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Above satisfactory Satisfactory Below satisfactory

Inclusion of Inclusion of both forms Inclusion of both No use of visuals to

both visuals of media to a high forms of media stimulate the final
and written level showing more showing one product. Little to no
information then one example of example of each. information provided.
in the final each.

Information Inclusion of multiple Inclusion of a recipe No recipes or form of

is sourced recipes and from a resource information included
from a information from provided. in the information
variety of various resources. lunch box.

The final The final product has The final product No evidence of
product included a vocabulary shows some understanding the
shows an list of 5-10 words to understanding of term preparation and
understandi shows their the term its role in healthy
ng of the understanding of what preparation through food.
term is meant by the term the in-depth detail
preparation of preparation. In of their vocabulary
and its role doing these students list.
in healthy have also identified
eating multiple healthy
eating options.

Identificatio Demonstrated an Some knowledge of No extended

n of various understanding that food categories. knowledge of
forms / healthy food can take Approximately two various food
categories many forms. Evident categories. categories. Only
of healthy through the childs presented the
food choice of recipes and stereotypical view
illustrations of food of healthy food.
from the different
categories discussed
in the activities.

Presentatio High standard At Standard includes: Below standard

n of the final Includes: Visuals includes:
product Visuals Text Limted to no
Text 2 recipes inclusion of
3-4 recipes for Shows some visuals and
various meals understanding text
Shows deep of the content No included
understanding learnt within recipes
of the content the activities No
within the understanding
activities of the content
within the

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