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7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras

by Ramdesh Kaur | May 13, 2010 | Kundalini Meditation and Yoga Tips, Yoga | 61 comments
Men of great knowledge actually found out about the chakras their workings, their petals, their sounds,
their infinity, their co-relationship, their powers. They found that the life of a human is totally based on
these chakras. They developed into a whole science. This total science gave birth to Kundalini
Yoga. That is how Kundalini Yoga was born. Yogi Bhajan
The human body is a complex system encompassing vast energy systems that are not immediately
perceptible with our limited eyes. The chakras are energy vortices powered by prana,or life force. By
clearing the energy blocks from our chakras, we allow the Kundalini energy to rise up through us,
invigorating and uplifting our minds and bodies to new heights.
Asana,or postures, are positions of the body used to activate and direct energy to open both a physical and
an energetic position in the body. When using Kundalini yoga to clear the chakras, asana are useful to
open pranic flow.
1) First Chakra, the Root Chakra (Muladhara): Foundations, fear, survival
Asana: Crow Pose

2) Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana): Creation, desire, relationships

Asana: Frog Pose
Keep the heels together and the fingers on the ground. Inhale through the nose as you straighten your
knees; exhale through the nose as you squat down.
3) Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus (Manipura): Will, action
Asana: Stretch Pose
Lift the head and the feet six inches off the ground. Bring the arms up, palms facing. Stare at the toes. Do
breath of fire.

4) Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra (Anahata): Love

Asana: Camel Pose
If full camel pose is too much of a stretch for you, place your hands in the small of your back for support
and arch backwards with your head.
5) Fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Communication
Asana: Cobra Pose
Lie on the ground, hands under the shoulders, palms flat on ground. Push up, lifting the heart and letting
the head follow, keeping the pelvis on the ground. If this is too much of a stretch, try Sphinx pose, keeping
your elbows on the ground as you arch your head back.

6) Sixth Chakra, the Third Eye (Ajna): Intuition, Wisdom

Asana: Guru Pranam
Sit on the heels. Bring the torso over the thighs and place the forehead on the ground. Extend the hands in
front of you on the ground in prayer.

7) Seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Transcendence, The Seat of the Soul
Asana: Sat Kriya
Sit on the heels. Stretch the arms over the head with elbows straight, hugging the ears. Interlace all
fingers except the index finger, which you extend. Men cross the right thumb over the left; women cross
the left thumb over the right. Chant Sat nam at a constant rhythm. As you chant Sat pull in the navel;
as you chant nam release the navel. Draw the energy up the spine. Eyes closed. (3-31 minutes)
Sat Kriya is a complete Kundalini yoga workout for all of the chakras. It is an amazing and powerful
practice, complete and entire in one asana and mudra. Doing Sat Kriya everyday for 40 days will have a
profound effect on the function of your chakras. It specifically works on waking up the Kundalini energy
and helping it move up your spine through your chakra system.

No chakra stands alone; the chakra system is holistic and interrelated. You cannot work on one chakra
with Kundalini Yoga without addressing the needs of the rest. The Lower Triangle (the first, second and
third chakras) deals with elimination, while the Upper Triangle (fifth, sixth, and seventh chakras) focuses
on accumulation. They meet at the fourth chakra, the heart chakra, an essential point of balance between
these forces.
There is another kriya that uses Sat Kriya to work specifically on each chakra called Sat Kriya for the
Chakras. This wonderful kriya lets you do variations of Sat Kriya in asanas specifically affecting each
chakra. It helps to clear the body for the rise of Kundalini energy.

The Fundamentals of Kundalini Yoga is a 40-day online course that will transform your life from the
inside out, led by 23 world-renowned master teachers of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Its a
journey through the core teachings of this transformative yogic technology. Discover how to ignite your
inner power and develop strength, flexibility, and peace in your body, mind, and spirit. Enroll today!
7 Mudras To Unlock Your 7

by Andrea RiceJuly 8, 2015 5:17 AM




Mudra is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning, "gesture." We use mudras in

yoga to cultivate a greater sense of awareness to certain energetic fields
within the subtle body. In other words, we can use them to help us
meditate and open up our chakras.

