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mid sem prep

revise notes.pdf

writing electrical network transfer function (BY INSPECTION) t

transitional mechanical system transfer function (BY INSPECTION)
rotational mechanical system (by inspection) ( with & without gears)(gears with and without losses)
electromechanical system (DC MOTOR)
electrical analog (series and parallel)
circuit reduction
do read final value therorem (cases when it cant be applied etc )
read Laplace ( also remember standered laplace pairs )(laplace inverse)(lapalce thm)(revise them from notes.pdf)
loading ?
read nyquist
read steaddy state error

routh's table

remaining tutorial 1 problems

For final value theorem theorem to yield correct finite results, all roots of the denominator of F(s) must have negative
real parts, and
no more than one can be at the origin.
For initial value theorem to be valid, f(t) must be continuous or have a step discontinuity at t=0 (that is, no impulses
or their derivatives at t=0).

electromechanical systems **** (last yr question aaya tha )(must)(like that speaker etc )(dc motor)

different type of time response etc

azimuthal control of antena

that quiz Q2 solution

tut 1 remaining Question

if possible that 1 class system :P

effect of adding extra pole extra zero .

read al the examples of rotational and rotational + transitional form franklin

notice that derivative is zero at origin for 2nd order (non zero for 1st order)

the critically damped case is the division between

the overdamped cases and the underdamped cases and is the
fastest response without
finding determinant

cramer's rule
electromechanical system
equations in shoort notes in notebook classmate
1. speaker

dc motor

li ---lot m,


(I+ n1l 2 )0 + mpglO= -n1plx,

(mr + ,n,,)x +bx+ nipl0 = u.
fluid equations in book

Describing Water Tank Height

Hydraulic Piston
root locus

At the breakaway or break-in point, the branches of the root locus form
an angle of 180/n with the real axis, where n is the number of closed-
loop poles arriving at or departing from the single breakaway or break-in
point on the real axis
Tp is inversely proportional to the imaginary part of the pole. Since horizontal lines on
the s-plane are lines of constant imaginary value, they are also lines of constant peak
time. Similarly, settling time is inversely proportional to the real part of the pole. Since
vertical lines on the s-plane are lines of constant real value, they are also lines of constant
settling time. Finally, since =cos , radial lines are lines of constant . Since percent
overshoot is only a function of , radial lines are thus lines of constant percent overshoot,
Steady-State Error in Terms of T (s ) : closed loop transfer function

Steady-State Error in Terms of G (s ) : open loop tf

static error constants

System Type

we define system type to be the value of n in the denominator

or, equivalently, the number of pure integrations in the forward path.
Therefore, a system with n =0 is a Type 0 system. If n=1 or n =2, the
corresponding system is a Type 1 or Type 2 system, respectively
steady state error for non unity feedback system
similarity transformation

Rank of a matrix
how to compute inverse of a matrix
steady state error : including sse calculation using open loop tf and close loop tf

Do problem set of state space & matrix theory read remaining /

earlier portion of the course including Lyapunov Stability
do last yr papers
do earlier problmes

root locus & design using root locus

route's table
steady state error
state space and design using state space revise including ov notes proofs etc
time doamin respnse of typical second order system : rise time settling time etc etc
Lyapunov Stability from 7.11 Franklin, Powell, Emami (3 Ed)

Portion from Norman Nise:

Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (excluding 3.7)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (excluding 5.5)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (excluding 7.6 - 7.8)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (up to and including 10.6)
Chapter 12 (excluding 12.8) + Appendix WC and WD of Franklin Powell
Lyapunov Stability from 7.11 Franklin, Powell, Emami (3 Ed)

how to compute inverse of a matrix

Controllability Canonical Form (CCF)

CCF transformation requires that p_inverse exists, which implies that the matrix S must have an
inverse, because the inverse of M always exists because its determinant is {-1}^ (n-1) , which is
nonzero. Then NxN matrix S is defined as the controllability matrix.
Observability cannonical form

V : obervability matrix ; must be invertible M is same as in ccf

A" and C" are the transpose of the A" and B" in ccf
Diagonal canonical form

if A has distinct eigenvalues

then a nonisngular transformation exists

where lembda1 , lembda2 ... are distinct eigenvalues of A.

transformed state equations are decoupled from each other and. therefore, can be solved individually

where Pi , i = 1, 2, ... n, denotes the eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue i .

If the matrix A is of the CCF and A has distinct eigenvalues. then the DCF transformation matrix is the
Vandennonde matrix
Jordan canonical form

In general, when the matrix A has multiple-order eigenvalues, unless the matrix is
symmetric with real elements, it cannot be transformed into a diagonal matrix. However,
there exists a similarity transformation in the form of T-1AT such that the matrix A is
almost diagonal. The matrix A is called the Jordan canonical form (JCF). A typical JCF :

where it is assumed that A has a third-order eigenvalue 1 and distinct eigenvalues 2 and 3 .

The JCF generally has the following properties:

1. The elements on the main diagonal are the eigenvalues.
2. All the elements below the main diagonal are zero.
3. Some of the elements immediately above the multiple-order eigenvalues on the
main diagonal are 1s .
4. The 1s together with the eigenvalues form typical blocks called the Jordan
blocks. the Jordan blocks are shown as enclosed by dashed lines.
5. When the nonsymmetrical matrix A has multiple-order eigenvalues, its eigenvectors
are not linearly independent. For an A that is n x n, there are only r (where
r is an integer that is less than n and is dependent on the number of multiple-order
eigenvalues) linearly independent eigenvectors.
6. The number of Jordan blocks is equal to the number of independent eigenvectors r.
There is one and only one linearly independent eigenvector associated with each
Jordan block.
7. The number of ls above the main diagonal is equal to n - r.
To perform the JCF transformation, the transformation matrix T is again formed by using
the eigenvectors and generalized eigenvectors as its columns.
phase variable form
generalized eigen vector
foe 3x3
An nth-order plant whose state and output equations are, respectively,

x = Ax+Bu
y= Cx

is completely observable7 if the mat1ix

O:vi =


is of rank n, where OM is called the observability matrix. 8

An nth-order plant whose state equation is

x =Ax+ Bu

is completely controllab1e4 if the matrix

I CM = l B AB A2 8

is of rank n, when: CM L'> called the co11trollahili1y matrix. 5

Controller design

with feedback
alternative approach for controller design

The design then consists of solving for the values of L to

yield a desired characteristic equation or response
The characteristic equation is
for observer cannonical fomr

alternative approach

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