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No Question Answer

1 Cleft yang dibentuk sebelah lateral a. lacuna musculorum ?
ligamentum foveolaris, oleh ujung kauda b. annulus inguinalis superficialis
musculus transversus abdominis dan c. annulus inguinalis profunda
ligamentum inguinale d. annulus saphenous
e. annulus femoralis
2 Contoh hernia interna a. Hernia obturator
b. hernia ingunalis lateralis
c. hernia inguinalis medial
d. hernia perineal
e. hernia femoralis

- Hernia inguinalis lateral
- Hernia femoralis
- Hernia umbilicalis,
sikatrikalis, sciatic, petit,
spigelian, and perinialis
- Hernia obturatoria
- Hernia diafragmatica
- Hernia foramen winslowi
- Hernia ligament treit
3 Abdominocentesis hati hati kena arteri a. a. epigastrica inferior
(cabang a. femoralis, craniomedially, b. a. epigastrica superficialis
depan m. OEA) c. a. epigastrica superior

4 First line obat vibrio cholera a. erythromycin

b. ampicillin
c. amoxicillin
5 Varises anastomosis portocava yg a. Vena paraumbilicalis
menyebabkan caput medusa b. venae hemorrhoidales
c. venae esophageales
6 Cholecystitis dibawa right shoulder and a. n. phrenicus
7 Mc burney pain a. Acute appendicitis
b. acute pancreatitis

8 Fisiologi midgut herniation terjadi pada a. 6-9 weeks

week ke? b.6-10 weeks
c. 5-10 weeks
Lect 1.4 d. 4-10 weeks
e. 3-7 weeks
9 Megacolon congenital, disebabkan a. degeneration of submucosal
karena apa? plexus
Lectt 1.4 b. Gagal migration crista
10 Yang benar tentang congenital anomaly a. Caecum malrotation nyebabin
Lect 1.4 duodenal obstruction
b. peritoneum gagal fusi
menyebabkan volvulus

11 Nematode yang punya cephalic alae, no a. Enterobius vermicularis

systemic effect b. ascaris lumbricoides
c. trichuris trichiura
d. strongyloides
12 What could possibly cause the mans a. Calicivirus
illness b. rotavirus
Lect 1.7 c. astrovirus
Incubation period: 10-51 hours, followed by
d. adenovirus
abrupt onset of vomiting and diarrhea, a syndrome
clinically indistinguishable from that caused by
Acute onset vomiting and/or diarrhea
Watery, non-bloody stools
Abdominal cramps, nausea, low-grade
Most recover after 12-72 hours
10-12% seek medical attention; some
require hospitalization and fluid therapy
Severe disease occurs more frequently
among older adults, young children,
immunocompromised patients
30% of infections are asymptomatic
Virus shedding: Primarily in stool, but also in
13 Genome of Calicivirus a. ssRNA, positive sense
b. dsRNA
c. ssRNA, negative sense
d. DNA

