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Patient Safety Issues

By Jan Powers, RN, PhD, Jennifer Peed, RN, BSN, Lindsey Burns, RN, BSN, and
Mary Ziemba-Davis, BA

Background Research has demonstrated the hazards associated

with patients bath basins and microbial contamination. In a
previous study, soap and water bath basins in 3 acute care hos-
pitals were found to be reservoirs for bacteria and potentially
associated with the development of hospital-acquired infections.
Bacteria grew in 98% of the basin samples; the most common
were enterococci (54%), and 32% were gram-negative organisms.
Objective To assess the presence of bacterial contaminants
in wash basins when chlorhexidine gluconate solution is used

C N E 1.0 Hour
in place of standard soap and water to wash patients.
Methods Bathing with chlorhexidine gluconate is the standard
of practice for all patients in intensive care units at St Vincent
Hospital. Specimens from 90 bath basins used for 5 days or
Notice to CNE enrollees: more were cultured for bacterial growth to assess contamina-
A closed-book, multiple-choice examination tion of basins when chlorhexidine gluconate is used.
following this article tests your understanding of Results Of the 90 basins cultured, only 4 came back positive
the following objectives: for microbial growth; all 4 showed growth of gram-positive
1. Compare the rate of bacterial contamination organisms. Three of the 4 organisms were identified as coag-
on bath basins using soap to those basins ulase-negative staphylococcus, which is frequently found on
where a standardized chlorhexidine solution is the skin. This translates into a 95.5% reduction in bacterial
used for bathing. growth when chlorhexidine gluconate is used as compared
2. List 3 common organisms found in patients with soap and water in the previous study (Fisher exact test,
bath basins. P < .001). The only factor that was related to positive cultures
3. Describe how basin, device, infection control, of samples from basins was the sex of the patient.
and isolation variables affect culture results Discussion Compared with the previous study examining
when using chlorhexidine for patient baths. microbial contamination of basins when soap and water was
used to bathe patients, bacterial growth in patients bath basins
To read this article and take the CNE test online, decreased significantly with the use of chlorhexidine gluconate,
visit and click CNE Articles drastically reducing the risk for hospital-acquired infections.
in This Issue. No test fee for AACN members. Such reduced risk is especially important for critically ill patients
at high risk for bacterial infection. (American Journal of Critical
2012 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Care. 2012;21:338-343)

338 AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, September 2012, Volume 21, No. 5

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atients bath basins in hospitals are a known source of microbial contamina-
tion.1,2 In a previous study,1 bath basins from which samples were cultured in 3
acute care hospitals were found to be reservoirs for bacteria and potentially asso-
ciated with the development of hospital-acquired infections. Bacteria grew in 98%
of the basin samples, with the most prominent being enterococci (54%) and
gram-negative organisms (32%).1 More alarming in this study was the association between
microbes found in the bath basins and infection of patients.

