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The garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg

geothermometer - a reinterpretation of
existing experimental data

Article in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology May 1988

DOI: 10.1007/BF00399364


632 108

1 author:

Erling Ravna
University of Tromsoe


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Contrib Mineral Petrol (1988) 99: 44-48
Contributions to
Mineralogy and
9 Springer-Verlag1988

The garnet-clinopyroxene F e - M g geothermometer

- a reinterpretation of existing experimental data
Erling J. Krogh
Institute of Biology and Geology, University of Tromso, N-9000 Tromso, Norway

Abstract. Experimental data on the partitioning of Fe 2 + Based on the experimental data from Rfiheim and Green
and Mg between garnet and clinopyroxene (R~heim and (1974a, b), Mori and Green (1978) and Ellis and Green
Green 1974; Mori and Green 1978; Ellis and Green 1979) (1979), the system can now be calibrated.
have been used to construct a new expression for the garnet-
clinopyroxene geothermometer, including a curvilinear rela-
tionship between lnKd and Xc,(ga):
Ellis and Green (1979) used the experimental data at
T(~ = ( ( - 6173 (Xc,) 2 + 6731 Xc, + 1879
1200 ~ C/30 kbar to establish a rectilinear In Kd=f(Xc. ) rela-
+ 10 P (kb))/(ln Kd+ 1.393)) ' 273 tionship expressed as:
Application of this geothermometer to a suite of samples lnKd= 2.1066 Xca + 0.3753 (6)
of eclogites and associated omphacite-garnet-bearing gneis-
Powell (1985) gave a slightly different slope for this relation-
ses from the uppermost allochthon within the North Nor-
ship. Hoinkes (1986) showed a curvilinear relationship be-
wegian Caledonides shows that the calculated temperatures
tween In Kd and Xc. for the system garnet/biotite:
do not vary with rather great variations in the mg number
of the garnet (0.17-0.54) and Na content of the clinopyrox- l n K d = -- 5.906 (Xca) z + 2.978 Xc,-- 1.7500 (7)
erie (0.11-0.44). Temperatures below 900 ~ C calculated us-
The experimental data from Rfiheim and Green (1974a,
ing the present equation are somewhat lower than those b). Morri and Green (1978) and Ellis and Green (1979)
obtained by the method of Powell (1985), the difference at 1100 and 1200 ~ C (Table 1) also indicate a curvilinear
being larger for lower temperatures and lower values of
relationship between lnKd and Xc~ for the garnet/clinopy-
Xc~. roxene system (Fig. 1), and quadratic regression equations
for these two datasets are given as:
In Kd(ll00) = -- 5.212 (Xc.) 2 + 5.287 Xc, + 0.121 (8)
The distribution of Fe z + and Mg between coexisting garnet
and clinopyroxene is expressed by the exchange reaction: In Kd(1200) = - 3.464 (Xca) z + 4.173 Xc~ + 0.134 (9)
1/3Mg3A12Si3011 + CaFeSizO6 (1) An averaged curve for T = 1150 ~ C gives:
Pyr Hed lnKd(l150) = - 4.338 (Xca)2 + 4.730 Xc~ + 0.127 (10)
= 1/3FeaA12SiaO12 + CaMgSi206
Alm Di The following procedure for the calibration of the garnet/
clinopyroxene geothermometer is adopted:
with the distribution coefficient given as: 1) For any given J(Ca in the experimental data at any tem-
Kd= (Fe2 +/Mg)g,/(Fe 2 +/Mg)Cpx= f ( T , P, X) (2) perature, the corresponding lnKd at 1150 ~ C can be calcu-
lated according to Eq. (10).
where T is the temperature in K, P the pressure and X 2) From the experimental lnKd(T) at temperature T and
the chemical composition of the two minerals. The relation- the calculated lnKd(ll50), both for the same Xc,, a lnKd
ships between Kd and each of these parameters are given vs. lIT relationship can be calculated:
by the general equations:
In Kd= ((ln Kd(7) -- In Kd(l 150))/(1/T-- 1/ 1423)) 9 1/ T + B(I 1)
l n K d = A/T+ B; (P, X) . . . . t (3)
in Kd(P') = In Kd(P) + C/T* (P-- P'); (T, X) .... t (4) 3) By inserting the correction factors for Xc, from Eq. (10)
lnKd=f(X); (T, P) .... t (5) into Eq. (11), a general expression for lnKd is obtained:
A and B are constants In Kd= (-- 6173 (Xca) 2 "1- 6731 Xc, + A')/T+ B (12)
c = A v/R
A V= volume change for reaction (1) ln Kd for a particular datapoint at a certain temperature
R = gas constant T can now be calculated at any JQa-
32 in Eq. (5) will essentially be Xc, = Ca/(Ca + Mn + Fe + Mg) in The calculation procedure as described above has been
garnet. done for the experimental data at 600, 700, 750, 800, 900,
Table 1. Data used in the calibration of the garnet/clinopyroxene geothermometer