Lect 1.7
14 Ujung tipis cacing masuk ke mucosa wall a. Rectal prolapse
dapat menyebabkan manifestasi berupa b. lofflers syndrome
15 Characteristic of somatic pain a. Diffuse pain
b. dull pain
Lect 1.5 c. sometimes difficult to localize
d.Due to parietal peritoneum
16 Urutan mekanisme peritonitis Ileus-strangulation-peronitis-
17 Penyebab peritonitis Ileus
In strangulated ileus, there will be
a vascular compromise which will
cause peritonitis and eventually
anal bleeding (melena,
18 Characteristic of strangulation pain Continuous
19 Acute abdominal pain Colicky pain due to mechanical
bowel obstruction
20 Heat-labile toxin ETEC didalam cell a. cAMP
dapat meningkatkan b. adenylate cyclase
Lect 1.6
21 Yang distimulasi oleh CTX vibrio cholera a. guanylyl cyclase
di dalam cell b. Adenylate cyclase
Lect 1.6
22 Antidiarrheal yang tidak boleh dipakai a. omeprazole
jika ada bacteria toxin b. Loperamide
23 Amoxicillin dipakai untuk H. pylori a. Destroy cell wall
memiliki fungsi untuk b. Inhibit protein synthesis
24 Characteristics of Giardia lambia a. Worldwide, poor sanitation in
b. infect large intestine
c. forming ulcers on intestinal wall
d. causing colitis
25 Protozoa that is the best at phase- a.Cryptosprodium
contrast media microscopic b. entamoeba hystolytica
c. giardia lamblia
d. balantidium coli
26 Virus yang menginfeksi di proximal a. calicivirus
duodenum and jejunum b. Rotavirus
c. adenovirus
d. astrovirus
e. CMV
27 Protozoa yang menyebabkan colitis, a. Balantidium coli
abdominal pain, bloody stool, also b. entamoeba histolytica
having micro and macro nucleus in its c. giardia lamblia
cyst d. cryptosporodium
28 Obat vibrio cholera a. Erythtromycin
b. metronidazole
c. ampicillin
29 Goal obesity in metabolic syndrome 5-10% in six month
30 No abdominal pain, mucus +, CEA: a. Chronic diarrhea
1.5ng, 3 weeks b.acute on chronic
c. subacute
d. acute
31 Taniae solium definitive host a. Pig
b. human
c. dog
32 Eating raw fish, cacing apa yang sering a. Diphylobotrium latum
infeksi b. D. caninum
c. hymenolepis nana
33 Gambar PA granuloma non caseosa, Crohns disease
chronic diarrhea

- Prolong diarrhea with abdominal
- With or without ross bleeding
- Weight loss
- fever
- Transmural inflammation
- Non-caseating granulomas
- Chronic mucosal damage
- Ulceration
34 Marker gastric cancer CA 72-4

Tumor Major Malignant

Marker Disease






35 Marker pancreatic cancer CA 19-9

36 Maltoma CD 20??

The immunophenotype of the neoplastic

cells of MALT lymphoma is virtually
identical to that of nonneoplastic
marginalzone B cells: CD20+, IgD,
IgM (>IgA>IgG)+, CD5, CD10, Bcl6,
cyclin D1.No specific
immunohistochemical marker has yet
been identified for MALT lymphoma, but
evaluation of a panel of immunostains is
necessary for assessment of the
architecture of the lymphoid infiltrate,
lineage assignment, identification of an
aberrant phenotype or immunoglobulin
lightchain restriction, and for the
exclusion of other lymphomas. The
presence of an extensive, dense,
diffuse infiltrate of CD20+ B cells
(with or without admixed CD3 T cells)
between glands and reactive follicles is
highly suggestive of lymphoma.
37 Cacing putih, kecil, egg shaped flattened a. Anal swab (karena itu telor
in one side, sample methodnya apa enterobius)
38 HCV characteristic Has RNA genome
39 Drooping lily Neuroblastoma suprarenal
40 Ciri-ciri orang peminum alcohol lalu a. AST
serum yang perlu dicek apa b. ALT
c. ALP
d. GGT
41 AST 120, ALT 138, ALP 800, normal a. Choledocholithiasis
blood count, ulcerative colitis history b. primary biliary
disease, ini sakit apa sclerosis/cholangitis(primary
scleroting cholangitis)
c. secondary biliary
42 Infeksi massive diphylobotrium latum Obstruksi intestinal
43 Simeticone mekanisme kerjanya apa a. Relieving abdominal pain
related with gas
b. kill h. pylori
44 Hormone yang increase uptake of Insulin