And there are literally hundreds of mudras each with its own unique
symbolism and placement of palms and fingertips. Many of us are already
accustomed to Anjali Mudra (aka "Namaste"), where the hands are
positioned in a prayer in front of the heart. This mudra is used in the
beginning of most yoga classes to invoke spirit and intention, or at the
end to seal the practice. There's also the common Gyan Mudra the
placement of index fingertips to thumbs used in many meditation

Here are seven lesser-known mudras I've chosen to give your seven
chakras a little boost. You can also incorporate the mantra and color
associated with each chakra to help enhance your meditative experience.

1. Root (Muladhara)

Muladhara Mudra

The Root Chakra is the foundation for the other chakras, with emphasis
on survival and grounding.
Color: Red
Mantra: LAM
Element: Earth

Bring your palms together in a prayer at your heart, then interlace the
pinky and ring fingers so they fold inside of the palms. Extend the middle
fingers so the tips touch and then interlace the thumbs and index fingers
so they form rings around each other, with the fingertips touching.

Optional: Flip this mudra upside down and lower your arms slightly, so
the middle fingers are pointed downward at your pelvic region.

2. Sacral (Svadhisthana)

Shakti Mudra

This feminine mudra works to harness sexuality and sensuality.

Color: Orange
Mantra: VAM
Element: Water

With your palms in front of your chest, press your pinky and ring
fingertips together. Fold your thumbs into your palms, inside of your
index and middle finger. You can then press the knuckles of these two
fingers together (pictured) or keep them separate.

Optional: Lower the hands to just below the navel.

3. Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Rudra Mudra

This mudra brings forth the power of Shiva, the Hindu god of all yogis.
Color: Yellow
Mantra: RAM
Element: Fire

Place your palms face up on your thighs. Touch the tips of the thumbs,
index and ring fingers together, straightening through the pinky and
middle fingers.

4. Heart (Anahata)

Padma Mudra

This lotus-inpired mudra calls forth new possibilities and invites in love.

Color: Green
Mantra: YAM
Element: Air
With your palms at your heart, touch the outer edges of both pinky
fingers and thumbs together. Keep the heels of the palms pressed
together as you blossom open through your hands. Extend through the
tips of all 10 fingers.

5. Throat (Vishuddha)

Granthita Mudra

You can use this mudra at your throat to help clear the way for expression
of your authentic self.

Color: Light Blue/Turquoise

Mantra: HAM
Element: Sound/Music
Interlace your last three fingers (middle, ring and pinky) together inside
of your hands. Interlock the index fingertips and thumbs to form two
rings and hold this mudra in front of the base of your throat.

6. Third Eye (Ajna)

Mudra of the Great Head

To tap into the wisdom and power of your intuition, use this mudra to
channel deep into your third eye.

Color: Dark Blue/Purple

Mantra: AUM
Element: Light

Take your right hand just in front of the space between your eyebrows
and curl the ring finger into your palm. Bring the tips of the thumb,
middle and index finger to touch and keep the pinky finger extended long.
Place the tips of the three fingers that are touching to your third eye focal
point. The left hand can remain on top of the left thigh, palm face up or in
Gyan mudra.

7. Crown (Sahasrara)

Mudra of A Thousand Petals

Holding this mudra high above your head can open the gateway to
universal consciousness, divinity and transcendence.

Color: Violet/White
Mantra: Silence
Element: Divine Consciousness
Place the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together to touch, forming
a pyramid shape. Allow the remaining fingers to extend upward, keeping
them straight. Raise this mudra to about 6-7 inches above the crown of
your head.

Perform the mudras in a comfortable seated position for 1-5 minutes

each. If you're only focusing on one mudra at a time, extend the time
frame as long as you would for your regular meditation practice. There
are no right or wrong ways to do mudras enjoy these as part of your
regular yoga routine to cultivate higher awareness.

Gallery courtesy of Beth Kessler Photography, graphic design by mbg





KEEP READING: #yogis #fitness #wellness #yoga #mantras #chakras

Andrea Rice

Andrea Rice is a writer, editor, and yoga teacher in Brooklyn. Her wo

has also appeared in The New York Times, Yoga Journal, Wanderlu
Media, SONIMA, and other online publications. You can find her reg
classes at shambhala yoga & dance center, and connect with her
on Instagram and Twitter.

