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Lesson plan

Topic: Social studies

Grade Level: 6th grade
Time: 1 hr 30 min
TEKS: c) 3, 3A,3B,3D,3E,5A c) The student understands the learner and the learning process.
The student is expected to: A) apply principles and theories of human development appropriate
to specific teaching situations; B) apply principles and theories about learning the process to
specific teaching and training situations; D) analyze teaching skills that facilitate the learning
process E) demonstrate and evaluate effective instructional practices to accommodate diversity
such as learning differences, learning exceptionality, and specials needs.

Construction Paper
Butcher Paper

Learning Target: I can distinguish the differences between auditory, visual, and kinesthetic
Engage: Students will watch a 2 minute fun video which will introduce the different types of
learning styles.
Explore: We will hand out a learning style quiz which will reveal what type of learner the
student is. In addition, the students will be exposed to the three types of learning styles.

What are learning styles and why should we learn about them? Learning styles are preferred
ways in which people learn based on their ability to comprehend and retain information. In other
words, it is the certain way a person learns. As teachers, we must teach in a way that reaches the
different types of learners. Today, we will be focusing on three main types of learning styles:
visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. Additionally, we will talk about tactile learning which is a
learning style that is not heavily focused on, but still important.
Visual- learn best when given things such as charts, graphs, maps and diagrams.
More of the watching instead of hands on or just listening learners; body language very
important; they see to understand
- Characteristics: follow illustrated set of instructions, annotate notes with pictures,
sketch ideas when planning, like to read, notice details, remember faces better than names
- Examples of activities include: videos, demonstrations, flip books
Auditory- learn best through hearing material; must hear what is being said in
order to understand
- Characteristics: Distracted by background noises, enjoy music, often hum or talk
to themselves, participate in class discussions
- Examples of activities include: group discussions, reading outloud, lectures,
debates, raps
Kinesthetic- learn best when physically engaged in a hands on activity; benefit
where they can manipulate materials or participate in field work outside the classroom;
enjoy moving, jumping, running
- Characteristics: take frequent breaks, like to try new things, use gestures while
speaking, express feelings physically
- Examples of activities include: Role playing, science experiments, catch ball
drills, rhythmic clap and tap, nature hikes
Tactile- Learn best by touching and manipulating (hands on); often times linked
w/ kinesthetic learning
- Characteristics: Like to touch people theyre talking to, Use finger as pointer

while reading, play with pencils and pens

- Activities: Science experiment, card games, arts & crafts

Extend/Elaborate: To apply the new material we just learned, we will complete three different
activities that will involve the 3 learning styles.
1. Visual- To extend on visual learners, the students will create a double bubble map
on butcher paper comparing and contrasting visual learners V.S. auditory learners. The
students will have approximately 5 to 7 minutes to work on the diagram. After the
students finish, they will present their map. Next, we will explain that a double bubble
map benefits visual learners because it helps them organize and visualize the information.
2. Auditory- An example of an auditory activity is a debate. We will assign two
partners and make them stand in front of the room. Each student will have forty-five
seconds to one minute to argue why a learning style is the best (we will give them a
specific learning style). After each student argues their point, we will ask the other
students whose argument was the best. When the activity is over, we will explain why a
debate is an effective activity. This works well with auditory learners because everyone
will be vocal with their opinions and the auditory listeners will be engaged while
listening to the debate wanting to express their own opinion.
3. Kinesthetic- We will have a teacher in the middle of a group of students and the
teacher will have a ball that he/she will TOSS the ball to a student asking them a learning
style questions explain why science experiments are an effective way for kinesthetic
learners to learn? and when these questions are asked a wheel will spin with exercises
on the wheel and whatever exercise they get theyll perform while restating the question
and answering the question. This will work as a kinesthetic activity because the kids will
be engaged and active during the activity and will learn at the same time.

Evaluate: To assess the understanding of the three learning styles, the students will take a quiz
on Kahoot. The quiz will focus on the definitions, activities, and characteristics of each learning

1. Set up powerpoint, video, kahoot, wheel of fortune; construction paper & markers
& butcher paper on middle desk
2. Pass out prequiz- timed 5 to 6 minutes (AMBER EXPLAINS RULES) [online]
3. Open up powerpoint- show 2 minute video
4. Pass out construction paper; allow students to grab markers set in the middle of
5. Explain & show how they should complete foldable for notes
- Must draw pictures, write definition+2 characteristics+2 activities+2 strategies
6. Go back to powerpoint
7. Explain all slides- taking turns- AIRAM (3, 8), DIANA (4,9), BRANDON (5, 10),
BRADLY (6 11), AMBER (7, 12)
8. Activities-
9. Visual (BRADLY)- provide 1 butcher paper & markers; explain rules
10. Auditory (AIRAM)- debate, explain rules
11. Kinesthetic (BRANDON)- project wheel of fortune; explain rules
12. Kahoot quiz

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