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Vanessa Martinez

Vanessa Martinez

Galileo was born in Pisa of Italy, he was an Italian polymath astronomer ,physicist ,engineer ,philosopher and
mathematician . He played a big role in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century (Galileo_Galilei,2017). There
are things I didn't know about Galileo that maybe you didn't either. For example, he never married and all his kids were
out of wedlock with Maring Gambia ,whom he met on a trip to Venice. Also the middle finger of Galileo right hand has
been exhibited at the Museo Galileo in Florence ,Italy (Galileo_Galilei,2017). I don't understand why they decided to use
his finger but it's interesting! In the last year of his life, when he was totally blind ,Galileo designed an escapement
mechanism for pendulum clock called Galileo's escapement. Galileo was an interesting person who played a big role in
the scientific revolution and I can relate with him with some things.

Galileo might be a person who everyone learns from but he is human and has a lot of things we can relate
to.Galileo never won a price but he was still doing what he wanted he was a scientist . I can relate because i would not
have to win a price to keep doing what i like galileo went to university of Pisa 1581-1585 and got a job as a teacher.
That's great something i would want to do if i could me and galileo don't have a lot of things in common but there is a
lot of interesting things .That i didn't know about him and there is something that i might have in common with him.

Galileo was a very curious person who asked a lot of questions and wondered a lot about things. Galileo is a very
curious person he likes to ask a lot of questions like if you think something different then he will ask you why you think
that. I can relate to galileo because i am very curious of things and like to ask a lot of question cause i wonder a lot about
things and ask why they happen or how .This are some interesting things about galileo you might not have known about
. It was interesting learning about him and who he was galileo passed away in 1642 january 8th at age

Begin adding the information from

1. "Galileo Galilei." Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 June 2017.
2. Galileo - Astronomer, Scientist -
3. 10 facts about Galileo Galilei

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