45 Virus yang menginfeksi pancreas jadi a. Mumps (slide)

acute pancreatitis b. Ascaris worms (kata dokter)
46 AST 120, ALT 138, ALP 800, normal Cholelithiasis
blood count, ulcerative colitis history
disease, penyebabnya apa
47 Gambar PA signet ring cell carcinoma, Leather bottle
tampakan makroskopisnya apa
48 Intussusepsi gambaran x-ray a. Coiled spring
b. Air fluid level
c. Single bubble
d. Double bubble
49 Semilunar shadow below right a. Perforasi GIT
diaphragm b. liver abscess
50 Leather bottle appearance Signet ring cell carcinoma
51 Yang bikin diarrhea a. morphine (dicek bener)
b. iron salts
c. omeprazole
d. scopolamine
e. atropine
52 Colon inloop, rectum ca gambarannya a. apple core
apa b. irregular cell
c. mucosa licin
53 Multi cyst, variable size from 3-4cm a. Autosomal dominant
filled with clear turbid hemorrhagic polycystic disease
flood. Parecnchymal not involved b. autosomal recessive
c. nephroblastoma
d. simple cyst
54 Di damaged glomerular, sedimen apa Dysmorphic erythrocyte
55 Normal cast in urine Hyaline cast
56 Tea-like urine, seminggu dirawat a. Confirmed antigen in blood
sembuh b. Screening HBV and HCV kalo mau
57 Hematuria, cast apa RBC cast
58 IVP setiap 5 menit liat apa a. nephrogram dan PCS
b. Bladder filling
59 Minimal change disease nephrotic a. normal complement C3 serum
syndrome, pernyataan yang benar apa level
b. occur in adolescence
c. glomerular damage
d. can cause hypertension and
60 Cek sekresi tubular ginjal PAH(ParaAminoHippuric acid
61 Sample urin didiemin 2 jam yang naik a. pH increased (breakdown
apa of urea to ammonia by bacterial
Workshop urease)
Changes in Unpreserved Urine b. glucose decreased
- urobilinogen decreased (glycolysis or bacterial use)
(oxidation to urobilin) c. bilirubin decreased
- Nitrite increased (change to (exposure to light or photo
nitrate to nitrite by nitrate oxidation)
producing bacteria) d. urobilinogen decreased
- RBC, WBC, cast decreased (oxidation to urobilin)
(disintergration) e. ketone decreased
Bacterial increased (volatilization and bacterial
(multiplication) metabolism)
62 liver injury, pernyataan yang benar Chronic liver injury damage the
63 Creatinine naik jadi 4.39 mg, dia minum Acute kidney injury
NSAID, baru 2 hari flank pain
64 Bacteria infeksi HIV paling mudah a. Mycobacterium TB
b. Streptococcus
c. bacillus
65 Opportunistic pathogen Non-pathogen microorganism but if
the immunocompromised, it can
66 Intracellular bacteria yang nyerang Listeria monocytogene
67 Concentration yang dibutuhkan 50% a. EC50
efek maksimal b. Emax
68 Quantify drug-receptor relationship a. affinity
b. log scale
c. dose-response curve
d. efficacy
e. dissociation constanta (kd)

69 Yang menggambarkan event setelah a. intrinsic activity

drug binding sama receptor b. signal transduction
70 Non-alcholic fatty liver disease, a. Heterotropic activity
pernyataan yang benar b. single hit tryglyceride
c. accumulation lipid from muscle
d. insulin resistence causing

71 Criteria metabolic syndrome a. 2 hours after glucose

challenge 180 mg/dl
b. triglyceride 140mg/dl
c. cholesterol 190 mg/dl
d. blood pressure 130/80
72 Marker of acute pancreatitis Elevated lipase
73 Ca colon x-ray appearance Apple core appearance
74 Cancer paling sering di bladder Urothelial Cell Carcinoma
- The most common type of
bladder cancer (M:F = 5:2)
75 Lipid laden cell in renal Clear renal cell carcinoma
76 Batu tersering Ca oxalate

The majority of stones: 70-80%,

are composed mainly of : Ca-
oxalate crystals; the rest are
composed of :
Ca-phosphate salts, uric acid,
struvite (Mg-NH4-phosphate), or
the amino acid cystine.

