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Connotative vs.

Denotative Vocabulary
Words are not limited to one single meaning. Most words have multiple
meanings, which are categorized as either denotative or connotative. The
denotation of a word is its explicit definition as listed in a dictionary. Lets use
the word home as an example. The denotative or literal meaning of home
is a place where one lives; a residence. Hint: Denotation, denotative,
definition, and dictionary all start with the letter D.

The expressiveness of language, however, comes from the other type of word
meaningconnotation, or the association or set of associations that a word
usually brings to mind . The connotative meaning of home is a place of
security, comfort, and family. When Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz says,
Theres no place like home, shes not referring to its denotation, but the
emotions home evokes for her and most people.

Connotation Determines Use

The connotative anddenotativemeanings of words are both correct, but a
words connotation determines when it is used. By definition, synonyms have
the same denotation or literal meaning, but almost always have different
connotations, or shades of meaning. For example, the synonyms of boat
include ship, yacht, dinghy, and ferry. All these words refer to the same thing,
but each elicits a different association in the readers mind.

Connotative and Denotative Vocabulary Exercises

Connotative anddenotativevocabulary exercises test your understanding of
how word choice affects the meaning of what you say and write. A quiz may
ask you to select words or write sentences that convey positive, neutral, or
negative connotations. For example, notice how the sentence meaning shifts
when the underlined word is changed:
Positive: Sally was an enthusiastic member her sorority.
Neutral: Sally was an active member of her sorority.
Negative: Sally was a fanatical member of her sorority.
Shades of Meaning Activities

Create your own connotative, or shades if meaning, activity worksheet. Make

three columns on a sheet of paper with the headings positive, neutral, and
negative. Select a paragraph from a reading assignment and record words
of differing connotation. Next, rewrite sentences from the paragraph,
substituting synonyms that have different connotations. Observe how the
intent of each sentence changes.

Political Correctness
The main lesson: Always consider a words denotation and connotation if you
want to avoid misinterpretation. In recent years, political correctness has
swept through the English language, due to our increased sensitivity to
negative connotations. While some ridicule it as being PC, expressions such
as differently-abled (instead of crippled) have had a positive effect on

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