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Take a look around the world we live in today. Its filled with different

technologically convoluted devices. The use of technology has been extended

not only for business processes but also for government processes, resulting for

an easier transaction. With these advance technologies, a mere click on the

computer can complete important processes of an organization or a department.

While these technological advances are speeding along, some people believe

that they are greatly impeding the promotion of emotional and psychological

integrity among humans.

The Department of Education Regional Office V serves as a principle for a

walk-through to its unwavering movement to provide its-goal for quality education

that develops the passion for the country that is strengthened and supported by a

set of core values.

It is a living document that is meant to vitalize their Agency and out society

as a whole. It is meant to suffuse and influence the way they comport and how

they find solutions to complex issues. People in offices used to do their work

manually especially on paper works that would lead them use so much of their

time working on the papers. But when the Information Technology was

introduced to the society, organizations were able to do their task more accurate

and productive. Automation of the manual processes leads to the increase of

productivity and efficiency.

For the past years in Department of Education, Inventory and Monitoring

of supplies and equipment is hard for the person in charge to store and keep

track for the supplies and equipment because it is done manually. Actual count of

items is one at a time counted but with automated system, actual count of items

coming in and out will be monitored real time.

The issue they are facing now is that, the office needed an accurate and

automated inventory system which will provide a quick, efficient and reliable

results so as to maximize time lessen errors due to human intervention for their

supplies and equipment management. The problem that they encounter was data

inaccuracy and they cannot track equipment in their office if it was transferred

and its current status. And they said that some of the items are misplaced and

are not counted in their inventory.

The Procurement process. A certain department or an employee requests

an item from the supply section. The system will generate a fill up form where

each employee can request their desired equipment or supply. Once they have

filled up the necessary information on the form, their request will be sent to the

administrator for its approval and if it is approved then it will be pass to the supply

officer for issuance. Once the transaction was done the system will now make a

printable output for a hard copy reference of the items requested by a certain

department or employee. The Procurement process contains the date of each

transaction like when the item was requested, acquired, released and received.

Inventory, specially referring to supplies and equipment, is basically a

systematized way of storing resources within a certain unit or department. It is

basically a process of keeping track of any kind of supplies and equipment,

depending on the departments needs.

Monitoring, this is a system that will monitor the moving supplies or

equipment, where it is designated and what its current status. Monitoring is one

of the primarily activities in an agency, departments and an organization because

this help the business improve their performance or operations in collecting and

storing the needed information.

This study aims to develop a system for the Department of Education

Regional Office V that will automate the transactions inside the Supply Office

Department. This include a procurement, inventory and supply monitoring system

for accurate and faster transactions. Because of this, the system aims to reduce

the time of work of employees and they will be more updated on statuses of their

supply. They will able to track every supply transaction done.

The Procurement, Inventory and Supply Monitoring system aimed to

provide a reliable, accurate and secured information system that will help the

regional office doing the task efficiently. The system will manage all transaction

and processes in the supply office department of the DepEd RO V. Furthermore,

the system will be designed to meet the clients expectations through eliminating

most problems that the office faces.


Research Objectives

General Objective

This study aims to develop a procurement, inventory and supply

monitoring system that would manage various supplies of DepEd RO V.

Specific Objectives

1. To develop a procurement system that will ease the process of requesting

supplies and equipment of every department.

2. To create an inventory system that will monitor and update the status of

supplies and equipment that are currently used in each Office Department.
3. To develop a system that will keep track of the issued and transferred

4. To generate necessary reports for procurement, inventory and supply

5. To evaluate the developed system using ISO/IEC 9126-1 using the

following quality characteristics:

a. Functionality
b. Reliability
c. Usability
d. Efficiency
e. Maintainability
f. Portability

Scope and Delimitations of the System

This study aims to develop a Procurement, Inventory and Supply

Monitoring system for Department of Education Regional Office V. This research


will focus on transactions, operations and processes done in the supply and

equipment section of the office.

These are the features of Procurement. When a certain department or

employee request an item from the supply division, the system will generate a fill

up form where each employee can request their desired equipment or supply.

