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Just want to finish up by talking little

giving some perspective on the things
that we've talked about so far today.
the ideas that we have a, a calculus that
is going to be very effective for
quantitative study of all kinds of a
large combinatorial structures.
Always going through same kind of process
where we have a construction that
translates to a generating function, that
translates to coefficient asymptotics.
actually with complex asymptotics we
don't even have to solve explicitly for
the generating function often.
merely the form of the equation is going
to give the generating function that
[COUGH], is going to give a transfer
theorem that gives the coefficient
asymptotics immediately.
and just think about what we've talked
about in the last four lectures versus
this lecture to count binary trees.
so we had a whole slide to go from the
currents to generate function involving a
and then expanding that generating
function involves some kind of intricate
calculations using binomial coefficients
that you might remember.
and got us to the exact form of the
Catalan numbers.
and then we had to do the asymptotics
using Sterling's Approximation that also
involved significant amount of
you may remember the first time you saw
each one of these the amount of intricate
calculation that seem to be involved.
Although there's straightforward from
step to step.
there's a lot of steps with analytic
combinatorics. we don't do those
calculations anymore.
We simply create the combinatoric
get to the generating function equation
and then get the transfer theorem to get
the asymptotic result, that we're
interested in.
And these are normally very accurate and
certainly accurate enough for practical
so we're in for the arrangements.
in that case
we we don't even know
I didn't even do the example of the
calculation it's so complicated but we
get immediately to the coefficient
And this is a good example of something
that is characteristic of analytic
commontorics. Becuase we had a basic
construction, a permetation a set of
cycles that we modified to work with the,
to get this this answer.
that's very common we start with some
fundamental constructs.
They're a basic things that, that we want
to study.
they're either elementary or they're
trivial or they confirm our intuition.
and we, we understand them but we
try to understand'em from the standpoint
of analytic commontorics. But then we can
have compound constructs where we have a
set of cycles or a sequence of sets and
so forth. and again those are only the
constructions that I've presented there's
many, many other constructions available.
and those things there's lot's of
possibilities. they'll tell us something
about the structure like a permetation is
a set of cycles. and actually lots
classic commonotorics can be dealt with
in this way.
And then there's variations like
generalizing the arrangements by adding
another parameter. the possibilities
immediately become almost unlimited and
not only that when we get to a generating
function and equation, we often have a
universal law that will give us the
asymptotics. there would be no way to go
in and get the, exact result and then do
asymptotics from the exact result.
in principle you could do that because
what underlies the analytic combinatorics
is a bunch of very simple techniques.
But why would you if your goal is the
asymptotic result?
so that's a, a, a very standard paradigm.
and also combinatorial parameters can be
and we'll see lots of examples of that.
so that is, we're not just counting
We're counting properties of things but
we talked about in the generating
function lecture, about the concept of
cumulative cost where rather than
computing averages by using
probabilities. What we do is we count up
the total cost among all structures and
then divide and it's reducing
finding an average for number expected in
a random object to, to counting problems.
So, let, so for, to find the leaves on a
binary tree we count trees using the
standard process to get to the estimate
of the Catalan numbers.
but it turns out that the symbolic method
works for bivariate generating functions,
so the same construction will give a
explicit, equation for the, total cost.
So, that's the leafs in all trees, you
just keep track of, of the leafs and
other variable, and the same construction
follows through.
And then differentiated value doesn't
want to get the leafs on all trees the
way we did before.
we're going to get again an explicit and
then we have the immediate transfer for
that one too.
so, we don't have to go into the detail
we have these two asymptotic results and
then we just divide.
and that's how we get to N over four.
And again, we can do this without all the
detail that we presented before.
So this is the slide that I started up
with that maybe makes a little more sense
now that we've gone through a number of
You need a lot of combinatorics.
We begin with combinatorial
We use symbolic transfer theorems to get
generating functions.
They're the central object of study
because we transferred to them from
combinatorial constructions and we
extract coefficients from them using
analytic transfer theorems.
and so we can, in principle we can do
this to any precision on the standard
scale, and we can handle variations as
So now for the rest of the course, we're
going to be looking at many applications
of analytic combinatorix for first we'll
do trees and then we'll do permutations
which actually can be represented as a
certain kind of labeled trees.
and we'll talk about bit streams and
associated data structures in mappings
which are fascinating structures.
and these all have applications to the
analysis of algorithms.
so that's what we'll be doing for the
rest of the course.
so that's a perspective on what we've
been doing
I just want to finish with some exercises
that you might do to cement your
understanding of this material.
So exercise 5.1 is how many good
strengths of length N have no occurrence
of three zeros and that's a fine exercise
to try out these techniques on.
were for trees and this is just again to
go through the steps of
[COUGH] annalytic combinatorix for
problems similar to the ones that we did.
So this is binary tree, where the size is
the total number of nodes internal and
so there is no even number is always an
odd number of total number of nodes in so
we get an expression for that
what about, when the cycles are of odd
that's an easy one.
tree parameters.
so the red notes here have both children
internal and the blue ones have one
internal and one external.
So what's the average number of red notes
and blue notes?
We already did the average number of
leaves is it N over four.
so the those some more problem. So for
the next lecture if you write up
solutions to those excercise and read the
analytic combonatorix chapter in the text
you'll have a good feeling for the basis
for, of the analysis of algorithms that
we're going to begin starting in the next

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