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 Common symptoms
i. Otalgia
ii. Hearing loss
iii. Tinnitus
iv. vertigo
v. Ear discharge/ otorrhea – mucoid/ purulent/ mucopurulent/
 Common diseases
i. ME diseases; Chronic suppurative otitis media with/out
ii. Diseases of the outer ear
iii. Inner ear diseases
 Common emergency
ii. Acute mastoiditis/ mastoid abscess
iii. Acute Vertigo
iv. Sudden hearing loss
v. Ear & temporal bone trauma
 Common OT procedure
i. Myringotomy
ii. Myringoplasty
iii. Mastoidectomy (cortical/ radical/ Modified radical)

A. Outer ear diseases

a.1 congenital i.e Pre-auricular sinus, EAC microtia, canal atresia
a.2 inflammatory
a.3 Growth
a.4 FB
B. Middle ear diseases
C. Inner ear diseases



Otitis external

acute chronic

viral fungal bacterial

diffuse Localized (furunculosis)

Malignant type

 Swimmer’s ear
 Ear trauma/ water exposure
 Sx: otalgia, pruritus, scanty otorrhea – tender, edema
 Pseudomonas sp & staph.aureus
 Tx: local heating, toileting, Ichthamol glycerine (Ig) wick, topical &
systemic antibiotics

 Contributing factors: moisture, high temperature, hygiene, body immunity
 Sx: pruritus & otalgia --- fungal mycelia
 Organism: aspergillus sp, candida
 Tx: toileting, topical anti-fungal

 Benign periosteal outgrowths occur in the bony canal
 Multiple exposure to cold water
 Bilateral & multiple, near to the annulus

 Single, unilateral
 At bony-cartilaginous jx.

1) Acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM)

 Def: inflammation of the ME mucosa < 3/52

 Route of infx:
a. Via ET – infants or young adults
b. Via external ear

c. Blood borne
 Pre-disposing factors
e. Tonsillitis/ adenoiditis
f. Sinusitis
g. Nasal packing
 Bacteriology; strep pneumoniae/ HI/ Moraxella catarrhalis
 Pathophysiology: 4 stages
h. Tubal occlusion
i. Pre-suppurative
j. Suppurative
k. Resolution/ complication
 Treatment
l. Antibiotic
m. Topical nasal decongestant
n. Oral decongestant
o. Antipyrexia/ pain-reliever
p. Myringotomy



OME/MEE/ serous




 Inflammation of the mucosal lining of the middle ear (ME) dt persistent/ recurrent
purulent otorrhea from the infx of the ME space/and mastoids in the presence of
the TM perforation – sequelae of persistent/ recurrent AOM
 Pathogens: mixed infx – gram –ve, gram +, anaerobs
 Sx: purulent otorrhea, inflamed ME mucosa, Hearing loss (CHL/ mixed)
 Tx: aural toilet, topical ear drop, systemic antibiotics, ear care


 Def: a sac of keratinizing epit.surrounded by granulation tissue. Able to expand

and destroy surrounding str.
 One of the consideration in the 1) unresolved CSOM despite optimum earcare &
treatment. 2) CSOM with granulation tissue
 Divided into congenital & acquired; 1) primary; 2) secondary; 3) tertiary
 Congenital – remnant of embryonic epithelial tissue; white mass at anterosup.ME
o Congenital cell rest
o No h/o ear disease
o Intact & normal TM Acquired:

 Primary acquired
o ET obstruction – retraction pocket at attic/ posteriorsuperior marginal
o Impaired migration
o Accumulated debris – cholesteatoma formation
o Other theory – papillary ingrowth of epit.thru its own Basement

 Secondary acquired
o Migration theory
o Metaplasia theory

 Tertiary acquired
 Dx – “pearly” mass in ME/ mastoid, non-resolving CSOM. Higher suspicion if;
o Scanty d/c but foul-smelly
o Marginal perforation of TM (attico-antral)
o Polyps/ granulation tissue dt low-grade osteitis
o A/w deafness

 Adjunctive Ivx – mastoid X-ray/ HRCT

 – mainly Pseudomonas aereginosa & Proteus spp
 Tx – Radical Mastoidectomy (RM)/ Modified RM

 Complications- ossicular chain disuption, unresolved CSOM, labyrinthine fistula,
FN paralysis, intracranial Cx.

