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OS ee Page | of 1 State of New Yk Gini Coe Stone New eng. NE 50°01 212)428.2100 sk Marke BY HAND AND ELECTRONIC IAN, Hon, Leia DAs Dea Judge Asti has come to my aitention thu, etter voday, the Rochester City Court ised a bench nt for your artes fo filure tn comply with court oer ara! failure wo appear in cour It his ao come to my altention that, inthe couse of court prasesaings eater todty, your attomey stove on the recor! that you have been it Thaiknd singe early May, and have no pans to rerun ‘o the Unive States until August. We fave no cord oa requust fr or notice of anu leave hsing his perio This conduet appenrs grossly at odds with he rules of judicial condue, and may eons the voluntary absndanient of public office In light ofthese facts, 1 direct yo to eport to the administrative ofies ofthe Hon. Calg J. Doran, Adhinistative Judge of the Sev Judie District, foe further adminetrative instaction, at 9 9. on Monday, June 5. 4 lure ws so report ia ttnsly fashion wil be dcr serious breach OF your judicial responses, Very uly yours, © Hon, Michiel, Cueeorn Hon. Craig 1, Bor Edward (. Piandach, Fs (by han ad eletroni mail) htips://html -Escribdassets.comy/ I Sb9g4giv4S w98bbvimages!| -{8c045d07a,jpg 5/31/2017

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