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OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method


Beginners 1 (Vol 1)
Beginners 2 (Vol 2)
Elementary 1 (Vol 3)
Elementary 2 (Vol 4)
Lower intermediate 1 (Vol 5)
Lower intermediate 2 (Vol 6)
Intermediate 1 (Vol 7)
Intermediate 2 (Vol 8)
Upper intermediate 1 (vol 9)
Upper intermediate 2 (Vol 10)
Advanced 1 (Vol 11)
Advanced 2 (Vol 12)
Extras, other bock

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Beginners 1 (Vol 1) How do you do !
Unit 11 Igual que las dos respuestas anteriores, pero mucho mas
formal. Se responde con la misma expresin, How do you do!
Hello! No es una pregunta y no debe confundirse con How are you
Saludo cordial que se puede usar con todo el mundo. (ver a continuacin)

Saludo algo ms informal, que se suele usar entre amigos. How are you?
Cmo ests/est?
Good morning!
Saludo habitual, aunque algo formal. Menos formal sera la
variante, Morning! Se emplea por la maana, mientras que Fine, thanks! Well, thanks!
Good afternoon! Se emplea por la tarde. Bien, gracias

Unit 221
Good evening! On Air. Lights off
Saludo que se emplea al atardecer y durante toda la noche. Rtulo que indica que el programa se empieza a transmitir y
que las luces se apagan.

Good night!
Saludo que se emplea por la noche, pero nicamente para Are you all right?
despedirse y para indicar que uno se va a dormir. Expression equivalente a Te encuentras bien? o Te pasa
algo? All right tambin se escribe alright

Pleased to meet you! Sorry!

Encantado de conocerte/ conocerle Respuesta habitual que Fromulada como pregunta, esta expresin indica que alguien
usamos cuando nos presentan a alguien. no ha entendido lo que se le ha dicho y que por favor se lo
Nice to meet you!
Igual que el anterior, pero algo ms informal. Look at this!

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Mira esto! Llamar la atencin sobre alguna cosa extraa o la segunda es un gentileza tpica a la hora de agradecerle la
sorprendente. llamada a alguien

Thanks for calling!

Gracias por llamar! What do you do?
A qu te dedicas? Expresin habitual para preguntarle a
alguien su profesin. Admite la conjugacin; es decir, se
Come right now! puede preguntar, por ejemplo, What does she do? [A qu se
Ven/Venga/Venid/Vengan ahora mismo/en seguida! dedica (ella)?] o What do they do? [A qu se dedican

Dont go away!
No te vayas/se vaya! (singular) o No os vayis/se vayan! How much?
(pural) Cunto? Expresin habitual para preguntar sobre una
cantidad de algo o sobre el precio.

Unit 321
Lets see./Let me see How old are you!
Veamos../Djeme ver Expresiones tiles a la hora Cuntos aos tienes? La traduccin literal seria Cmo de
de ganar tiempo cuando se quiere considerer algn viejo eres t/es Vd?, porque en ingls preguntamos lo viejo
planteamiento o examinar algo ms de cerca. que somos La respuesta sera: Twenty years old

Look at this! Unit 421

Mira esto! Para llamar la atencin a alguien sobre alguna Sure thing, boss!
cosa interesante o extraa Por supuesto, jefe! Forma coloquial de la expresin Of

Call me/Thanks for calling!

Llmame!/Gracias por llamar! La primera expresin se una Get to work!
habitualmente entre personas que ya se conocen, mientras que

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Manos a la obra! O Ponte en marcha! Tambien se dice Get
goin! Hows it going?
Qu tal va? Expresin habitual para preguntar cmo va algn
Have fun! proceso y tambin, en un registro ms coloquial, para
Expresin muy comn que significa, Que te lo pases bien! preguntar Cmo ests? O Qu tal?
Otras expresiones parecida son Have a good time! y Enjoy
yourself! More and more contaminated birds are turning up on
Dont just stand there! El verbo turn up es en realidad un phrasal verb o verbo frasal.
No te quedes ah parado! Expresin que sirve para instar a Consta de un verbo (turn) ms una preposicin o particula
alguien a que se ponga en marcha. adverbial (up). El verbo turn, por si solo, significa girar,
pero en combinacin con up adquiere un nuevo significado
Its not a pretty sight (aparecer). Esta es la caracterstica principal de un phrasal
Expression parecida a No es nada agradable o Es un verb.
espectculo lamentable Se trata de un aviso de que lo que se
va a ver no es muy agradable They are washing up on beaches..
Otro phrasal verb con un significado muy preciso. Significa
How do you spell! llegar o aparecer pero, al ser su primer componente el
Expression habitual para preguntar Cmo se verbo wash (lavar), nos indica de qu manera llegan (en este
escribe..? un nombre o cualquier palabra caso, las aves): deslizndose suavemente sobre la arena.
Muchos phrasal verb ingleses contienen esta precisin
descriptiva referida a una accin.

Unit 577
Welcome to.! Unit 697
Bienvenido/a/os/as a.! Tpico saludo de bienvenida al What about.?
comienzo de un programa o concurso televisivo o radiofnico Y qu hay de?/ Y qu me dices de.? Pregunta
habitual para preguntar sobre otro aspecto del tema de la
More and more conversacin. Se parece bastante a la expresin How
Expresin adjetival, parecida a cada vez ms, about? Aunque sta ltima ms para proponer algo
empleada para indicar una creciente abundancia de algo

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Be careful! toquetear las cosas, se les dice: Dont touch! (sin el
Ten cuidado! Tpica expresin para advertir sobre un posible complemento it)
Its amazing!
How far is (it to) ..? Es increible! Expresin que expresa sorpresa y admiracin.
Cunto hay dea.?/Cunto Expresin Pero de signo positivo, se parece a la ms corriente Wow!
habitual para preguntar la distancia a un lugar o entre dos
lugares determinados. Adems de concretar o cuantificar la He looks like his brother
distancia; la lejana de un lugar se expresa diciendo Its a long Se parece a su hermano. Look like se refiere a caractersticas
way away, Its a long way from here o simplemente Its a o rasgos fsicos
long way (to) En vez de a long way, tambin se puede
decir far (Its far away) Shes like her sister
La proximidad se expresa diciendo Its not far from here, Its Se parece a su hermana. Be like se refiere al carcter or
close (by), Its near here, etc temperamento de una persona, o a las caractersticas de un
objetivo o lugar
How long is .?
How en combinacin con diversos adverbios proporciona una It feels like another world
frmula til para preguntar sobre cualquier medida, sea de Parece otro mundo/Es como estar en otro mundo Feel se
distancia, longitud, intensidad, etc. En este caso, significa refiere a la sensacin causada por un lugar, entorno, situacin,
Cunto mide.. (de largo)? emocin, etc, y sirve de expresin descriptiva, en cambio,
seguido de un gerundio, feel like significa aparecerse

Unit 7117 I feel like an ice-cream

Be quiet! Me apetece un helado. Seguido de un sustantivo o gerundio,
Silencio! / Callate! Expresin habitual y correcta para hacer feel like tambin significa apetecerse
callar a alguien, equivalente a la variante Keep quiet! La
forma ms coloquial y menos educada es Shut up! Unit 8135

Dont touch it! Dont worry!

No lo toques! Esta expresin implica algn grado de peligro. No te preocupes! Expresin habitual para tranquilizar a una
Sin embargo, a los nios pequeos, para decirles que dejen de persona que est ansiosa por algn motivo.

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Ya lo tengo! Se emplea esta expresin, por ejemplo, cuando
encuentra algo que estaba buscando o, en un sentido muy
Never mind! amplio, cuando acierta algo
No importa! / Tanto da!/ No te preocupes! Es muy parecida
a las expresiones Dont worry y tambin It doesnt matter!
(que ya ha visto con anterioridad), aunque Never mind! Tiene Unit 9155
adems una matriz de consolidacin es decir, se utiliza (I want to) ask (you) a (very important) question.
cuando alguien est disgustado por algo que le ha ocurrido. Ask a question Hacer una pregunta Ask es el verbo que
habitualmente se combina con el sustantivo question. En
Stay balanced! ingls, utilizar el verbo indicado para un determinado
Aunque no muy frecuentemente, esta expresin significa algo sustantivo se denomina collocation y es importante
as como mantn el equilibrio o No te dejes vencer aprender este tipo de combinaciones para poder dominar el

Ouch! (Their numbers) are down (this year)

Es la tpica exclamacin que alguien que siente un dolor Retomando el tema de los phrasal verbs, comentado en la
repentino, como cuando se golpea el dedo en una puerta o se Unit 5, aqu tenemos el verbo to be combinado con la
pincha con una aguja. partcula adverbial down. Esta combinacin verbo-adverbio
nos da el phrasal verb to be down, cuyo significado puede ser
Trust me? estar en declive bajarse, estar deprimido y otros
Confa en m! Ms que una expresin utilizada para infundir matices de estos conceptos. Lo contrario de to be down es to
confianza, como sera You can trust me, o You can rely on be up.
me, sirve ms bien para reforzar o confirmar alguna
afirmacin hecha con anterioridad. En este sentido una (We drop the nets into the water and they) come up (black
traduccin ms exacta seria Creme! and empty)
En este contexto, come up significa aparecer en la superficie
On your hands and knees! (del agua) aunque generalmente este phrasal verb significa
A gatas/ a cuatro patas Se suele usar con los verbos get, get subir
down y go down, a saber, Ge ton your hands and kness

Ive got it

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Up (and) down por la comida) o por un gerundio que indica una actividad o
Estas palabras pueden ser preposiciones o adverbios, segn su accin; es decir, un servicio prestado- Thanks for talking me
funcin y ubicacin en la frase. En una casa o edificio de (Gracias por llamarme)
varias plantas, con frecuencia figuran en explicaciones
relacionadas con que alguien viva encima o debajo (de uno Well done!
mismo), que alguien suba a la planta superior, o que baje a la Esta expresin tiene dos acepciones: en un sentido significa
planta inferior. Enhorabuena!, y otro, Bien hecho!

Unit 10175 With a little help from.

