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Flavonoides reducen riesgo de cncer de


Las mujeres que consumen alimentos ricos en flavonoides disminuyen significativamente el

riesgo de desarrollar cncer de ovario epitelial.

El estudio, publicado por Marta Rossi and Carlo La Vecchia, en la prestigiosa

revista American journal of nutrition, constata que simples cambios en la
ingesta de alimentos pueden tener un impacto significativo en la reduccin del
riesgo de cncer de ovario.

Las principales fuentes de estos compuestos son el t y los ctricos. Por

ejemplo, beber dos tazas de t negro cada da se asocia con una reduccin
del 31% en el riesgo de cncer.
Publicado 30th October 2014 por Jorge Garca

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Health's logbook



Oncolytic viruses

Scientists from the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (Idibaps) and the
Biomedical Research Institute (IRB) in Barcelona have succeeded in getting genetically
engineered virus selectively to attack tumor cells without healthy ones being affected.

The work, published by the journal Nature Communications, is the result of the work of
a doctoral thesis of Eneko Villanueva and has been co-led by Cristina Fillat, head of the
gene therapy and cancer group of Idibaps, and Ral Mndez, IRB researcher.

Conventional cancer treatments can cause unwanted side effects due to poor selectivity,
so to avoid them, new treatments are sought to efficiently remove cancer cells and
preserve healthy ones.



Tumors use fats to pave the 'roads' for their metastases

The metabolism of fats enables the formation of new lymphatic vessels that, like roads,
are used by tumors to expand and colonize other organs.

Processed meat, yes, but in moderation.

Today we have very effective treatments for most types of cancer, among others,
chemotherapy or radiotherapy, usually very effective in eliminating a tumor.


Stem cells

Developed effective and safer synthetic cardiac stem cells

They have the same efficacy as human cardiac stem cells in promoting repair of heart
lesions without increasing the risk of teratomas.

The use of stem cells is today the most promising alternative in the field of regenerative



The US Government Warns about dangers for teens of e-cigarettes

The use of electronic cigarettes among US high school students has grown 900%
between 2011 and 2015

Even today, there are a number of doubts about the efficacy of electronic cigarettes - or
e-cigarettes - to help smokers quit smoking.



Spanish scientists design a drug capable of curbing a variety of autoimmune diseases

The compound, an inhibitor of T lymphocyte activation, is the result of the work of 32

Spanish researchers from CSIC, IDIBAPS and CNIC.
Spanish scientists have designed a drug capable of curbing a variety of autoimmune
diseases such as asthma, psoriasis, Crohn's disease or multiple sclerosis but without
blocking the body's natural response against infections caused by pathogens.



A new class of drugs are able to slow down the progression of alzheimer in mice

The new 'allosteric ligands' of the M1 muscarinic receptor improve cognitive function
and increase the life expectancy of mice with terminal alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease, that is to say, caused by a progressive

destruction of the brain neurons, that today they already suffer about 30 million people
in the whole planet.


Inhibition of mitochondrial mobility may be the key to preventing


The tumor cells position their mitochondria in their membranes to obtain the energy
necessary to leave the primary tumor and colonize other organs

Mitochondria are the organelles responsible for processing nutrients and oxygen to
generate energy for the cells. Mitochondria, that are the energy centers of each and
every healthy cell in the body, do not seem to have enough power to supply the needs of
tumor cells. Or at least, this has been believed in the past.


Uric acid neutralizes free radicals in brain damaged by a stroke

The substance is especially effective in combination with thrombectomy, which consists

of extracting a clot through a catheter At present the only approved therapy to treat
stroke in its acute stage - just after the clot obstructs an artery and left without blood
supply part of the brain - is the removal of the clot. Now, a drug developed at the
Hospital Clnic of Barcelona opens the door to a new way to fight disease by protecting
the brain.

Processed meat also worsens asthma symptoms

Consumption of four or more weekly portions of processed meat may increase the
likelihood of worsening asthma symptoms by up to 76%

Processed meat, that is, all meat that has been subjected to curing, fermentation,
smoking, or other processes to enhance taste and preserve food, is carcinogenic.


