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The Machine The Officine

Professor Tool my student [nuts and bolts] Id like that you to effort more yourselves, pay less attention
to the plate and payed more attention on yourselves, on the importance that you are for one another.
Machine professor, this is in what part of the manual?
Tool its not in the manual, Machine. I was only teaching yall to be more productive.
Machine you are. and makes a nervous tick.
Tool I know, but I as trying to teach you to be more yet.
Machine you sir are an holographic image.
Tool Im an impress circuit.
Machine your function is to mark the position and mine is to follow the line of the metal: be a good
welder, and I will be a good digital impression.
Tool it was this that I was talking about, Machine, the social function. How good that you understood.
Even better than me. The charging will lead us to a state of distrust, which will make us produce always

A characteristic of my drawings are their relation with the previous drawings. Are not reflexive drawings.
Are drawings that I call of passage.
In mode that, this drawing possesses a strict relation with the one of the Metal Tree. To explain this
relation is what I consider complicated. But indeed, its not.
As I said before, art shouldnt be explained. But, if I dont do it, there will be a tendency of treating it as
something existent. Its an interesting thought, because, its exactly whats being discussed: the existence.
The computer is what better translates The Machine: its the last stage of evolution of a kind of rationality:
The Unity. Its interesting the concept of CPU: central unity of processing. The processor is understood as
being the own computer itself. When we understand the process of mechanization of the man, which
resulted of the use of the tool we return to the primordium and many explanations are proposed, if when
this started: the most, archaeological. Not less curious as it was informed us, that the civilization initialized
in Sumer: and that there was the first time that appeared the mattock The origin of how and when it
started the use of the tools on earth, its unspecific: but its known that the Sumer people possessed a
binary language: and to them is given the credit: the first system of data storage, and the origin of the
programming. Abraham was a Sumerian. But when we talk about languages, of programming, were also
talking about something else: Conversion: it converts electrical signals into data: the computer
understanding is relatively simples. And the drawing is self-explanative. And numerous times the
computer has been presented us compared to the human body, compared to the own man. And an
universe of possibilities was mounted above these questions: the relation between the man and the
machine: movies such as James Camerons one, The Terminator, 2001 A Space Odyssey, of Stanley
Kubrick; and most recently, Matrix. And Avatar, of James Cameron once again; Even Chaplin in the movie
Modern Times. For this, when looking at the drawing, theres a tendency of correlating it with these other
proposed ideas, due to the understanding that the machine refers to another concept: technology. And
that the technology, without bigger explanations for this, changes the standard of human relation: and
that it modifies the idea which projected it: The sociology raised itself over this argument. Is as if the
machine had the power of changing the relation with God, that the own human being instituted. The
machine doesnt works this way. The heaven is only a projection of this relation. The Industrial Revolution
is a good example of this.