Run no. Xc~ lnKd lnKd(0.20) T e ( ~ C) T c ( ~ C) z~T

4549 0,355 2,934 2.347 600 603 3

4517 0,299 2,351 1.979 700 699 - 1
T-110 0,220 1.936 1.855 750 737 - 13
T-81 0.324 2.255* 1.831 1.787 750 744 -6
T-126 0.332 2.119" 1.675 750 790 40
4465 0.244 1.872 1.708 800 785 - 15
4422 0.181 1.504 1.575 900 830 --70
T-88 0.192 1.452 1.481 900 867 --33
T-72 0.230 1.579 1.475 900 871 --29
T-96 0.235 1.456 1.335 1.422 900 927 27
T-72 0.273 1.587 1.350 900 920 20
T-72 0.297 1.683 1.380 900 908 8
T-96 0.328 1.739 1.360 900 916 16
M&G 0.15 0.936 1.051 I000 1036 36
M&G 0.15 0.996 1.176 1000 1004 4
4242 0.154 1.099 1.264 1000 959 -41
M&G 0.18 1.106 1.175 1.180 1000 1004 4
4233 0.191 1.194 1.225 1000 979 -21
4558 0.200 1.194 1.194 1000 994 -6
4243 0.235 1.224 1.113 1000 1034 34
M&G 0.15 0.860 1.032 1050 1081 31
M&G 0.155 0.953 1.108 1.074 1050 1037 - 13
M&G 0.18 1.017 1.083 1050 1051 1
4369 0.113 0.642 1100 1133 33
4240 0.151 0.766** 1100 1142 42
4332 0.161 0.838 ** 1100 1118 18
4368 0.185 0.993 1100 1074 --26
4239 0.194 0.956 1100 1112 12
4587 0,203 0.956 1100 1128 28
4725 0.205 0,993 1100 1110 10
4769 0,246 1.090'** 0.968**** 1100 1121 21
4267 0,248 1.121"** 1100 1107 7
4774 0.263 1.103"* 1100 1138 38
4766 0.266 1,121 *** 1100 1132 32
4739 0,268 1,103"* 1100 1145 45
R&G 0,440 1,398 1100 1141 41
T-43A 0.472 1.460 1100 1122 22
T-52 0,113 0,548 1200 1201 1
M&G 0,15 0,681 1200 1197 --3
4367 0,153 0.742 1200 1162 --38
T-26 0,158 0.673 1200 1222 22
T-53 0,194 0.878 1200 1159 --41
4268 0.196 0.788 1200 1222 22
4724 0,203 0.765 1200 1252 48
T-47 0.207 0,737 0,831"**** 1200 1280 80
T-47 0,207 0.793 1200 1240 40
T-53 0.207 0.982 1200 1120 -80
T-47 0,227 0,833 1200 1249 49
T-52 0,245 0.952 1200 1201 1
T-53 0.288 1,073 1200 1189 11
T-26 0.308 1.109 1200 1192 --8
T-52 0,385 1.233 1200 1195 --5
T-26 0.437 1.292 1200 1195 --5
T-52 0.454 1.308 1200 1194 --6
M&G 0.15 0,596 0.746 0.766 1250 1260 10
M&G 0.16 0.668 0.786 1250 1230 --20
4730 0.145 0,531 0.691 1300 1299 -- 1
T-27 0.170 0,647 0.732 1300 1269 --31
4727 0.201 0.588 0.588 0.696 1300 1384 84
T-27 0,228 0.842 0.769 1300 1245 --55
T-27 0,311 0.896 0.644 1300 1333 33
T-27 0.459 1.191 0.753 1300 1263 --37