Aunque literalmente significa Con un poco de ayuda de.
Congratulations! Se traducira ms bien por Gracias a En realidad es un
Felicidades! o Enhorabuena! Expresin que sirve para juego de palabras basado en el ttulo de un cancin de los
felicitarle a alguien por cualquier logro, sea un ascenso en el Beatles (Whit a litlle help from My friends)
trabajo, un premio ganado, etc

Heres to you!
Es una alternativa a la expresin anterior. Se utiliza para
felicitar a alguien y tambin para brindar por l o ella. Beginners 2 (Vol 2)
Lgicamente, si uno no se dirige directamente a la persona Unit 111
agasajada, por estar reunido con muchas personas, you puede
sustituirse por el nombre de esa persona; por ejemplo: Heres Oh, well!
to Mr Smith! Alguien recurre a esta expresin a la hora de encajar alguna
noticia con resignacin, o cuando acaba aceptando hacer algo
Now we know a regaadientes. Es parecida a las expresiones: Bueno
Ahora ya lo sabe Expresin que se emplea para indicar que Qu se le va hacer!
se acaba de descubrir una informacin o para reconocer que
se acaba de aprender una leccin Better late than never!
Ms vale tarde que nunca!
Thanks for (the help)!
Gracias por la ayuda! Segn la situacin, the help puede Thats nice!
sustituirse por otro sustantivo- Thanks for the food (Gracias

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Expressin genrica para decir que a uno le parece bien o
bonito alguna cosa, sea un objeto (de regalo, por ejemplo) o Remember, you can get the full story on our website
una propuesta (como alguien cuenta a otro que se le ha hecho El verbo to get tiene tiene muchos significados y aplicaciones
una invitacin) y conviene dominar su uso para poder perfeccionar el ingls.
Es este caso, quiere decir obtener o conseguir. Full story
Go on! se refiere a la noticia completa; es decir, la versin ntegra de
Espresin que se puede traducer por Venga! Adelante! En la historia.
marcha! Segn el context.
They filmed this at the bottom of the sea
Happy birthday! El verbo to film significa rodar, aunque, tratndose de un
Feliz cumpleaos! largometraje o del argot ms tcnico, la variante ms usada
sera to shoot, el mismo verbo que en otro contexto significa
Yesterday was your birthday, right? disparar
Ayer fue tu cumpleaos, no (es as)/verdad/ no es cierto?
Se usa right al final de una frase, con el sentido de pregunta,
para pedir confirmacin. Unit 1339
Today in San Francisco it will be mostly ccloudy
Cloudy quiere decir nublado o nubloso El adverbio
Unit 1221 mostly significa mayoritariamente, principalmente, por
Stay tuned for the weather forecast! la mayor parte y en su mayoria, etc. Es sinnimo de
Tune significa sincronizar y Stay tuned! Es algo as como mainly. Sin embargo, los adjetivos correspondientes, en los
Permanezcan a la escucha! La frase completa invita a los cuales se basan estos adverbios, no son sinnimos, ya que
telespectadores a no apartarse del televisor si quieren ver la most significa la mayora de, mientras que main significa
previsin del tiempo. principal

What do you think? The sun will rise at 5:47 am, and set at 8:16 p.m
Qu opinas? Qu crees? O Qu te parece? En el ingls En el mundo anglo parlante la hora mxima siempre son las
actual, es mucho mas corriente el uso de to think a la hora de 12. Para diferenciar entre maana y tarde se recurre a las
recabar una opinin, en detrimento de la forma ms antigua abreviaturas latinas a.m. (ante meridiem) p.m. (post
to believe (creer), que hoy en da se emplea ms bien para meridiem), de manera que 8 a.m. son las ocho de la maana,
temas de creencia en el sentido estricto de la palabra mientras que 8 p.m. son las ocho de la noche.

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
traduccin ya que esta variara de acuerdo al contexto. En este
It wont rain for several days caso, sera algo as como bien/bueno/ahora.pasamos a la
Para indicar la duracin de un perodo de tiempo, se emplea primera tarea.
la expresin for (durante), y lo la preposicin during como
cabra esperarse. En cambio, during se emplea para explicar Thats wrong!
que una accin ocurre mientras est ocurriendo otra accin o Eso est equivocado! Sirve para afirmar que se a cometido
circunstancia, p. e. The phone rang during the party (el un error (segn el parecer de alguien). La expresin contraria
telfono est timbrando durante la fiesta), pero We lived in seri a Thats right , puede significar que algo es correcto, o
Spain for six years (vivimos en Espaa por seis aos) simplemente sirve para confirmarlo que alguien ha dicho.
Tambin puede decirse Thats incorrect! que sera una
Further updates about the fires variante ms formal de la expresin.
Update significa actualizacin; tambien tenemos el verbo
to up date (actualizar). Tanto el verbo como el sustantivo se Ill call you later
utilizan con mucha frecuencia en el mundo de la informtica Te/Le llamar ms tarde. Aqu se ve claramente cmo el
y en los medios de comunicacin. En cambio, el adjetivo y el auxiliar will (I+will=Ill) sirve para expresar intensionalidad.
adverbio correspondientes (up-to-date) son de uso ms
corriente en el lenguaje cotiniano. Lets continue!
Lets.(vamos a) es una expresin muy corriente que se
emplea en muchas situaciones diarias, sobre todo en el ingls
Unit 1457 hablado. Sirve para proponer algo, para poner en marcha
Could I have some water, please? alguna accin o proceso e incluso para instar (a alguien a que
Igualmente, con el mismo significado, puede decirse: could haga algo) de una forma suave
you give me some wter, please? (Me puede dar un poco de
agua, por favor?) Could I..? y Could you.? Se utiliza Unit 1575
con mucha frecuencia para pedir cosas en ingls. Could? The games not over
Puede sustituirse por Can.? Pero esta variante es ms To be over significa haber terminado o haber acabado, y
coloquial. the games noto ver quiere decir el juego an no ha
terminado En games not over se traducira por el juego ya
Now, for the first task ha terminado Evidentemente, para darle el mismo sentido de
La expresin Now, emplea para marcar un anter y un finalidad que en ingls, en afirmativo aadidoramos ya, y
despus, es decir, para cambiar de tema o accin. No tiene en negativo an

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method

Its time for a commercial Theres nothing like it!

Its time for. (es hora de..) se parece a la expresin que No hay nada parecido! Otra manera de decir que el producto
vimos en la Unit anterior, Now, for..Del mismo modo que en cuestin no tiene parangn; es decir, que se trata del
sta, its time for..marca un cambio de ritmo en la producto estrella de su categora.
conversacin o en la actividad. Por otra parte, comercial
significa anuncio televisivo, mientras que ad o From the most fabulous palace in India.comes the most
advertisement es anuncio en otros medios de comunicacin. attractive lipstick ever
En realidad, la expresin bsica es From.comes.. (De
Do you want to go ahead with the game? llegar.), otra frmula comn para los reclamos
To go ahead withsignifica seguir adelante con.; es publicitarios. La idea es de crear un misterio alrededor de un
decir continuar En cambio, to goa head, sin with y sin producto y conferirle un valor extico diciendo que llega de
complemento, significa adelante en el sentido de adelante un pas lejano.
un vehculo a otro, aceptacin que se traducira por to
overtake. Your life will never be the same!
Su vida nunca ser igual! Se refiere a que el producto
Unit 1691 anunciado marcar un antes y un despus en la vida de la
Its he latest! persona que lo pruebe. Una variante de esta expresin se
En el argot publicitario abundan los superlativos, que en emplea cuando una persona querida se va, momento en el cual
ingls adopta la terminacin est o se construyen se dice: things will never be the same (without.)
anteponiendo most al adjetivo. Latest se refiere a el ltimo!
es ms actual! Es tambin frecuente la expresin The latest
and greatest! Unit 17107
Think big, Zoe!
Its good for everyone! Hacer algo big es hacerlo a lo grande. Con un significado
La expression its good for (va bien para..) se adapta a parecido pero no igual, ltimamente se viene estilando
muchas situaciones en ingls, sobre todo en el lenguaje tambin la frase adverbial big time, que se refiere a meterse
coloquial y en publicidad. Referida a personas, significa en un actividad de lleno o con mucho ahinco o
sirve para. va bien para.. o es apto para. intencionalidad.
Referida a un perodo de tiempo (Its good for many years),
remite a la duracin o caducidad de un producto u otro objeto. Whats up?

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Qu pasa? O Qu ocurre? Otras expresiones sinnimas son You know.
Whats the matter? o Whats wrong? Ya sabes.. es decir Ya sabes a qu me refiero.

Go straight to the point! I cant belive it!

Ve directo al grano!. En ingls, the point significa el caso, No lo puedo creer! Expresin de incredulidad.
el sentido o la cuestin; por tanto, thats not the point
significa no es el caso, mientras que Whats the ponint? Coming up!
Significa Qu sentido tiene? Marchando! Lo que un camarero suele decir para indicar que
se est preparando el pedido en un bar o restaurante.
Theres talk about/that
Corre la voz que.., se dice que.. Si la frase termina Im just obeying orders
en about, va seguida de un sustantivo (Theres talk about the Slo estoy obedeciendo rdenes sta es la tpica frase que
takeover), mientras que, si termina en that, va seguida de otra se dice para intentar justificas una accin reprehensible
frase con sujeto y verbo (Theres talk that John is coming to
London) That was a long time ago
Eso fue hace mucho tiempo Ago significa hace
Anything to declare? refirindose a un tiempo transcurrido.
Algo para declarar? sta es la tpica frase con que se
encuentran los pasajeros recin llegados a un aeropuerto Change the subject!
cuando pasan las aduanas Cambia de tema Expresin habitual que se utiliza cuando
uno est harto de estar dando vueltas sobre el mismo tema.
Unit 18123
Dont make me laught!
No me hagas rer! Expresin irnica que indica incredulidad Unit 19139
o desacuerdo ante una propuesta o afirmacin. We have to find ways to help
To find ways-y, lo que viene a ser lo mismo to find a way,
significa buscar una/la forma/ manera de solucionar algo. En
Whats on the men?
Qu hay en la carta? La expresin Whats on.? Tambin este caso va seguido de to ms un verbo; o sea, va seguido del
se aplica en otros contextos, como cuando se pregunta sobre infinitivo. Tambin puede ir seguido de of, en cuyo caso debe
la cartelera de cine, o la programacin de televisin. completarse con un gerundio. En resumen, es igual decir find
a way to open the door que find a way of opening the door

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Lets all work together! llamar de vuelta), etc. La expresin Welcome back!
Vamos a trabajar todos juntos! o Vamos a colaborar todos! Responde a la segunda acepcin (Bienvenidos de nuevo!)
En este caso, lets sirve para proponer algo (ver nota
siguiente) Go away with empty hands
Irse con las manos vacas Go away es irse, marcharse,
Dont let the water run while washing dishes! mientras que be away es estar fuera. Es decir, away siempre
No dejen que el agua corra cuando friegan los platos! A tiene el sentido de alejamiento. Por tanto, cuando pregunta
diferencia de la nota anterior, aqu let significa dejar o por alguien por telfono, y le responde que hes away, se
permitir La diferencia ortogrfica estriba en que, en el entiende que la persona solicitada est fuera de la ciudad. En
primer caso, se emplea la forma contracta de la expresin cambio, si alguien no est en casa, ni en el despacho, habiendo
let us, mientras que en este ltimo caso se emplea slo el salido para hacer cualquier gestin en la ciudad, se dira: hes
verbo. Utilizando en este sentido, el complemento directo del out.
verbo puede ser cualquier sustantivo ms los pronombres me,
him, her, it o them. Be (all) about
Tratar(se) de Por ejemplo: Its about his doctors
Here is a list of dos and donts. appointment, significa Se trata de su cita mdica.
Here la expresin ms corriente para decir he Refirindose a un libro o a una pelcula, Whats it about?
aqu. aqu tenemos, a continuacin relacionamos.. significa De qu se trata?
o cualquier expresin que sirva de prembulo para presentar
una lista o relacin de elementos. Dos and donts (el plural de Be a good sport
do y del negativo dont) significa lo que se debe o no debe Significa algo as como ser bueno, ser buena gente, ser
hacer.. un to enrolado o ser un to grande. Se refiere a una persona
que sabe encajar los contratiempos y tratar a los dems con
Unit 20155 deportividad.
Welcome back!
Utilizando como adverbio, back significa (1) de vuelta, de
regreso, o (2) de nuevo, otra vez, segn el contexto. As,
atenindonos a la primera acepcin, come back significa Elementary 1 (Vol 3)
volver, regresar (literalmente: venir de regreso). Otros Unit 13
ejemplos incluyen give back devolver (literalmente: dar Now, as for me.
de vuelta), pone back o call back (devolver la llamada o

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
As for meintroduces a description of someones personal And, here we are, waiting for them
tastes, beliefs, opinion or situation. Here we are..and the past tense, There we werefollowed
by a gerund is a way of emphasizing or drawing attention to
There you go? the action taking place at the moment.
This expression confirms a previous comment, or draws
attention to an action which has started as expected. It
confirms our opinion that someone or something has the To think I want nervous!
capacity to succeed. To think (that) that the speaker is surprised about
[Esta expresin confirma un comentario anterior, o atrae la how he or she reacted at some time in the past.
atencin a una accin como la que ha empezado esperada.
Confirma nuestra opinin de que alguien o algo tienen la Were out of here!
capacidad de tener xito.] Somebody says this just before leaving a place very quickly.

