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Since its creation in 1994, Ansarullah has

been wrongfully interpreted on many different

aspects. Either they are a terrorist group,
an Iranian puppet or something third. This
publication aims to debunk some of the most
common myths and misconceptions, as well
as to present the true goals of this resistance

- Ansarullah Information Center


This is a very common miscon- ly after the dissolution of the former
ception regarding the movement. government. As well did certain ju-
Truth is, the revolution that over- dges and other top personel.
threw the now former government Just because a certain segment
of Mansour Hadi, was long un- of people in the southern part of
derway. He was doomed years Yemen does not like Ansarullah,
ago. People were unhappy and does not mean everyone does.
unsatisfied with his way of leading The southerners are in no way re-
a government, and would have presentatives of Yemen. They have
been overthrown anyways. Ansa- their own agenda, which is he-
rullah took the things in own mat- avily backed by foreign aggres-
ter, endorsed the popular masses sional powers such as the Saudi
and occupied government institu- Kingdom, United Arab Emirates,
tions for a short period, until the Qatar, the US and certain NATO
government was dissolved. It hap- countries. A Yemeni who relies this
pened extremely quickly, and only much on foreign aid and support,
took a few days. Fighting inside the is not a representative of the peop-
city were not as intense as some le. At all.
might have thought. Units in the Ye-
meni Armed Forces expressed their
loyalty to the new revolutionary
council, that was established short-

Quite the contrary, atleast. Ansa- against various aggressional pow-
rullah is a national resistance mo- ers. Most of Europes population
vement with representatives in the chose to resist against Nazi ag-
new government based in the capi- gression during the Second World
tal city of Sanaa, currently resisting War, the Vietnamese people cho-
foreign aggression. An aggression se to resist against US aggression
which was forced upon the nation doing the Vietnam war etc. Is this
and its people, creating one of the any different from the battles Ansa-
worst humanitarian catastrophes rullah currently are waging against
in modern times. The country has Saudi Arabia and allies? Saudi
been forcefully sealed off from the Arabia, being the #1 exporter of
rest of the world by air, land and terrorist ideology internationally,
sea. Some of Yemens key harbors does surely need to face the con-
have either been sieged and occu- sequences of their oppressive poli-
pied by paid mercenary troops, or cies. And Ansarullah is taking care
completely destroyed. Which, in of that.
turn, completely stops the import
of needed humanitarian aid for Ye-
mens suffering people.
Ansarullah chose to resist foreign
aggression, just like many other
nations had done in the past

The Ansarullah slogan (death to el to be one of their closest allies.
America, death to Israel) puts As a result, any ally of the United
complex concepts into concise sta- States becomes a de facto ally of
tements. So it must not be taken at Israel, or at least must tolerate Isra-
face value. Ansarullah formed as els existence.
a youth movement to resist foreign
influence as well as domestic reac- But Ansarullah recognizes that the
tionary groups like al-Qaeda and United States, Saudi Arabia, and
ISIS. They know that United States Israel are directly responsible for
imperialism in the Middle East is destruction, suffering, and oppres-
directly to blame for Saudi aggres- sion all across the region. They
sion and the rise of takfiri groups know that opposing these world
like Daesh or al-Qaeda. powers and forcing their influence
out of Yemen is the first step to pe-
Ansarullah also recognizes that ace. However, they also know that
Zionism and U.S. imperialism go American citizens are not complicit
hand-in-hand. One would not be in their governments actions. A less
able to survive without the other. simplified translation of the slogan
For many people in the Middle might read as death to American
East, the mere existence of Israel imperialism, death to Zionism, vic-
directly represents U.S. influence in tory to indigenous peoples.
the region. The U.S. considers Isra-

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