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No Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4
01 _______ computers
perform the complex
processing by directly Analog Digital Hybrid Personal 2
measuring the discrete
physical quantities.
02 _______ is a non-
volatile memory chip
in which data once ROM and
stored cannot be PROM
altered by
03 Modern magnetic
tapes use 8 bit All of these
________code format options
for data recording
04 The tape of magnetic
tape storage is divided
into Vertical columns Channels Frames and Tracks and Channels and
called_________ and and Frames Channels Frames Tracks
horizontal rows is
05 Which of these is an Magnetic
Smart Card ATM Card Punch Card 2
electronic card. Strip Card
06 ________ is a set of
control programs and
Application Operating
extends processing System software Utilites 2
software system
capability of
Computer system
07 Different types of user Job control All of these
System calls Command language 4
interfaces include language options
08 File
File Administration File Available File Allotment
FAT stands for Allocation 1
Table Table Transfer
09 The OSI model has
5 6 7 8 3
________ layers
10 Standard multimedia
MPEG FOR MPEG FOR All of these
compression JPEG 4
technique is
11 The mechanism of
counting the 1 bits of Parity Even Parity Odd Parity Error Checking 2
the character bit set
and adding a check bit
to make the total
number of 1 bits even
while transferring the
data, is referred to as
It is very slow
The shortcoming of Very complex and also very
It is very
Mark 1 computer is indesign and huge Unreliable complex 4
___________ in size indesign and
huge in size
12 Which of the
following are not Zip disk Disk packs Floppy disk 3
Hard disk
13 The unit of
None of these
measurement of data Maud Baud Bandwidth 2
transfer rate is ______
14 ______is collection of
the facts or
informational raw
Data Database Computer Main Memory 1
material and become
information after
15 Algorithms can be
represented in various FLOWCHARTS 4
16 _____ contains the
addresses of all the
records according to
Index Subscript Array File 1
the contents of the
field designed as the
record key.
17 Effective
Advantages of using Effective Analysis and
Efficient Coding Time consuming 4
flow charts is Analysis Efficient
18 The logic used to
perform instructions Selection None of these
Sequence logic End case 2
one after another logic options
19 Computer languages
are classified as all of Machine Assembly High level
Code language 2
the following Language language Language
20 Limitation of Executed Machine
Difficult to program Error prone 1
Machine language fast by dependent
are, EXCEPT: Computer
21 These program
It is easier to The program cannot error typically
detect be compiled and involve incorrect
________ is true for All of these
Syntax error executed until all Punctuation, 4
Syntax error. options
compared to syntax errors are undefined terms,
logical error corrected no parenthesis
23 Program errors are All of these
Virus Bugs Errors 2
known as ________ options
24 Commonly used file Indexed All of these
Sequential Direct and Random 4
organization are: Sequential options
25 _________language
that enables users to
define there
Query Manipulation DDL DML 1
requirements for
extracting required
26 3.2 % 3 1 0 0.2 Err 4
27 What is o/p If c=10,
d=20 ( c> d ? printf("
Hi Hello HiHello None of these 2
Hi") : printf("
28 Which of the
following are
keywords of the C
i)if All are only i,ii and iii are only i,ii and iv only i and ii are
keywords 2
ii)else keywords are keywords keywords