How does cholesteatoma cause bony erosion?

 Pressure
 Proteolytic enzyme plus infx & osteoclastic activities

Complications of CSOM with/without Cholesteatoma

 Routes of spread of infx

o Thru pathological bony defect caused by mineralization/ bony erosion
o Infected thrombus within small veins
o Thru normal anatomical defect – round/ oval window
o Thru non-anatomical defect – TBF or iatrogenic
o Straight into brain tissue – periareolar spaces of Virchow-Robin

 Intracranial Cx
o X’tradural/ subdural/ brain abscess
o Lateral sinus thrombosis
o Meningitis
o Otitic hydrocephalus

 Intratemporal Cx
o FN palsy
o Labyrinthitis
o Labyrinthine fistula
o Acute mastoiditis
o Subperiosteal Abscess
o Postauricular fistula
o Petrous apicitis

Lateral sinus thrombosis (LST)

o Sx: “Picket fence”fever; raised ICP, Cavernous Sinus tthrombosis, Griesinger’s

o Dx: clinical + CT (delta sign), Queckenstedt/ Tobey-Ayer test
o Tx: high dose antibiotic, anti-coagulant, surgery
o Surgery: combined neuro & ENT

Temporal lobe abscess

 General Sx: ICP raised, fever&chill, irritable, drowsy

 Local Sx: Nominal aphasia, quandratic homonymus hemianopia, epileptic fits,
contralateral hemipheresis, oculomotor nerve invx, visual hallucination,

Posterior cranial fossa abscess

 Nystagmus, + cerebellar signs

 Dx: clinical & CT/MRI
 Tx: combined neuro+ENT

Otitic hydrocephalus

 Raised ICP a/w ME infection

 Aka benign intracranial HPT
 Sx: raised ICP, reduced visual acuity, drowsy
 CT – normal ventricular size
 Probable aetiology – sagittal sinus thrombosis following LST

Labyrinthine fistula

 Exposure of membranus labyrinth with/out leak

 Sx: episodic vertigo & HL, tinnitus & possible otalgia
 Dx: Fistula test & HRCT & intraops.findings
 Mx: Surgery - controversy

Petrous apicitis

 2 ways spread of infx: posterosup route around the semicircular canal &
anteroinf.route from hypotymp, peritubal air-cells.
 Gradenigo sign – close anatomy to V & VI nerves
 Dx: clinical & CT



 Fluid in the ME
 Sequelae of Acute OM/ Eusthac.Tube Dysfx
 Sx: aural fullness, discomfort, hearing loss, tinnitus
 Dx: clinical, Tuning fork exam, toynbee’s maneuver, tympanometry
 Tx: observation, topical decongestant, nasal steroid, ventilation tube

 Abn resorption & deposition of bone in all three layers of the otic capsule

 AD trait
 Most common site is at oval window (fissula ante fenestrum), 2nd most is at round
window causing fixation of the stapes to the oval window.
 Clinical presentation: hearing loss most commonly CHL, paracusis willisii,
tinnitus, vertigo, Schwartze’s sign.
 HL – unilateral/ bilateral, rapidly worsening during pregnancy.
 DX: clinical & Audiometric assessment: tuning fork exam, PTA, Cahart notch,

 Def: sound arising in the head/ auditory hallucination
 Most intermittent & short duration
 One of the ear sx. Character: uni/bilateral/ onset/ duration/ constant/ intermittent/
pitch etc
 Any associated symptoms.
 Problems arising from this sx
- ?underlying pathologic condition
- debilitating
 Prevalent study: 32% of adult: at sometime in their lives; 6% debilitating
 Pathogenesis: theories
- excitation of one nerve by neighboring nerve leading to synchronization
- spont.excess influx of potassium & calcium into sensory hair cells causing
a synchronization.
 classification