Why you should incorporate fermented foods into your diet

Food and health go hand in hand. Nobody denies it. However, as explained by the
authors of the book 'Simbiotic Nutrition', Luis Antonio Lzaro and Ander Urederra,
"people are slave of food drugs". This book proposes a diet based on fermented foods
and directed to the recovery of intestinal microbiota. "Eastern cultures have always
known that the gut is both a source of health and the source of almost all diseases.

"At birth we inherited the microbiome from the mother," the authors write.


The slimming secret of the sweet potato

Research shows that leftover cooking water from sweet potato reduces fat and weight
levels in mice.

Sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato. This original food of Latin America, present
in the gastronomy of many countries of the world especially in Asia, is not so popular in
the Estates' cuisine, with the exception of some recipes.


Up to one-third of autism cases could be caused by a single protein deficit

Increased brain levels of the nSR100 protein may be sufficient to improve the abnormal
behaviors typical of autism

A third of cases of autism could be explained by the deficit nSR100 in the brain -

Up to one-third of autism cases could be the consequence of a deficit in the levels of a

protein in the brain.


Developed a bandage of stem cells capable of healing meniscus lesions

Once surgically implanted in the lesion, the 'bandage' induces cell growth to repair
damaged tissue, thus avoiding the need for a meniscectomy.

Each year, more than one million people in the States suffer from a meniscal injury, ie, a
tear of the cartilaginous tissues that act as knee pads and confer stability to the knee. A
type of injury very common in sports such as soccer and in up to 90% of cases is
located in the central or 'white' area of the menisci.


Reprogram cells to rejuvenate

"The cell is a drug." stated Pedro Guilln, founder of the Clinic CEMTRO and one of
the authors of the study published today in "Cell" in which it is shown that rejuvenating
cells in living organisms is possible. Dr. Guilln's team has achieved this, with the
leadership of Juan Carlos Izpisa, professor of the Gene Expression Laboratory of the
Salk Institute.


Identified a gene network responsible for the epileptic seizures

Drugs capable of inducing a normal functioning of this network can avoid seizures in
epilepsy, either of genetic origin or a brain injury.

Epilepsy is a disease, with a set of neurological disorders which are characterized by the
presence of seizures, who suffers around 50 million people worldwide. Even today,
effective treatments are not always available.


First drug capable of slowing the progression of parkinson

A drug initially designed for type 2 diabetes has been shown to stop the deterioration
caused by Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative and highly crippling disorder that
have more than 1,000,000 people in our country. A disease that, even today, lacks a
cure, the current treatments only relief some symptoms, especially motor problems,
such as the typical tremors and difficulty of walking.



A recent study determines which diet contributes most to longevity. And, of course, it
does not resemble at all that of the men of the caves.

You've heard of the paleolithic diet . Its name is not random: it is based on foods
available in the cavern age (meat, fish, fruits and vegetables) and is a high protein intake
and very low in carbohydrates. Its advocates claim that we are still designed to eat like
our faraway ancestors and that, therefore, the healthiest thing is to do so.


Wheat can worsen the symptoms of autoimmune diseases


Amylase inhibitors and trypsin worsen asthma, lupus, arthritis and inflammatory bowel
diseases and may cause sensitivity to gluten.

Numerous studies have suggested that these Amylase inhibitors and trypsin (ATI) could
be behind the celiac gluten sensitivity.


Massagu ha descubierto cmo el cncer se vuelve resistente a los

Los frmacos que atacan de manera precisa las clulas cancerosas, pese a ser altamente
eficaces a corto plazo, suelen tener el efecto paradjico de favorecer la progresin del
cncer a largo plazo. As lo demuestra una investigacin dirigida por Joan Massagu,
del Instituto Sloan-Kettering de Nueva York, que se presenta en el ltimo nmero dela
revista Nature.


La lactancia materna prolongada aumenta el cociente intelectual a largo


Dar el pecho durante los primeros meses de vida tiene numerosos efectos beneficiosos.


