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Planning a Book Trailer

1. Identify the audience for your book trailer. Who are you designing this for? If you are a
teacher or media specialist, describe a group of your learners below. If you do not work in a
K-12 setting, send me an email and we can decide who your audience will be.

Learner Analysis:
a. Age/Gender: 10-11 / Both Male and Female

b. Cultural Background: The students are predominantly hispanic, white, and

african american. However, most were either born in the united states or have lived here
at least 5 or more years.
c. Educational Level: 5th Grade
d. Special Needs/Accommodations: Some students are visually impaired therefore
it is important that vital information in the book trailer is in the voice over and not
exclusively is the visual elements of the trailer.
e. Specific Entry Skills: reading, comprehension, visual design, technology
f. Motivation Kellers ARCS Model (How will you design your book trailer to
get the attention of your audience?)
Attention In order to my viewers attention, the trailer will begin by
introducing Jess as the boy that is determined to be the fastest runner in the upcoming
school year.until.
Relevance Students in the fifth grade are always competing, whether it be
fastest runner, quickest to finish class work, or even who can make the highest score on a
test. This book and my trailer will be relevant to the viewers also because this books tells
a true story about 5th grade children. A new girl moves into town and friendships grow.
We can all relate, right?
Confidence In order to ensure confidence in my viewers, I will facilitate self-
growth. I will do so by including that Leslie had courage and boldness to take-on a bunch
of guys in a racing tournament, but she did so without even thinking about it because she
had a sense of a courage in her soul.
Satisfaction In order to bring satisfaction to my viewers and ensure they will
be likely to read the book, I will conclude the trailer with a cliff-hanger to keep their
interest at a high. Jess does not realize how important Leslie is to him and what an
impact she has upon his life until a tragedy occurs. From this tragedy, Jess life changes
in ways he thought would be impossible.

2. Book Selection Bridge to Terabtihia. By Katherine Paterson. Newberry Medal Award.

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