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Name: Emily Caputo Completed

Why did your patient come to the hospital?
-A 30 year old man arrived in the ER complaining of sudden onset of back pain and shortness of breath. He stated that the
pain got worse when he took a deep breath. The patient stated that he waited three days to go to the ER to see if his
symptoms would go away.

What is the patients diagnosis?

-The patient was diagnosed with a spontaneous pneumothorax. He had a chest tube placed and was admitted for a few days
until the tube could be unclamped and he could breathe with an adequate pulse ox level.

-The patient has no past medical or surgical history.

List your patient medications

-The patient is not currently on any medications at home. During his admission, he was taking high doses of Diladud which he
said he had never received before. The patient reported that lower doses were not taking away all of his pain and requested
more, however the doctor ended up ordering a lower dose of another medication.

Does your patient know why each medication is prescribed?

-The patient was aware of Diladud and its indications for use, and he said that he had taken it before.
Anything you found interesting about this patient related to pharmacology? Explain

-Thinking about pain medications, I was wondering if different types could be taken together and if there would be any
serious adverse effects.

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