* Minimum lnKd values

** and *** Experiments at 20 and 40 kbars, respectively, normalised to a pressure of 30 kbars according to Eq. (4), using C = - 1 0
**** and ***** Values calculated according to Eqs. (8) and (9), respectively
M&G - Mori & Green 1978 T-series - Ellis & Green 1979
R&G - Rg~heim & Green 1974b All other data from Rfiheim & Green 1974a

1.6 1000, 1050, 1250 and 1300 ~ C/30 kbar, and Xca is arbitrarily
/X 1 1 0 0 C / 3 0 kbar fixed at a value o f 0.20 (Table I). Where there is m o r e
1.4- [] 1 2 0 0 C / 3 0 k b a r / , / , - ~ than one d a t a p o i n t at one temperature, the calculated
lnKd(0.20) values are averaged, lnKd(0.20) values for 1100
a n d 1200~ C are calculated according to Eqs. (8) and (9),
1.2 respectively. The averaged lnKd(0.20) values are plotted
against 1/T (Fig. 2), and the linear regression curve (at
1- /k 30 kbar) is given by the equation:
l n K d = 3 2 7 8 / T - 1.393 (r 2 = 0.9993) (13)
.8 i
Inserting the correction factors for XCa, and a pressure cor-
rection factor A V/R= - 10 (Powell 1985) gives the general
.6 geothermometer equation:
T(~ = ((-- 6173 (Xca) 2 -t- 6731 )(ca + 1879 + 10 P)/(ln Kd +
.4 I I ) I I I I 1.393))--273 (14)
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5
XCa In Table 1 calculated temperatures (Te) for all the d a t a
Fig. 1. ,e~Ca VS. lnKd for experimental data at lt00 and 1200 ~ C used in the present calibration are given together with the
and 30 kbar, showing curvilinear relationships deviation (A T= To--Te) from the experimental tempera-
ture (Te).

2.4 Application
In Kd(0.2) = 3278T - 1.393 " / ~ 0 0
- The present geothermometer has been used to calculate
2.0- r 2 = 0.9993 _/__
9 700 equilibration temperatures for a suite o f 17 samples o f eclo-
gites a n d associated high pressure (omphacite-beafing)
/ gneisses from the T r o m s o n a p p e complex within the north-
1.8- / / ~ 0 9 750
0 ern Scandinavian Caledonides ( K r o g h E J, Andresen A,
d 1.6- Bryhni I, Kristensen SE (1988) T e c t o n o m e t a m o r p h i c evolu-
"13 tion o f the eclogite-bearing u p p e r m o s t allochthon, N o r t h
~e 1 . 4 - m 900 N o r w e g i a n Caledonides. Submitted to J M e t a m o r p h i c

1.2- Geol), showing wide ranges in the compositions o f b o t h

. / 9 1000 garnets and clinopyroxenes (Table 2). Xca varies between
1.0 - /m
0.15 a n d 0.44, and the mg n u m b e r o f the garnets lies in
the interval 0.17-0.54. Na~P2x in the clinopyroxenes are in
.8 1200
, 9 1250 the range 0.11-0.44. The calculated temperatures range
/1113001 I I I I from 690 to 790 ~ C, with a mean value o f 731 ~ C. The
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 calibration o f Powell (1985) gives b o t h a larger spread
I/T * 104 (708-832 ~ C) and overall higher temperatures. A t Xca = 0.15
Fig. 2. 1/T vs. In Kd normalised to Xca = 0.20 and P = 30 kbar, based the difference between the two calibrations is > 50 ~ C, de-
on data from Table 1 creasing to 1 2 ~ at Xca=0.31, and then increases again