Youre bossy enough as it is!

The expression enough as it is is used with an adjective (in Now what?
this case, bossy). It means that the quality expressed by the We say this to mean that we dont know what to do next. This
adjective is intense enough at the moment (as it is). In other often happens when our plans go wrong and we need to try
words, greater intensity is not desirable. something different

I dont know about

We use this to express doubts about something. For instance, I guess..
I dont know about that movie can mean that we have doubts A colloquial form of I think (that.)
about the quality of the movie (maybe we wont like it); I
dont know about his hand means somebody has problem
with his hand. Lets see how he reacts
We use Lets seeas a suggestion to check something,
often by looking. Lets seeis the same as saying, Lets
Unit 219 see what his reaction is. Lets see..can be followed by
Dont tell me Capricorn 77 is online! various relative pronouns: Lets see howLets see
The expression Dont tell me..indicates surprise or disbelief whichetc

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Unit 335 When you say Not means you are not really
Welcome aboard! interested in the subject, or you want to show that you are not
We use this expression to welcome somebody who is going worried by it.
to work with us, to join us in some activity or to help us with
some tastk. Oops!
We say this when we drop something or when weve
To hell with this, Zoe! forgotten something.
To hell with(something/somebody) means we are tired of
something/somebody. We have reached a limit and explode Sounds like someone I know!
by telling that thing/person to go to tell. This is a form of In colloquial English, we often leave out the subject of the
swearing/cursing. In this example, this refers to the sentence (it sounds like.). The expression means that one
situation (between Dan and Zoe) thing or person reminds us of another (thing or person). We
also use this expression with the verbs look, smell and taste
Indeed you were, Zoe! (e.g. it tastes like)
We use indeed to confirm something or to say that we agree
with something He turned out to be such a sweetheart!
Turn out refers to the result of something. A sweetheart is
I wont let you down! a really nice, kind person. When you first meet someone, you
To let (somebody) down means to disappoint somebody or to dont know what theyre like. After some time, when you
remove your support for somebody when are expecting it. know them better, you discover what theyre really like.

What do you mean? He works, like, 18 hours a day!

To mean usually refers to the meaning of something, but, We use like in colloquial English to take a short pause and/ or
when we use the expression What do you mean? We are to emphasize some information. In this case, the intention is
asking about someones real intentions. to emphasize the long number of hours.

Unit 569
Employees or, should I say, ex-employees.
Unit 453 We use or should I sayto correct something we have just
Not that I care! said. In the above example, Dan Lavish firt say employees

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
but he corrects that to ex-employees because they have just part of phrasal verb, back always indicates that somebody or
lost their jobs something will return. Right indicates that the time will be
very short (usually a few seconds or minutes)

As Im sure you can imagine

This means we think the person we are speaking to knows and Please! Call me Dan!
understands what we are saying This means you dont need to use the persons formal name
(e.g. Mr Lavish). He or she is inviting you to use a more
friendly form of address- his/her first name (Dan)
Top management
This refers to the group pf managers and directors who are at
the top of a company. Below these we have middle Nice and wet
management. Nice and..followed by another adjective (wet) is a common
colloquial way of emphasizing the second adjective. Nice is
positive, so, if we say a cup of coffee is nice and hot, for
Whatever you say, boos! example, it means that hot is very positive in this context
This means that you should obey your bosss orders but it is
also ironical.
We appear to be having technical problems
The situation on the ground We appear to be a polite or formal way of
This refers to what is happening at a particular place of special excusing yourself when you are creating problems for
interest. For television reporters, it is the place where they are someone else. In fact, the speaker is having problems, but
filming the news, because something interesting has he doesnt want to admit it, so he says we appear to be
happened there having problems

Unit 585 And now well hear from.

Well be right back To hear from (with the preposition from) means to
This is the typical phrase used on television before a receive news, information or an opinion from someone
commercial break. It means that the program pauses for
commercials and will then be back after them. When forming

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Unit 7101
We might as well go cover it Typical expression to indicate that youve spotted a problem
We use might as well to make a weak suggestion, or when
there seems to be only one course of action Hey!
We say this to attract somebodys attention
How do I get there from here?
The verb get to refers to travelling from one place to another. That did it!
Its meaning is similar to arrive at, but get to also cover the This means that somebody has applied a successful solution
journey, not only the end of the journey, when we finally to a problem
arrive. We ask the question How do I get to? When we
need directions to some place. And that is why we do research
And that is why..introduces the reason for something or the
Im on my way! cause of something. Its the same as saying, Thats the reason
We use this expression to tell somebody that we have started (for)..
moving from one place to another, or that we have started a
journey, even a short one- for instance, from one room in a Lets get plenty of shots of the politicians
house to another. A similar expression is Im coming! Shots are photos (photographs). Colloquially, we also say
pictures. The typical expressions are to take photos, pictures
Im going to tell him a thing or two! or shots of. , or to get photos/pictures/shots of..
To tell (somebody) a thing or two means to tell them that
youre angry about something-that you are not happy with Got it!
them because, in your opinion, they have done something This means you have successfully completed an intended
wrong action, or you have understood something.

Watch it, Zoe!

To watch it means to be careful. In this case, it is a warning. Unit 9139
Another similar expression is Watch your step! Now if youll excuse me
This is what you say when you are in a hurry to leave, but
somebody is holding you back. It is formal and ironic at the
Unit 8109

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
same time. In a normal, formal situation you can say. Are you kidding me?
excuse me but I have to.. When we are very surprised by what someone has said, we
think that perhaps they are not being serious. To kid.means
It wont happen again! to joke, i.e. to be making fun
We say this when weve made a mistake or done something
wrong and we want somebody to understand that we wont Fire way!
repeat that mistake Similar to expression, Go ahead! We use it to encourage
someone to start doing something, or we give them
This is great stuff, you two! permission to do it
Great stuff! This expression is a way of congratulating
somebody for doing something well. Its the same as saying Thats a pity!
We done You two means you are talking to two people When were sorry about something happening, and we think
its a waste (of time, effort, suffering, etc), we say Its/Thats
Alls well that ends well! a pity!
This is a proverb. It means that, although there have been
problems, you were able to solve those problems in the end.

Unit 10157 Elementary 2 (Vol 4)

Ill go easy on him Unit 113
To go easy on ..(Someone) is to not put pressure on them See you later
See the common colloquial way of saying goodbye
What is that supposed to mean? to someone who you are going to meet again in the near future
We ask this question when we are surprised or angry by what (the same day, the next day, the next week..) It can be used
someone has said, and we want them to explain their with many adverbs of time: see you later! See you tomorrow!
statement more fully See you in a weeks time.We do not use until in this
Is that all I am to you?
This means we feel someone considers us to be less than what Whats new?
we expected. Maybe we think they dont love us, that they are We use this expression to ask (1) someone if they have any
with us for some other reason new information or (2) simply as a colloquial way of saying
How are you In some cases it is similar to Whats up?
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Police have charged a San Francisco accountant with
Go ahead! stealing.
We use this to tell someone (1) to start walking or moving in
front of us, (2) to leave before us or (3) to do something which When a crime is committed, the police change the suspect
they would like to do. In this case it is like giving them with the crime. This means that he will appear before a judge.
permission to do something
But he didnt get away with it
Heres my card. To get away with.. (Something) means to commit a crime,
Here what we say when we want to show or give or to do something bad, without facing any consequences. If
somebody something. The plural is Here are. the police do not catch a criminal, for instance, then the
criminal gets away with it (the crime)
Doing who knows what?
Who knows what! means we do not know what somebody is Unit 1335
thinking, talking about or doing. Although we (possibly) have Im afraid (that).
some idea of what it is, we do not approve of it When we need to give somebody some bad news, or to refuse
them permission to do something, we begin the sentence with
You have a good point this expression
When we say somebody has a point, or a good point, we mean
that we think they are right, that they are speaking the truth, Theres always a first time
or that we like or agree with the idea they are expressing This is a proverb. It means that, even if you think youll never
do a certain thing, you can never be sure it wont happened.
Unit 1219 A similar expression is: Never say never
Crime doesnt pay
This is a proverb. It means that, if you commit a crime, youll Thats nothing!
have to face the consequences When somebody says theyve done or seen something great
or wonderful, sometimes there is somebody else in the
Dan isnt going to like this! conversation who thinks they start off saying Thats
Joe tells Zoe that somebody is doing (or has done) something something
which Dan doesnt like or doesnt approve of. The expression
con be completed by adding. When he finds out Too bad

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Similar expression to Its a pity We say this when we think
something is a waste (of time, effort, suffering, etc) Nouns acting as adjetives
It is also very common in English to see nouns used a
Unit 1449 adjetives. In this Unit we have seen airport congestion and
Cheers! travel times airport and travel are nouns, but here they act
This is the common expression we use in English to make a as adjetives. Other include art gallery, food chain and
toast. Everyone lifts their glasses and says, Cheers! swimming pool

To hell with the French! Imagine passenger trains travelling at 120 m.p.h!
Hell is where bad people go when they die. We say To hell In this case, imagine is used as an imperative. The activity or
with.! When we are angry with (or tired of) something or process we have to imagine takes the form of a gerund not
somebody an infinitive!

To your health! Link

This is another expression for making a toast, but it is not as A chain contains many links. In this case, a link is a physical
common as Cheers A similar expression is, Heres to. thing. But links can also be figurative, including Internet
(a person or thing) links, which you can click on, to take you to different
websites. So, in general, a link is a connection. It is also a
Mmmmm.It tastes good verb, with a meaning similar to connect what we say when we taste food or drink and find
it delicious Unit 1679
Among other things
Unit 1565 When we mention only one item from a list of many items,
Compound adjetives we cover the remaining items bay saying among other things
Compound adjetives (=adjective+noun) are very common in or amongst other things
English. In this Unit we have seen top-quality and hight-
speed. Others include grown-up, phone-call, easy-going and That sounds fishy!
post-graduate. As you can see, the adjective and noum are Fishy means suspect; i.e. something which sounds strange,
usually separated by a hyphen - but, over time, the two unclear or untrue. A similar (but not identical) adjective is
words join to form one word (e.g. you can now see post- shady, which means illegal or unfair. We use shady in
graduate written posgraduate) expressions such as shady business, shady practices, etc

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
An expression meaning that the time period for some
Chem X has a reputation for playing rough assignment is finished. We can use this for any kind of test,
To play rough means to compete by being hard, and even exam, sports competition, etc
unfair. We often say his about people who play contact sports
or companies who do not do business in a clear, open way We cant pay our bills?
Bills refers to the light (electricity), water and gas we use in
Thats what I want to hear! an apartment, house, office, or many other building. When
People say this when they receive good news or, in general, people say, We cant pay our bills, it means they are poor or
when they like what they hear have no work and cannot pay for the services they use

They have agents that do their dirty work Gotcha!.

