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Microscope Lab

By: Emma Kimura

In this lab, I looked at many different objects and organisms under the microscope over the
past couple weeks. I started out by looking at objects that were easy to see under the
microscope, and as the weeks progressed I started to look at more complex organisms. All of
the pictures below are pictures that I took of what I saw under the microscope along with the
parts of the cell identified, a measurement estimate of the cell, and questions that went along
with the lab.

Gallery of Diverse Cells

The Letter e- The e is upside down because under the microscope the e was rightside up.

- newspaper / scanning / 40x / 1200 m

Crossed Hairs-

- Human hair / scanning / 40x / 100 m

-ruler piece / low power / 1600x / 320 m

1. Summarize the differences between an image viewed through a microscope and the
same image viewed with naked eye.
a. The difference between an image viewed through a microscope than a naked
eye in the position of the image. For example, when the object is put rightside
up, it is looks normal to the naked eye, but under the microscope it looks upside
down. When the object is rotated to the right, under the microscope is looks like
the object was rotated to the left. When you move the knob to right the image
goes to the left, and vise-versa.
2. When viewing an object through the highest power objective, not all of the object may
be in focus. Explain.
a. The whole object may not be in focus because under the highest power objective
it would be too close to the object. If the lense is too close to the object, that
would cause it to be not fully clear. It also only focuses on a small field.
3. What is the relationship between magnification and the diameter of the field of view?
a. The relationship between magnification and the diameter of the field of view is
that when the magnification goes up, the diameter of the field of view goes
down. As the magnification gets higher, the closer the object gets to the lense.
4. What is the diameter in micrometers of the low power field of view of your microscope?
a. 1,600 micrometers, because one millimeter in 1000 micrometers , and the
diameter is 1.6 millimeters. This means that 1.6 x 1,000 = 1,600
5. Calculate the diameter in micrometers of your high-power field.
a. Using the equation 40 divided by 10 equals 4, you get 40 mu. 1,600/4=400
Preserved Slides
Onion Peel - vegetable / low power / 100x / 400 m

Elodea- Plant / low power / 100x / 100 m

Cheek Cell - Cheek Cell / High Power / 400x / m

Human Ground Bone - Human Bone / High Power / 400x / 20 m

Skeletal Muscle - Skeletal Muscle / High Power / 400x / 3 cm

Saccharomyces - Saccharomyces / Low Power / 100x / 5 m

Paramecium - Paramecium / High Power / 400x / 450 m

Amoeba - Amoeba / High Power / 400x / 300 m

Euglena - Euglena / Oil Power / 75 m

Volvox - Algae / High Power / 400x / 350 m

-organism with many little cells

Diffusion Within Cells

Potato Lab-
Potato Cell w/ NO Iodine w/ Water Potato Cell w/ Iodine
Vegetable / High Power / 400x / 30 m Vegetable / High Power / 400x / 30 m
Elodea Lab-Plant / High Power / 400x / 100 m

Wet mount w/ water from pond

1. Gallery of Diverse Cells - N.P. / Hairs / Ruler
2. Preserved Slides - Yeast / P / A / E / Cheek / El. / Onion
3. Diffusion Within Cells - Potato and Elodea
a. Potato
i. Name of little black dots
1. Starch Grains
2. Official Word = Amyloplast
Onion Root Tip Mitosis-

Fish Cell Mitosis-

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