Table 2. Chemical compositions of garnets and clinopyroxenes, Kd values and calculated temperatures for a suite of samples of eclogitic
rocks from the Tromso nappe complex, northern Scandinavian Caledonides. TK - present calibration; Tp - Powell (i 985)

Sample Xca mg number Na~r~ Kd TK(~ C) Te( ~ C)

82015 0.31 0.46 0.39 7.91 744 756

82016 0.23 0.51 0.37 6.43 726 745
82017 0.t5 0.43 0.44 4.48 729 782
T-8 0.22 0.55 0.39 6.55 708 732
T-11 0.26 0.26 0.40 6.09 777 788
T-t 3 0.25 0.50 0.23 7.00 723 739
T-20 0.40 0.25 0.39 9.43 753 782
T-24 0.29 0.23 0.36 8.17 718 731
T-26 0.32 0.30 0.36 9.58 699 714
1A 0.44 0.44 0.12 8.81 790 832
1758 0.17 0.54 0.11 4.85 737 777
580 0.26 0.53 0.20 6.88 739 752
82006 0.26 0.21 0.33 8.20 691 708
82008A 0.27 0.27 0.35 7.85 713 727
82008B 0.25 0.32 0.30 6.25 758 771
82010 0.28 0.37 0.30 7.55 690 710
T-17 0.26 0.17 0.44 6.96 738 751

800 I I I I I

750 -k "A"
Fig. 3. a mg number for garnet and b
700 ,k "/~" Na~r~ in clinopyroxene plotted vs.
calculated temperatures for eclogitic
rocks from the Tromso nappe
650 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i complex
.2 .3 .4 .5 .2 .3 .4
[ M g / ( M g + Fe)] go NaMPX

