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Data to be Collected

To proceed with the study, the researchers need to collect data regarding Naval,

Biliran. First, the researchers need to determine the number and types of commercial

establishments present in locale enable to know what spaces are to be included in the

proposed design. Following this would be to find out the different types of merchandisers

in the locality, this on the other hand would help the researchers conclude the possible

tenants in the proposed shopping arcade. These data mentioned will be collected through

inquiries, by means of presenting the approved and signed authorization letter to the


Afterwards, these data will be followed by discovering the different needs and

demands of the public, with their role as the users and consumers. Correspondingly, to

identify the satisfied condition of users regarding the facilities and amenities of

commercial spaces and establishment currently present in the community will be sought

out as well. These two mentioned data are interrelated and will be both useful in assisting

the researchers on giving emphasis to these necessities and provide possible solutions to

such matters. Moreover, both these data will be collected through interviews and surveys

to the public users and consumers with the aid of survey and interview questionnaires. In

addition, a related survey and interview to the businessmen and different authorities will

also be conducted to gather more data that might be able to help the researchers in the

study. These data will focus on the current business situation in the study locale, seeking

the insights of the businessmen themselves and the authorities like the Go Negosyo.
Succeeding these will be the gathering of different design considerations and finding

out the different rules and regulations on the subject of commercial establishments.

Determining such information would help the researchers in analyzing and creating the

most appropriate design for the study. This is similar for the collecting of diverse space

requirements in a commercial space or establishment. These data and information are to

be accommodated through the aid of related literatures, studies, books, and different

implemented laws of the nation applicable to the study.

Lastly, any additional related information that will be relevant to the study will

also be gathered through observation, inquiries, interviews, and surveys to help the

researchers to develop an appropriate design for the study.

Data Collection Methods

To complete the task of data collection, the researchers have to visit the study

locale and apply different methods to gather the necessary information for the study.

These methods will include inquiries, survey, interviews, and ocular observation.

For the initial data to be collected, the researchers will have to present first an

authorization letter signed by the College Dean stating the data needed and the purpose of

the inquiry. The first essential data are the number and types of commercial

establishments and different classifications of merchandisers present in the locality,

which will be acquired in the office of Go Negosyo of Biliran province through inquiry.
Following these inquiries is a survey with the public users and consumers through

the presentation and handing out of questionnaires in Naval, Biliran. The researchers

need to perform a survey to identify the different needs and demands of the public with

regards to commercial establishments. By the same method, the researchers will also

have to discover the satisfied condition of users regarding the facilities and amenities of

commercial establishments present in the community. In relation to this survey with the

public, a different survey with the businessmen should also be performed by the

researchers through questionnaires. These questionnaires will contain queries about the

respondents personal background and several questions relevant to the study aiming to

discover the current situation of the businesses in Naval. Personal interviews with local

authorities like the office of the Go Negosyo in Naval, Biliran will also be executed in

order to heed professional insights regarding the subject matter.

The different design considerations, space requirements, rules and regulations on

the subject of commercial establishments will have to be reviewed by the researchers.

These data and information are to be accommodated through the aid of related literatures,

related studies, books, and the different implemented laws of the nation applicable to the

topic. The researchers will also perform ocular observations in the locality of Naval to

discover and find out more different factors concerning the study.

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