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NAME_________________________ 2.

D 26th May 2017

1 Complete the questions with What, Whose, or Which.

1 _____ time does the train leave?
2 _____ one do you want the red one or the blue one?
3 _____ sort of food do you like?
4 _____ picture do you like best? Mine or Emmas?
5 _____ way do we go left or right?

2 Complete the questions with a noun from the box.

kind size nationality channel make
languages colour number

1 What _____ of music do you like? ~ Rock n roll.

2 What _____ shirt do you want? ~ Medium.
3 What _____ is your house? ~ 346.
4 What _____ is the football on? ~ BBC 1.
5 What _____ is Inge? ~ Swedish.
6 What _____ is your printer? ~ Hewlett Packard.
7 What _____ is your new car? ~ Blue.
8 What _____ do you speak? ~ French and Spanish.

3 Complete the questions with an adjective or adverb from the box.

well long frequently far much many fast big

1 How _______ did the journey take? ~ Over three hours.

2 How _______ are the rooms? ~ Theyre enormous.
3 How _______ do trains to York run? ~ Three every hour.
4 How _______ people came? ~ The room was only half full.
5 How _______ revision have you done? ~ Hardly any.
6 How _______ can you run? ~ Not very I get breathless.
7 How _______ do you speak English? ~ Im pretty fluent, actually.
8 How _______ is it from here to the centre? ~ About two miles.

4 Tick[] the correct question for each answer. Sometimes both are correct.
1 Whats your new job like? Its great.
__ Hows your new job?
2 __ Whats Edinburgh like? Its a beautiful city with a castle.
__ Hows Edinburgh?
3 __ What was John like? Great. He looked much better.
__ How was John?
4 __ What was your meal like? Fantastic. The best fish Ive ever had.
__ How was your meal?
5 __ What do you feel like? Not so good, actually.
__ How do you feel?

5 Cross out the words to make participle clauses.

1 The boy who is standing in the corner is James.
2 I like cars that are made in Japan.
3 Look at the clouds that are coming from the west!
4 I watched all the people who were hurrying to work.
5 I love food that is cooked on a barbecue.
6 I found a book that was written by my grandfather.
6 Complete the paragraphs with who, which, where, whose, or that. Where possible, leave
out the relative pronoun.
1 I received a letter this morning (1) _________ really upset me. An old friend (2) _________ I
have known all my life is critically ill. The operation (3) _________ he is having tomorrow will
hopefully save his life.
2 My next door neighbour is the only person I know (1) _________ children are well-mannered and

E8D< New
:C8JJ I live, most kids are impolite and
well-behaved. In the town (2) _________ badly behaved.
Personally, I think its the parents (3) _________ are to blame.
Jb`ccjk\jk( Intermediate
3 Yesterday, I bumped into an old friend (1) _________ is getting married FOURTH
soon. She metEDITION
her fianc
in the company (2) _________ she works. In fact, shes his boss!
3 N The first feeling most people experience in a
?dX[jm[[dmehbZi0Ykbjkh[i^eYa new country
8ck_fl^_^f`e^kfc`m\`eX]fi\`^eZflekipZXeY\Xe\oZ`k`e^ 4 N People who feel angry and impatient in the
X[m\ekli\#`kjjfd\k`d\jX[`]]`Zlck\og\i`\eZ\%<m\ipk_`e^`j new culture sometimes
e\nXe[[`]]\i\ek1Y`^k_`e^jc`b\k_\cXe^lX^\Xe[Zlckli\#Xe[ 5 N The stages are not experienced by everyone, as
j_fgg`e^feXJle[Xp%=\\c`e^XY`kflkf]ZfekifcZXedXb\pfl 6 N In the Honeymoon stage, people living in a
]\\c_\cgc\jj#Zfe]lj\[#Xe[]iljkiXk\[% new country

K_\i\Xi\ljlXccpj\m\iXcjkX^\jk_Xkpfl_Xm\kf^fk_ifl^_ 7 N Differences in the Honeymoon stage between