Pulsatile/vascular Non-pulsatile/vascular

extracranial arterial diseases muscular
intratemporal arterial anomalies cochlear disorders
arteriovenous malformations noise-induced
increased intracranial pressure Presbycusis
glomus tumor SSNHL
venous anomalies ototoxicity
hyperdynamic circulations middle ear pathology
EAC pathology

 clinical assessment & diagnosis

 audiometric & radiographic studies
 management
- medical
- surgical
- masking
- hearing aid
- psychosocial aspects


 Common symptoms
i. Nasal blockage/ stuffiness
ii. Rhinorhea
iii. Post nasal dripping
iv. Sneeze
v. Itchy
vi. epistaxis
 Common clinical cases/ diseases
i. Allergic/ non-alergic rhinitis
ii. Sinusitis
iii. Nasal polyps
 Common emergency cases
i. Epistaxis
ii. Septal hematoma
iii. FB nose
iv. Nasal trauma
 Common OT procedures
i. Septoplasty
ii. Turbinate reduction ( turbinectomy/ turbinoplasty/ electrical
iii. Polypectomy

iv. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery


Def: Inflammation of nasal mucosa lining characterized by ……..


allergy Non-allergy

Seasonal Perennial Other causes

Predominates in younger age group esp.first 2 decades of life (15-45 y/o)
Most common form of rhinitis
Tendency for self-limiting, decreasing/cease with age
 Seasonal- intermittent/ acute/ occasional
 Perennial- persistent/ chronic/ long duration
Mechanism of AR
 Type I HSS- Ig-E mediated
o Inflammatory cell infiltration
 Primary & secondary exposure
 Preformed & newly synthesized mediators
 Early-phase & late-phase reaction
Perform mediators
 Histamine
 Chemotactic factors – ECF, NCF
 Leukotriens
 Prostaglandins
 Cytokines – TNF, IL
Triggers of A/R
 Indoors aero-allergens- HDM, animal dander, fungal spores
 Outdoors aero-allergens- pollens, fungal spores
 Indoor pollutant & outdoor pollutants, haze
 Aspirin & NSAID

 latex
Symptoms & signs
 Asthma- 40-50% * rhinitis in Asthmatic is >75%
 Allergic conjunctivitis
 Sinusitis
 Eczema
 Otitis media
Diagnosing AR
 Detail personal & Family history + nasal examination
 Allergic skin test: skin prick test/ Scratch test/ Intradermal dilution test
 Measurement of specific Ig-E antibody
 Nasal provocation/ challenge test
 Imaging – not usually necessary
 Avoidance and education
 pharmacotherapy
 specific immunotherapy
 surgery if indicated


1. infectious
 viral (common cold)
 rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza, RSV, Adenovrus
 bacterial
 pnemococcal, HI, Staph spp, Moraxilla spp
 rhinoscleroma
 rhinosporidiosis
2. intrinsic/ VMR
- disease of adult, increase in intensity with age
- non-immunological pathophysiology
- idiopathic/ diagnosis of exclusion
- autonomic imbalance: parasympathetic predominant
- vasodilation & gland hyperresponsiveness
- might sensitive to cold air, fume, perfumes, smoke,
irritants etc
3. Nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome (NARES)
- negative allergy history & testing
- nasal smear shows eosinophilic count >10%
4. hormonal-induced
 pregnancy/puberty

 hypothytoidism
 acromegaly
5. drug-induced
 aspirin/ NSAIDs
 Anti-Hpt
 B-blocker
 ACE inhibitor
 A-adrenoceptor antagonist
 Vasoconstrictors
 Cocaine