When they filled up the form with its necessary information, the system will sent

the request to the supply officer to check if the stocks are available. The system

will notify if the quantity reaches its lowest limit. There will be acquisition feature

in the procurement, if there are no stocks available in supply division, the system

will generate a purchase request form to be filled up and wait for the approval of

regional director. If the request was approved the system will post the approval

for acquiring supply or equipment. The posting feature also includes publishing of

statuses of the request and supplier details. When the items arrived, it will be

recorded in the inventory and generates necessary sticker for each item. There

will be a Property Acknowledgement Receipt if the item will be released by the

supply officer and indicates who receives and issues the item. The Procurement

process contains the date of each transaction like when the item was requested,

acquired, released and received.

The Inventory system will cover all office supplies and ICT equipment. The

system will monitor the available stocks of each item. It can add, update and

delete an item from the stocks. Each equipment has their own depreciation

value. There will be a notification when the quantity of a single item reaches the

lowest limit. It will also contain the date requested by an employee and when the

supply was received.

Additionally, the system will also keep track of items transferred from the

supply or its current place to where it will be designated. Moreover, it will check

the status of each items from time to time.

Furthermore, the system will generate necessary reports with its annual

and monthly physical counts of inventories for Supply and ICT equipment.

However, the bidding process will not be included in the development of

the system because the Department of Education has its own centralize bidding

complex wherein it was monitored by the main office of DepEd. This will only

focus on the supply department which primarily supervises the overall

procurement, inventory and supply monitoring transactions.

The study entitled Procurement Inventory and Monitoring System target

to give a reliable, accurate and secured information system that will help

Department of Education in doing of their task efficiently. The proposed system

will manage all major transaction in the ICT department of Department of

Education. Additionally, the system will be designed to meet the clients

suggestions and expectations.

Significance of the Research


This study aims to develop a procurement, inventory and supply

monitoring system that monitor all the supplies for DepEd Region V to make

every transaction automated.

Department of Education ICT Department. The result of this study will

help the ICT Department in terms of transactions and to generate easier and

faster of reports.

Employees. The proposed system can lessen the work load of every

employee in the department and errors due to human intervention.

Supply Section. The system will help them in storing and monitoring their

current status of the supplies and equipment wherein they can manage inventory

more accurate and efficient.

Researchers. This study will give additional learning to the development

group as well as improve their critical thinking and decision making ability.

Future Researchers. Findings of this study would be helpful to future

researchers for they can use this as a reference if they are planning to conduct

the same study.

Definition of Terms

Procurement. Is the act of acquiring, buying goods, services or works

from an external source, often via a tendering or bid process. It is favorable that

the goods, services or works are appropriate and that they are procured at the

best possible cost to meet the needs of the acquirer in terms of quality and

quantity, time, and location.

Inventory System. Inventory management is a science primarily about

specifying the shape and percentage of stocked goods. It is required at different

locations within a facility or within many locations of a supply network to precede

the regular and planned course of production and stock of materials.

Supply Monitoring. Generally, a monitoring system is used for the

observing of persons or objects on the move and supplying a timely ordered

sequence of respective location data to a model e.g. capable to serve for

depicting the motion on a display capability.

System. Assembly of a computer hardware, software and peripherals

which are systematically functioning together.

Supplies. Materials and/or goods available on stock.


Malakooti, Behnam (2013). Operations and Production Systems with Multiple
Objectives. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-118-58537-5.



This chapter presents the related literature and studies that helped the

researchers in the conduct of the study. It provides an understanding of the

aspects of the people that are critical essential to the study and I is intended to

establish anchors to software development.

Related Literature

According to Dosi, a Procurement refers to the buying or purchasing of a

product, a material good or an intangible service. In the case of goods, at least,

the product may be either a discrete product or a whole system. Procurement in

this context can be defined along two dimensions; private/ public and regular/

innovative. The former dimension obviously specifies whether the purchaser is a

private firm or a public agency. In the latter dimension, regular procurement

denotes that the procurement concerns ready-made already existing products

whose characteristics are well known or can be readily ascertained.