Y\]fi\pflZXe]\\cXk_fd\`epflie\n\em`ifed\ek%8]k\i the old and new culture
k_\`e`k`Xc\oZ`k\d\ekf]Xii`m`e^#i\Xc`kpZXedXb\pfl]\\c 8 N When people go through the Negotiation stage,
Xe^ipXe[`dgXk`\ek%PfldXp\m\eYcXd\pflie\n_fd\]fi they slowly
nfic[Y\kk\i#pfljkXikkf]\\cc\jjleZfd]fikXYc\#Xe[ 9 N When people start getting used to the new
\m\eklXccppflj\kkc\`e%Efk\m\ipfe\^f\jk_ifl^_Xcck_\j\ culture, they
jkX^\jXe[jfd\g\fgc\[fekjg\e[cfe^\efl^_`ek_\e\n 10 N Some people experience a reverse culture shock
11 N When people fail to get used to living in their
K_\?fe\pdffejkX^\1=`ijk#k_\[`]]\i\eZ\jY\kn\\ek_\fc[ new country, they
\oZ`k`e^Xe[nfe[\i]lc#Xe[k_\dfm\aljk]\\cjc`b\Xe a sometimes go back home before they intended to.
\ok\e[\[_fc`[XpXYifX[%Pfld`^_kcfm\kXjk`e^e\n[`j_\j# b when they go back to their old country.
\eafpk_\[`]]\i\ekgXZ\f]c`]\Xe[ZlckliXcZljkfdj#\m\ek_\ c is excitement.
nXpg\fgc\[i\jj[`]]\i\ekcp% d must move there permanently as its their home.
K_\E\^fk`Xk`fejkX^\1@kdXpkXb\X]\n]iljkiXk`e^[Xpj# e is exciting, but sometimes difficult.
n\\bj#fidfek_jkfXZZ\gkXcck_\[`]]\i\eZ\jY\kn\\ek_\fc[ f blame their new country.
Xe[e\nZlckli\%Jfd\g\fgc\jkXikkfd`jj]ff[k_\nXp`k`j g feel they are not in control.
gi\gXi\[YXZb_fd\#fk_\ij]`e[k_\cfZXcj[`]]\i\ek_XY`kj h get used to the differences in tastes, customs and
K_\8ZZ\gkXeZ\jkX^\18]\ndfi\n\\bjfidfek_j#Xe[pfl i are seen with positive feelings.
^\klj\[kfk_\e\nZlckli\Xe[[\m\cfgpfli\m\ip[Xpiflk`e\% j some only stay there for a short time.
9pk_`jgf`ek#pfl[fekk_`ebf]pflie\nZlckli\e\^Xk`m\cp k begin to find a routine for their normal lives.
l view their world as an exciting place.
K_\I\m\ij\:lckli\J_fZbjkX^\1@ife`ZXccp#n_\epfli\kliekf (fe_dji\eh[WY^Yehh[YjWdim[h  )' 
i\m\ij\#Xe[]`e[k_Xkpflefcfe^\i]\\cZfdgc\k\cpXk_fd\`e ) Match five of the underlined words to the definitions.
1 an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience
Jfd\g\fgc\n`cc^`m\lgkip`e^kf]\\cXk_fd\`ek_\`ie\n adventure
jflj\[kfk_\e\nnfic[k_Xkk_\pZ_ffj\kfjkXpk_\i\ 2 at the beginning ________
g\idXe\ekcpY\ZXlj\k_\pZXeefcfe^\ic`m\Xepn_\i\\cj\% 3 to enjoy or understand the value of ________
4 longer, increased ________
5 the usual order or way that you do things ________
( Read the article. Match sentence beginnings 111 with 6 for ever ________
endings al. There is one extra ending.
e Living in another country
1 N 'fe_dj\eh[WY^Yehh[YjWdim[h  ,
2 N S ometimes people feel confused and frustrated I\X[`e^kfkXc ),
when they

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