brazil, and ultimately sent to Europe through the Port of Santos. In September 2004,
xxxxx was indicted by members of the DEAs Bilateral Case Group in the District of
Colombia for conspiracy to violate Title 21 USC Section 959 (Conspiracy to Manufacture
and/or Distribute).

In November 2004, members of the Paraguayan Military Special Forces obtained

search warrants for six locations associated with xxxxx. During the execution of a search
warrant of an airstrip associated with xxxxx, Paraguayan law enforcement received
gunfire from the associates of xxxxx. During the shootout, a Brazilian national named
xxxxx was killed by Paraguayan law enforcement. xxxxx was one of nine individuals
arrested at the scene. Approximately 262 kilograms of cocaine and seven firearms were
seized at the location.

xxxxx was later extradited to the United States, and in June 2008, he pled guilty to
conspiracy charges. In December 2009, xxxxx was sentenced to 66 months.
U. S. Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration

DEA information indicated that xxxxx returned to Brazil in 2014, and resumed his
drug trafficking activities. It is believed that xxxxx receives his cocaine from Bolivian
cocaine suppliers, and is responsible for coordinating the shipment of the cocaine to
locations in Africa and Europe.

DEA information indicates that the following telephone and Blackberry numbers are
known to be currently associated with xxxxx:


The DEA Sao Paulo Resident Office requests that the Brazilian Federal Police
investigate xxxxx and his current drug trafficking activities and associates. Further, the
DEA requests that the DPF exploit all telephone numbers, blackberry PIN numbers, and
other communication devices associated with xxxxx. It is the belief of DEA that further
investigation into the drug trafficking activities of xxxxx will result in the identification
of new, currently unknown, drug trafficking associates of xxxxx, as well as seizures of
significant amounts of cocaine and assets belonging to xxxxx and his drug trafficking


Kelly W. Krieghbaum Adido

Drug Enforcement Administration
Embaixada dos Estados Unidos
Braslia, D.F. - Brasil

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