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Our body Elemental is a facet of our Etheric Body. When we came to Earth
in our crystalline form, the attributes and qualities of God consciousness we were
to incorporate were placed in our physical chakra system, which are like seven
individual mind centers. Within our DNA, and deep within what is called our sub-
conscious mind the design for our physical body was implanted, which gradually
developed over a very long period of time. Our body Elemental is what could be
called our 'central control center,' which is a part of our Etheric body makeup.

The Etheric body refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical vessel.
It holds the blueprint for our three lower bodies: physical, mental and
It sustains and vitalized the physical form and controls our autonomic nervous
system, which is responsible for the control and regulation of our involuntary
bodily functions, including those of the heart, other organs, blood vessels,
respiratory system, etc.

The Etheric and Elemental bodies/consciousness repairs the damages in the

physical body; however, our thoughts have a dramatic impact on how our
Elemental/Etheric bodies respond. The Etheric body was to maintain a higher-
frequency pattern than the earthly body, however, over time it became susceptible
to the imbalanced, negative thought forms of the mental and emotional bodies.
Our Etheric body is also striving to return to balance and harmony in order to,
once again, be our creative partner in balance, harmony, good health and vitality.

AA Michael has stated a number of times that the imperfections affected

our Etheric bodies first and then gradually penetrated our physical forms and
manifested as illness, disease or disabilities. The same thing is true now, our
etheric bodies are gradually being healed and brought into balance and the higher,
balanced frequencies that we are incorporating will eventually radiate into our
physical body, healing and transforming it back in to vibrant health. Ancient
teachings state that our Etheric bodies or Etheric double, as it is sometimes called,
stays with us until we transcend and vacate our physical form, and then it
gradually disengages and returns to the higher realms.

Copyright: 2008/ 2011 RONNA HERMAN * STAR * QUEST * MSW

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