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Unit: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Lesson Title: Assessment pt 1-Planning

Teachers: Dates: Duration: Classes:

Mandy, Yvette, Samantha, 22nd, 24th and 25th 60 mins P1A ,P1B, 1A, 1B
Adeline, Dora, Nikki May

Prior learning:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle what do they mean? What is biodegradable?

Identify various types on Non biodegradable materials.

Identify ways to reduce waste and reduce energy usage.

Identify ways to reuse various materials.

Desired Outcomes:

The children will work in groups to plan and create a display that shows understanding of the impact
of waste on our Earth and practical means to promote reduce, reuse or recycling.

Inquiry Focus:



Teamwork, planning, expressing ideas, and opinions and feelings in small and large group settings.
Speak confidently and express their thoughts, feelings and opinions in a group setting.
Negotiate, take turns, show consideration for others and different points of view
Take turns in conversation and value the viewpoints of others.
Activate prior knowledge about the 3 Rs.

Resources: Key Vocabulary:

Paper, pencils, erasers, research sheets, magic recycle bottle, Recycle, reduce, reuse, bottle,
smartboard, whiteboard, board markers. can, box, carton, rubbish,
plastic, metal, paper, energy,
oil, water, power, etc.

Activities: Differentiation:
Use the P4C as a framework for the two week assessment project, Mixed ability grouping to
week one focusing on planning, and recapping ideas, week to encourage peer learning. Both
focusing on communicating practical ideas on saving the educators to move around the
room to provide scaffolding
and support where needed.
Children will be in mixed ability groups, teacher to provide
scaffolding and support throughout the lesson. Detailed explanations Both English speaking and
to be given at each point on what the next part is. Mandarin speaking staff in the
classroom for ease of
Warm up/video/slideshow: communication, and
Show slideshow of the work, questions and projects that children interpretation.
have produced in class, with title reduce, reuse, recycle.
Brainstorm the concepts covered so far in the unit. Local stream: use interpreter
From this, get the children to choose from saving electricity, for children to hear
saving water, reducing air pollution, things you can recycle,
instructions and express their
items you can reuse as their topic.
Think Spend two minutes thinking about the most important concept own views in their native
that they feel passionate about. Question: Why do they think it is tongue.
Group work In groups of three, share ideas and the most important
concept to them personally, why they think it is important and how it
makes them feel.
Vote/blind vote Children, as a group, do a vote and decide on the
topic. If needed staff be available for the children to do a blind vote.
Discuss ideas and themes After deciding on a topic, discuss practical
ideas on what they can do (ie turn lights off) regarding the topic they
have chosen. Ideas pages with pictures for each topic will be
available for students that really need prompting/help.
Planner (*see attached planner at the bottom)
Use the planner to map out ideas on what they will do and how they
will present their ideas. This can be done in English, if not then
Chinese or drawn (according to ability).
Local stream
Instead of using the planner to map out ideas, create their own mind
map (in either language). Discuss and model a mind map in case the
students have not used one before.


Students self assess a evaluate individual and group participation using the 4 Cs,
Caring thinking
Collaborative thinking
Creative thinking
Critical thinking
- Where things did not go well, think of ideas on what to change to prevent this from
reoccurring. How do they feel they worked as a team?
Closing thoughts- did they learn something new? Did their opinion change about something?
Links to ACARA, Australian Curriculum
ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority)

Cross curriculum priorities-Sustainability The Sustainability priority provides the

opportunity for students to develop an appreciation of the necessity of acting for a more
sustainable future and so address the ongoing capacity of Earth to maintain all life and meet
the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. This priority
will allow all young Australians to develop the knowledge, skills, values and world views
necessary for them to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living.

Content descriptors

Learning area- Science


Communicating: Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety

of ways (ACSIS029)

Science understanding Earth and space sciences Earths resources are used in a
variety of ways (ACSSU032) Sustainability Communicating: Represent and
communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS029)

Science as a human endeavour Nature and development of science Science

involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in,
objects and events (ACSHE034) Use and influence of science People use
science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and
living things (ACSHE035)

Learning area- HASS- Geography

Unit 1: Water in the world Classification of environmental resources and the forms that
water takes as a resource (ACHGK037). The nature of water scarcity and ways of
overcoming it, including studies drawn from Australia and West Asia and/or North
Africa (ACHGK040)

Links to EYLF, Early Years Learning Framework

Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
- Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities an understanding of the reciprocal
rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation (p. 26)
- Children respond to diversity with respect (p. 27)
- Children become aware of fairness (p. 28)
- Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment (p. 29)
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment,
enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity (p. 33)

Group name

Choose from: Saving electricity, saving water, reducing air pollution, things you can
recycle, items you can reuse

Ideas (in here write your ideas for how to save resources, at least 5 ideas)

What do we need? (eg.paint, markers, glue, camera, poster paper etc)

How we will present it? (Choose from video, poster, drama, song, poem, model,
painting, story)

Put a tick using the 4 Cs on how you worked as a team

Caring thinking Creative thinking

Collaborative thinking Critical thinking

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