Over the years, public procurement has sometimes been used to

accomplish a variety of policy objectives: to increase overall demand, stimulate

economic activity and create employment; to protect domestic firms from foreign

competition; to improve competitiveness among domestic firms by enticing

national champions to perform R&D activities; to remedy regional disparities;

and to create jobs for marginal sections of the labour force.

According to Wanida Jongsuwanrak, Sameer Prasad and Sunil Babbar,

this survey-based research identifies the different inventory models in use by

multinationals operating in Thailand. Unlike many of the newly industrialized

countries, Thailand has received relatively less attention in the international

operations management literature. This article highlights key factors affecting the

type of inventory systems implemented in Thailand, which can be of value to

developing countries making the transition into newly industrialized ones. This

study shows that inventory systems in Thailand are affected by the type of

production, location of the multinationals' headquarters, demands, supply base,

and the extent to which materials were either exported or imported.

McCrudden (2004) discusses procurement initiatives addressing social

goals that took place in the 19th century. For example, in 1840, the US president

Martin Van Buren issued an executive order that established the 10-hours

working day for those working under certain government contracts. Similar

initiatives were also made in Europe, in particular France and the UK. The same

author even states that it is not too much of an exaggeration to say that modern

procurement systems evolved alongside the development of the welfare State,

and it is hardly surprising that the former was used in part to underpin the goals

of the latter. Of particular interest here is the use of public technology

procurement as an innovation policy instrument, i.e. as a means of developing

new technologies. This use of public technology procurement can be of

significant importance in creating competitive advantages for European firms and

the EU as a whole. One special area where public procurement may have a

significant role in the future concerns environmental issues and the increasingly

demand for sustainable technologies. There are numerous historical examples

that demonstrate the potential of public technology procurement as a demand

side instrument for innovation policy. Sweden in particular offers many examples

of innovative procurement collaboration occurring through the interaction

between public agencies and private firms.

Gerard Chick (who recently contributed a post to Procurement Leaders on

the topic). One suggestion that Gerard offers to adapt to the current paradigm of

individual knowledge workers in our view all too often working on indirectly

hoarding knowledge rather than leveraging systems and processes to share it

is to develop a mind-set of theory-informed practice by analyzing data from

your organization and your networks and using analytics and big data for

innovation, competitive advantage, and productivity. Best practice databases

tend to lead you to rely on what you learned in the past.

This concept of using data more proactively than relying on the best

practice database as Gerard terms it ties directly to a talk I gave last Friday at an

ISM conference focusing on whats next in risk management. In my talk, I shared

the term 3 Ps no, were not talking about the marketing Ps that I thought

were defining the future of best practice: predictive, proactive, and prescriptive.

As Gerard observes, the biggest danger around knowledge management is

simply collecting data for datas sake. Rather, we must think beyond data

collection and prioritize the visualization, presentation, and predictive nature of

what individual and combined elements in a broader data set can tell usas

opposed to relying on increasing information loads to query what weve learned

in the past.

It has also been shown that public agencies can act as competent

technology procurers and play a significant role in creating multinational firms

(Palmberg, 2002). In the case of the development of the telecom sector in the

Nordic countries, some authors have referred to development pairs. This notion

is used to capture the multiplex long term relations such as those that existed

between Ericsson and Nokia and their respective national public telecom

operators. These relations have played an important role in promoting innovation

in the Nordic telecommunication sector. In both these companies histories, public

agencies have played an important role as sophisticated users. In some stages,

the public agency actually insisted that technical development should be carried

out, whereas the corresponding private counterpart hesitated.

Cerquit Solutions, Inc. is a Philippine-based technology company.

Effective Inventory management is made possible with the aid of Cerquit

Inventory System. This system is originally integrated into the full blown Cerquit

Accounting Suite but can work stand alone, tailored-fit depending on clients

specification. It is highly customizable varying on the type of business that it is

set to be of use, with the system layout based on the clients current procedural

framework and added features that would help improve operational efficiency.

Cerquit Inventory System can be integrated to our Cerquit Financial Suite to

streamline your business process and improve efficiency of your employees.