To do the dirty work means to do something unpleasant, This expression has two basic meanings. You say it (1) when
unethical or illegal. This often means committing a crime. you give someone a surprise, or when you catch them doing
something, and (2) to indicate that youve understood
Unit 1795 something that somebody is telling you. Gotcha is the short
Best regards is the expression we use to end a letter to form of got you
someone we know-from work or business, for example, even
if we haven`t met them personally. It is similar to best wishes! Poof! Theyre gone!
We say Poof! to mean that something has suddenly
You look nice! disappeared, as when a magician makes an object or person
This is a typical compliment we use for both men and women disappear. This word is onomatopeic for suggesting a cloud
when we like the way they are dressed of smoke

You didnt hire me for my looks! This is great stuff!

This is an ironical statement. It means that (a) Zoes boss We say this when we enjoy reading, watching or eating
hired her for her professional skills, and that (b) he should something we find very nice or very good
therefore not talk about her appearance (looks)
Youll get the idea
Times up This is used in the future tense (you will). It means that, if you
dont understand something now, very soon you will

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
understand it by having to deal witch it (a problem, for beginning e.g. Dear Ms Simpson and you end the letter with
example) in practice the expression Yours sincerely

Unit 19127 Unit 20143

Stand up and fight! Havent you had a few too many?
We use this expression to encourage someone who has a The basic expression is to have one too many. we say this
problem to face it- to do something about it-instead of when someone gets drunk, i.e. theyve had one drink more
avoiding or running away from it than a reasonable amount and have gone over the limit. A few
too many means not one but several extra drinks (above the
This is very hard-hitting stuff! limit)
A newspaper article or a television documentary that is very
critical of a person or an organization can be hard-hitting, Im not bad in person, either!
meaning that it makes a strong impact or has a powerful effect When you talk about seeing or meeting or talking to someone
on people who read the newspaper or watch TV in person, this means you have the person physically in your
presence. Its similar to saying in the flesh or, in some cases,
Thats a strong claim! personally, as in the sentence, I spoke to him personally
When you make a claim, you are saying that something (or
something that happened) is true. A strong claim is one which It all started with an email
is hard to believe, or has serious consequences. It all started. Is a typical way of beginning a story you want
to tell about how something long or complicated happened.
Ill be right up..
This is similar to expression Im coming Someone is calling Im knackered!
you, or expecting you to come, and you answer using this Knackered is a colloquial way of saying very tired or
phrase. In this context, right means very soon, at once or exhausted
The night is young..
Yours faithfully People say this when they are looking forward to going out at
When you write a letter, if you dont know the name of the night to enjoy themselves. This can mean going to the cinema,
person youre writing to, you start the letter Dear Sir or a party, a disco in general, to have fun at night
Dear Madam, and you end the letter with Yours faithfully.
But, if you do know the persons name, you use it at the

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
We should do this more often! The idiom, to get down to business, means to start working
This is an ironical way of saying that you enjoy doing seriously and immediately. We often use this expression
something and that you would like to do it more often. It also when people are talking about some action, but have not
suggests that the person you are talking to should agree to this started that action. One person then suggests beginning it
idea and help put it into practice immediately

The early bird catches the worm

Lower intermediate 1 (Vol 5) This proverb means that the person who arrives first has a
Unit 13 better opportunity of achieving something successfully. It can
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link also men that, if you get up early, you can do more work
This is a proverb. A chain consists of several links. So, if one during the day.
link is weak, the whole chain will be weak. Its the same with
any system. In a production company, for example, if one Unit 219
department does not function as well as the others, the whole Come on!
production process will be slowed down by that department. Come on! has three basic meanings it can mean (1) let's go,
when you want someone to go somewhere with you, or (2)
As you all know. hurry up , when you think someone is being too slow. We
This is typical way of introducing a speech, or a new idea in can also use it to indicate that (3) the person we're speaking
that speech. It means that the speaker assumes his or her to should stop talking nonsense or stop joking.
audience already knows about a subject and that s/he wants to
add more information about it Grab your helmet!
Grab is colloquial way of saying get or take. It also
I was getting to that suggest something is urgent. For instance, when Joe says,
To get/come to something means to arrive at something (an Grab your helmet! He's telling Zoe to take her helmet and put
idea, a statement, a fact....) For instance, when someone is it on quickly because they're leaving on his motorbike.
speaking about one thing, and another person asks about
something else, the speaker can reply that s/he is going to deal I would, but Im not in the mood for.
with that subject soon by using this expression I would, a typical way of making an excuse for not
doing something. To be in the mood for something means to
let's get down to business! feel like (doing) something

No. Guess again

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
When we dont know the answer to something, we can guess Unit 453
the answer, which means to offer an answer when were not Please go away!
sure of it. We say guess again when somebody has got the This is a polite way of asking somebody to leave, either
answer wrong and we want them to try again to get it right. because were tired of them or because we need to be alone
Its similar to saying, Have another go!
What have you got to lose?
This is a way of encouraging someone to go ahead and do
Unit 335 something they would like to try.
Dont drink and drive!
To drink and drive means to drive a car under the influence of Who is it?
alcohol. In many countries drinking and driving is illegal and If someone knocks on your door, and you dont know who
it is very dangerous they are, you can ask, Who is it?

They never knew what hit them! We can make you famous!
This means someone got an unpleasant surprise; i.e. When a big or powerful organization wants to hire somebody,
something awful, negative or very powerful happened to or make them an offer, they can use this expression to impress
them. It can be something physical, or it can refer to emotions. that person.

Were taking care of business Unit 569

This means you are doing what you have to do- doing your Mr Anthony Perkins confessed to impersonating..
work or any activity that you are supposed to be doing. It can Confessed to. Is followed by a gerund (-ing) and is similar
have a negative meaning when talking about crime. in meaning to admitted toas in the sentence, The man
admitted to stealing a hammer from the store
What are you talking about?
We ask this question when we dont understand or believe
what someone is saying because it is very surprising. in order to collect her benefit checks
In order to is followed by an infinitive. It is similar in
meaning to for the puerpose of although the latter is
Were following a story
This is what reporters or journalists do-look for information followed by a gerund, e.g. he cut the fence in order to get
about something that has happened so they can write and into the field, or He cut the fence for the purpose of getting
publish a story about it. into the field

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
.to collect her benefit checks You never know means that, although something does not
In past Units we have mentioned collocations, i.e. two seem true or possible, we cannot be sure it isnt true, or that it
words which often go together. Here, the verb to collect wont happen some day in the future.
goes with the noun check, because to collect is usually
used for money, e.g. to collect money, to collect payment Unit 7105
or to collect tax. It means to receive, get or pick up (money) If I were you, Id
This common expression is a second conditional (if+past
simple>>conditional). We use it to give advice, by saying
His mother had left clear instructions what we would do if we were in the other persons place
This is also a verb-noun collocation to leave (sb)
instructions. When you give somebody instructions, or write I wouldnt want to be in our shoes
instructions down on paper, this means to leave them. This means that someone is in a difficult situation and we say
we would not like to be in their place or position
I bet youd like to visit Lake Tahoe, wouldnt you?
I bet is common way of saying youre sure (or almost sure)
Im so excited!
of something. It can also be used to encourage or to show you When youre looking forward to something that is going to
agree with the person youre speaking to. happen soon, you feel excited about it. Feeling can be
expressed using Im so (happy, sad, excited, bored)
Some are over 300 feet all
When we talk about measurements, we can say that
Im afraid so
something is over or more than some limit. For instance, a When you need to confirm some unpleasant information, you
town can be more than 50 miles away, or over 50 miles away. say, Im, afraid so, meaning Im afraid its true. If you need
The opposites are less than and under, e.g The cars doing to break some bad news to someone, you start by saying, Im
less than/under 30 an hour afraid. (without so)
Theres no turning back, is there? Its your turn
To turn back means to stop, to decide not to continue and We can say this to someone who is standing in line waiting to
return or go back. The expression, Theres no turning back, be served in a shop, or who you`re playing a game with. If we
means some process cannot be stopped. This often applies to use it when playing a game, it means that person should play
progress next
You never know, do you?
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Unit 8121 This mean to fall very much in love with somebody and
Its worth it! become emotionally dependent on them
Its worth it is the same as saying Its worthwhile or Its worth
the trouble. It means that a certain action (e.g. doing, buying, Things are starting to get interesting
or saying something) will give you a positive result or be of This means that a situation is beginning to get interesting,
benefit to you or to someone else. exciting or complicated. There is a chance it will end in an
argument, a fight, or something emotional. We also say,
Surfs up! Things are hotting up
This is an expression used by surfers to mean that the sea
conditions are good for surfing, i.e. the waves are good. Dont give up now Zoe
To give up means to surrender, i.e. to stop making an effort
Do yourself a favor because we think we are too weak or too tired to continue
This expression is typically used in advertising. It suggests fighting or competing. It is similar to the phrasal verb, to give
that, if you buy a certain product, you are doing yourself a in.
So, you took a trip down memory lane
Youd better take a sleeping bag with you To take a trip down memory lane means to recall things about
Youd better..means its preferable to.. Its worth.. the past; for instance, to look at an album of old photos and
It refers to a recommended course of action. It can be used remember the people we met, the places we visited, etc. A
with all persons: Id better..Hed betterWed better lane is a short and/ or narrow street

Unit 9137 Unit 10157

You know that I mean Get packed!
This expression has two basic meanings: (1) when wet think To packed means to put in your suitcase or travel bag which
the person were speaking to already knows more or less what youre taking on holiday, or on a business trip. Get packed! Is
were talking about, instead of describing all the details of the imperative, meaning you are telling someone to hurry up and
subject, we say You know what I mean. (2) We also use this pack
when were being critical of somebody-often a child-who is
being naughty, or acts as if they dont understand. ASAP

To give your heart away

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
ASAP stands for as soon as possible. This is a typical You would use this between one surprise and the other to give
abbreviation used in text messages on the Internet or a the story more effect.
If you must know
What do you have in mind? When someone asks you an irritating or embarrassing
To have in mind means to have an idea you want to put into question, you could start by saying this before answering the
practice, or just something you are thinking about or question.
considering. By using the question form, you are asking what
the other person is thinking, or what their intentions are. Dont say Dan the Man doesnt look after you!
Dont say.dont/doesntis a two-pert expression. The first
This is right up your alley! part is always the same. The second part includes dont or
To be right up ones alley refers to something (a task, a doesnt, depending on who the subject of the sentence is.
process, etc) which is well suited to somebody because it is (That second auxiliary verb can also be conjugated in another
relates to their profession, specialty or hobby. You can also these.) We use this expression to emphasize that we can be
say, Its right up your street trusted or relied on, because were proud of something weve
done. It can also mean were being critical of the person were
I cant wait to. talking to.
You say this when you are really eager to do something, i.e.
you are very much looking forward to it. For instance, if you Somethings wrong with my cellphone
say, I can`t wait to see Maggie, it could mean that Maggie is Somethings wrong withmeans that a person or thing is
a good friend of yours and you havent seen her for ages, so not functioning properly. Applied to a machine, it means the
youre looking forward to seeing her machine could be broken, or is not working properly. When
applied to a person, it can mean that person doesnt seem to
be well or happy. You can also say, Somethings up with