77 How does Vitamin A prevent formation By forming Uropontin

of ca oxalate

78 Why does Vitamin C can cause possible Excessive amount will be converted
formation of renal stone into oxalate
79 Pre-operative CEA 3.0 ng/dl, post- a. Some tumor not dissected
operative CEA 1.5 ng/dl b. malignancy recurrence
80 Laxative agent used in elders a.lactulose
b. methyl cellulose
c. senna
81 Kenapa dipake rectal suppository di a. For unconscious
febrile seizure b. Faster absorption than syrup
82 Oral drops kenapa di bayi Karena cuma butuh dose yang kecil
83 Reabsorpsi aktif di tubulus proximal a.protein
b.asam amino
e. Cl
84 Advantages capsule a. Cover unpleasant taste and
smell of drug
b. Easier to swallow
85 Proteinuria, penyebab? a. henoch-scholein purpura
b. acute tubulus necrosis
22 Mekanisme yang menyerupai IgA nephropathy nephritic jg bisa
proteinuria pada nephrotic adalah proteinuria
Glomerulonephritis Bergers disease
Goodpasture: IgG
86 Causing bloody diarrhea and renal a. EHEC
failure b. EIEC
87 Ca paling sering di vesica felea a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Lymphoma

88 AST naik habis itu normal. ALT naik habis a. Hepatitis a

itu normal. ALP and GGT keep b. hepatitis b
increasing. Bilirubin negative c hepatitis c
urobilinogen positive d hepatitis d
e hepatitis e
89 Paling sering ditemukan di chronic a. Bridging necrosis, and portal
hepatitis b fibrosis
b. Portal necrosis
90 Tampakan cirrhosis Fatty infiltration with lymphocyte is
considered as precursor lesion
91 Ca colon dan metas, terus ke hepar, jadi a. ALP increase
hepatomegaly , no jaundice, serum b. Decrease ALT
marker? c. Decrease AST
d. Decrease albumin
e. Increase bilirubin
92 To determine nature hepatitis C virus a. its precursor lesion of
b. ALT and AST not in accordance
93 Pernyataan yang benar mengenai liver a. inflammation activating
fibrosis trigger fibrosis resolution
b. death cell deactivating
c. involving parenchyma
94 Drug causing acute liver injury a. Paracetamol
b. erythromycin
c. corticosteroid
95 Yang benar tentang creatinine Creatinine clearance better than
urea clearance

96 Yang kuning sclera, acute liver injury a. coagulopathy

b. jaundice, coagulopathy,
c. jaundice sama encephalopathy
d. jaundice ALT AST
97 Hepatitis yang diturunkan dr ibu ke anak a. HBeAg
b. HBsAg
c. HBcAg
d. HBxAg
98 Genome HBV diproduksi di a. Nucleus
b. RE
c. cytosol
d. cytoplasma
99 The mechanism of misoprostol To replace endogenous
Replacement for endogenous prostaglandin
Inhibit gastric acid secretions, both basal
and in response to food, histamine,
pentagastrine and caffein (direct action
on the parietal cell)
Increase mucosal bloodflow & augment
the secretion of mucus and bicarbonate
Prevention of ulcers induced by the
administration of NSAIDs (NSAIDs
s.e.: dose dependent diarrhea, uterine

10 Grades dari colorectal carcinoma based Tubular and papilary

0 on

1. Which one of these statements is correct regarding pathology of hepatitis

= histopathology examination is more reliable to assess the liver
condition rather than serologic examination
2. Which one of following neoplasm is most common malignancy type in vesica
felea ?
= adenocarcinoma
3. One of these statements is correct regarding pathology of liver cirrhosis ?
= fatty infiltration with lymphocyte is considered as a precursor
4. This following statement is true for pathology of liver transplantation =
= liver transplant is strongly needed in allagile syndrome
5. Which one of the following statements is presented in chronic hepatitis B
= bridging necrosis and portal fibrosis are frequently observed
6. Which one of following virus cause hepatitis infection that classified as DNA
virus :
7. What is the originally cell of cholangiocarcinoma ?
= epithelial of bile duct
8. Which one of following modality of examination that will present a proper
diagnosis of hepatoma accurately :
= Biopsy
9. Microscopically, fibrous band separate the liver lobus into two small lobuli,
without central vein, is found in this lesion :
= liver cirrhosis
10.Which one of the following viral is considered as non hepatotropic

