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Form 1 - Chapter 3 - Matter

1. Diagram 1 shows pictures of three different states of matter.

Ice water hydrogen

Diagram 1

( a ) ( i ) Match the pictures in Diagram 1 with their arrangement of particles.

Picture Arrangement of particles

( 3 marks )

( ii ) Which picture in Diagram 1 has a fixed shape and a fixed volume ?

_____________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ]
2. Diagram 2 shows pictures of the three states of matter.




Diagram 2
( i ) Label the state of matter in the spaces provided on Diagram 1.1 by using the following
Solid Liquid Gas
( 3 marks )
( ii ) What is the difference between matter P and R ?

( 1 mark )

( b ) Based on Pictures 1 , 2 and 3, draw diagrams to show the arrangement of the particles
in each state of matter.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

( 2 marks )
(c) State one property to differentiate between the states of matter.

( 1 mark )

3. Diagram 3.1 shows the arrangement of particles in three different states of matter.
Diagram 3.1

(a) Name the three states of matter P,Q and R in Diagram 3.1

P: .
Q: .
R : .. ( 3 marks )

( b) ( i ) Give one example for matter P .

( 1 mark )
( ii ) Give a reason for your answer in (b ) i .
( 1 mark )
( c) What is the difference between matter Q and R ?

( 1 mark )

4. Diagram 4.1 shows three sets of apparatus P, Q and R used in an experiments to study the
movement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas.

Diagram 4.1

Table 4.1 shows the results of the experiments.

Experiment Observations Time taken
P The whole gel turns purple in 2 days
Q The water turns purple in 2 hours
R Both gas jars are filled with 5 minutes
Table 4.1

( a ) i. In which experiment does the movement of particles occur the slowest?

(1 mark)
ii. Arrange the three sets, P, Q and R in the order of the movement of particles, from the fastest to the
(1 mark)
(b) In experiment R, the smoke rises to the top of the gas jar after a few minutes.
Why do smoke particles move so quickly in air?
(1 mark)
( c) A student realizes that there is a gas leakage in the laboratory.
i. How would he identify that the gas is leaking?
(1 mark)
ii. State two actions that the student needs to take before he reports about the leakage to his
science teacher?
. [2 marks]

5. Diagram 5.1 shows the densities of three solids J , K , L and two liquids P and Q

12. 9 g cm 0.35 g cm 1.2 g cm

1.9 g cm 0.9 g cm
Diagram 5.1

( a ) Arrange the solids and liquids in Diagram 4. 1 in sequence of ascending order based on
their densities.

( b ) Solids J , K , L and liquids P and Q are placed in a measuring cylinder. In Diagram 5.2 ,
label the positions of the solids and the liquids in the cylinder.
( 3 marks )

( c ) Solids N has density of 23.2 g cm . State the position of solid N when it is put
into the cylinder in Diagram 5.2.
( 1 mark )

( d ) Using the concept of density, state two examples of application the density in our daily life.
i. ..
ii. .
( 2 marks )
6. Diagram 6.1 below shows three objects of various densities placed in the liquids of various densities.
( a ) Arrange the objects and liquids in descending order of
P (1 mark ) .
T ( b ) What possible liquids can U and T be? U:


U ( 2 marks )
( c ) What possible objects can P and R be ? P:

Diagram 6.1

( 2 marks )
( d ) State two examples of transportation that uses the principle of density of matter.
i. ii .
( 2 marks )

7. Table 7.1 shows several substances with different densities.

Material Density (g/cm)
Cork 0.25
Glass 2.6
Gold 19
Teak wood 0.85
Lead 11.4
Copper 8.9
Polystyrene 0.02
Water 1.0
Table 7.1

(a) Classify the substances based on whether its sinks or float in the water.
Sinks in the water Floats on the water
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
( b ) Diagram 7.2 shows an experiment carried out to determine the density of the
cork and the stone.
Diagram 7.2
i. Name the method used
.. ( 1 mark)
ii. State whether the shape of the stone is regular or
irregular ..
( 1 mark )

(c) Based on diagram 7.2 ,calculate the volume of the

i. stone : ii. cork :
(2 marks)

( d ) Given : Mass of stone =30 gram Find the density of stone and cork.
Mass of cork =1.20gram Use the following formula
Density = mass
i. Stone :

( 2 marks)
ii. Cork :

(2 marks)

8. Table 8 shows the densities of some substances.

Substance Density(g cm)
Solid X 2.6
Solid Y 0.95
Liquid P 0.7
Liquid Q 1.0
Table 8
Substances P, Q , X and Y are placed together in a gas jar as shown in diagram 8.2. Liquid P
and liquid Q do not mix.

Diagram 8.1

(a) Draw and label the position of the substances P,Q,X and Y in the
gas jar in diagram 8.1 after arranged themselves according to their

( 4 marks)

(b) Diagram 8.2 shows solids P , Q and R in a gas jar containing liquid Y do not mix.
Diagram 8.2
i. Compare the densities of the substances
Q and X:
P and R:
X and Y:
P and X :

( c ) An object of volume 100 cm has a mass of 260g.

Determine whether the object will sink or float in a liquid of density 13.6g cm.

( 1 mark )
9. Diagram 9 shows an experiment carried out to determine the density of a stone, with a mass
of 21 g.

Diagram 9
(a) Define the density of an object.

(1 mark)

(b) i. Find the volume of the stone.

(1 mark)
ii. Calculate the density of the stone.

( 2 marks )

(c) Name the method used in determining the density of the stone above.

(1 mark)

(d) Suggest a precaution that must be taken during the experiment.

(1 mark)

10. Diagram 10 shows an experiment to determine the density of sugar solution.

Diagram 10

Empty beaker Beaker with 30 cm3

mass= 15g of sugar solution
mass= 100g
(a) Based on the information in Diagram 3, calculate the mass of sugar solution used.


(b) i. Calculate the density of sugar solution.


ii. Suggest one way to increase the density of sugar solution.

(1 mark)

(c) What happens to an eraser if it is dropped into the beaker of sugar solution above?
(Density of eraser = 3.30 g/cm3 )
(1 mark)

11. Diagram 11 shows five object U,V,W.X and Y.

Diagram 11 .

(a) Based on the object in diagram 11. State the form of matter of any four of objects.
U: .
V: . W:
Y :

(4 U, V, X, W and Y marks)
(b). Classify the object U, V,
W.X and Y into three groups
based on form of matter. Name
the objects belonging to each
group. ( 4 marks )

Form of


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