Lower intermediate 2 (Vol 6) Unit 1221

Unit 113 I recorded it for posterity
But, it didnt end there To do something for posterity means to do it with the intention
The subject of this expression can vary, e.g. But, things didnt of leaving it behind for future generations to see, admire and
end there Typically, you say this when youre telling a make use of.
surprising story which gets even more surprising as it goes on.
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
(a conversation, for instance), or to express a different point
Passengers will please make their way to gate 27 of view.
This is the announcement your hear when you are about to get
on an airplane. To make ones way to..means to head for, I wonder how many people live in London
i.e. to move or walk along in a particular direction. I wonder.. is the phrase we use when wed like to know
some information, or the answer to a question. As we dont
Sometimes its good to remember things really know the answer, we try to guess it or speculate about
We use Its good start describing something we like or it. I wonder if Sue will come to the party, means you are
we consider healthy or advisable. This phrase is useful for interested in knowing this information because it could affect
recommending something. In fact, in this case good means you in some way.
Its quite a relief, really
Yeah, for a start, its now Universal Network! Relief is what you feel when something hard or unpleasant is
For a a more colloquial way of saying to begin over, or when a bad experience has finally come to an end..
with. We often use it to start listing items we consider
important. Its hard to believe
This means you find it difficult to believe something (some
You have to admit that things have changed news, fact or information, or a statement someone makes).
You have to admit (that) is a way of getting someone to
agree with us (to agree with what were saying) Unit 1457
I think this needs further study
Unit 1339 Further is the comparative form of the adjective or adverb
Not at all! far. But, in many cases-like here- it is used to means more
This expressions is generally used to mean two things- (1) as or in greater detail. In this sense, it means that the document
a synonym for Its a pleasure or Youre welcome, which requires more detailed investigation.
you can use when someone thanks you for something, or (2)
when you want to insist that something is not true. Lets take a closer look
To take a look is a collocation between the verb take and
I dont mean to instrude, but. the noun look. A synonym id to have a look. There are
The general expression is, I dont means to .butThis is a many examples of collocations where both have and take
polite way of excusing ourselves when we want to interrupt are correct, e.g. to have/take a coffee, to take/have a shower,

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
to have/take a rest. Here, take is more the American form, statement, So, are we done? Is a bit ironical and suggests that
while have is more British. However, in practice, they are the speaker is getting irritated or impatient.

Its OK- hes been asleep for ages What does it do?
It`s OK means it alright, everythings fine, dont worry, This is the question someone asks when they want to know
etc. for ages is a common expression which means for a long the purpose or function of a device or machine.
Are we free to enter the country now?
Used in the affirmative or question form, the expression
Joe, dont be nosey!
Nosey means inquisitive, i.e. it refers to someone who asks Youre free to..or Am I free to.? Can be used in many
too many questions, or uncomfortable questions. situation. For instance, when a meeting seems to be over,
someone could ask the most senior person in the room, Are
we free to go now?
Unit 1575
The eyes are the windows to the soul Unit 1693
This is a proverb. It means that you can tell what a person is Cheerio!
like by looking at their eyes and reading their expression. This is a colloquial and traditional way of saying Goodbye
In some cases, it can also be used instead of Cheers to make
a toast.
May I see your passport, please?
This is the standard question you will hear when passing
I beg your pardon, sir?
through passport control in an English-speaking country. May People once used I beg your pardon to say sorry or Im
is a more polite form of can, and is similar to could. In sorry, although it is not often used in this sense now.
stores, store clerks also use the word may to ask, May I help Nowadays we use it when havent heard something properly,
you? or as an exclamation when somebody says something
So, are we done?
Done means finished to be done means to be finished, but Look, its no skin off my nose
it refers to a process or a piece of work which someone is Its no skin off my nose means something doesnt affect you,
doing. A similar adjective is over, but over is used for an it doesnt matter to you or you dont care, even if the person
event, such as a concert, a movie, a meeting, etc. the youre talking to thinks it might.
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
A clear case of something means a good example or
Smile! Youre on candid camera! demonstration of that thing. Love thy neighbor is short for
Candid Camera was and still is a television programme Love they neighbor as thyself which is taken from the Bible
which shows people caught in funny situation, at the end, the and means you should treat other people with the same love
cameraman or presenter goes up to the person being filmed and care as yourself. In the video, this phrase is used
and says Smile! Youre on candid camera! ironically.

Thank you for time! Unit 18127

We say this to thank somebody who has been helping us in This way, please
some way. A similar expression is Thank you for your This way. is used, typically to show somebody where to
trouble. Its a formal expression which you will probably see go (which way to go) - there are also public signs way in
more in writing (entrance) and way out (exit)

Unit 17111 Time is money as they say

Great stuff, Zoe! Keep it coming.. Time is money is saying which means that you should be
Both expression in this sentences are used to encourage productive with your time- if youre lazy and let time go by,
someone- we saw Great stuff! In Unit 18 (Elementary), while you lose money. But, if youre hard-working and use your
Keep it coming! encourages someone to continue doing work time productively, you make money
or carrying out actions with a similar, positive result.
What can you tell us about the charlatan Project?
Thats the Zoe I know What can you tell us about.? Is a common way of asking
We say Thats the. I know to encourage or show support for for information about something?
someone. We use it when they have said or done something
we consider to be typical of them, or typical of their quality Youre not going anywhere
of work or action. This is a threat, and you would use it to threaten somebody or
to remind them that you will not allow them to leave. The
You never know when or where you will be filmed question form (Are you going anywhere?) is quite different
You never know. Means you should expect anything to its just a normal way of asking if somebody is going out, and
happen, i.e. nothing is impossible, even if it looks that way. where they are going.

Sounds like a clear of love thy neighbour!

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Unit 19147
Well take a rain check Unit 20165
To take a rain check (or raincheck) means to come back later I could hardly believe my eyes!
or to leave something for later; to postpone an event, an Hardly means something only happens-or something is only
invitation, a sports events, etc, Its also a way of saying No, true-by a small margin, i.e. it almost doesn`t happen, or its
thank youmaybe another time, when somebody invites almost not true. Similar adverbs are barely and scarcely. I
you to do something. could hardly believe my eyes! Means something is so
amazing that its difficult to believe.
Tell me once more.
This is what somebody would say if theyre questioning or Give me five!
interrogating somebody else. It means, Youve give me once This is what you say when youre happy about something and
explanation; now give me another one, but, this time-tell me want to celebrate it- you lift up the palm of your hand and hit
what really happened i.e. tell me the truth instead of once it against somebody elses palm. Five refers to five fingers.
more, we can also say once again or one more tine Its also called High five!

You are both in very serious trouble! I dont quite understand

You have already seen the expressions To get into trouble and This means you dont understand something fully or
To be in trouble. These are both very common in English and completely you need more details, or a different
they refer to someone having a problem or being in a explanation, to understand it completely. The adverb quite
difficult situation. For instance, when youve been arrested transmits the sense of not being complete
for something, youre in serious trouble. You can also say,
big trouble. The opposite would be some trouble or slight Thats too good to be true!
trouble (or just trouble, without an adjective), as, for example, To be too good to be true means you dont completely believe
when youre having difficulty opening a bottle. something. The idea is that really good things only happen in
our imagination, but not in real life.
I bumped into an old friend this morning
To bump into can mean either (1) you accidentally make
sudden physical contact with someone, which can be Intermediate 1 (Vol 7)
annoying, or (2) you meet someone you know by chance. In Unit 13
this case, there are synonyms such as come across and run Its good to see you!

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
This is very common expression meaning, Im glad to see
you. It also implies that you havent seen the other person Shh!
for quite a long time. You can also add again at the end: Its This is an onomatopoeic interjection for telling someone to be
good to see you again! quiet, to remain silent, to not make a noise. English is a very
onomatopoeic language For instance, the sound Psst! is used
Let me give you some advice! to attract someones attention, to speak to them without other
This use of let a polite and indirect way of giving someone people noticing.
advice, or telling them what you think they should do. Instead
of let, you can use allow or permit. Allow is more formal, and You wont breathe a word of this to American or Balboan
permit more formal still, so let is the most common form. authorities!
The expression to not breathe a word of (something) means
You really ought to try the hot sauce! to not reveal a secret. It is normally used in the negative future
You ought a more direct way of giving advice than the tense (wont), as in the example (above). Two similar idioms
previous expression (above). It is similar to You should..If are to spill the beans and to let the cat out of the bag, but
we add really, it means youre very eager to recommend these can be used either in the affirmative or negative
Unit 335
You should try it A man by the name of Gustaf Marback
Like the previous expression (above), You shouldis a By the name of a way of saying that somebodys name
direct way of suggesting something. is We can also say named or called, as in, A man named
Marback, or A man called Marback
Unit 219
I called them. Im still waiting.. Please put your seats in the upright position
Im still waiting is an ironic way of saying that something or This is the expression passengers will hear when flying, just
someone have taken longer than expected and that were before the plane takes off. Upright means vertical and we
getting impatient. can use it for the position of an object or a persons posture;
e.g. When you sit straight, your back is upright
Is there anything we can do?
This expression can be used when offering somebody help. It We are about to touch down in Balboa City
is also said when somebody is in a difficult situation and When talking about an aeroplane, to touch down is the same
doesnt know what to do. as to land, and the opposite of to take off. The phrase to be

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
about to (+infinitive) means something is going to happen Not a clue
very soon. We commonly say, I havent got a clue, I dont have a clue
or I have no idea. It means we have no information or
Ive never been there. What about you? knowledge about the subject of the conversation
In this context, What about you? is a way of asking if the
other person has the same experience as you, or a different Unit 567
one. For instance, you can say, I love chocolate-what about Everythings nice and tidy!
you? to see if someone also likes chocolate (as you do), i.e. This expression means that if something (a room, cupboards,
to see if they have the same tastes or preferences as you. A etc.) is tidy, we find it pleasant or positive. The basic idiom
similar expression is, How about you? is, to be nice and tidy

Unit 451 Freeze! Face-down on the ground, now!