No Question Answer
1 Cleft yang dibentuk sebelah lateral a. lacuna musculorum ?
ligamentum foveolaris, oleh ujung kauda b. annulus inguinalis superficialis
musculus transversus abdominis dan c. annulus inguinalis profunda
ligamentum inguinale d. annulus saphenous
e. annulus femoralis
2 Contoh hernia interna a. Hernia obturator
b. hernia ingunalis lateralis
c. hernia inguinalis medial
d. hernia perineal
e. hernia femoralis

- Hernia inguinalis lateral medial
- Hernia femoralis
- Hernia umbilicalis, sikatrikalis,
sciatic, petit, spigelian, and
- Hernia obturatoria
- Hernia diafragmatica
- Hernia foramen winslowi
- Hernia ligament treit
3 Abdominocentesis hati hati kena arteri a. a. epigastrica inferior
(cabang a. femoralis, craniomedially, b. a. epigastrica superficialis
depan m. OEA) c. a. epigastrica superior

4 First line obat vibrio cholera a. erythromycin

b. ampicillin
c. amoxicillin
5 Varises anastomosis portocava yg a. Vena paraumbilicalis
menyebabkan caput medusa b. venae hemorrhoidales
c. venae esophageales
6 Cholecystitis dibawa right shoulder and a. n. phrenicus
7 Mc burney pain a. Acute appendicitis
b. acute pancreatitis

8 Fisiologi midgut herniation terjadi pada a. 6-9 weeks

week ke? b.6-10 weeks
c. 5-10 weeks
Lect 1.4 d. 4-10 weeks
e. 3-7 weeks
9 Megacolon congenital, disebabkan a. degeneration of submucosal plexus
karena apa? b. Gagal migration crista neuralis
Lectt 1.4
10 Yang benar tentang congenital anomaly a. Caecum malrotation nyebabin
Lect 1.4 duodenal obstruction
b. peritoneum gagal fusi menyebabkan

11 Nematode yang punya cephalic alae, no a. Enterobius vermicularis

systemic effect b. ascaris lumbricoides
c. trichuris trichiura
d. strongyloides
12 What could possibly cause the mans a. Calicivirus
illness b. rotavirus
Lect 1.7 c. astrovirus
Incubation period: 10-51 hours, followed by
abrupt onset of vomiting and diarrhea, a syndrome d. adenovirus
clinically indistinguishable from that caused by
Acute onset vomiting and/or diarrhea
Watery, non-bloody stools
Abdominal cramps, nausea, low-grade
Most recover after 12-72 hours
10-12% seek medical attention; some
require hospitalization and fluid therapy
Severe disease occurs more frequently
among older adults, young children,
immunocompromised patients
30% of infections are asymptomatic
Virus shedding: Primarily in stool, but also in
13 Genome of Calicivirus a. ssRNA, positive sense
b. dsRNA
c. ssRNA, negative sense
d. DNA