to 40 ~ C at Xc~ = 0.44. Plots of the calculated temperatures but as an equation of higher degrees. However, as an ap-
(T~ in Table 2) vs. the mg number of garnet (Fig. 3 a) and proximation the quadratic expression is satisfactory for the
(Fig. 3b), respectively, show no systematic correla- interval Xca=0.10-0.50. The critical Xc,-value for a ran-
tion. This suggests that these parameters have only minor dom distribution of all Fe and Mg atoms on the subsites
effect on the Kd value, which is in conflict to the experimen- in garnet appears from the data at 1200 ~ C/30 kbar to be
tal data of (Pattison and Newton 1987). Their data do sug- around 0.25-0.30.
gest that the Kd value is dependent on the mg number Even though most of the current available data on coex-
of the garnet. isting garnet and clinopyroxene are used in the present cali-
bration of the system, this geothermometer is still hampered
with several major problems:
Discussion 1) There are very few experimental data at lower (crustal)
temperatures. However, Schliestedt (1986) used a prelimi-
This study shows that the major compositional effect on nary version of the present geothermometer on low temper-
the partitioning of Fe 2 + and Mg between garnet and clino- ature eclogites and blueschists from Sifnos, and concluded
pyroxene is the grossular content of the garnet. In the range that the calculated temperatures were in accordance with
Xc~ = 0.10-0.50 this effect is better approximated by a qua- those estimated by other methods (calcite-dolomite solvus,
dratic rather than a rectilinear equation as proposed by Schliestedt 1980; and oxygen isotope fractionations be-
e.g. Ellis and Green (1979). Dempsey (1980) showed that tween different mineral pairs, Matthews and Schliestedt
low-Ca garnet (PY9oGrlo) have the space group I213 rather 1984). The Ellis and Green (1979) geothermometer and the
than Ia3d, and suggested a structural change in garnet revised version of Powell (1985) gives too high equilibriurn
caused by cation ordering in the 8-coordinated sites. The temperatures by ca. 50 and 30 ~ C, respectively, for these
substitution of the larger Ca 2 + cation into the almandine rocks.
(or pyrope) structure will lead to an expansion of the 8- 2) The relationships between lnKd and Xca is not fully es-
coordination sites occupied by Ca, and a possible distortion tablished yet, especially in the low Xca region. This will
of the structure, resulting in the local generation of non- be critical for estimation of temperatures for garnet perido-
equivalent 8-coordinate sites, and the ordering of Ca and tites, 'orthopyroxene eclogites' and other rocks containing
Fe (Mg) atoms between these (Cressey 1979). The conse- low-Ca garnets.
quence of this distortion and expansion of the structure 3) The problem of the determination of ferrous/ferric iron
by Ca replacing Fe(Mg) is that as the structure is 'opened in the clinopyroxenes is not solved. If Fe z+ and Fe 3 are
up' the smaller cations (Fe 2+, Mg 2 may begin to exercise not analysed separately, various calculation methods are
random occupancy of possible sub-sites within the ex- available (e.g. Cawthorne and Collerson 1974, Neumann
panded 8-coordinate sites (Cressey 1981). At a certain value 1976). These calculations can, however, not take care of
of Xc~ all of the Fe (Mg) atoms will be randomly distributed problems such as nonstoichiometry in clinopyroxene
on these sub-sites. No such sub-sites are expected in pure (Wood and Henderson 1978), and the possible presence
almandine or pyrope garnets. Compared to Fe z +, Mg are of submicroscopic intergrowth/exsolution of low-SiO2
expected to more readily enter the sub-site disorder for a phases (e.g. amphibole) in the clinopyroxene (Veblen and
given expansion of the garnet structure, because of its Buseck 1981), and they are further sensitive to analytical
smaller size (Cressey 1981). This may again result in an errors, and may be catastrophical for clinopyroxenes which
enrichment of Mg relative to Fe 2 in garnets with XCa be- are low in Fetot, as those from garnet ultrabasites.
tween 0 and the value where all the Fe and Mg atoms 4) Any possible effects of chemical variations in clinopyrox-
are randomly distributed on the sub-sites. As a conse- ene on the Kd value are not included in the present calibra-
quence, this will affect the distribution of Fe / + and Mg 2+ tion. Such effects could be caused by variations in the ja-
between garnet and a coexisting FeMg phase in this interval deite content, especially at Xja > 0.6 (Koons 1984; Heinrich
of Xc, towards lower Kd-values. The curvilinear relation- 1986). However, Xja will in most cases be lower than 0.6,
ship between lnKd and Xc, as shown in Fig. 1 clearly dem- and as shown by Koons (1984), Heinrich (1986) and also
onstrates that this assumption is valid. Further, at still lower in Fig., 3b of this paper, the Kd values do not seem to
values of Xca , this curve is expected to pass through a vary with Xja in the range 0.10-0.6. If (Na + Ca) cpx~ 1, this
minimum value for lnKd, with increasing values again to- certainly will affect the F e - M g distribution in the system.
wards Xc, = 0. The exact mathematical expression for this This problem is probably negligible at ordinary crustal tem-
curve is thus not even described by a quadratic equation, peratures, but will increase with increasing temperatures.

5) The dependence o f Kd on the mg n u m b e r o f the garnet isotope study of subduction-related metamorphism. Contrib
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and N e w t o n (1987) is n o t confirmed by the d a t a from the Mori T, Green DH (1978) Laboratory duplication of phase equilib-
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Neumann ER (1976) Two refinements for the calculation of struc-
Fig. 3 a), at least in the range M g / ( M g + F e ) = 0.17-0.55.
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Tidsskr 56 : 1-6
Acknowledgements. I will like to thank an anonymous reviewer Pattison DRM, Newton RC (1987) Garnet-clinopyroxene KD(Fe-
for valuable comments which certainly have improved the manu- Mg) : Variations due to Xc, Grt
and pressure (abstract) EOS Trans
script. AGU 68:46l
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