Based on this and other studies of microbial basins, using a new washcloth for each body part
contamination of patients bath basins,2 a change in bathed. Initial bathing occurs within 6 hours of
practice eliminating the use of bath basins for hygiene ICU admission and daily thereafter. After completion
in hospitalized patients would be warranted. How- of bathing, basins are wiped with a paper towel to
ever, it is not yet known whether bacterial contami- eliminate standing water and then placed upside
nants are present in patients bath basins when down on a storage table to air dry. Basins are
chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) solution is used for labeled and designated solely for CHG bathing and
bathing. It is known that bathing with CHG decreases are discarded if contamination with vomit or other
the frequency of infections with vancomycin-resistant bodily fluids occurs. An additional basin is labeled
enterococcus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus for the storage of bath supplies.
aureus3-8 and bloodstream infections.8-11 Research
studies showing the effectiveness of CHG bathing in Study Procedure
the reduction of hospital-acquired infections have Samples from 90 basins used to wash 90 patients
not clearly delineated which preparation of CHG in a 40-bed mixed medical surgical ICU at a large
(impregnated cloths vs CHG solution diluted in bath Midwestern tertiary care hospital (St Vincent Hospi-
water) is most effective. Based on previous studies, tal, Indianapolis, Indiana) were cultured for micro-
standard practice in our intensive care unit (ICU) is bial contamination. Study enrollment continued
bathing of all patients with 2 fl oz (60 mL) of 4% until a sample of 90 basins was
CHG solution diluted in 3 qt (2.85 L) of water. The achieved. All bath basins were Patients hospital
purpose of this study was to assess the presence of dated when the patient was admit-
bacterial contaminants in wash basins when CHG ted to the ICU, and only basins that bath basins are
solution is used in place of standard soap and water had been in use for 5 days were a known source
to wash patients. included in the sample. Approval
was obtained from the institutional of microbial
Methods review board before the start of the contamination.
Bathing Procedure study. Once enrolled, bath basins
Before the start of the study, standardized pro- were assigned a unique identification number to
cedures for patient hygiene and storage of wash basins ensure that basin duplication did not occur. A data
were in place. ICU nurses bathe patients with 2 fl tracking sheet was completed, with the data being
oz (60 mL) CHG to 3 qt (2.85 L) water in bath entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by a trained
investigator. The data collection tool recorded:
Patients demographics: sex, medical vs surgical
About the Authors
Jan Powers is director of clinical nurse specialists and a admission diagnosis, age, length of stay in the hos-
clinical nurse specialist in the trauma intensive care unit pital, and length of stay in the ICU;
at St Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jennifer Basin variables: the number of days that basins
Peed and Lindsey Burns are staff nurses in the medical
intensive care unit at St Vincent Hospital. Mary Ziemba- had been in use when the culture samples were
Davis is a research scientist on the clinical nurse specialist obtained and the number of days since the patients
team at St Vincent Hospital. last bath when the basins were sampled;
Corresponding author: Jan Powers, RN, PhD, Director of Device variables: presence of central catheters,
Clinical Nurse Specialists and Nursing Research, Trauma arterial catheters, peripherally inserted central catheters,
Intensive Care Unit Clinical Nurse Specialist, St Vincent
Hospital, 2001 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana endotracheal tubes, tracheostomy tubes, ventilators,
46260 (e-mail: urinary catheters, and fecal containment devices; AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, September 2012, Volume 21, No. 5 339

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Table 1
Bath basin study comparisonsa
No. (%) of patients old (mean, 61.6 years; SD, 14.0 years). Mean lengths
Bacterial No bacterial of stay in the hospital and in the ICU were 11.1
Cleaning agent used growth growth (SD, 7.1; range, 5-41) days and 9.8 (SD, 6.6; range,
4-42) days, respectively. Eighty-two percent of patients
Chlorhexidine (current study) 4 (4.4) 86 (95.6) (n = 74) were admitted to the ICU for medical diag-
Soap and water (Johnson et al., 2009)1 90 (97.8) 2 (2.2) noses and 18% (n = 16) were postsurgical patients.
a Fisher exact test: P < .001.
Of the 90 bath basins cultured, only 4 (4.4%)
were positive for microbial growth. All microbes
were gram-positive organisms, with 3 identified as
Infection and isolation variables: Infection(s) coagulase-negative staphylococcus, which is fre-
at latest laboratory culture (yes vs no), antibiotics quently found on the skin. One culture yielded gram-
(yes vs no), and isolation (yes vs no). positive cocci. The median number of days that basins
had been in use when they were cultured did not
Basin Cultures differ between basins that showed bacterial growth
Basins were allowed time to dry thoroughly (median, 7.5 days) and basins that showed no bac-
before samples were obtained for culture. A culture terial growth (median, 7.0 days; W = 3879.5; P = .51).
swab for each study basin was obtained from the Median days since patients last baths with the study
hospital laboratory. The culture swab was saturated basins were equivalent for basins that showed bacte-
with sterile saline before culture and rolled along rial growth (median = 1.0 day) and basins that
the bottom of the basin perimeter around all cor- showed no bacterial growth (median = 1.0 days;
ners and sides in a continuous motion. The swab W = 3906.5; P = .90).
was then rolled along the center of the basin. A lab- Table 1 compares bacterial growth of samples
oratory requisition form was completed by using from bath basins in the current study with CHG to
identification numbers for each study patient/bath the existing basin study1 in which soap and water
basin that were known only to the first author. were used to bathe patients. A 95.5% reduction in
Swab specimens labeled with the same identifier basin cultures positive for bacteria was observed
were submitted for analysis. Laboratory findings when CHG was used (4.4% growth vs 97.8% growth;
were entered into the Excel spreadsheet and filed in Fisher exact test, P < .001).
regulatory study binders. Relationships between patients demographics,
device variables, infection and isolation variables,
Statistical Analysis and bacterial growth in study basins are presented
Univariate tests rather than logistic regression in Table 2. The only significant main effect was
were used to assess the extent to which independent between the patients sex and bacterial growth. All
variables were predictive of bacterial growth on basins positive for bacterial growth were associated
basins because of the small number with female patients (Fisher exact test, P = .04).
The intensive care of observed bacterial events compared
with the number of nonevents. Pear-
None of the other independent variables were sig-
nificantly related to bacterial growth in study basins.
unit has standard- son 2 tests were used for all nominal
variable comparisons with a Fisher Discussion
ized procedures exact test applied to all 2 2 tables. In dramatic contrast to an existing study1 that
for patient hygiene The nonparametric 2-sample Wilcoxon showed 97.8% bacterial growth in 92 bath basins
rank sum test for median differences when soap and water was used to bathe patients,
and storage of was used in place of 2 independent we observed 4.4% bacterial growth in 90 basins
wash basins. sample t tests for mean differences. when CHG solution was used for patients baths.
Mintab Version 15 was used for sta- Our finding reflects a 95.5% reduction in cultures
tistical analysis with an of .05 or less as the crite- of bath basins positive for bacteria, indicating that
rion for statistically significant differences. P values patient bath basins may not be inevitable sources
adjusted for ties are reported for 2-sample Wilcoxon of bacterial growth when CHG is used. The
rank sum tests. patients sex was the only factor that was associ-
ated with positive cultures; other patients charac-
Results teristics, length of basin use, the presence of
Ninety bath basins from ICU patients were indwelling devices, identified infections, antibiotic
examined, 42 from female (46.7%) and 48 (53.3%) use, and isolation status were not related to posi-
from male patients. Patients were from 24 to 88 years tive culture results.