Funnily enough Freeze! Is what somebody says when they point a gun or some
The expression funnily enough refers to a coincidence. If other weapon at you. it means, dont move or else Ill attack
somebody is talking about a person or a thing you happen to you When you lie face-down, you are looking at the ground.
be thinking about too, you respond by saying, Funnily The opposite is face-up
enough or Oddly enough
Sleep tight!
Hes done very well for himself We often say this to somebody who is going to bed. Its
This expression means that a person has been very successful, similar to the expression, Sleep well! In this case tight refers
usually in business. In other words, some job or business to having your bedclothes (sheets and blankets) wrapped
venture has worked out well for them and they have earned a tightly around you. Some people find this comfortable,
lot of money especially children

I havent seen him since Just another office building

We say this when we havent seen somebody after some event Just another. Means the object mentioned is ordinary or
or incident. We are usually talking about a person who regular. It is similar to may objects of its kind and has no
disappeared; i.e. we dont know why we havent seen them distinguishing features that make it stand out
since a particular time or event.
Unit 685
Thanks for seeing me on such short notice

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
When you tell somebody that something is going to happen, What for?
you give them notice. Also, notice is the time between the What for? Comes from the phrases For what reason or For
moment you warn somebody and the moment the ecent what purpose Its similar to Why?
happens. Short notice means there is little time between the
warning and the event. We usually say to give notice or to Whats the matter?
serve notice This is the same as saying Whats the problem or Whats
up, Whats troubling you or Whats on your mind We
Get down here now! say this when we see someone looking worried or sad.
When you say this, you are ordering or telling somebody to
come where you are. In this case now means immediately. You dont know Joe
Other synonyms are- right away, straight away and at once You dont know (someone) means that person is capable of
(doing) bigger things than you think
Please, have a seat!
We can say sit down, but this is considered too direct, so Unit 8121
we say, have a seat or take a seat. The seat refers to the chair Damn!
we sit on. Damn! Is an expletive or swearword, although some people
only consider it to be slang? We use it when we feel frustrated
Joe, this is Zoe by something which is not turning out the way wished. A
In English, when we start speaking on the telephone, we don`t variation on Damn! Is Damn it!
say I am John or Im John. We say, this is John
(speaking). This is also the case when we knock on someones I wish I had gone with you
door and tell them who we are. When you want to ask As a verb, wish is followed by the construction SUBJECT+
someone their name on the phone, you say, Whos speaking? VERB (in the past simple or the conditional tense). In many
Through a door, you would ask, Who is it? other languages it is equivalent to a subjunctive, in this case,
it means the speaker is sorry they didnt go somewhere with
Unit 7103 someone.
Theres so much at stake!
When you say something is at stake this means something is Its better that you keep working on the outside
being risked, or at risk. the idea is that you have to be careful, This construction /Its better that.. (+SUBJECT+VERB)/
to prevent something/someone from being lost or harmed. would also be equivalent to a subjunctive in other languages.

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
On the outside, in this case, means out of jail, referring to This is the phrase typically spoken in action movies, when
the world and life outside prison walls. someone jumps into a taxi and tells the driver to follow a
certain car. This is often the start of a car chase.
Maybe hes not just another tourist Unit 10155
Not just another means someone or something out of the And so on and so forth
ordinary; i.e. different from the average elements in a This is variation on etc We can also say, and so on
particular category
Mines a little rusty
Unit 9139 Rusty (adjetive) is what happens to metal when becomes
Thats more like it! oxidized. The noun is rust. In the figurative sense, rusty
This is what we say when someone finally gets something means old and out-of-date. For instance, you can say your
right, or when they finally do something we approve of. know ledge of a language is rusty if you havent spoken that
language for a long time.
Were two blocks away!
In English, a block is an area of building surrounded by Teltec legend has it that.
streets. It is separate, isolated unit of building, which can be In phrases of this kind (Legend has it Tradition has
made up (hecho de/ conformado de) of houses, apartment it.), has it means according to(legend, tradition, etc)
blocks, warehouses, factories, shops, etc. when giving This expression is used to describe a local custom or belief.
directions, we say, Three blocks down/up/along/away (the
street) This is your pilot speaking
You will hear this phrase when you travel by plane. Possible
What a day! variations on pilot include captain or commander. The pilot
What a.! is a phrase we use to exclaim something. It is used uses it before making an announcement to passengers.
with count nouns. With mass nouns we say, what.! (without
the article, a). we use this exclamation for things we feel Intermediate 2 (Vol 8)
strongly about, e.g. What a freezing day! (but, What freezing Unit 113
weather!) Id like to offer you a fresh start
When you make a fresh start, you are taking a second
Follow that car! opportunity to make a success of your business, career or
social or personal relationship

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Call me Dan This expression is used to encourage someone who is working
After you meet somebody in a formal situation-when you well to continue performing in the same way. it can also be
would use their surname- they may then want you to call them used after congratulating someone for having achieved
by their first name. This is be more friendly and to create a something.
more relaxed atmosphere.
Nature calls
I know you feel sad at seeing some co-workers go This is a polite expression meaning that we need to go to the
This sentence contains two interesting structures: (1) to feel toilet or bathroom
sad at (+gerund), and (2) to see somebody/something (+
infinitive) the first expression is often used with the adverbial Were back on the job!
particle about; i.e. to feel sad about The word sad can be To be on the job means to be busy doing something, either our
replaced by other adjectives (glad, happy, angry, etc.). In the normal work or some hobby. By adding the word back, we
second expression, somebody sees or observes something are suggesting that the person in question has stopped
happening. The process being observed may or may not performing their usual tasks and has returner to continue with
involve a person. them.

The last jewel of an and empire Unit 1337

The empire refers to the British Empire, which once spread I want to see them in action
across the whole world. In those times, countries such as India I want to see means the speaker wants to make sure-or have
were referred to as as jewel in the crown, meaning an proof of- something happening. In action means actually
important part of the British king or queens empire. In this taking place, before ones very eyes
case, the last jewel is Hong Kong
So far, no luck
Unit 1221 This is an idiom. The first part-so far-means until now, or
Im off. up until now. No luck means that the desired thing has not
We say this when we are about to leave some place (a house, happened yet, but it can still happen.
the office) it means that, at that moment, we are leaving. To
be off is a phrasal verb which also has often meanings. Take your place
Another similar expression is Im on my way. This is a formal way of saying sit down or take a seat, but
its used more at a formal gathering such as a conference or
Keep up the good work!

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
board meeting in a company, where everyone has a specific More than its share means more than what is expected of it
place or seat assigned to them This can be applied to a person or a thing and refers to their
expected capacity or duration
But, be careful not to overuse them
The word over is often used as the first part (or prefix) of an Unit 1571
adjective or verb to indicate that a quality has exceeded Lets pick up the pace
normal limits. In previous Units we have already seen such Pace is similar to sped, while to pick up, in this context, means
adjectives as over-aggressive and overdramatic, and verbs to increase so, the speaker is actually suggesting they get
like overwhelm and overcome. started on something, or started on something, or start
working more quickly.
Unit 1455
I thought so, too Coming up we have our courageous cameraman.
When somebody says something, and we want to express our Coming up.means the next item in the programme
agreement, we usually use the adverb too (more often than is In this case, the next item is probably an interview with
also). For instance, if somebody says they like movies, we somebody described as a brave cameraman.
answer, me, too, or I like movies, too. Another formula is so
do I
Are you set up to live connection?
Lets carry on, shall we? Set up means ready [listo, preparado] (including having the used to make a suggestion. Turning it into a tag necessary material or equipment). As an adjective or adverb,
question gives it more emphasis. However, note that us (let it means roughly [escabrosamente] the same thing as set (on
us) becomes we, and the use of shall indicates that it is its own)
treated as a future tense
Loud and clear
Engineers carried out rigorous testing Loud and clear is a standard affirmative reply to the question,
Carry out. Is a phrasal verb meaning to perform some Can you hear me This expression is normally used with
action. It is often used with processes such as experiments, walkie-talkies or when speaking over a radio connection
tests, a mission, instructions, etc
Unit 1691
Its survived more than its share It looks like the danger has passed

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
When something has passed, it is finished. A similar You say this when you (our someone else) has had bad luck;
expression is to be over. In this case the speaker is not certain, i.e. when things havent worked out well. Its the same as
because it look like means it seems or it appears to have saying tough luck! or hard luck!
We regret to inform you (that)
Its over, folks! This is the way to start a formal letter which is about some
As mentioned in the previous note (above, its over means it bad news. You can also say we sorry to inform you.
has finished. Folks is a colloquial way of saying people or
friend Were sorry to report (that)
This is the other way (see note, above) of starting a letter
We had amazing rapport! breaking some bad news. Its less formal than We regret to
Rapport is what we feel when we communicate well with report.
somebody. It doesnt necessarily mean we share the same
interests, but that we get on well together Unit 18123
If feels so good to get it right
You were brilliant! To get something rightmeans to do domrthing well- to do it
You would say this to somebody who has performed very the way it should be done. This gives you a good feeling, a
well, particularly in a task which involves an audience, such feeling of achievement (if feels good). Note that the two parts
as on TV, in the theatre, etc of the sentence are joined by an infinitive (to get). It could
also be linked by a gerund, in which case the second part
Unit 17107 would be getting it right.
If only we could have foreseen what was coming!
If only(which is usually followed by either the past simple I think Im getting better
or perfect tense, or the modal verb could), is a way of To get better means to improve The above phrase, spoken
expression regret; i.e. when you wish things could have by Dan, means Dan thinks his skills are improving. However,
turned out differently (in the past), or would turn out in a different context, it can have otrher meaning, as when
differently (in the future) youve been sick and then start improving (getting better)

Its too bad!

Now, Zoes got talent! Areal leader. Pure poise

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
A talented person can have several skills. In this case, Zoe has really referring to. For instance, we can say Im cold when
poise, which refers to a calm, balanced body posture and we really mean Im freezing (i.e. very cold)
confidence in her movements and actions
Ill drink to that!
Its time to say goodnight To drink to (something) means to propose a toast in honour of
In English, the word time is used in many different contests. something. You can drink to a person, an idea, an
Here, it means moment. It is more common to say the right organization, etc
time than the right moment (although the latter is also
correct). Note that, when you say its time, it must be followed Unit 20155
by an infinitive (Its time to..) It was intense, alright!
By ending a statement with alright, you stress the adjective or
adverb. In this case, it make intense seem more intense.
Unit 19139
Ill be back in a minute We had a lot of broken glass, fish tanks and the like
To be back means to return, but it shouldnt be confused with And the like means and other, similar things. It is like saying
to go back or to get back (they are similar, but not identical). etc or and so on
They follow a sequence-first, you go back , which involves
commuting or travelling; then you get back, which is the
Where were you when the earthquake hit?
moment you reach your destination (e.g. your home or office). The expression, Where were you when..? is commonly used
After that moment has passed, you are back (to be back) to reminisce; i.e. to recall past events and tell true stories.
The question is usually related to a big event and people ask
I think youve had one too many it to see what others were doing at the time.
To have one too many refers to someone who is drunk because
theyve had too many alcoholic drinks. In this case, it You should have seen her in action!
actually means, I think youre drunk We use You should have to emphasize that something was
spectacular or someone was impressive. Very often it is
followed by the verb seen, but other verbs can also be used.
Do you know what I mean now by Good is the enemy of
To mean by involves two things- (1) a statement, and, (2) its
meaning; in other words, what we are saying and wat we are
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Upper Intermediate 1 (Vol 9) This means that Zoe isnt in the right mood to absorb the
Unit 13 information shes just been given because it has come as a
Ha wasted investment shock to her. To take st in means to absorb something
A wasted investment is one that is nor put to good use, i.e.
does it not make a profit or provide and benefit Lets take up where we left off
This means to go back to a task that you had stopped, and
continue from that point.
When somebody telephones and say they want to speak to Unit 341
you, you reply, Speaking! The fact is that, at first, they havent Im pleased to..
realized it was you that answered the telephone. This is a polite way to begin a formal invitation as well as to
give official information (e.g. in letters)
Then, suddenly, we made a breakthrough!
Id be delighted to.
To make a breakthrough means to suddenly make huge
This expression is used to begin informal invitations or to
progress, to take a big step forward or to make a discovery.
reply to one, it shows readiness or eagerness to attend or host
the event.
You said it!
We use this expression to confirm what the person were Factories had long been using robots
speaking to has just said. It is slightly ironical. This means that robots had been used at factories for a very
long time
Unit 221 Robots are here to stay
Hows he making out in prison? This means that a new trend is so popular its going to last for
When Joe asks Jason how hes making out in prison, hes a long time
actually asking if hes getting along well, surviving or doing
alright there. Unit 459
Every man for himself!
Hes in really bad shape! This expression describes a life and death situation where
When somebody isnt at all fit, hes in really bad shape! people try to survive or save themselves without helping
anyone else
I dont know if I can take this in right now
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Im just not getting it
I couldnt take the pressure To get something means to understand it. The use of just and
This means that Jason was under a lot of pressure and couldnt the continuous tense show us that Zoe has tried several times
stand it. In the video, he admits it ended up affecting his to understand it, but has been unable to.
Im sure you will
When the going gets tough This expression is used to give sb hope in their success. The
This means when things get extremely difficult for modal verb will is equivalent to repeating the whole sentence
someone. The complete expression ends, .the tough get Im sure you will master this
Some things come quickly, others slowly
Behind bars! When the Tao Master says this, things that come quickly
This is an informal way of saying in prison are things which are learnt quickly

