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AP Environmental Science

Unit 6 Study Guide


I. Population Biology Concepts:

- Population Ecology: studi8es the dynamics of species populations and how they
interact with the environment
Population Viability Analysis (PVA) used to predict long term probability of a
species in a given habitat

- Carrying Capacity (K): number of organisms that can be supported in a given area
sustainably; dependent on resources available, niches, and time
J-Shaped Curve: exponential increase without a K limit, but also can decrease
just as fast
S-Shaped Curve: levels out at carrying capacity

- Reproductive Strategies:
r-Strategists: high reproductive rates; mature rapidly; short lived prey; wide
fluctuations in population density (blooms and busts)
K-Strategists: mature slowly; fewer offspring high parental care; population
stabilizes near the carrying capacity

- Survivorship:
Survivorship curves show age distribution characteristics of species, reproductive
strategies, and life history
Type I: deaths occur at the limit of biological life span; high probability of
surviving to advanced ages (humans, elephants)
Type II: uniform death rates; predation affects all age groups (rodents)
Type III: greatest number of offspring; high infant mortality; declines with age
(fish, sea turtles)

II. Human Population Dynamics:

- Population change = (crude birth rate +immigration) (crude death rate + emigration)
brithratedeath rate
- Growth Rate (%) = 10
- Rule of 70: annua growth rate = doubling time
AP Environmental Science
Unit 6 Study Guide


- Demographic Transition:
Stage 1: Pre- Industrial
- Poor medical care
- Bad living conditions; not enough resources
- High birth rates but also high infant mortality rates
Stage 2: Transitional
- Start of industrialization
- Improved medical care
- Higher levels of education
- Population increases
Stage 3: Industrial
- Urbanization
- Population boom
- Cleaner resources
Stage 4: Post-Industrial
- Birth rate equals death rate; both relatively low
- Zero population growth

III. Age- Structure Diagrams

- Indicator of future trends in population variation based on age and sex ratios

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