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Web of Protection

Gilli Weinstein

A dreamcatcher is also known as spider in Ojibwe, the language of the Ojibwa Chippewa tribe
who created the idea of the dreamcatcher. Although to most people spiders are thought of as
dangerous and scary, to them spiders symbolized protection and comfort. My dreamcatcher is
meant as a symbol of protection and comfort for refugees of the world. The flags that are
displayed represent the countries of Syria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Iran, Yemen,
Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, and the Olympic used National Refugee Flag. I specifically
chose these flags because of the majority populations in San Diego and also the countries that
were affected by Trumps proposed travel ban. I hope my art can represent the filter of
negatives and positives within the experiences of refugees, allowing refugees to decide which
events they want to be forgotten and which they want to treasure. The inspiration for this was all
the dreamcatchers in my room and in my life growing up, considering all the nightmares I used
to have when I was younger. I truly believe in the message and meaning of dream catchers and
desired to share that with those who need it the most.

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