Unit 7115
Unit 579 Is America going to lag behind?
He couldnt take it anymore To lag behind means to not be on the same level as somebody
When somebody is being negatively influenced by something else in a certain field. In this case, they suggest that Germany
for a long time (e.g. a bad relationship or work situation) and has made greater progress than American developing clean
is very tired of it-and close to a nervous breakdown- they may energy. The question is rhetorical and implies that the United
admit they cant take it anymore States is taking measures to solve the problem

A high-speed chase Maybe its time to get on the bandwagon and embrace the
A chase means one person or vehicle following another. renewable energy economy
When one car is following another very fast, the situation can To get on the bandwagon means to take part in an activity that
be described as a high-speed chase has recently become fashionable or successful, such as the
renewable energy economy. Its time to means that perhaps
What do you expect to find? now is a good moment to carry this out
This means, What do you think youre going find?
Now, the transition to a green-energy economy is rapidly
Unit 697 gaining momentum

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
This means that the green-energy economy is growing
quickly. To gain momentum means to quickly gain
importance or speed. Unit 9155
Go for it!
Go for it! Is an informal expression encouraging somebody to
Unit 8135
go ahead do something; to seize an opportunity they are eager
He was standing here
To stand is a general statement about being upright. It is static. to take
The dynamic version is to stand up, which means to move I dont know if I can pull it off
from a sitting position to a standing position. In he was To pull off means to completes something successfully. It is
standing here, the verb is to be standing, which refers to similar to achieve or accomplish, but refers to something
someones upright position. Here, the position (standing) is specific like a deal. You attempt something to see if you
static and continuous can pull it off

Its the wrong angle Things arent always what they seem
This is a reference to the angle the bullet was fired at. Wrong You would say this after being surprised by something which
is used a lot in English; not only to mean incorrect but, in turns out to be different from what you expressed
general, to indicate that something does not make sense or
does not match, fit or correspond Seeing is believing
This is said to express surprise when something unusual or
spectacular happens
Suddenly, it comes to me
To come to, in this context, refers to a thought or idea which
a person suddenly becomes aware of. For instance, you may Unit 10173
be thinking about a problem when, suddenly, the solution By the way, dinners on me
comes to you This means that Jason is paying for the meal, hes inviting the
others. Its the same as saying, its my treat
Time to get out the wetsuit
Time tomeans, Now is the right time to. (Do It trust youll put it to good use?
something). We can also say its time to., or the time has In this case, I trust means I suppose. When Zoe tells Joe she
come to The verb get out means to take something out hopes he puts the money to good use, she means she hopes he
from the place where it stays; e.g. from a cupboard, a drawer, doesnt waste it, and does something useful with it
a box, etc
If we could only accept lifes unpredictability!
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
If only is used to express a wish- Zoe wishes they could accept The colloquial expression Come on in is a combination of two
lifes unpredictability phrasal verbs- come in, which encourages someone to go
ahead or hurry up, and come in, which means enter
Lo and behold!
Lo and behold! Us used when you are about to say something Thats the spirit!
surprising: Lo and behold, a few days later, the mare came An expression used to encourage someone and to show we
back followed by a wild stallion! i.e. they werent expecting support and approve of their action
the mare to come back
Unit 1221
I guess well get settled into our apartment
In this case, to get settled means to take your luggage into the
apartment, unpack and perhaps have a rest
Upper Intermediate 2 (Vol 10)
Unit 113 I must have missed it
Hes been dreaming of visiting Barcelona The modal verb must is used here to mean probably, i.e.
You can dream about or dream of, but they are not exactly the Zoe probably didnt see the news about the artist painting
same. To dream about means to have a dream while you are Columbuss statue red
sleeping at night. To dream of means to desire something you
would like to do or have in the future I think Ill go get some lunch first
Go get equivalent to go and get, i.e. to go for the purpose of
I mean, if I can, I will getting something
In English it is common to use modal verbs to avoid repeating
a main verb, a phrase or a whole sentence. For instance, if It was all over the media
somebody asks you, Can you swim?, you would answer This means that one piece of news appeared on all the
using the modal verb can (Yes, I can) , to avoid repeating different television channels, on radio and in the newspaper.
swim- in the above dialogue, the idea is that , if something To be all over is to be everywhere
is possible (if I can), the person will certainly do it (I will)
Unit 1339
Oh, yeah, come on in! By the way, what time did you get in?

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
By the way is something you say which is of subject; i.e. They should have left it as it was when he died
something you werent talking about but which youve just To leave st as it is /was means to not change it or to leave
remembered and want to ask before you forget. it in the same state as it was at a certain moment in time
To get in means to arrive, but usually in one of these two
contexts: either when referring to the arrival of a flight, or to This calls for a toast!
when someone arrives at work This calls for is an expression used to propose some kind of
celebration due to a recent event. In this case, Pablo propose
Cool! a toast to celebrate Zoes visit
This is a colloquial interjection meaning (1) nice, alright Wow! Joe really should have come!
or OK or (2) amazing, great (colloquial sense) or By using the word really, Zoe emphasizes the fact that she
wonderful thinks Joe should have gone with her to meet Pablo (the artist)

Never has an architect so masterfully combined Unit 1577

This is an inversion of the word order to create emphasis. The Easy there, Fred Astaire!
normal word order for this sentence would be: An Easy there is a variation on go easy or take it easy, which is
architect has never.. By placing the adverb never at the used to tell someone to slow down or calm down. The second
beginning, we emphasize the fact that the action is very rare part of the interjection is used to create an effect through
or uncommon. rhyming (there rhymes with Astaire)

Rarely does one visit a city as rich in art as Barcelona Looks like he didnt do too badly after all
This inversion is similar to the previous one and is also used This sentence includes three idiomatic expressions: (1) look
for effect; i.e. to stress the fact that it hardly ever occurs. Note like is used colloquially, as the subject (it) is missing (2) To
that, in both inversions, the subject and frequency adverb not do too badly is a slightly ironical way of saying to do
switch places, while the modal verb (has, and does) stays well, i.e. to be successful with something, while (3) after all
in second place. means against expectations (i.e the opposite of what was
Unit 1459
Gala said there were two of you So, the project never made it off the ground
There were two of you refers to two journalists. Pablo had To make it off the ground is a combination of two idioms-to
been expecting two journalists to interview him; not just Zoe. make it and to get (something) off the ground. To make it

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
means to be successful, while to get off the ground means
to manage to begin something successfully. I had no idea what to wear
I have no idea.means I dont know, but is more emphatic.
Sounds like Gaudi even got hit by a real estate bubble (I dont have any idea, sounds weaker and less emphatic, so
To get hit by is used in a figurative sense, while the real estate we wouldnt use it in this context)
bubble here refers to building work which stopped suddenly
before it was completely finished. Looks good to me!
This is a colloquial way of saying it looks correct or right
Unit 1695
Dont tell me you think its a fake! I just wanted to ask about.
The expression, Dont tell me indicates disappointment or This is a polite way of saying, Can you tell me., Id like
disbelief. Here, it suggests both. to know, I want to ask., etc

Oh yeah, I meant to tell you Unit 18129

I meant to means the person intended to do something, I cant get over it. Theres so much history here!
but didnt actually do it. In this case Zoe was going to tell Joe
that she would have her portrait painted, but she didnt get To get over st means to overcome it. When Joe says he
around to telling him. cant get over the fact that theres so much history in
Barcelona, he means that he can hardly believe it.
Sounds like you two are really hitting it off!
To hit it off (with someone) means to get on well with them.
We can also say, to get along with Speaking of authentic, have you ever come across any
forged artwork?
These documents prove that the piece is real
We use speaking of.when what were talking about
A piece is here used to mean an artwork. In general, it can
refer to a work of art, or a song or musical composition. reminds us of something else we want to say.

Unit 17113
Anywhere in particular? They sure got around!
Anywhere means any place . In particular means This is colloquial for They certainly got around Joe is
specifically, as opposed to in general astonished by the amount of places the Romans got to.
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Unit 20167
Be stuck for something to say, to OK. Deal!
This means to not know what to say in a certain situation. Deal! Is short for Its a deal This is what we say when we
To be stuck comes from to stick (like glue). When traffic come to an agreement with another person or company. It
is stuck, there is a traffic jam, and cars cant move. When could be a business deal or an informal agreement between
the lift gets stuck, it stops and wont continue going up; friends.
i.e. it is out of order.
Let me see if I understand this
Unit 19147
You would say this when somebody proposes something and
End of story you first need to think about it before replying, or before
agreeing with the proposal. The expression Let me see
We use the expression end of story to mean (1) we have
ifgives you some time to think before committing
nothing more to say, or (2) that there is definitely no more
information available about something.

When it comes to art, youve got to be careful

Ill be right there.
When it comes tois a typical way of drawing attention to a
In this context, right means soon, or at the right time.
subject in order to make a statement about it.
Joe is saying hell be back with Zoe really soon.

Yes, by all means, buy them!

Too much. Way to much!
By all meansis an expression used to encourage someone
To much means more than the limit. If we add way, it
to go ahead and do something (i.e take an action) they intend
means we have exceeded the limit by a very big margin. Zoe
to do, or would like to do.
is saying the painting costs much more than some reasonable

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Advanced 1 (Vol 11) Ever is used to mean at any/no point in time or at nay/no
Unit 13 time. In the above sentence, the meaning is negative,
because it includes no (.no churches..ever)
Thats why I want to give him a major project
Thats a common way of saying, It is for this
reason that; i.e. you want to give the reason for some
action. Unit 221
Youre a leading light!
Hes a pro A leading light is a celebrity, although here Nigel uses it
Pro is the short form of professional. When you say figuratively to mean that Zoe is kind and helpful.
someone is a pro, you mean that person does good-quality
work and is reliable.
Funny you should say that
The expression Funny you also used with
Halleluiah Holdings, was described as fictitious When mention and ask. You would say this to suggest a
it comes to art, youve got to be careful coincidence. For instance, a driend starts talking about
When something is fictiotious, it does not exist in the real washing machines and it so happens you have just bought a
world, but is the fruit of someones imagination. The washing machine that very morning. You might draw
corresponding noun is fiction. When you say a book is attention to this coincidence by saying, Funny you should
fiction (used here as an adjetive), you mean it is a novel, not mention washing machines..
a book describind a real-like event. The opposite kind of
book is called non-fiction (i.e. a true story)
Can you deliver?
Deliver normally means to take goods from a store or
But no churches were ever built warehouse to a retail store or a customers office or home, in
this context, however, it means to fulfill what you have
undertaken; i.e. to accomplish what is expected of you.
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
not given or sent you any news or information, or have not
replied to your proposal.
You wont regret it
To regret something means to be sorry for having done
something. You wont regret it is what you would say to What can I tell a weatherman that he doesnt already
someone who agrees to help you in some way, e.g. by know?
lending you money or giving you something
The idea (in this case) is that Nigel is already an expert on
weather, so he probably knows a lot about water, and Susan
doesnt think she can teach him anything new about the
Unit 341
But it isnt really relevant to my report
Relevant does not mean outstanding or important; it means
Unit 461
appropriate to the subject at hand. For instance, if youre
talking to someone about transport, this is relevant to the Lets get this show on the road!
original subject (travel). When one topic is related to
To get the show on the road means to get started on
another, it is relevant.
something, referring to a project, a show or any event.