In this study conducted by Ariel Magat (2002), he stated that the Inventory

System of the vital to any institution, agency, or department. The proper

safekeeping, processing and disposal of records play important roles in the

efficient, effective and smooth operation that eventually would lead to the

success attainment of the goal and objectives of institution, agency and

department concerned. Based on her recommendation there should be a central

record management office that will hold data of the agency to serve as locator of

the record and to control the disposal of each record. This can be possible

through the use of computerized system. Computer with the appropriate software

package is capable of handling records efficiently and effectively. And locating

records that are computerized is faster than finding them in the filling cabinet.

The usual approach to replenishment at each step in the chain has been

for the manufacturer to place an order with the supplier. Typically, there would be

no early warning signals on requirements from the customer and thus the

supplier would have to hold inventory in the form of safety stocks as a buffer

against this uncertainty. Likewise, the customer would also carry safety stocks on

the same items to safeguard against the possibility of none-supply. The result of

this conventional approach were higher levels of inventory in the chain and

paradoxically lower levels of customer satisfaction and responsiveness. Through

this inventory system software, suppliers can offer their customers a value added

service by performing the replenishment planning task for their business

partners. Besides giving the supplier increased visibility into actual demand, it

also recognizes that suppliers often may have more knowledge and control over

the logistical processes involved. By increasing visibility into actual demand as

well as inventory levels. This allows suppliers to make better decisions on how to

deploy goods across various customers locations, which leads to increased

customer service levels, lower transportation costs, reduced inventory levels and

lower sales cost.

Based on ProInfinity IT solutions Company, The Inventory Management

System (IMS) manages different products, quantities, prices, product history,

products description, supplier's price, purchase orders and other related

documents. This system successfully organizes and keeps track of the inventory

of consumable supplies and materials assigned to the employees in the

organization. The Inventory Management System designed in the Philippines

aims to provide a fast and easier way to monitor the movement of your stock of

goods. Its covers item entry, releasing of items, inventory adjustment, transferring

of goods from one warehouse to another and production.

The Sahana Eden based Relief Goods Inventory and Monitoring System

(RGIMS) is used by the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and

Development (DSWD) for managing the delivery of humanitarian aid across the

country. RGIMS is a web based application that monitors the progress of relief

goods in warehouses throughout the country from the time they are first

requested by DSWD field offices to their handover to implementing partner and

local government units. The World Food Programme (WFP) sponsored this

program, providing funding for training the IT department from the Philippine

Governments Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to

customize Sahana Eden to be used to meet their emergency warehousing

needs. Sahana Software Foundation partner AidIQ provided that training last

year and the system was out into heavy use after Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda

struck the Philippines in November of 2012.

Related Study

The Computerized Inventory System of Stargaz Enterprises Caltex in

Tabaco City is a study in response to the experience of the employees. The


experience was the difficulty in product controlling, tracking and reporting, since it

is done manually. The Manual system is inefficient, time consuming and

inaccurate. An example of this problem is the miscounting of products; this kind

of problem is time consuming. Due to this problem, the proponents develop a

Computerized Inventory System of Stargaz Enterprise Caltex Tabaco City used

in making, storing and retrieving of records for inventory. This system will replace

the manual way of recording data thus eliminating human error on recording and


Another study about Gate Pass Management and Monitoring System of

Equipment and Tools in Hi Tone Construction & Development Corporation

wherein it will focus on Gate Pass Management and Monitoring of Equipment

and Tools. The Function of the proposed system is to create, store and secure all

the Gate Pass Records of the company and the second function is to monitor all

the time in and time out of equipment or tools of the company Hi Tone

Construction and Development Corporation (HCDC). This is the Function the

Function of the system of the proponent to eliminate the problem that they

encounter when it comes to gate pass management and monitoring.

