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Matlab Notes:Day-2

1.Arithmetic operations:

a*b , a/b, a+b, etc

factorial(3) = 6

Matrix Multiplication:
Let matrix a and b
a*b = simple matrix multiplication.
a.*b= element to element multiplication.
a^2 = matrix a*a
a.^2 =matrix a.*a

2. Concatenation of Matrices

Let x and y be two matrices

a=[x y] column wise concatenation.// value assigned in a of concatenation

b=[x;y] row wise concatenation.// value assigned in b of concatenation

Another method

a = cat(1,x,y) 1=column wise concatenation.// value assigned in a of concatenation

b= cat(2,x,y) 2=row wise concatenation.// value assigned in b of concatenation

Note: order of matrix must keep in mind other wise cat will not happen.

3. Extracting element or a small matrix from a given matrix

Let a is the main matrix.=> a(row x col)

Note : means all row or all column; if a(:,[3 6]) means all rows and 3 and 6th coulmn.

A) extracting only 3rd column a(:,[3])

B) Extracting 1st and 4th column a(:,[3 4])
C) Extracting 2nd row only a([2],:)
D) Extracting 2nd and 3rd row a([2 3],:)
E) Extracting a small matrix a([2 3] , [2 3 4]) or a(2:3 , 2:4) //2:4 means 2 to4
4. Element Deletion from matrix

Let a matrix a[1,2,4,5,6] and we want to delete 4th element l.e 5

a(4) = [ ]

Deleting 2nd row form a x matrix

x(2,:)=[ ]

Deleting 3nd column form a x matrix

x(:,3)=[ ]

5. Zeros, ones and Eye matrices.

a=zeros(2,3) // 2x3 order all element 0 matrix

b=ones(4,5)// 4row and 5 col order all element 1 matrix
c=eye(5,6) // diagonal element one other elements zeros

6. Diagonal operation in a matrices

Let a be an matrix.
diag(a) = column vector of diagonal element.

NOTE: diagonal of any row or column vector (of 4 elements)= diag matrix of 4 x 4 size.

7. Size of matrix or array

Let a matrix A of 3 row and 5 column then

size(A) = 3 5 // Use it most
Length(A)=5 (bigger value)

8. Adding elements to matrix

Let a matrix A of 3 x 3
A) we want to change specific element like at 2nd row and 3rd col => A(2,3) = 0
B) We want to Add element to only 4 row => A(4,:) = [1 2 3]
C) We want to add element only to 4 col => A(:,4) = [3 4 5]
D) We want to add matrix at 4 and 5 row => A(2:3,:)=[1 2 3:3 4 5]
E) We want to change elements from 2 to 3 row and 2 to 3 col => A(2:3,2:3)=[1 1;2 2]
9. Random Function

a) rand - any value b/w 0 and 1

b) rand(2,4) = 2x 3 rand matrix
c) randi(10,2,3) = 2 x 3 matrix of 1-10 numbers
d) randi([lowe ; upper],row,col) => randi([10;100],2,3) // 2x 3 matrix between 10 to 100
e) Ransperm(10) => row vector of 1-10 elements

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