29 which of the
`enter values of p n
following is NOT a `Thank You` `23.56e-03` all of the above 4
character constant
30 void main() { int
arr[10]; printf("%d", 20 10 Error None 1
sizeof(arr)); getch(); }
31 Uppercase
Should not start
Following are the case letters
with a digit but can Any letter with - Letter starting
rules for naming an are not 3
have digits in + = sign with
identifier except: equivalent to
between the name
32 What is output void
main() { int n=3,a=2;
7 8 6 None 2
a*= n+1; printf("%d",
a); }
33 The keyword
_______ breaks the
break exit both a and b None 1
control from while
34 The compiler The compiler will
will search search first the The compiler
Consider the
only the user`s default/ will search only
declaration #include None of the
standard working directory the user`s 1
Here the angled above.
libraries for and then the default/working
brackets indicate
the file standard libraries directory
myfile.h for the file myfile.h
35 main() { printf(" \n
Hello"); disp(); } Hello Hi Infinite Hello Hi still
Hi Hello 4
disp() { printf(" \n no of times stack overflow
Hi"); main(); }
36 C() { printf("C"); }
B() { C(); printf("B");
} A() { printf(" A"); CAMB MABC MCAB MACB 4
B(); } main() {
printf("M"); A(); }
37 which of the
following shows the
(), **, * or /,
correct hierarchy of (), **, *, /, +, - (), **, /, *, +, - (), / or *, - or + 4
+ or ?
arithmetic operations
in C
38 main() { printf(" C to C to it that C C to it that C
it that C servies"); servies Compilation Error Linker Error servies still 4
main(); } infinitely stack overflow
39 array of
The statement int (* an integer function
pointer to array of 5 pointer
arr [5]) (int *, char *) taking 5 arrays and None of above 1
five to integers
means returning an char
40 What error would the
following function The function should
parentheses Redeclaration of None of the
give on compilation ? be defined as int f ( 3
in return a above
f(int a, int b) { int a; int a , int b)
a=20; return a; }
41 If the binary
equivalent of 5.375 in 40 AC 00 00 00 CA 00 40 00 00 AC 40 00 00 CA 04 3
normalised form is
0100 0000 1010 1100
0000 0000 0000, 0000
what is the output of
the following'C'
program ? main() {
float a = 5.375; char
*p; int i; p=(char*)
&a; for(i=0;i<=3;i++)
ed char)p[i] ) ; }
42 b is a pointer
to a function
Interpret the b is a pointer to a b is a pointer of
which takes
following statement : a pointer to invalid statement void which can type int which
void(*b)(int *); be typecast as a is a pointer to a
an int and
pointer to int void
returns a
43 From an ascending
priority queue only
Largest Smallest Rear Top 2
can be removed
44 Consider the program
segment given below.
(The numbers
represent program
line numbers) :
1. #include
2. int y;
3. void main()
5. int x,*px,**px; 10 100 1000 20 3

6. x = 10;
7. y = 1000;
8. px = &x;
9. ppx = &px;
10. f3(ppx);
11. printf("%d",*px);
13.void f3(int **pp)
15. *pp = &y;
The printf() at line 11
prints the value :

45 A stack in c is
declared as a ____ collection of
array structure group 2
containing two element
46 The remove operation
can only be
empty non empty overloaded underflow 2
performed, if the
queue is
47 Stack is constantly
element object memory location set of integers 3
48 In a doubly linked list
if a node is to be
deleted between two
nodes, how many 2 4 3 1 3
links of the existing
list have to be
49 What is the output of
the following code?
void main()
int i = 100, j = 200;
None of the
100 200 300 2
const int *p=&i; above