6. Atrophic Rhinitis
 Primary/ secondary
 Excessive surgical removal
 Cx of sinusitis/ irradiation
 Ch.granulomatous disease
 Patent but feel blocked, crusted, smelly
 Atrophy of the mucosa & bone with decreased glands
 Klebsiella ozaenae
7. rhinitis medicamentosa

Rhinosinusitis/ Sinusitis

 Definition of sinusitis: inflammation of sinus mucosa/ mucus membrane
 Pathogenesis:
o Obstruction: O2 lowered, PH
o Impaired ciliary fx – stagnation of secretion
o Mucus retention – bacterial overgrowth + mediators
o Infx – change the ‘Q’ of secretion
 Causes of ostial obstruction
o Mucosal swelling: URTi, AR, NAR, smoking, swimming
o Anatomy: DNS, CB, trauma, polyps, FB, neoplasm
 Other causes:
- Dental cause; recurrent unilateral
- ciliary dysfx & cystic fibrosis

 Bacteriology
- in acute: same as URTI
- in chronic: polymicrobial but anaerobs play
significant role
- in dental: anaerobs also play a role
 Classification of sinusitis
o Acute RS
o Subacute
o Recurrent
o Chronic RS
o Acute on chronic infx
 Symptomatology
o ARS: congestion, d/c, purulence, PND -- cough, facial pressure, fullness
or pain, halitosis, sore throat, dental pain, hyposmia, fever
o Major sx of CRS
 Facial pressure/ pain
 Facial congestion/ fullness
 Obstruction/ blockage
 D/c/ purulence/ PND
 Hyposmia
 Fever
o Minor sx of CRS
 Headache
 Fever
 Halitosis
 Fatigue
 Dental pain
 Cough
 Earache/ pressure/ fullness
 May present with recurrent pneumonia
 Clinical signs: pain at specific places, pus in nasal cavity
 Nasal endoscopy & C+S

 Imaging techniques
o PNS X-ray; opacities & A-F level; advantages & disadvantages
 Caldwell (frontooccipital): mainly frontal, ethmoid & nasal cavity
 Water’s (OM): maxillary, frontal & facial trauma & orbit
 Lateral: frontal, sphenoid & maxillary.
 When to do?
o CT PNS: advantageous
 Indications: chronic refractory dis, complications, b4 FESS
 Translumination test
 Medical treatment
 Simple office/ minor surgery – wash-out procedure
 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
 Invasive surgical procedure
o Caldwell-luc
o Ext fronto/ ethmoidectomy
o Osteoplastic surgery
 Complications
o Orbital – Chandler’s classification
o Intracranial: meningitis, x’tradural, subdural, brain abscess
o Osteitis/ osteomyelitis
o Dental Cx
o Mucocele

Nasal polyp

 General term for mass or Swelling – sessile, pedunculated etc in nasal cavity
o Spectrum of disease – swollen mucosa to neoplasm (benign/ malignant)
 Def of mucosal polyp - benign neoplasm/ prolapsed edematous mucosa/ ‘pale bags’
of edematous tissue
 Appearance – smooth, shiny, pale, opalescent to grey/ pink with stalk, base & body
 Hallmark for Chronic Rhinosinusitis
 Male> female, age 30-60 years.
 Incidence
o < 4% in population
o 7% in asthmatic
o 2% in CRS
o 20% in Cystic Fibrosis
o 36% in Aspirin intolerance (Samter’s triad- intrinsic asthma)
o rarely: primary ciliary dysfx syndrome

 Etiology – unknown
 In descending order of most affected sinuses: ethmoids/ maxillary/ frontal/ sphenoid
 Theories
o Infx
o Allergy
o Mucopolysaccoride theory
o Bernoulli’s phenomenon
o VM imbalance
o Epithelial-rupture theory- breaks in LP with prolapsed stroma
 Symptoms

o Congestion
o Hyposmia
o Thick mucous/ mucopus
o Oedematous
o Thickened BM
o Hyperplasia of goblet cells
o Pronounced presence of eosinophil & mast cells
 Treatment
- pharmacotherapy
- surgery: polypectomy, Functional endoscopic sinus surgery

*polyps in children < 10 year-old – suspect CF

*polyps in < 2 year-old – TRO intracranial in origin.