Warning Signs Your Chakras Are

Out Of Balance
by Reshma PatelApril 21, 2014 5:32 AM




There are 7 main energy centers in the body, known as chakras.

Each chakra is located throughout our body so that it correlates to
specific body ailment and physical dysfunctions; each energy center also
houses our mental and emotional strengths. When we have a physical
issue, it creates weaknesses in our emotional behavior. When we release
the stale energy from the body, it can undo any tightness, stiffness, or
malfunction of that area.

The clearing of the energy can also balance our emotional state of mind.
The Chakra Mind-Body Balance is a two-way street: if there are certain
fears and emotions we are holding on to, we experience physical
restrictions, too.

If you have achiness or stiffness, or certain reoccurring emotions and

fears, read along and you may find out which chakra is affected or

1st or Root Chakra

Sits at the base of your spine, at your tailbone.

Physical imbalances in the root chakra include problems in the legs, feet,
rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts and prostrate
gland. Those with imbalances here are also likely to experience issues of
degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and

Emotional imbalances include feelings affecting our basic survival needs:

money, shelter and food; ability to provide for lifes necessities.

When this chakra is balance, you feel supported, a sense of connection

and safety to the physical world, and grounded.

The lesson of this chakra is self-preservation; we have a right to be here.

2nd or Sacral Chakra

Located two inches below your navel.

Physical imbalances include sexual and reproductive issues, urinary
problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and low back pain.

Emotional imbalances include our commitment to relationships. Our

ability to express our emotions. Our ability to have fun, play based on
desires, creativity, pleasure, sexuality. Fears of impotence, betrayal,

When this chakra is balanced, we have an ability to take risks, we are

creative, we are committed. We are passionate, sexual and outgoing.

The lesson of this chakra is to honor others.

3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra

Located three inches above your navel.

Physical imbalances include digestive problems, liver dysfunction,

chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas
and gallbladder issues, colon diseases.

Emotional imbalances include issues of personal power and self-esteem,

our inner critic comes out. Fears of rejection, criticism, physical

When this chakra is balanced, we feel self-respect and self-compassion.

We feel in control, assertive, confident.

The lesson of this chakra is self-acceptance.

4th or Heart Chakra

Located at the heart.

Physical imbalances include asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues

with breasts, lymphatic systems, upper back and shoulder problems, arm
and wrist pain.
Emotional imbalances include issues of the heart; over-loving to the point
of suffocation, jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness. Fear of

When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion,
forgiveness flows freely, trust is gained.

The lesson of this chakra is I Love.

5th or Throat Chakra

Located at the throat.

Physical imbalances include thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, TMJ,

ear infections, ulcers, any facial problems (chin, cheek, lips, tongue
problems) neck and shoulder pain.

Emotional imbalances include issues of self-expression through

communication, both spoken or written. Fear of no power or choice. No
willpower or being out of control.

When this chakra is balanced, we have free flowing of words, expression,

communication. We are honest and truthful yet firm. We are good

The lesson of this chakra is to speak up and let your voice be heard.

6th or Third Eye Chakra

Located in the middle of the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead.

Physical imbalances include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues,

eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, hormone function.

Emotional imbalances include issues with moodiness, volatility, and self-

reflection; An inability to look at ones own fears, and to learn from
others. Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated

When this chakra is balanced we feel clear, focused, and can determine
between truth and illusion. We are open to receiving wisdom and insight.

The lesson of this chakra is to see the big picture.

7th or Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head.

Physical imbalance include depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to

light, sound, environment.

Emotional imbalances include issues with self-knowledge and greater

power. Imbalances arise from rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality,
constant confusion, carry prejudices, analysis paralysis. Fear of

When this chakra is balanced, we live in the present moment. We have an

unshakeable trust in our inner guidance.

The lesson of this chakra is live mindfully.

After reading this, you (like me) may feel that more than one chakra is
imbalanced or blocked. This is because when one is blocked, the other
chakras begin to compensate and either become overactive or under-

The best way to start balancing them is to start at the root chakra and
work your way up to the crown chakra. Start here for 6 Simple Ways to
Balance Your Root Chakra.

Photo Credit:

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