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(Common Examination Board)
(End Term Exam-Session Jan-June, 2015)

Subject: Apparel Production Planning & Control, F.Tech-VI

Hours: 03 hours Max. Marks: 100

Part A

1. Fill up the blanks

a) ________ is the process of estimating the future sales volume, the rate of sales and the
rate of delivery.
b) The Limiting capability of a manufacturing unit is known as ________
c) _____ matrix and _______ breakdown are the important information required for
Initial Line Setting (Line Balancing)
d) Throughput time increases with the _______ (increase / decrease) of WIP.
e) Progressive bundle system has ______ (Higher/Lower) WIP compare to unit production
f) Lesser the deviation of operation timings from ______ time, better the balancing
efficiency that can be achieved.

2. Fill the cells (cells with ? marks) in the table , there is continuous supply to operator A.
Operatio Operator Output Output Cumulative Start WIP Finish WIP
n in in output in between between operations
1st hr 2nd hr 2 hrs operations after 2 hrs
1 A ? 380 570
50 80
2 B 190 350 ?
? 85
3 C 205 ? 510
15 5
4 D 210 ? ?

Part B

3. Discuss (about 100 words) any five of the following.

a) Floaters
b) Process versus product layout
c) Push and Pull Production System
d) Make Through and Assembly Line Sewing System
e) On standard time and Off Standard time
f) Operator Performance and Operator Utilization
g) Maximum and potential capacity
Part C

4. Explain intrinsic balance and dynamic balance with examples. List down three parameters
and explain how they differ in intrinsic and dynamic balance.
5 a. Write any 5 roles of supervisor in production control and explain with examples.
b. Compare: Sub contracting vs. In-house manufacturing 10 + 5

6. Discuss the four activities of production planning and control 10

Part D

7. The following table shows the operations required to manufacture one Casual Jacket. If the
no. of operators in the line is 9 then you are required to do the following.

a. Determine the pitch time.

b. Where needed, combine operations as per m/c type and plan a balanced line (Sequence
of operation is not important & there is no sharing of operation among operators).
c. Find out the maximum possible production out of the line per hour (considering each of
all nine operators is 100% efficient).
Operation no. M/C S.M
1. L.S 1.6
2. L.S 2.8
3. L.S 2.6
4. L.S ZZ 1.6
5. L.S ZZ 1.0
6. L.S ZZ 1.2
7. L.S 2N 1.6
8. L.S 1.4
9. L.S 2N 1.6
10. L.S 4.4
11. O.L 1.6
12. L.S 3.8
13. L.S 1.8
14. L.S 2.4
15. O.L 1.2
16. O.L 2.6
17. O.L 2.8
18. L.S 2N 1.6
Total = 37.6 2+8+5
8. A section has 100 operators and works at average 75% efficiency for a 48 hour week.
Absenteeism is 8%
Total labour content of the product is 15 standard minutes.
It is anticipated that floaters will work at 80% of performance level of regular operators.

a) Section capacity in standard hours produced each week.
b) Section capacity in garments produced each week.
c) How many floaters will be needed to cover absence?
d) How many operators will be needed, under the same conditions, to produce 18000
garments per week?

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