340 AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, September 2012, Volume 21, No. 5

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Table 2
Bacterial growth in bath basins by patient,
device, and infection/isolation characteristics
No. (%) of patientsa
Characteristic Bacterial growth No bacterial growth Pb

Sex .04
Female 4 (100.0) 38 (44.2)
Male 0 (0.0) 48 (55.8)
Diagnosis .55
Medical 3 (75.0) 71 (82.6)
Surgical 1 (25.0) 15 (17.4)
Age, median, y 68.0 60.5 .64c
Length of stay, median, d
In hospital 7.5 9.0 .36d
In intensive care unit 7.5 7.5 .87e
Central catheter .62
Yes 3 (75.0) 43 (50)
No 1 (25.0) 43 (50)
Arterial catheter .47
Yes 1 (25.0) 12 (14.0)
No 3 (75.0) 74 (86.0)
Peripherally inserted central catheter >.99
Yes 2 (50.0) 47 (54.7)
No 2 (50.0) 39 (45.3)
Endotracheal tube .62
Yes 3 (75.0) 45 (52.3)
No 1 (25.0) 41 (47.7)
Tracheostomy tube .57
Yes 0 (0.0) 20 (22.2)
No 4 (100.0) 70 (77.8)
Ventilator >.99
Yes 2 (50) 52 (60.5)
No 2 (50) 34 (39.5)
Foley catheter >.99
Yes 4 (100.0) 76 (88.4)
No 0 (0.0) 10 (11.6)
Fecal containment device .57
Yes 1 (25.0) 16 (18.6)
No 3 (75.0) 70 (81.4)
Infection shown by latest culture >.99
Yes 2 (50.0) 52 (60.5)
No 2 (50.0) 34 (39.5)
Yes 2 (50.0) 65 (75.6) .27
No 2 (50.0) 21 (24.4)
Isolation .57
Yes 0 (0.0) 20 (23.3)
No 4 (100.0) 66 (76.7)
aUnitsfor age and length of stay are as specified in first column; all other values are No. (%) of patients.
bMost P values based on Fisher exact test, unless W value indicated in footnote.
cWilcoxon rank sum test, W = 3888.5.
dWilcoxon rank sum test, W = 3960.5.
eWilcoxon rank sum test, W = 3922.0.