The Drawing possesses a relation with the Earth: not with the heaven.
The processor, placed as instrument of conversion, its the human conscience which raised itself on the
clay. On the example of the carcass, the box is over the earth the idea of annex: something that is fixed
over something. Its the same relation of the chips, are fixed on the surface of something as well.
So, the first relation which is extracted of the drawing, its their geometrical position: it is superficial, and
it is annexed over another.
The cited movies, and I couldve mentioned other of the category, such as Blade Runner, etc.: all little
movies, movies really smalls: theyre so small, because all erred on their futuristic proposals. Spielberg
that dont let me lie, with his Jurassic Park. Indeed, I dont have much to talk about Hollywood, I will show
Hollywood: because its something unhideable. I say that these little things dont have the amplitude of
this simple drawing. Manage to resume the humanity to one image, without rationality breaks, without
dualities, capturing the unity in its own incomprehension, its an almost personal satisfaction: even
because, I hate geometry, and the drawing requires geometry: I have difficulty, even in Photoshop, on
doing straight lines.
The bolts and nuts, is something comprehensible: are part of the structural group of the metal: the steel
plates: are used to fix a surface over the other: socially understood as the proletariat, economically, as
the labor force politically as pieces without self-will, used in the operations of results. For this, the
motherboard, possesses a vision of a classroom. And that the pieces are not paying so much attention,
maybe this is not so visible: a certain tiredness, the hasslement, the confinement: the only one whos
paying attention is the Processor, understood as the Machine, a fat and smart student of IBM: which
represents the protestant, the capitalism. The dialog occurs with The Tool, the Democracy, the Catholic:
and discusses the efficiency through charging, the mechanism of servant and seigneur : its a Biblical
dialogue : its the kind of charging that should exist between a man and a woman.
This kind of relation would induce to perfection the perfecting of the results defined in the operational
system: in the case, the Bible, the Judaism Perfected. In this moment, its perceivable seeing, of the many
breaks of rationality of the unity, breaks these that are seen in the already quoted movies: that without
the nature, there wouldnt be conversion: the word would never be converted: for this, not only the Bible
is fixed over the stem of the tree, as the tree is fixed over the metal steel, over the source of feeding of
the computer.
In the same mode, the source of the computer doesnt explains where its energy comes from. Its
intelligible perceive that the carcass, the box, is also fixed over the earth: and its intelligible perceive that
the system of human supplying, the energy from there it takes off his livelihood, giving to understand that
the human being would manage to, some day, create a source of supplying external to the nature: because
this is exactly the origin of the source of their arguments: On Genesis 4, God says to Cain that if the
doesnt till the earth, he will not be able to extract her force for him. Its the dorsal spine of the Judaic
thinking, where Christ signed below. I always quote Matthew 13, because its very clear the genetic
concordance: because indeed, its about a Judaic Genome.
Recently, the super wise Stephen Hawking, sentenced humanity with his following prophecy:
The Final is Here: until there, no news, because its something that everybody knew already, it already
existed a prophecy about his.
This doesnt reach to blur the other prophecy, the heaven, but if we tool as base the image which was
validated, that one of Lucky Skywalker, and that the human theory would be exported to the stars, the
Bible, on its actual condition, before the facts, its a fable. The human operational system is a fable: its
not natural.
The opened CD-ROM, shows how this system is loaded for the inside: through The Word: and that the
word indeed is only the system of conversion: the factorization: the conversion of nature in human
values: Shes the plate, the line of the steel. The rational circuits, functioning as a neural system: data
traffic: the communications of the senses: how it must react to the commands: interpreting the results.
The Machine possesses eyes, because its the understanding that we have of the machine: it is the image
of the human being. Stanley Kubrick, on 2001, came to propose that it could only have been a machine
that made the human being.
And the eyes represent exactly the image. The image is something processed: it is extracted of the
conversion of data. And, of course, the architect of all this, the Tool, it is moved by the hand of the man:
it was the man who built the machine. What shows that, every creation is a construction. Therefore, its
a conversation between the Tool the Judgement, and the Processor The Machine, the purpose: one
justifies the other: the relation of servitude: the tool serves to the man, in the same mode that the man is
slave of the tool. The capitalism is always fixed by the democracy, the protestant is always fixed by the
catholic: and vice-versa.
The drawing shows, overall, the superficial human relation: all the human relations are superficial.
The all structure also may be understood as the cities, that humanity lives inside a metal box, and inside
of this box it declares its existence: and from inside of this box, seeks a relation with the nature: the
extraction for his own results.
The earth possesses a relation with the universe, the man possesses a relation with the earth. The man
seeks for a relation with the universe from inside of something that he builded: its from where his
understanding of God comes from: a holographic projection, projected over the surface of the earth. The
survival was the explanative vein most usual for this, the machine sketches only a characteristic of its
evolutive ideas, taken to the ultimate: the immortality: to transform everything around you and yourself
in synthetic, inorganic, metal, shows the point of fusion of its ideas: the separation, the concept of annex,
the man opted by the destruction of all the living organism. And going down to the level of the most low
entrances, its found the purity. Its another drawing, thats inside of the processor, the Christian
Bathroom: is where I describe the relation of the drawings which illustrate the Black Box: something thats
being contextualized in the histories.
In the futuristic movies, the fiction ones, the fables, just as the standard bible, all unidimensional, because
understands the existence as being one, argument that the machine would someday have human feelings,
equal to his creator. And that, by this so, it would tend to turning against its creator, be it by finding it
imperfect, be it by a simple manifestation of the evil: its something that all the super quoted movies of
Hollywood never explained very well: its the famous something happened. In mode that all the human
philosophy doesnt possesses passages with the earth, only connections: something that raised from the
floor, the steel. The ones which adventure on explaining this, always engage in a fight between Cain and
Abel, meaning it, the same person the autocritics of the reason, or of the lie: the such atomized duality:
ora, go to shit will all these literary craps. You can say that the drawing is ugly, or that I couldve made it
better, and I may even agree, but because as I already said, I hate geometry: now, to say that its wrong
and that the comprehension dont proceeds, no: you may not like of the image which represents it: but
its perfectly suitable.
The image around, outside of the case, its the image of the heaven, the idea of how the earth is
understood: a plain surface where the man habitate.

This analogy is so powerful, that it explains the own biology and the medicine in their own
comprehensions of the own genetics. Every biological relations are understood as superficial ones. Per
this, the explanation of the human feelings, are also superficial.
Synaptically, the human being is understood as an electrical circuit. And it was found in the beginning,
that this influenced on their images. So, the human system was developed, so that the human being could
invert this relation: and that the nature should have his feelings: more yet: that the nature didnt had any
feelings at all: and that the human being should have his images: but that these images would only be his
if a set of human relations were created.
I discuss exactly this: what kind of modifications were initialized, that is basically, the conversion of the
natural: and how this altered the essentiality of something.
From then, the human feelings started to have their own representativeness: the feelings started to have
a defined standard: the suffering: very well rendered by the work: its another drawing which
accompanies the Clock in the Universe: this drawing will be shown forward, for its linked with the
histories in progress: and it relates many interesting magnitudes, unities of value, justice, equality,
property and freedom.
Are mature ideas that are very stepped away of their germinative core. Theres a very important stage to
be won: the fear and the safety.
And these relations are involved justly with the relations with the Earth. Its innocuous understand the
relation of the man and the machine of the man and the man from their own personal relations: for it
would be validate their own misunderstanding of their own origins: one cannot start from the floor. In the
moment, the human being possesses a digestive relation with the earth, and not an absorptive one. Its
correct the understanding that your feelings possess a relation with the gods and that its primordiality,
from which raises the declaration of existence would be bounded primarily, to an specific sentimental
activity: he would be the ballast of the human behavior, and from which aroused all the rules: a standard
on the feelings.
Theres no origin on this thinking: the human being pleads to be the will of God something derived of the
creation: its his resultant operational system: and its many versions: from Sumer to the Modern
Christianism, the Philosophy of the Occident, the system passed by many updates, and the Democracy is
the synonym of the perfection. I come talking about the democracy and its features, but for more that the
question be interiorized and I advance over the existent literatures, I would be always talking about the
functioning of something, would be always over a surface: and would be always hostage of the angles of
the plain:
And as I said, I want to talk about another things, I want to show another things: but, unfortunately, I need
to show the standard face of the truth. In mode that the worrying now is on showing The Bathroom, the
other box, which is inside the processor of the machine: the human feelings in functioning: it gives a good
idea of how this processor was constructed: and to what the tool indeed refers to: an extractor of result:
the judgement in functioning: its to this that the drawing The Machine refers to.

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