Computer Based Monitoring System of Laboratory Equipment was

Developed For AMA Computer College of Legazpi, Laboratory which uses a

manual system of monitoring equipment in its daily operation. The proponents

conducted a study on the existing monitoring of laboratory equipment both in

digital and physics/chemistry procedure being used by the borrower and the

administrator. The proponents studied and discovered the problem caused by the

existing system. With this idea, the proponents aimed to generate a

computerized monitoring system that will monitor the equipment borrowed and

the borrowers and will also eliminate the problems prevalent in the current


Computerized Inventory System for Boardwalk Business Ventures INC. of

Legazpi is a system has to do with business, money and most importantly

securing and recording the daily inventory transactions of a company. They

collect, store, modify and retrieve the inventory data of an organization.

Computerized Inventory System are the backbone of an organization because

they update constantly. Every establishment has to check their inventory

quarterly, monthly or weekly in order to update their inventory.

Additionally, Inventory for Gen Med Pharmacy System Daraga, Albay will

enhance the tracking of inventory transactions of the business establishments.

This will automate the Inventory process of the pharmacy. The system resolves

the security issues of information of stocks and transactions and it will give faster

access to the products. They derive with this system because they do inventory

process by writing the details of the stocks received which will include product

details. The process was manual and time consuming so they make this system

for automated and faster transaction.

According to Behnam Bahreman, E-procurement will be one of the

solutions for improvement competition capability in automotive industry in Iran.

This research aims to investigate to find out to exploring the degree of e-

procurement usage and finding benefits and limitations of applying in automotive


companies in Iran. To this end a qualitative approach was used and multiple case

studies were conducted.

Cooperative public procurement system occurs when public authorities or

agencies buy jointly with private purchasers and both utilize the bought

innovations. In such cases, initial demand from the public sector is very often

intended to provide a launching market that will eventually lead to the

development of an equally strong articulation of demand from the private sector.

Government purchasing of energy efficient and/or environmentally office

equipment provides an example of this kind of public procurement system. The

same products can also be purchased and used by private firms and individuals,

once they become readily available in the market, and government purchasing

thus provides one important means of realizing broader societal goals of energy

efficiency or environmental sustainability. These goals, however, reflect needs

that are broadly shared by, and thus congeneric to, a very broad range of social

and economic actors.

Under the Korean Red Ginseng Enterprise Sales and Inventory System,

the researchers came up with a computerized sales and inventory system. The

proponents used database to easy access of files and for easier and faster

processing of the selling and inventory transaction. The program was designated

to generate reports such as monthly reports, inventory reports, sales invoice and

list of items. In connection with the proposed system, the proponents proposed a

new and faster way of processing business transactions. The system also helped

the user to know the availability of the products. It also helped the manager to

monitor the stocks and to get immediate notice for acquisition of additional

products. The Proponents acquires knowledge about the file processing and

report generations through this study. It also gives the proponents ideas to create

the proposed systems reports in online sales and inventory system. Automation

is mandatory, thus automated report generation for precise reports is to be

included in the proponents proposed system.

We have developed a comprehensive system, called the Fire Effects

Monitoring and Inventory System (FIREMON), which is designed to satisfy fire

management agencies monitoring and inventory requirements for most

ecosystems, fuel types, and geographic areas in the United States. FIREMON

consists of standardized sampling methods and manuals, field forms, database,

analysis program, and an image analysis guide so that fire managers can 1)

design a fire effects monitoring project, 2) collect and store the sampled data, 3)

statistically analyze and summarize the data, 4) link the data with satellite

imagery, and 5) map the sampled data across the landscape using image

processing. FIREMON allows flexible but comprehensive sampling of fire effects

so data can be evaluated for significant impacts, shared across agencies, and

used to update and refine fire management plans and prescriptions.

According to George Nenes et. al. The ordering policy of the procurement

department is supplier-dependent. In early 2007, the procurement department

was placing orders on a continuous basis following empirical rules, knowing that

these orders would be delivered periodically, once a minimum order size was

accumulated. For example, a certain German supplier would send off an order to

Greece by truck on a Thursday or Friday if the total weight exceeded 300 kgs.