If Unilateral nasal polyps. Bear in mind of these possibility;

 AC polyp
 Inverted papilloma
 Fungal
 Malignant neoplasm i.e Eathasioneuroblastoma

AC polyp/ Killian polyp

 > in men less than 40 years
 unilateral nasal blockage, worst on expiration
 unilateral opaque sinus
 not associated with allergy or sinusitis
 theory – faulty development of the maxillary ostium
 Tx – surgery, CWL contraindicated in children

 Intermediate tumor/ neoplasm – locally invasive
 Polyp-like str, a bit fleshy BUT pt usually 45-70 yrs & present with epistaxis
 Arises from lateral nasal wall
 a/w HPV types 6 & 11
 look for warts elsewhere
 potentially malignant transformation 10 – 15%
 Dx: biopsy HPE
 Tx: wide excision – medial maxillectomy

Bleeding from nose
Blood supply of the nose
 septum
o external carotid system
 sphenopalatine
 greater palatine artery (septal Br)
 superior labial artery
o internal carotid system
 anterior ethmoidal
 posterior ethmoidal
 lateral nasal wall
o external carotid system
 sphenopalatine
 greater palatine
 Br from facial arteryt
o internal carotid
 anterior & posterior ethmoidal
Little area (Kiesselbach’s plexus)
Causes of epistaxis
 local
o trauma
o infx- influenzae, viral, typhoid, measles, whooping cough, scarlet
o FB
o Rhinolith
o Neoplasm
o Iatrogenic (surgery)
o Severe DNS
 general
o d/o of blood or vessels: Hemophilia/ vWD/ Osler WR synd./ leukaemia/
o CVS diseases
o Liver disease: vit K def
o Kidney disease
o Drugs: aspirin/ warfarin/ NSAIDS
o Arteriosclerotic disease a/w HPT
 idiopathic

Site of epistaxis
 anterior epistaxis
o in almost all children and young adult
o mostly from Kiesselbach’s plexus
 posterior epistaxis
o most in adult
o trauma is nor important cause
o usually due to sclerotic vessel – esp.Hpt, DM

1) To stop bleeding and general well-being

 general
o reassuring the patient
o safeguard ABC – in acute & profuse
o positioning of pt
o vital signs – in acute & profuse
o I/V line ready – in acute & profuse
o FBC & GXM – in acute & profuse
o Estimate blood loss
 Local
o Local pressure ant nose
o Cauterization: chemical (TCA, Silver nitrat) / electrical
o Nasal packing
 Anterior: BIPP/ Vaseline coated gauze/ expandable sponge
 posterior
o Arterial ligation
 IMA ligation
 AEA ligation
 ECA ligation
2) Need through nasal examination to rule out important cause in cases below
 Recurrent epistaxis
 In adult

 Interventional Radiology: in JNA case, pseudoaneurysm

 Complication from packing


 Common symptoms
i. Dysphonia/ hoarseness
ii. Noisy breathing/ stridor
iii. Associated symptoms- dysphagia/ odynophagia/ aspiration/
heartburn, drooling
 Common diseases
i. Inflammatory diseases
ii. Congenital diseases of the larynx
iii. Cancer of the larynx
iv. Benign diseases of the Vocal cord
 Common emergency
i. Stridor
 Common OT procedure
i. Tracheostomy
ii. Endolaryngeal microsurgery (ELMS)
iii. Laryngectomy


 Classification
 Type of stridor
 Common causes in adult
 Common causes in children esp.pyrexial

4. Others
 Common diseases of the pharynx
 Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
 Deep neck space abscesses
 Head & Neck masses in pediatrics & adults including cancers


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