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Beltran Isabel

Mr. Wisner

World History

2nd Period

February 20, 2017

Trump Proposal Would Deport more Immigrants


Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

1. Rescind- revoke, cancel or repeal
2. Spate- a large number of similar things or events appearing or occurring in
quick successions
3. Robustly- in a determined and forceful way
4. Apprehended- arrest (someone) for their crimes
Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own
A. Federal authorities have been empowered to immediately deport
undocumented immigrants because of the way federal agencies started
enforcing immigration laws. John F. kelly issued 2 draft memos outlining an
aggressive mission that would not only help deport serious criminals but other
immigrants as well. At first, they wanted to spare younger kids that have been
here in america their whole life brought as immigrants, but that would risk their
parents facing serious prosecution under the guidelines.
B. All of these different immigration laws reflects on Trump's campaign promise
to harden the borders and deport people who have entered the US illegally.
Trump highlighted a recent spate of deportations and characterized those that
were being sent out of the country as very dangerous. And he's not done, as the
month goes by there would be an expansion of so called removal proceedings to
deport thousands of more immigrants.
C. The way Obama had immigration laws set up was that agents from the border
patrol and immigration and customs enforcement could only deport within 100
miles of the border for people who had only been in the country no more than 14
days. Now, this expanded to those who have been in the country for up to 2
years anywhere in the nation.
Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).
I come from a family of immigrants, a family who came to America for a better
life, for their kids to be raised with everything they could possibly have. I
understand all the issues with overpopulation and crime, but I also know that
people who pay thousands of dollars to cross a river and come to America, want
a different life. These are people who are fleeing open crime. People who want a
second chance. There's many solutions to overpopulation and crime that doesn't
involve tearing families apart.
Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current
I can relate this back to when president Williams was in office. His views on
immigration were similar like trumps except he didn't voice all his opinions like
trump does.
Relate your Event to the a subtheme (at least 3 sentences).
I can relate this to conflicts because it is a major conflict. It's a major conflict to
families that's it's affecting, it's a major conflict to kids developing mental
problems by seeing their parents being taken away. It's a major conflict overall.
Questions You Have About the Event (4).
1. Do you hate trump for this?
2. Why doesn't he look at other options Instead of just jumping to
3. Why does trump think all Mexicans engender crime?
4. What are your thoughts on immigration?

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