This occurred practically every other week with a few exceptions. The truck

would arrive at RODAs warehouse after five or six days, containing only the

items that were available for delivery at the time that the order was assembled at

the supplier, namely one or two days before the truck was actually loaded. Thus,

the effective lead time ranged from eight days for some fast-moving items to a

few weeks for slow-moving items that the supplier would manufacture to order.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

In relation with the above statements, reviewed literature and studies from

both local and foreign authors were collected to relate their significance with the

work of the present researcher. We found out from the gathered studies that

those researches are resources that made these present study easily

understood. The present study is not exactly identical base from the study above.

Gap Bridged of the Study

The client suggested to have a small module like Personnel Information

System and to have a Messaging feature and to see if the user is currently active

or inactive.


Dosi, G. (1988): The nature of the innovative process. In Dosi et al. (1988):
Technical Change and Economic Theory. London: Pinter.
SOURCEMultinational Business Review (St. Louis University); Fall2001, Vol. 9
Issue 2, p47
McCrudden, Ch. (2004): Using public procurement to achieve social outcomes.
Natural Resources Forum, vol. 28, pp. 257267.
Palmberg, Ch. (2002: Technical systems and competent procurers the
transformation of Nokia and the Finnish telecom industry revisited? Telecommunications
Policy, vol. 26, pp. 129148.
Demetriou, Mark SP., Manzano, Nicanor E. Computerized Inventory System of
Stargaz Enterprises Caltex, Tabaco City (A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the
Department of Computer Studies AMA Computer College Legazpi City, August 2004)

Mark Lyndon N. Menor Gate Pass Management and Monitoring System of
Equipment and Tools In Hi Tone Construction & Development Corporation.(An IT
Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Computer Studies AMA
Computer College Legazpi City, April 2015)
Ernelli Asueta and Julie Nuyda Computer Based Monitoring System of
Laboratory Equipment (An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty Of the
Department of Computer Studies AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE Legazpi City, October
Sir John T. Caballero and Jay E. Jaylo Computerized Inventory System for
Boardwalk Business Ventures INC. of Legazpi (An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to
the Faculty of the Department of Computer Studies AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE
Legazpi City, 2007)
Capino, Noe A, Lapuz, Johans Ramses B., Inventory System for Gen Med
Pharmacy Daraga, Albay (An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the
Department of Computer Studies AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE Legazpi City, August
Bahreman, Behnam. (2010): Using Investigating benefits and limitations of
applying e-procurement in B2B Automakers companies in Iran.
Edquist, Ch., Hommen, L. & Tsipouri, L. (ed.) (2000): Public Technology
Procurement and Innovation. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
14th Korean Red Ginseng
Enterprise Sales and Inventory System (J. De Leon, M. Ferrer, 2001)
Lutes, Duncan C., FIREMON: Fire Effects Monitoring and Inventory System
(United States Department of Agriculture, June 2006)



This chapter presents the methodology and procedure employed in the

development of the study. Sources of data, instruments used and data gathering

procedure are likewise given. This section lists and discusses specific steps and

activities that will be performed by the proponents to accomplish the project.

Research Design

This study adopted the developmental and descriptive method of research

to achieve the desired system for Department of Education Regional Office V.

The descriptive type of research method helped the proponents in gathering

data, analyzing the work flow on the department and determining the current

process. Researchers were able to obtain significant information, forms, and

procedures through data gathering. This method will be a great help in the

realization of the proposed system.

Research Methodology

As a guide in developing the proposed system, the proponents applied the

Rapid Application Development (RAD). RAD or rapid application development, is

an object-oriented approach to systems development that includes a method of

development as well as software tools.

Phase 1: Requirements Planning (RP).

The proponents conducted an interview about the processes and

transactions happening inside the Supply Office of Department of Education

Regional Office V to fully understand their business transactions and the

problems they faced.

Currently the Supply Office is facing a problem such as: Manual when it

comes to documenting, they encounter a data inaccuracy and they cannot track

equipment in their office if it was transferred and its current status. And they said

that some of the items are misplaced and are not counted in their inventory.