Caffeine may have protective effects on the brain

Coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of developing multiple

sclerosis (MS), according to a study that has been presented at the 67th annual meeting
of the American Academy of Neurology . "Caffeine consumption has been associated
with a lower risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and our study shows that coffee
intake may also protect against MS, supporting the idea that may have protective effects
on the brain," says the study author Ellen Mowry, of Johns Hopkins University (USA).


Nanodrones to prevent heart attack

Nanoparticles that once loaded remove the fatty plaques that promote heart attack


Stop snacking

How a person of your age and weight could be consuming around 4,000 calories daily?
Stop snacking is one of the first challenges of any diet.

Abdominal obesity doubles the risk of sudden death

Abdominal obesity doubles the risk of sudden cardiac death. It says a study published in
" Heart", which shows that people with abdominal obesity are more likely to suffer an
unexpected cardiac arrest. This type of obesity is marked by the waist / hip ratio
(WHR), which results from dividing the waist circumference of a person for the
perimeter of your hip. Abdominal obesity is considered when this value is greater than
0.8 in women and 0.95 in men.


Discover the best foods against cold

Here comes the cold. We are getting through days in which, inevitably, many of us will
get a cold. What we need to have our immune system ready? We need to include some
foods in our dairy intake that can heal us faster and even avoid proliferation.


Donor stem cells to repair infarcted hearts

The international research led by Gregorio Maraon Hospital is going to be used in

patients who have recently suffered a heart attack In three years hospitals will have on
their shelves stem cell vials, ready to repair the heart of a person who has just suffered a
heart attack. This is the most optimistic forecast Genetrix , the Spanish company that
developed the first cell therapy for heart made from donor cells. Treatment has begun to
be tested on patients in a clinical trial who leads the team Francisco Fernndez
Avils Hospital Gregorio Maran in Madrid and which also involved other Spanish
and European health centers.


Coffe benefits for health

Coffee is a source of natural antioxidants In our country the coffee is not just a drink, it's
a lifestyle. We do a break at work, we go for a coffee; if we have an informal chat with
someone, stay for a coffee, and so on, many things in our culture are accompanied by
coffee. This elixir that many times turn to first thing in the morning has been persecuted
sometimes unfairly by bad reputation. However, studies are showing their protective
effect on health.


Longevity and healthy aging

Animals with a single copy of the Myc gene, instead of the usual two, have no
additional health problems Bone density in mice; above, of a young (left) and adult
mouse (right) with two copies of the Myc gene, and down the same but of a mouse with
a copy of the inactivated gene. Sedivy Lab / Brown University.


Drinking Alcohol Moderately May Reduce Risk Of Heart Failure

A new study finds that moderate drinking might have a protective effect on the heart.


Clulas madre seas

Las clulas madre encargadas de los procesos de construccin seos acaban de ser
identificadas por un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Stanford (EE.UU.).
Aunque se ha descubierto en ratones, el hallazgo que se publica en Cell podra servir
para avanzar en el desarrollo de tratamientos para trastornos de huesos y regeneracin
de cartlagos.


Why cancers evade treatments?

Muchos medicamentos oncolgicos funcionan como se supone que tiene que

hacerlo: desactivando el receptor del factor de crecimiento epidrmico(EGFR), en el
que muchos cnceres se desarrollan. Pero aun as los frmacos no logran parar la
progresin del tumor en muchos pacientes. Lo que ahora ha descubierto el equipo de
Xiaojun Tan y Richard A. Anderson es que el cncer estaba esquivando los
medicamentos utilizando a su favor una forma de autofagia o alimentacin de


Relacin entre asma y apnea

Una investigacin publicada en Jama y dirigida por Mihaela Teodorescu, de

la Universidad de Wisconsin demuestra la asociacin entre asma y apnea obstructiva del



La exposicin a bajas temperaturas aumenta los niveles de una protena que es

fundamental para la formacin de la grasa parda, tambin conocida como grasa buena
por sus capacidad para inducir al organismo a quemar grasas.


Guate, aqu hay aguacate

Las dietas saludables para el corazn recomiendan sustituir los cidos grasos saturados
por cidos grasos monoinsaturadas o poliinsaturados para reducir el riesgo de
enfermedad cardiovascular. Esto se debe a que las grasas saturadas pueden aumentar los
niveles de colesterol malo y elevar el riesgo de enfermedad cardaca.