The thing is, Im preparing a major report

I haven`t the foggiest idea where to begin
We say the thing isto focus on the essence of a subject; i.e.
To not have the foggiest idea means to have no idea at all.
to draw attention to the important part of what we want to
Foggiest comes from foggy, a weather condition where
you can hardly see anything. We can also say, to not have
the slightest idea
There wasnt a word from management
When you say there isnt a word from.(somebody), this Ill have to drop out of the project
means you have not heard anything from them. They have

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
You can drop out of any kind of project or event. The Unit 699
expression is typically used when someone stops going to
Speak later
school or university because they cannot keep up with the
pace of studies or lack interest in what theyre doing. Speak later is a short form of Ill speak to you later,
Well speak again later or any other similar phrase
meaning you will probably talk to that person again the same
Unit 579 day, if you are due to meet him or her person, you would
say, See you later.
But water comes in many forms-liquid, solid an gas
When referring to any item, but especially a product, to
come in means that the product is available in different Just the man I wanted to see
forms, sizes, colours, prices or any other variation.
Just the(person) I wanted to (verb) is typically said
when a person you have in mind appears, possibly
unexpectedly, you can also say this about an object you
Just think about..
discover just when you need it.
This is the same as saying, Just imagine.. or Stop to
But, what would Coleridge make of todays world?
What would(person) make of (noum)? Means you
wonder what that person would think about something that
No more swimming without water.. is happening. What impression would they get about some
The expression No followed by an noun or verbal recent change in either the local environment or the world in
noun (i.e. s gerund). For instance, in some contexts, No general?
more food means practically the same thing as No more
eating. No more.suggests that something has stopped or
Where will it all end?
come to an end. If you say this using a verb, then the
expression changes to No longer. (e.g. I no longer meet When things are getting complicated, or some general social
John for lunch) economic or political trend in the world is developing into
unknown territory, you could use this expression to
speculate about the end result of that trend.
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
This is what you might reply when someone says something
trivial or strange, or talks nonsense.
Unit 7117
Chem X is innocent until proven guilty
He told me to stop poking my nose into their affairs
Innocent until proven, according to the spirit of
the law, how a suspect should be treated until her or she is To poke your nose into (something) is to interfere or intrude
proved guilty of a crime. on (an affair, someones privacy, etc)

Stop making waves! I dont want to be a burden

This means stop causing trouble; i.e. Susan is being told to This is the expression ou would use when someone offers to
stop making accusations against Chem X because her help you out in some way and you think that thay might be
actions will create ever bigger problems. offering to do too much for you. You can also say, I dont
want to impose on you

Well, in a nutshell, its about your work

It was by no means an accident
In a nutshell is a phrase used to mean you are summatising
something in a concise form? By no means in no way or absolutely not; i.e. (in this
case) it is clearly not an accident

Yes, Ill go along with that

Unit 9157
To go along with (something) means to agree with it; i.e. to
share the same view as somebody on a certain subject. How come youre calling me, anyway?
In colloquial English, How come.? Is often used instead of
Why? Its like saying, Where does the reason for this
Unit 8139
come from
Dont be silly!
Whatever grievance you have, Im sure we can sort it out
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
To sort something out means to find a solutions for it. In this but keeps beating about the bush, you can say, Get to the
case, a solution is required for a grievance; i.e. a complaint point! In the above example, Dan means that he doesnt
fully understand what Nigel is trying to tell him.

To be honest, Id rather be out walking my dog

Give me a break!
To be typically used to mean in truth , to tell
you the truth.. or I admit (that) You would use Give me a break! Means Stop pestering me! you would
this expression when you want somebody to know what you say this when somebody is pressing or nagging you about
really think or want. come issue and youre getting tired of their moaning
But you just wont do as youre told All the worlds a stage
To do what one is told is commonly applied to children, who This means that the world is like a theatre and that things
are expected to do what their parents or teachers tell them to happen in life are like stage plays; i.e. they are lacking in
do. In general, it is applied to obeying orders, in any substance and just performed for effect. Thos is part of a
context. quote from Shakespeare.

Unit 10177
Cant we just let bygones be bygones?
Advanced 2 (Vol 12)
The original expression is, Let bygones be bygones, which Unit 113
means to forget about past grievances and just concentrate
Hold on a sec
on the present and future; i.e. to not feel resentment for
negative experiences in the past. Hold on, as we have already seen, means wait, while sec
is short for second. This is a colloquial form of Wait a
second/minute/ a bit
I dont get the point
The point refers to the essence of an issue (the heart of a
How can you resist my charms?
matter). When somebody is trying to tell you something,
OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
This is an ironical way of saying How come you dont like
me?, or How come you dont find me attractive
I think Dan might be getting the axe
To get the axe means to be fired or to be sacked; i.e. to
I dont think I follow you be dismissed from ones job.
To follow (someone), in this context, means to understand
what they are saying. Typically, you might say you cant
Mexicos three centrebacks have been solid throughout
follow a speech when the points are not put across clearly,
or the speech is in language you dont know. You can also The adjective solid means reliable and efficient; it is used
follow a film or a book, meaning to understand the plot or when referring to somebody or something which you can
story. depend on.

You won`t be able to hold out for long Theres never adult moment!
To hold out is to resist or withstand some outside pressure, This is an ironical expression applied, for instance, to a
whether physical or psychological. For long means for a young boy who cant keep still, who stops moving about and
long time. It is like saying, You wont last long under this gets into trouble, preventing everyone around them from
pressure continuing with their normal life.

Unit 1223 Unit 1343

Can you hold the line? Youve left behind a great legacy for local TV
When youre talking on the telephone and you say, Can you A legacy is what someone inherits from their parents (or
hold the line? You mean Can you wait for a while? someone else) when they die. But, it is also what people
because you need to check something or to delay the inherit from a professional who quits his or her job after
conversation for a few moments while you attend to many years. That legacy is a combination of experience,
something else. learning, Knowledge and other positive behavior for others

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
to follow. To leave behind, in this context, means to Whats it going to be, real news or Universal Notwork?
bequeathe or pass on (to somebody else)
Whats it going to be or Whats it to be is a way of pressing
someone to make a choice or a decision.
Ill let you in on something
To let (sb) in on (st) means to tell them a secret How do you manage without keeping goods in stock?
To manage is an important verb in English. It does not have
an exact equivalent in some other languages. The basic form
I havent slept a wink
means to administer, to be in change of or to run (a
This is a common idiom for saying you havent slept at all business), etc. but here it means to be able to achieve
(something) or to be able to handle or deal with
(something); i.e to cope
Ive been up all right
This is similar to the above expression (not to sleep a wink).
To be up, in this context, means to be standing or walking As it turns out, sometimes real news comes from ordinay
around in your home; i.e. not sleeping. people
As it turn out is often used in the past tense, i.e. As it turned
out. It means that, despite expectations, something had an
Unit 1463 unusual outcome or result
Sounds like you did everything but make deliveries
Sounds the colloquial form of It sounds Unit 1585
likeMoreover, in this sentence, but means except, i.e.
make deliveries is the only exception. Also, the combination And, speaking of great anchormen.
of everything. Butin the same sentence is a way of saying Speaking of.means that discussion of one suggests
a lot discussing another related subject. The two subjects, items
or people are somehow linked

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
Bon voyage! Shake on it means lets shake hands to seal a deal; i.e.
when two people have reached an agreement. Partner can
Taken from the French, this is a way of wishing come body
mean a partner in the agreement or a friend
a happy journey

I wont take no for an answer

This means you insist on somebody agreeing to a
proposition you have put to them; i.e. you wont accept them Lets face it- TV is basically on idiot box!
rejecting your proposal or offer.
Lets face it is a common expression meaning to tell the
As history was being written, Walter was there to cover truth or to be honest; i.e. what the speaker says next is an
it accepted or obvious fact.
As is often used to talk about two different things happening Are you proposing?
at the same time. In this case, the first action is something
In this case Joe is being ironical because to propose means
historic taking place, while the second action is Walter
to ask someone to marry you
Cronkite reporting on that event.

Unit 17125
Unit 16105
That really throws a spanner in the works!
I wish youd make up your mind
A spanner in the works refers to some action which disrupts
To make up ones mind means to come to a decision. I wish
another action or process, or the plans somebody has made
youdsuggests the speaker is losing his or her patience, or
feeling irritated, because the other person is hesitating and
finds it difficult to make a decision. Would you be kind enough to help with the details?
Would you be kind enough tois a very formal way of
Shake on it, partner! asking someone to do something for you. Its the same as

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
saying Could you.?, Can you .. or Would you Looks like it passed the acid test
When you say something has passed the acid test, you mean
it is top-quality, as if it had actually gone through a number
of stringent industrial quality-control tests.
Lets get cracking!
This means to get down to business; i.e. to start doing
something without further delay. A similar expression is
Lets get moving!
And it runs like clockwork
To run like clockwork (also, to work like clockwork)
Ill need some help adapting the copy to American means to work very well. It comes from the regular
English functioning of a watch or clock.
Copy has several different meanings, but here it refers to the
text written for an advertisement or a newspaper article.

Unit 19165
Unit 18145
Hes shifting from passive to active in the same sentence
All this stuff will come in handy.
Shift (both the noun and verb) is a typically English word
Stuff, which means things, is used a lot in colloquial which in other languages is usually translated as jump or
English. It is a collective noun; i.e. it can refer to one or leap. It means to move from one position to another, or
many things, countable or uncountable, but grammatically it to move back and forth. It actually implies a change of
is treated as single. either position or state.

Get a load of this! I like the way weve emphasized a character on a mission
This is a colloquial way of saying, Take a look at this!

OCEANO IDIOmas TEAM Total English Active Method
When youre saying how much you like (d) or enjoy (d) May their new partnership flourish!
something, it is common to use the expression, I like the
In this case, may is used as an exclamation to express a wish
way(followed by the action or process you admire)
or desire. In some other languages, this would be achieved
with a subjunctive dorm of the main verb (flourish)
Real news by, about and for real people!
Note how different these three prepositions are: by refers to They lived happily ever after
the agent, i.e. the people who create the news; i.e. the
This phrase is the formula which often marks the end of a
actors or players in the events covered, while for means that
story, especially a traditional or popular folk tale or classic.
the news is created and broadcast for the benefit of people;
It stands opposite the traditional opening sentence of the
i.e. for their consumption
story, Once upon a time.

Youre helping to spread the word

To spread the word refers to people causing piece of news or
information to reach other people by telling them some news
item. In other words, information is propagated by people
revealing it to one another

Unit 20185
Im just doing what I gotta do
Gotta is a colloquial short form of go to. The full modal
verb of obligation would be have got to, a synonym of
have to. Gotta is used mainly in the United States,
although its use can be detected in other English-speaking
countries, too


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