The Supply Office needed an accurate and automated inventory system

which will provide a quick, efficient and reliable results so as to maximize time

lessen errors due to human intervention for their supplies and equipment


The IT Department are currently suggesting a system that will be used in

Supply Office department for the Divisions of the DepEd RO V. The head wants

to have an automated inventory system that would help the Division to lessen

their paper manual transactions. He also said that he wants to have a

computerized inventory and supply monitoring to provide accuracy on the

transactions happening in the Supply Office.

The proponents also asked the Head of the Supply Office to cite examples

of transactions or scenarios where the process of procurement, inventory and

supply monitoring took place. The Division will send a request for a supply or

equipment to acquire their needed items and wait for the approval from the Head

of the Supply Office. The process will end up by the time when the item was

approved and recorded in the inventory and will be ready for issuing.

Upon identifying and understanding the problems that agencys facing, the

proponents identified and created the proposed systems objectives and scope

that was mentioned earlier on Chapter I.


Phase 2: User Design (UD).

Upon deep understanding and analyzing the problems, based from the

data gathered in the office and sample transactions we gathered inside Division,

the proponents recognize the functionalities and what the system must do. The

researchers developed a Data Flow Diagram of the current process inside the

Supply Office in order to illustrate the process and understand what is the flow

and what to developed in the said system.

The proponents designed the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of the proposed

system which includes all flow of the business transactions of the agency with

necessary inputs such as equipment and supply information. For the inventory of

the supplies and equipment, depreciation value is needed in order to see which

items is near to be replaced or needed to be replaced.

Through deep analysis of the information gathered, the researchers

developed the design of the database and logical design of the proposed system

to be used. In developing the proposed system, database will serve as the

foundation and finishing the design of the database will be critical. Designing the

interface and coding of the proposed system was also developed in this phase.

Phase 3: Rapid Construction (RC).

The proponents will use the most applicable languages such as

JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS for the design.


JavaScript is a programming language used to make web pages

interactive. It runs on your visitor's computer and doesn't require constant

downloads from your website. JavaScript is often used to create polls and

quizzes. PHP is a scripting language designed to fill the gap between SSI

(Server Side Includes) and Perl, intended for the Web environment. Its principal

application is the implementation of Web pages having dynamic content. MySQL

is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured

Query Language (SQL). It is also free and open source. The combination of PHP

and MySQL gives unmet options to create just about any kind of website - from

small contact form to large corporate portal. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a

World Wide Web browser page. The markup tells the Web browser how to

display a Web page's words and images for the user. Each individual markup

code is referred to as an element. Some elements come in pairs that indicate

when some display effect is to begin and when it is to end. CSS is a style language

that defines layout of HTML documents. CSS covers fonts, colours, margins, lines,

height, width, background images, advanced positions and many other things.

In Department of Education Regional Office V, it is really the appropriate

languages to use in order to clarify the suggestions and make it happen. Due to

MySQL can store a big information and its compatibility to any kind of browsers,

the proponents decided to use it. The following are the system requirements

needed for the proposed system.

Table 1

Hardware Requirements


Hard Drive 16 GB 20 GB

Memory (RAM) Random Access Memory 2 GB and Above

Processor 1 GHz 2 GHz and Above

Table 2

Software Requirements


Browser Google Chrome or Google Chrome or

Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox

Network Virtual Private Network Virtual Private Network

Server Apache (XAMPP) Apache (XAMPP)

Operating System Windows Vista /XP Windows 7/8/10

We arrived at this requirements in order that the system will perform fast

and smoothly. In order to develop a system, some applications needed to be

installed in the computer because some applications and database contains

large memory.

This phase focuses on testing the system whether the functionalities of the

system are working right. Error, glitches and bug will be determined, it will be the

top priority for debugging and also to check some possible errors and as well as

future errors in the system. The intricacy of the original design would come out

and the proponents will find ways to fix the errors.

User privileges for users, admins and super admin are also included in

this phase.

Phase 4: Transition/Cutover/Implementation (TR).

The developed system in the Rapid Construction becomes functional in

the Implementation stage. This time, the developers input the existing data for

the new system and train the users to operate the new application. In this phase

the errors, glitches and bugs are already determined and fixed to maintain the

accuracy of the system.

Figure 1

Rapid Application Development (RAD)



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