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Family conflict is a social crisis occured among family members. according to Sillars et,
all (2004: 76) there are three kinds of family conflict, namely: (a) parent-child conflict (b)
sibling conflict and (c) couples conflict. However, in this research, only two of the family
conflicts discussed, namely; parent-child conflict, and sibling conflict. In this research,
there are two factors affecting family conflict, namely: (a) bad communication and (b)
authoritarian parents. This research is conducted to describe Family Conflict in Totok
Prasojos Novel Vorstenlanden 1926. The objectives of the research were to analyze
family conflict found and to describe factors affecting family conflicts occured.
Qualitative method was used to achieve the objectives of the research. The subjects of the
research were noble family which had five family members, they are; a father named
Raden Mas Tirtodiningrat, a mother named Raden Ayu Sulastri, first child named Raden
Mas Bayudiningrat, second child named Raden Mas Pandu, and the youngest child is
Lestari. All the data transcribed based on the number of family conflicts found. Then, the
data were classified based on the kinds of family conflict namely; parent-child conflit,
sibling conflict. The finding showed that parent-child conflict dominantly occured in the
family, then another family conflict found was sibling conflict. The finding also showed
that the factors affecting parent-child conflict was authoritarian parents occured because
the parents who demanded their willingness to their son, while sibling conflict occured
because there is no good communication among the siblings.

Key words: Family conflict, parent-child conflict, sibling conflict, authoritarian parent,
bad communication

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