Fexaramina: El mgico prodigioso?

Fexaramina mi amor... No, no hablamos de una cancin de Loquillo. Fexaramina es el

ltimo grito en pastillas mgicas contra la obesidad que el instituto Salk de EE.UU ha
desarrollado tras 20 aos de investigacin. Un medicamento que engaa al organismo
para que empiece a quemar grasa sin consumir ningn alimento y, por tanto, ninguna
calora. Un compuesto qumico que aspira a convertirse en la nueva promesa
antiobesidad, aunque de momento solo ha mostrado su eficacia en ratones.

Alimentacin saludable

Una alimentacin saludable es aquella que aporta a cada individuo todos los alimentos
necesarios para cubrir sus necesidades nutricionales, mantener la salud y prevenir la
aparicin de enfermedades.


Enhanced Longevity by Ibuprofen

Enhanced Longevity by Ibuprofen, Conserved in Multiple Species, Occurs in Yeast

through Inhibition of Tryptophan Import


Dietas para adelgazar

Adelgazar y comer de forma saludable puede ser muy satisfactorio y ms fcil de lo que
se piensa. Seguir una dieta mediterrnea saludable no es tan difcil como pueda parecer,
es cuestin de adquirir unos hbitos alimenticios saludables.


Fast food, fast obesity

Un consumo excesivo de fast food, adems de llevarte rpidamente por la senda de la

obesidad, puede afectar drsticamente el rendimiento escolar de nuestros hijos. Happy
meal, he odo bien? quiz debera llamarse mejor: unhappy seal (foca infeliz).


OM mani padme om

La meditacin trascendental puede reducir en un 48 por ciento el riesgo de

mortalidad, infarto de miocardio y accidente cerebrovascular en pacientes con
enfermedad coronaria, tal y como ha mostrado una investigacin publicada en la revista
Circulation y recogido por la Fundacin Espaola del Corazn (FEC).


El elixir de la eterna juventud

Los inhibidores de mTOR, una familia de medicamentos que ya ha demostrado

contrarrestar el envejecimiento y las enfermedades relacionadas con el envejecimiento
en ratones y otros animales, podra tener similares efectos sobre el envejecimiento en
los seres humanos. Un equipo de investigadores acaba de mostrar que esta familia de
frmacos potencialmente puede revertir la disminucin de la capacidad de las personas
de edad avanzada para combatir la infeccin.


Restriccin calrica

LLevamos ya unos cuantas entradas hablando de las posibles ventajas de la restriccin

calrica y como ella es capaz de activar las sirtuinas encargadas a su vez de la
reparacin de los telmeros. Ahora en Harvard acaban de encontrar una nueva molcula
H2S que aporta ms luz al tema.


Telomerasa repara el corazn tras un infarto

Hola a todos, Se acercan las Navidades y antes de nada desearos a todos unas felices
fiestas en compaa de los vuestros. Sed buenos, no os pasis tres pueblos con la gula
del Norte y el pato a la Orange.... Que luego viene la balanza a dictaminar su
panegrico. Bien... Esta semana han aparecido noticias muy interesantes en el mbito
salud-cientfico, aqu os dejo algunas sinopsis y enlaces a algunas noticias que
encuentro muy interesantes. Saludos cordiales


Fuzzy cells

Un equipo internacional de investigadores ha identificado un nuevo tipo de clula madre

pluripotente, la clula F.

Dieta mediterrnea contra la longevidad

La dieta mediterrnea se ha relacionado normalmente con una serie de cualidades

beneficiosas para la salud, entre ellas cabe mencionar la disminucin del riesgo de
enfermedades crnicas y de cncer. En esta ltima semana un equipo de investigadores
del Hospital Brigham y de Mujeres en Boston (EE.UU.), ha demostrado por fin que una
mayor ingesta de este tipo de alimentacin se asocia con telmeros ms largos.


Caf previene Alzheimer

Tomar unas 3-4 tazas de caf al da ayuda a prevenir el Alzheimer, segn un estudio
presentado durante la Conferencia Alzheimer Europa 2014 por el Instituto de
Informacin Cientfica sobre el Caf.