p = &j;
50 The value of
automatic variable
0 -1 Garbage None 3
that is declared but
not initialized will be
51 In a'C' program none of the
before main after main anywhere 3
constant is defined above
52 Passing a
What does the term Passing a pointer to Choosing a A function that
copy of a
'call-by-reference' a variable into a random value for does not return 2
variable into
refer to? function. a variable. any values.
a function.
53 Consider the
following declaration black= -
black= -1 ,blue = -2, black= -1 ,blue = an illegal
::- enum color 1,blue=2, 3
green= -3 0, green= 1 declaration
{black=-1, blue, green green=3
}; This represents
54 The macro FILE is
defined in which of stdlib.h stdio.h io.h stdio.c 2
the following files;
55 A function called
total(), totals the sum
of an integer array
passed to it (as the
first parameter) and
returns the total of all
int total( int
the elements as an int total( int int total( int
numbers[], None of the
integer. Let the numbers[], int numbers[], int 4
int elements above
second parameter to elements ) { elements ) {
the function be an
integer which
contains the number
of elements of the
array. The correct
code is
56 Passing a
Passing a pointer to Choosing a A function that
What does the term copy of a
a variable into a random value for does not return 1
call-by-value refer to? variable into
function a variable any values
a function
57 Associativity of unary
right to left left to right from center None 1
minus is
58 void main() { int I=0;
for(;I= =2;) {
0 012 01 No output 4
printf("%d", I); I++; }
59 If ( ps->top=-1) return return (1 (ps- return (ps->top==- it can not be
return(top+1); 3
(true); else return >top=+1) 1); made shorter
(false); For this group else return 0;
of statements
suggested shorter and
more efficient method
60 The fwrite() and
fread() functions text form binary form octal form 2
handle data in
61 When the language
has the capability to
Extensible Encapsulation Overloading Overriding 1
produce new data
type,it is called____.
62 ______ is the good
example of a method Constructor and None of these
Constructor Attribute 1
that is shared by all Attribute options
instance of a class.
63 Which of the
is-a Use-a All of these
following are class Part-of relationship. 4
relationship. relationship. options.
64 Both Data
Derived class inherits Data Constructor & members and
Member function. 4
from base class. members. destructor. Member
65 A contract is Interface and
Class Interface. Abstract Class. 4
implemented through. Abstract Class
66 Complex object
None of these
composing of other Aggregation Assosiation Composition 1
object is called_____
67 A relationship that
can be identified
between two object
function association link activity 2
entities (classes or
individuals) is called a
68 Data
Encapsulatio Data
Which are the main Inheritance, Overloading,
n, Encapsulation,
three features of OOP Polymorphism & Inheritance & 3
Inheritance Inheritance &
language? Exception handling Polymorphism
& Exception Polymorphism
69 A line with an
1?.n, where n arrow-head
Only with a line Cannot be
Cardinality can be represents an pointing in
between base class represented in 1
represented as: unlimited direction of
& derived classes UML.
value. parent or
70 Method is another None of these
Function Attribute Behavior 1
name of____ options
71 SATURINE : redundant :
saturn : venus heavenly : starry wolf : sly 3
MERCURIAL :: wordy
72 KIND : Requital Reverentral:imprud Circumspect:sho
Muddy:unclear 4
BENEVOLENT :: :reverberate ent rt-sighted
73 Horse : colt :: bird : eaglet child : adult seed : fruit sheep : lamb 4
74 CONE : PINE :: fruit : berry bulb : flower acorn : oak needle : fir 3
75 MANDATORY : pious : chaste :
competent : inept opaque : ornate 2
OPTIONAL :: indignant celibate
76 BLUEPRINT : itinerary : volume :
signal : light tenant : premises 1
CONSTRUCTION :: trip library
77 CELEBRATE : window : lament :
pot : pan face : penalty 2
MARRIAGE :: bedroom bereavement
78 PROHIBITED : innocuous : compulsory :
deleterious : embark required : decide 4
REFRAIN :: forbid comply
79 ASSUAGE : humiliate intensify convert solidify 2
80 DORMANT : authoritative elastic active uninteresting 3
81 Studies over the last
20 years have shown
that virtually all
babies born to drug -
addicted mothers are
themselves adicted to
drugs. No such There have Prior to the
correlation, however, been recent
has been shown instances in Although some development of
Drug addiction is
between drug- which drug- biological DNA testing,
an acquired
addicted fathers and addicted conditions have which
condition which
thier newborn babies have been shown to be maternity was 1
cannot be passed
children. It would been born to genetically based, unquestionable,
on from a mother
appear, then, that drug addicted drug addiction is not paternity could
to her children
addiction is a fathers and among them not be
genetically inherited non-addicted positively
trait that is gender- mothers. determined
linked and passed
through the mother.
All the following, if
true, would weaken
the argument above
82 During 1985, Advertising Canned food price Canned food Canned opener
advertising expensing effectiveness decreased relative to products were production 4
expenditure on increased substitutes avaible in more doubled
canned food products stores
increased by 20
percent, while canned
food consumption
rose by 25 percent.
Each of the following,
if true, could help
explain the increase in
food consumption
83 The gateway of india
is in mumbai mumbai
is in maharashtra
false cannot say true probably false 3
therefore the gateway
of india is in
84 Ravi is the younger
than sachin sachin is
younger than tarun true false cannot say probably true 1
therefore ravi is the
youngest among them
85 During 1985,
expenditures on
canned food products
increased by 20%, Canned food
Advertising Canned food prices Can opener
while canned food products are
effectiveness decreased relative to production 1
consumption rose by available in more
increased. substitutes. doubled.
25%.Each of the stores.
following, if true,
could help explain the
increase in food
consumption except:
86 The movement of
ownership by unions
is the latest step in the
progression from Employee
management union
owned Employee Employee union
ownership to ownership
companies participation in ownership drives
employee ownership. enables 3
generally management raises up salaries and
Employee ownership workers to
have higher morale. wages.
can save depressed share in the
and losing companies. profits.
All the following
statements, if true,
provide support for
the claim above

