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Aristo Success 3B

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Unit 8 Consolidation
Unseen dictation

Unseen dictation

We are a local watchdog that fights for the rights of the disadvantaged. We write regarding several
complaints we received about your paint factorys production process. First, a worker reported to us
that there is not enough protective gear provided to your labour force. We would like to remind your
company to be responsible for the safety of all staff members, especially those dealing with
dangerous chemicals. Second, some workers have been forced to work on public holidays without
extra pay. Under labour laws, this practice is prohibited.
We urge that your company solve these problems as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be forced
to take legal action.
We hope the betterment of your employees working conditions is the first priority of your

[125 words]

Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 2012

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