Our study was limited to 90 CHG bath basins by Like Johnson et al, basins in the current study were
design to make accurate comparison to the 92 soap sampled from a medical/surgical ICU. Unlike the
and water bath basins cultured by Johnson et al.1 study by Johnson et al, our study did not include AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, September 2012, Volume 21, No. 5 341

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basins from a cardiac ICU and rehabilitation unit, basins are a potential source of hospital-acquired
which potentially limits the comparability and gen- infections.
eralizability of our findings. It is relevant to note,
however, that infection-control bathing practices None reported.
and care and storage of bath basins were standard-
ized throughout the study ICU. eLetters
We cannot rule out that potential differences in Now that youve read the article, create or contribute to an
online discussion on this topic. Visit
bathing practices and basin care and storage tech- and click Submit a response in either the full-text or
niques alone account for disparities in bacterial con- PDF view of the article.
tamination in these 2 studies.
Patients bath Although universal precautions were
followed, bathing methods were not
1. Johnson D, Lineweaver L, Maze L. Patients bath basins as
basins may not observed in the comparison study,
potential sources of infection: a multicenter sampling study.
Am J Crit Care. 2009;18:31-40.
and basin care and storage were high- 2. Marchaim D, Abreu-Lanfranco O, Taylor AR, et al. Hospital
be inevitable lighted as a potentially significant
bath basins are frequently contaminated with multi-drug
resistant human pathogens. Poster presented as part of the
sources of bac- source of the high rate of basin bacte- 40th Annual Critical Care Congress of the Society of Critical
Care Medicine, January 15-19, 2011, San Diego, California.
rial contamination.1 In our study, we
terial growth had already implemented standard-
Accessed June 8, 2012.
when chlorhexi- ized bathing practices along with the 3. Batra R, Cooper B, Whiteley C, et al. Efficacy and limitation of
implementation of CHG bathing. It is a chlorhexidine-based decolonization strategy in preventing
dine is used. therefore unknown whether it was
transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
in an intensive care unit. Clin Infect Dis. 2010;50:210-217.
our standardized techniques for 4. Ridenour G, Lampen R, Pederspiel J, et al. Selective use of
intranasal mupirocin and chlorhexidine bathing and the
bathing patients and for care of wash basins or the incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
CHG in the basin that made the significant differ- colonization and infection among intensive care unit
patients. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2007;28:1155-1161.
ence in microbial contamination. Additionally, the 5. Sandri A, Dalarosa M, Ruschel de Alcantara L, et al. Reduc-
current study is limited by the lack of a control tion in incidence of nosocomial methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in an intensive
group; multisite research with a control group con- care unit: role of treatment with mupirocin ointment and
trolling for bathing and basin storage techniques is chlorhexidine baths for nasal carriers of MRSA. Infection
Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2006;27:185-187.
recommended to resolve this important question. 6. Vernon M, Kayden M, Trick W, et al. Chlorhexidine gluconate
Evidence has established that hospital tap water to cleanse patients in a medical intensive care unit: the
effectiveness of source control to reduce the bioburden of
is a source of bacterial contamination.12 In a system- vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Arch Intern Med. 2006;
atic review of 18 randomized controlled trials, 166:306-312.
7. Kassakian SZ, Mermel LA, Jefferson JA, Parenteau SL,
experimental studies, and meta-analyses conducted Machan JT. Impact of chlorhexidine bathing on hospital-
since 2006, researchers concluded that CHG bathing acquired infections among general medical patients. Infect
Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2011;32:238-243.
is acceptable and useful for the reduction of cen- 8. Climo M, Sepkowitz K, Zuccotti G, et al. The effect of daily
tral catheterassociated bloodstream infections, the bathing with chlorhexidine on the acquisition of methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant
acquisition or decolonization of multidrug-resistant enterococcus, and healthcare-associated bloodstream
organisms, and surgical site infec- infection: results of a quasi-experimental multicenter trial.
Crit Care Med. 2009;37:1858-1865.
It may be prema- tions.13 On the evidence grading scale 9. Bleasdale S, Trick W, Gonzalez I, et al. Effectiveness of
used, CHG bathing was supported by chlorhexidine bathing to reduce catheterassociated blood-
ture to conclude fair to good evidence, with the weight
stream infections in medical intensive care unit patients.
Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(19):2073-2079.
that bath basins of the evidence and expert opinion
not strongly in favor.13 It is unknown
10. Munoz-Price L, Hota B, Stemer A, et al. Prevention of blood-
stream infections by use of daily chlorhexidine baths for
patients at a long-term acute care hospital. Infect Control
are a potential whether efficacy is improved with the Hosp Epidemiol. 2009;30(11):1031-1035.
11. Popovich K, Hota B, Hayes R, et al. Effectiveness of routine
use of CHG-impregnated cloths versus
source of hospital- liquid CHG solution in bath water,
patient cleansing with chlorhexidine gluconate for infection
prevention in the medical intensive care unit. Infect Control
Hosp Epidemiol. 2009;30(10):959-963.
acquired infections. which remains an area for future 12. Clark AP, John LD. Nosocomial infections and bath water:
research. Establishment of evidence- any cause for concern? Clin Nurse Spec. 2006;20:119-123.
13. Sievert D, Armola R, Halm MA. Chlorhexidine gluconate
based bathing procedures for hospitalized patients is bathing: does it decrease hospital-acquired infections? Am
required to ensure best practice and potentially J Crit Care. 2011;20:166-170.
reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections. Our
findings of minimal microbial contamination of To purchase electronic or print reprints, contact The
InnoVision Group, 101 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656.
bath basins when CHG is used to bathe patients sug- Phone, (800) 899-1712 or (949) 362-2050 (ext 532); fax,
gest that it may be premature to conclude that bath (949) 362-2049; e-mail,