87 One major obligation

of the social
psychologist is to
provide his own
discipline, the other
social sciences and
conceptual tools that
will increase the range Social The social
and the reliablilty of psychologist scientist has an
A study of social phenomena are
their understanding of must have a obligation to
psychology should little
social phenomena. strong provide the
be part of the understood by
Beyond that, background means by which 3
curriculim of those outside
responsible in other social
government the field of
government officials sciences as phenomena may
officials. social
are today turning will as their be understood by
more frequently to the own others
social sientists for
insight into the nature
and solution of the
problems with which
they are confronted.
The above argument
assumes that:
88 starting from a point x
jayant walked
15metres towards the
west he turned to his
left and walked 20
metres he then turned
to his left and walked 32 metres
47 metres east 42 metres north 27 metres south 1
15 metres he then south
further turned to his
right and walked 12
metres how far is
jayant from the point
x and in which
89 If P and N are done
on Thursday and L is done on L is done on M is done on O is done on
Friday, then which of Tuesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday
the following is true?
90 A farmer plants only Beans, corn, Beans, corn, peas, Beans, peas, Corn, peas,
five different kinds of kale, corn, beans, corn, squash squash, beans, squash, beans,
vegetables -- beans, peas, squash corn, kale kale, peas
corn, kale, peas, and
squash. Every year
the farmer plants
exactly three kinds of
vegetables according
to the following
If the farmer plants
corn, the farmer also
plants beans that year.
If the farmer plants
kale one year, the
farmer does not plant
it the next year.
In any year, the
farmer plants no more
than one of the
vegetables the farmer
planted in the
previous year.
Which of the
following is a possible
sequence of
combinations for the
farmer to plant in two
successive years?

91 If x + 49 =8.2, then
the value of x is equal 1.20 1.40 1.44 1.89 3
92 If a = -1 and b = -2,
what is the value of (2 343 216 125 64 2
- ab2)3?
93 If z = 1, y = 2.......a =
26. Find the value of z 351 221 400 200 1
+ y + x + .......+a.
94 A clock that gains two
minutes each hour is
synchronized at
midnight with a clock 36 24 14 12 1
that loses one minute
an hour. What will be
the difference, in
minutes, between the
times shown on the
two clocks when a
third clock correctly
shows noon?
95 50 copies of a book
can be purchased for a
sum payable 3 months
hence while 51 copies
can be had for same 6 % 8% 10 % 12 % 2
sum for cash
payment. What is the
rate of interest per
96 The Compound
interest on a sum of
money in 3 years at
the rate of 5% per
annum is Rs.1261.
What is the simple 960 900 840 800 1
interest of the same
sum of money in the
same number of years
but at 4% per annum
of simple interest.
97 If the radius of a
cylinder is tripled
increased by
while its height is halved unchanged doubled 4
halved, its volume
will be
98 In a group of people
solicited by a charity,
30% contributed
Rs.40each, 45%
contributed Rs.20
each, and the rest
30% 40% 45% 50% 4
contributed Rs.12
each. What
percentage of the total
contributed came
from people who gave
99 A is 8 miles east of B.
C is 10 miles north of 5 miles 6 miles 13 miles 18 miles 3
B. D is 13 miles east
of C and E is 2 miles
north of D. Find
shortest distance
between A and E.
10 A dishonest milk
0 seller professes to sell
milk at cost price but None of the
8:1 6:2 5:1 1
gains 12 1/2%. The above.
proportion of water he
adds to milk is

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