Lactancia materna

Un bonito artculo que he ledo esta maana en la vanguardia defendiendo la lactancia

materna como modus de crianza. Vale la pena leerlo. Saludos cordiales Optar por la
lactancia materna El amamantamiento puede ayudar al beb a evitar infecciones y a
alcanzar un desarrollo ptimo.


Virioma y sistema inmunolgico

A veces ser infectado por un norovirus no es malo, sino que puede ser incluso
beneficioso para la salud. Se ha podido constatar que el virus refuerza el sistema
inmunolgico en la lucha contra el dao tisular.

Dejar de fumar mientras duermes

Dejar de fumar es una cuestin de voluntad, pero ya sabemos que el homo sapiens
sapiens tiene poca fuerza de voluntad per se, la escala evolutiva ni nos brind ni nos
facilit esa determinada virtud. Desafortunadamente el ser humano es perezoso por
naturaleza y la ley del mnimo esfuerzo impera en el hipotlamo del homo tecnologicus


NRT y adios al dolor de espalda

La intervencin neurorreflejoterpica (NRT), desarrollada por la Fundacin Kovacs es

un tratamiento no farmacolgico basado en grapas quirrgicas.


Glioma y telefona movil

Hay relacin causa-efecto entre glioma y telefona movil? Segn un nuevo estudio, las
probabilidades de desarrollar glioma se multiplican por tres en las personas que han
usado telfonos mviles durante 25 aos.


TDAH causas

La exposicin prenatal a aire contaminado por hidrocarburos aromticos policclicos

aumenta las probabilidades de TDAH, trastorno de hiperactividad por dficit de
atencin, segn los investigadores del Centro Columbia de Salud Ambiental Infantil de
la Escuela de Salud Pblica de Mailman.


leche y estrs oxidativo... that is the question!

Debemos dejar de tomar tanta leche? Cul es la dosis segura? Los resultados de un
estudio publicado en British Medical Journal sugieren que una alta ingesta de leche
puede estar asociada con una mayor tasa de muerte por estrs oxidativo.

Nyaditum resae

Un equipo mdico del hospital Trias i Pujol de Badalona ha diseado un probitico

derivado de la bacteria de la tuberculosis, que al ser administrado durante dos semanas,
hace que el cuerpo aprenda a tolerar de forma natural la bacteria, de forma que la
respuesta inflamatoria que genera contra este microorganismo, en caso de infeccin, sea
menos intensa.


Alzheimer causas

La protena tau, y no la beta-amiloide, parece ser la principal responsable de la muerte

neuronal en la enfermedad de Alzheimer. El hallazgo, que altera por completo la
concepcin etiopatognica del alzhimer, tambin explica por qu algunas personas que
tiene un acmulo de la placa amiloide en sus cerebros no padecen demencia.


Flavonoides reducen riesgo de cncer de ovario

Las mujeres que consumen alimentos ricos en flavonoides disminuyen

significativamente el riesgo de desarrollar cncer de ovario epitelial.


Regeneracin espontnea de huesos fracturados

Un estudio publicado en Developmental Cell demuestra cmo un hmero fracturado

en ratones neonatos puede recolocarse rpidamente a travs de un mecanismo que
implica el crecimiento seo y la contraccin muscular.Los resultados proporcionan
nuevos conocimientos sobre cmo los bebs pueden reparar los huesos rotos y dan un
nuevo enfoque en el diseo de estrategias para el tratamiento de las fracturas que no
responden bien a las pautas actuales.



La epicatequina, un componente del chocolate tambin presente en el te verde, es muy

bueno para preservar las funciones cognitivas.


Clulas envolventes de bulbo olfatorio

El trasplante de clulas envolventes de bulbo olfatorio (OECs), un tipo de clula que da

soporte a las neuronas dentro del sistema olfativo, con capacidad de regenerarse y
relativamente fciles de obtener, podra mejorar la funcin neurolgica de pacientes con
parlisis, sin causar efectos secundarios significativos.


Alzheimer y sndrome de Down, vnculo gentico

Podran el Alzheimer y el sndrome de Down tener una estrecha relacin gentica?

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