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Homeopathic Medicines for skin rashes

Sulphur, I find, is ideal for redness and rashes that aggravate at night.Homeopathic medicine
Medoohinum is suited for treating the fiery red rash around the anus in babies.

Lithium Carb works best in case of a rough rash all over the body and tough, dry, itchy skin.
Caladium is to be given to patients of an itching rash that alternates with asthma. I feel

Belladona is very helpful in case of eruptions like scarlatina which spread suddenly.

Astacus Fluv is great homeopathic remedy for a rash and itching all over the body.

Sarsaprilla works well for a rash that results from exposure to open air and causes dry itching.

While we have to continue to vaccinate our dogs and cats against rabies for public health reasons,
there are things we can do to at least minimize the effects of the vaccine on the body.

One thing is to give a dose of the homeopathy remedy Lyssin 30 C, which is made from the saliva
of a rabid dog, using the premise that like treats like, which is the basis of homeopathy. This should
be given as soon as possible after the rabies shot to try and prevent the development of any
reactions to the shot.Once the skin problems are evident, it is worth trying a dose of Thuja 6 C
every day to also remove the effects of the vaccine from the body, as this is very often needed
before other homeopathic treatment can be started. Other homeopathic remedies may be needed, as
prescribed by a licensed veterinarian, and are very often helpful in cases of chronic allergies, and
can replace the use of steroids in many cases.

Homeopathic Remedies
Pulsatilla is helpful for acute flare-ups with sensitivity and redness, along with a yellowish
discharge. Pulsatilla animals like to sit near open windows, hate getting their paws wet and wont
go out in the rain. They also tend to have a very sweet (and slightly needy) disposition.

Hepar Sulph is useful for irritable animals who dont like to have their inflamed ears touched.

Sulphur is often recommended for long term, stubborn skin conditions and also has some success
in ear infection treatment. Excessive scratching or pawing at the ears may be an indicator for

Silica is worth considering to help push out a foxtail or other foreign object form the ears.

Phosphorus is a good option for those dogs who suffer with cuts or hematomas to the pinna; its an
excellent remedy for many types of bleeding.

For animals that have a severe, malodorous discharge that causes hair loss around and under the
ears, Tellurium is helpful. The ears are extremely sensitive in the Tellurium patient, and the
discharge may have a fish-like smell.

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