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Page 1 ... Concepts and Theory

Page 2 ... Negative green and its effects on humans
Page 3 ... What are the dangers
Page 4 ... Possible solutions and how they work
Page 5 ... Additional material

The idea and concepts presented on this page originate from the work of Dr
Ibrahim Karim who founded the science of BioGeometry (R).
You can visit his website here:

Vesica in the US, is providing information and training on this subject. Additional
reading on this body of work, and training schedules are available on Vesica's
Note: The following content and images are copyrighted. They are reproduced on
this site with permission from the copyright owners.

A link to Dr Karim's latest book is provided here: Back

to a Future for Mankind

This book is a must read if you are interested in

understanding how to provide a viable solution, in
transforming the quality of the effect that
electromagnetic radiation has on living systems.

Each of the 12 energy qualities we have talked about

on the previous page, are made up of several waves.
The 2 most important ones for us right now are the
Vertical and Horizontal waves.
Of course this is similar to
electromagnetic waves since
everything in the universe
exist in waves. For the
technically minded, the
Vertical wave is called 'Electric'
and the Horizontal is called
'Magnetic' wave.

The Negative Green

If you remember, Negative
Green is the energy quality
which was responsible for the
scientist Leon Chaumery's death. The French team felt that this was the most
powerful wave vibration, with the shortest wavelength in the Universe. They
believed it is related to cosmic rays.

The Negative Green (-G) band contains the Spiritual carrier wave. Its ability to
penetrate all matter allows it to carry energy, information and consciousness from
any spiritual or physical location to another.

Negative Green (-G) is created anywhere there is friction between two mediums,
this is why you feel great at the seashore where land and sea meet.
On 2-D material it is generated when 2 media meet and is the secret behind
emissions in drawings and spiritual art. It is the carrier wave responsible for the
radionic devices operation.
The emission of G is so powerful that it
can penetrate thickness of lead. It was
used in Egypt to create mummification.
Mummies should never be dowsed, as
they contain so much -G that it would
unbalance your health.
Perhaps this is what was really the 'curse
of the mummies'; radiations left over
from the mummification process, perhaps
1000's of years ago.

As you can see -G is emitted right above the chest of the mummy.

Now for the interesting part:

The Horizontal wave is the beneficial vibration par excellence. This is the vibration
of GOOD. It re-establishes health.

The Vertical wave is the most noxious vibration. This is the vibration of HARM. It
destroys health by unbalancing the vibration of the cell. When they are in balance,
the 2 waves are part of nature, but when only one of them is present, the resulting
vibration has very distinct different effects, as seen below:

Lets explore the Horizontal Wave:

This is a Spiritual carrier wave creating an energy connecting the spiritual and
physical worlds. It contains two other vital energetic components of spirituality:
the Higher Harmonic of Ultraviolet (HHUV) and the Higher Harmonic of Gold
(HHG). These energy qualities can easily be detected with the Virtual Cone
Pendulum. They can be detected separately: Ultraviolet (HHUV) on the UV setting
and Gold (HHG) on the Indigo settings (or Orange, if the colour violet is present).
The Horizontal wave is beneficial to human and dogs, but detrimental to ants,
termites and cats.

If your dog sleeps on your bed, you can assume that either he loves you very
much, or there are radiations beneficial to humans in that location. In this case a
cat would never sleep there, as they are more attracted to the vertical wave (see
below) which is detrimental to humans.

Lets explore the Vertical Wave:

Anything giving toxic radiation has easily detectable emissions of Vertical Negative
Green(V-G). This includes technological energies (EMF, ULF) and toxic earth energy
lines. V-G has a strong mummifying
energy, it dehydrates and preserve
tissues. This is why people now carry
bottles of water, your body gets
dehydrated when exposed to V-G.

Twenty years ago the EMF radiation levels

around us were much lower, and we did
not feel the need for water. The Vertical
wave is detrimental to humans and dogs,
but beneficial to ants, termites and cats.

The Vertical Wave is the component of

the Negative Green which killed Leon
Chaumery. He became obsessed with it, not realising, like Marie Curry did, that he
was playing with a dangerous unbalanced radiation.

Because so much of our modern technology emits only the Vertical wave of the -G
(unbalanced energy quality) an environment is created which favours ants,
termites etc, This is the reason why so many trees are being damaged by termites.
We have created an environment which is beneficial to them, while being
detrimental to us.

I have noticed that in the last 15 years, so many parks in Sydney have lost more
the half their trees to the termites.