342 AJCC AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, September 2012, Volume 21, No. 5

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CNE Test Test ID A1221052: Chlorhexidine Bathing and Microbial Contamination in Patients Bath Basins.
Learning objectives: 1. Compare the rate of bacterial contamination on bath basins using soap to those basins where a standardized chlorhexidine solution is used
for bathing. 2. List 3 common organisms found in patients bath basins. 3. Describe how basin, device, infection control, and isolation variables affect culture
results when using chlorhexidine for patient baths.

1. What was the purpose of the study described in this article? 6. How was the 95% infection reduction calculated?
a. To assess bath basins for bacterial contamination when chlorhexidine was a. The study group was compared to a group in another unit that used soap
used in place of soap instead of chlorhexidine.
b. To assess bath basins for bacterial contamination when soap was used in b. The present study group was compared to a past study group by Johnson
place of chlorhexidine et al that used soap.
c. To assess bath basins for bacterial contamination based on patient length c. The study hypothesis stated all patients with bath basins would have infections.
of stay d. The study groups infection rate was compared to the hospitals historical data.
d. To assess bath basins for bacterial contamination in all ICU patients
7. Which of the following percentages of bath basin samples grew
2. Which of the following methods was used to determine study bacteria in the previous study by Johnson et al?
eligibility? a. 32% c. 95%
a. Patients had to be admitted to the unit following a surgical procedure. b. 54% d. 98%
b. Patients had to use bath basins for at least 5 days.
c. Patients had to be bathed within 6 hours of admission. 8. Which of the following demographic characteristics was statistically
d. Patients had to have bath basins changed out every 5 days during admission. signif icant in the basins with positive cultures?
a. Age
3. Which of the following was considered part of the standardized b. Length of stay
bathing practice in the study hospital? c. Gender
a. Using the bath basin for storing patient supplies d. Diagnosis
b. Using the bath basin as an emesis basin as needed
c. Using a paper towel to dry the basin following the bath 9. Which of the following percentages of patients with a positive
d. Using a new bath basin for each bath culture was in isolation?
a. 0% c. 50%
4. Which of the following was considered a device variable in the study? b. 25% d. 100%
a. Time the culture was obtained in relation to time since last bath
b. Isolation status at the time the culture was obtained 10. Which of the following was the most common organism found on
c. Presence of a central venous catheter when the culture was obtained the study cultures?
d. Length of stay at the time the culture was obtained a. Gram-negative rods
b. Gram-positive cocci
5. How were cultures obtained from the basins in this study? c. Coagulase-positive staphylococcus
a. Culture swabs were rolled around the corners and bottom of the basin d. Clostridium difficile
when it was dry.
b. Culture swabs were rolled around the corners of the basin after wetting it 11. Which of the following factors may have affected the study results?
with tap water. a. The standardized bathing practice was implemented prior to the study
c. Culture swabs were rolled around the corners and bottom of the basin b. The study had too many control groups
prior to drying it following the bath. c. The use of tap water for the baths
d. Culture swabs were wetted with sterile saline and rolled around the corners d. The patient length of stay prior to the cultures
and bottom of the basin.

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Chlorhexidine Bathing and Microbial Contamination in Patients' Bath Basins
Jan Powers, Jennifer Peed, Lindsey Burns and Mary Ziemba-Davis
Am J Crit Care 2012;21 338-342 10.4037/ajcc2012242
2012 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Published online
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The American Journal of Critical Care is an official peer-reviewed journal of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
(AACN) published bimonthly by AACN, 101 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656. Telephone: (800) 899-1712, (949) 362-2050, ext.
532. Fax: (949) 362-2049. Copyright 2016 by AACN. All rights reserved.

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