Lect 1.7
14 Ujung tipis cacing masuk ke mucosa wall a. Rectal prolapse
dapat menyebabkan manifestasi berupa b. lofflers syndrome
15 Characteristic of somatic pain a. Diffuse pain
b. dull pain
Lect 1.5 c. sometimes difficult to localize
d.Due to parietal peritoneum
16 Urutan mekanisme peritonitis Ileus-strangulation-peronitis-
17 Penyebab peritonitis Ileus
In strangulated ileus, there will be
a vascular compromise which will
cause peritonitis and eventually
anal bleeding (melena,
18 Characteristic of strangulation pain Continuous
19 Acute abdominal pain Colicky pain due to mechanical bowel
20 Heat-labile toxin ETEC didalam cell a. cAMP
dapat meningkatkan b. adenylate cyclase
Lect 1.6
21 Yang distimulasi oleh CTX vibrio cholera a. guanylyl cyclase
di dalam cell b. Adenylate cyclase
Lect 1.6
22 Antidiarrheal yang tidak boleh dipakai a. omeprazole
jika ada bacteria toxin b. Loperamide
23 Amoxicillin dipakai untuk H. pylori a. Destroy cell wall
memiliki fungsi untuk b. Inhibit protein synthesis
24 Characteristics of Giardia lambia a. Worldwide, poor sanitation in children
b. infect large intestine
c. forming ulcers on intestinal wall
d. causing colitis
25 Protozoa that is the best at phase- a.Cryptosprodium
contrast media microscopic
b. entamoeba hystolytica
c. giardia lamblia
d. balantidium coli
26 Virus yang menginfeksi di proximal a. calicivirus
duodenum and jejunum b. Rotavirus
c. adenovirus
d. astrovirus
e. CMV
27 Protozoa yang menyebabkan colitis, a. Balantidium coli
abdominal pain, bloody stool, also b. entamoeba histolytica
having micro and macro nucleus in its c. giardia lamblia
cyst d. cryptosporodium
28 Obat vibrio cholera a. Erythtromycin
b. metronidazole
c. ampicillin
29 Goal obesity in metabolic syndrome 5-10% in six month
30 No abdominal pain, mucus +, CEA: a. Chronic diarrhea
1.5ng, 3 weeks b.acute on chronic
c. subacute
d. acute
31 Taniae solium definitive host a. Pig
b. human
c. dog
32 Eating raw fish, cacing apa yang sering a. Diphylobotrium latum
infeksi b. D. caninum
c. hymenolepis nana
33 Gambar PA granuloma non caseosa, Crohns disease
chronic diarrhea

- Prolong diarrhea with abdominal
- With or without ross bleeding
- Weight loss
- fever
- Transmural inflammation
- Non-caseating granulomas
- Chronic mucosal damage
- Ulceration
34 Marker gastric cancer CA 72-4

Tumor Major Malignant

Marker Disease






35 Marker pancreatic cancer CA 19-9

36 Maltoma CD 20??

The immunophenotype of the neoplastic

cells of MALT lymphoma is virtually
identical to that of nonneoplastic
marginalzone B cells: CD20+, IgD,
IgM (>IgA>IgG)+, CD5, CD10, Bcl6,
cyclin D1.No specific
immunohistochemical marker has yet
been identified for MALT lymphoma, but
evaluation of a panel of immunostains is
necessary for assessment of the
architecture of the lymphoid infiltrate,
lineage assignment, identification of an
aberrant phenotype or immunoglobulin
lightchain restriction, and for the
exclusion of other lymphomas. The
presence of an extensive, dense,
diffuse infiltrate of CD20+ B cells
(with or without admixed CD3 T cells)
between glands and reactive follicles is
highly suggestive of lymphoma.
37 Cacing putih, kecil, egg shaped flattened a. Anal swab (karena itu telor enterobius)
in one side, sample methodnya apa
38 HCV characteristic Has RNA genome
39 Drooping lily Neuroblastoma suprarenal
40 Ciri-ciri orang peminum alcohol lalu a. AST
serum yang perlu dicek apa b. ALT
c. ALP
d. GGT
41 AST 120, ALT 138, ALP 800, normal a. Choledocholithiasis
blood count, ulcerative colitis history b. primary biliary
disease, ini sakit apa sclerosis/cholangitis(primary scleroting
c. secondary biliary sclerosis/cholangitis
42 Infeksi massive diphylobotrium latum Obstruksi intestinal
43 Simeticone mekanisme kerjanya apa a. Relieving abdominal pain related with
b. kill h. pylori
44 Hormone yang increase uptake of Insulin