If your cat sleeps on your bed, you can assume that either he loves you very
much, or there are radiations beneficial to it (and detrimental to you) in that
location. These radiations may originate from EMF, earth energies, earth lines, like
Hartman or Curry grid lines, (we will explore these later on) and these exposures
to unbalanced energies could affect your health. You may want to move your bed
as soon as you can.

The energies of Sacred Sites and Power Spots

A Russian healer called Enel, while living in Egypt in the 1950's, discovered that
the tombs of the Coptic Saints, which dot the Egyptian landscape, all emit the
Horizontal Wave of Negative Green energy quality.

Dr. Ibrahim Karim of Cairo Egypt, founder of the modern BioGeometry(R) system,
later discovered that Horizontal Negative Green was just one component of the
energy quality which balances and centers all living beings. This master balancing
force, which is present in all natural Spiritual Power Spots on Earth, and in the
Human Body, has three components. Following his discovery of all three
components and their functions in nature, Dr. Karim named them collectively the
"BG3" and identified the two new components of this energy as the "Higher
Harmonic of Ultraviolet" and the "Higher Harmonic of Gold.

So the 3 components are:

- the Horizontal wave of the Negative Green(H-G),

- the Higher Harmonic of Ultraviolet (HHUV)
- the Higher Harmonic of Gold (HHG).

You can read more about this on Dr Karim's website here:

These 3 energy qualities are found in Churches, Temples, Synagogues, Mosques

and power spots. The 3 energy qualities combine to give a sense of peace and
connection with the divine. The Negative Green(H-G) is particularly significant as it
acts as a carrier wave to link our dimension with the realm of the divine. Any sort
of remote transmission will have some Negative Green in it. The main point of EMF
protection is to transmute the Vertical component of the Negative Green
(detrimental to us) into Horizontal (beneficial to us).

Both Horizontal and Vertical waves co-exist

naturally, as they do in domes and pyramids.
Ancient builders knew this and used variations on
the dome shape in the design of their temples,
mosques and churches, but they altered the
shapes to prevent the V-G emissions.

The dome shape was altered by adding a spire at

the top, a rim at the bottom, or by adding a bit
more at the bottom so the shape is not just half a
sphere. These alterations do transmute the
Vertical component of the Negative Green into the Horizontal component, and
powers the building to create a carrier wave connecting the congregation with the
higher realms.

This would also strengthen the building against the ravages of time, as the
material itself would benefit. In the photo on the left, the patterns located below
the rim are most likely part of the transmutation mechanism, as -G is generated
when 2 mediums meet and in this way, the patterns would help in the balancing

The pyramid shape expresses the same qualities as the hemisphere and carries
the same danger. Unknowingly many people have tried to meditate under a
pyramid, but the ancient Egyptians knew better and corrected the shape.

Have a look at the Great Pyramid photos below, the view seen from above reveals
that the builders cleverly included a small angle on each face (1.72 degrees) to
transmute the detrimental Vertical Negative-Green (V-G) into beneficial Horizontal
Negative Green (H-G).
In South America the pyramid builders used stairs to obtain the same effect.

In the image below, you can see a diagram of the radiations pattern emitted by a
pyramid. In anciant Egyptian time, Pyramids were used as compass simply by
measuring the emissions, which are always in a fixed orientation versus the
magnetic poles. You could measure the side emitting -G and you would have found
the direction of the south.
The ancient Egyptians were master dowsers; pendulums have been found in the
tombs of their high priests. These pendulums were specifically tuned to detect and
emit various energy qualities.

You can see on the left a picture of a table artefact found

by Leon Chaumery, the French scientist, in the Louvre
Museum in Paris, in the Egyptian section.
He realised that this was a device to dehydrate food (a
sort of fridge).

The ancient Egyptians used their advanced Science of

Forms to create strong emissions of V-G on the front and
back sides of the table, using the 4 hemispheres.
They used the Ankh shape, which cancels the -GV
emissions, on the other sides to protect the operator.

If you are using a pyramid, you can see below how to correct it to make it safe to

Cancelling toxic emanations from pyramids

If the pyramid is solid,

scratch a line on each face
of the pyramid, from the
apex to the middle of each
If the pyramid is made of
wires or rods then etch a
groove on the center of
each base.
You can use the Virtual cone pendulum to verify that the emissions are corrected,
(they are actually transmuted).
You can use the pyramid emission diagram above on the right to locate each
emission using a Virtual Cone pendulum.

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