45 Virus yang menginfeksi pancreas jadi a. Mumps (slide)

acute pancreatitis b. Ascaris worms (kata dokter)
46 AST 120, ALT 138, ALP 800, normal cholelithiasis
blood count, ulcerative colitis history
disease, penyebabnya apa
47 Gambar PA signet ring cell carcinoma, Leather bottle
tampakan makroskopisnya apa
48 Intussusepsi gambaran x-ray a. Coiled spring
b. Air fluid level
c. Single bubble
d. Double bubble
49 Semilunar shadow below right a. Perforasi GIT
diaphragm b. liver abscess
50 Leather bottle appearance Signet ring cell carcinoma
51 Yang bikin diarrhea a. morphine (dicek bener)
b. iron salts
c. omeprazole
d. scopolamine
e. atropine
52 Colon inloop, rectum ca gambarannya a. apple core
apa b. irregular cell
c. mucosa licin
53 Multi cyst, variable size from 3-4cm a. Autosomal dominant polycystic disease
filled with clear turbid hemorrhagic b. autosomal recessive
flood. Parecnchymal not involved c. nephroblastoma
d. simple cyst
54 Di damaged glomerular, sedimen apa Dysmorphic erythrocyte
55 Normal cast in urine Hyaline cast
56 Tea-like urine, seminggu dirawat a. Confirmed antigen in blood
sembuh b. Screening HBV and HCV kalo mau
57 Hematuria, cast apa RBC cast
58 IVP setiap 5 menit liat apa a. nephrogram dan PCS
b. Bladder filling
59 Minimal change disease nephrotic a. normal complement C3 serum level
syndrome, pernyataan yang benar apa b. occur in adolescence
c. glomerular damage
d. can cause hypertension and hematuria
60 Cek sekresi tubular ginjal PAH
61 Sample urin didiemin 2 jam yang naik a. pH increased (breakdown of urea to
apa ammonia by bacterial urease)
b. glucose decreased (glycolysis or
Changes in Unpreserved Urine bacterial use)
- urobilinogen decreased
c. bilirubin decreased (exposure to
(oxidation to urobilin)
light or photooxidation)
- Nitrite increased (change to
d. urobilinogen decreased (oxidation
nitrate to nitrite by nitrate
producing bacteria) to urobilin)
- RBC, WBC, cast decreased e. ketone decreased (volatilization and
(disintergration) bacterial metabolism)
Bacterial increased
62 liver injury, pernyataan yang benar Chronic liver injury damage the
63 Creatinine naik jadi 4.39 mg, dia minum Acute kidney injury
NSAID, baru 2 hari flank pain
64 Bacteria infeksi HIV paling mudah a. Mycobacterium TB
b. Streptococcus
c. bacillus
65 Opportunistic pathogen Non-pathogen microorganism but if the
immunocompromised, it can infect
66 Intracellular bacteria yang nyerang Listeria monocytogene
67 Concentration yang dibutuhkan 50% a. EC50
efek maksimal b. Emax
68 Quantify drug-receptor relationship a. affinity
b. log scale
c. dose-response curve
d. efficacy
e. dissociation constanta (kd)

69 Yang menggambarkan event setelah a. intrinsic activity

drug binding sama receptor b. signal transduction
70 Non-alcholic fatty liver disease, a. Heterotropic activity
pernyataan yang benar b. single hit tryglyceride accumulation
c. accumulation lipid from muscle
d. insulin resistence causing lipolysis

71 Criteria metabolic syndrome a. 2 hours after glucose challenge 180

b. triglyceride 140mg/dl
c. cholesterol 190 mg/dl
d. blood pressure 130/80
72 Marker of acute pancreatitis Elevated lipase
73 Ca colon x-ray appearance Apple core appearance
74 Cancer paling sering di bladder Urothelial Cell Carcinoma
- The most common type of
bladder cancer (M:F = 5:2)
75 Lipid laden cell in renal Clear renal cell carcinoma
76 Batu tersering Ca oxalate

The majority of stones: 70-80%,

are composed mainly of : Ca-
oxalate crystals; the rest are
composed of :
Ca-phosphate salts, uric acid,
struvite (Mg-NH4-phosphate), or
the amino acid cystine.

77 How does Vitamin A prevent formation By forming Uropontin

of ca oxalate

78 Why does Vitamin C can cause possible Excessive amount will be converted into
formation of renal stone oxalate
79 Pre-operative CEA 3.0 ng/dl, post- a. Some tumor not dissected
operative CEA 1.5 ng/dl b. malignancy recurrence
80 Laxative agent used in elders a.lactulose
b. methyl cellulose
c. senna
81 Kenapa dipake rectal suppository di a. For unconscious
febrile seizure b. Faster absorption than syrup
82 Oral drops kenapa di bayi Karena cuma butuh dose yang kecil
83 Reabsorpsi aktif di tubulus proximal a.protein
b.asam amino
e. Cl
84 Advantages capsule a. Cover unpleasant taste and smell of
b. Easier to swallow
85 Proteinuria, penyebab? a. henoch-scholein purpura
b. acute tubulus necrosis
22 Mekanisme yang menyerupai IgA nephropathy nephritic jg bisa
proteinuria pada nephrotic adalah proteinuria
Glomerulonephritis Bergers disease
Goodpasture: IgG
86 Causing bloody diarrhea and renal a. EHEC
failure b. EIEC
87 Ca paling sering di vesica felea a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Lymphoma

88 AST naik habis itu normal. ALT naik habis a.hepatitis a

itu normal. ALP and GGT keep b. hepatitis b
increasing. Bilirubin negative c hepatitis c
urobilinogen positive d hepatitis d
e hepatitis e
89 Paling sering ditemukan di chronic a. Bridging necrosis, and portal fibrosis
hepatitis b b. Portal necrosis
90 Tampakan cirrhosis Fatty infiltration with lymphocyte is
considered as precursor lesion
91 Ca colon dan metas, terus ke hepar, jadi a. ALP increase
hepatomegaly , no jaundice, serum b. Decrease ALT
marker? c. Decrease AST
d. Decrease albumin
e. Increase bilirubin
92 To determine nature hepatitis C virus a. its precursor lesion of cirrhosis
b. ALT and AST not in accordance
93 Pernyataan yang benar mengenai liver a. inflammation activating trigger fibrosis
fibrosis resolution
b. death cell deactivating inflammation
c. involving parenchyma
94 Drug causing acute liver injury a. Paracetamol
b. erythromycin
c. corticosteroid
95 Yang benar tentang creatinine Creatinine clearance better than urea

96 Yang kuning sclera, acute liver injury a. coagulopathy

b. jaundice, coagulopathy,
c. jaundice sama encephalopathy
d. jaundice ALT AST
97 Hepatitis yang diturunkan dr ibu ke anak a. HBeAg
b. HBsAg
c. HBcAg
d. HBxAg
98 Genome HBV diproduksi di a. Nucleus
b. RE
c. cytosol
d. cytoplasma
99 The mechanism of misoprostol To replace endogenous prostaglandin
Replacement for endogenous
Inhibit gastric acid secretions, both basal
and in response to food, histamine,
pentagastrine and caffein (direct action
on the parietal cell)
Increase mucosal bloodflow & augment
the secretion of mucus and bicarbonate
Prevention of ulcers induced by the
administration of NSAIDs (NSAIDs
s.e.: dose dependent diarrhea, uterine

10 Grades dari colorectal carcinoma based Tubular and papilary

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