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Complete Megalist: 25 Helpful Tools

For Front-End Developers
Are you looking to get into web development or a seasoned pro looking for the next
skill to add to your resume? Read on for trending web dev skills and tools.

by Jeffrey Walker Jun. 16, 17 Web Dev Zone

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Todays developers are the architects of the digital age, the ones turning code into websites
and mobile apps that will define the next generation of technology innovation.

New trends, styles, and techniques mean that the task of the web developer is constantly
changing. Web applications have become much richer and more complex. New uses of video,
virtual reality, and artificial intelligence on websites will continue to define the developer of
the future.

The web developer must continue to learn and grow, which is equally challenging because the
technologies are constantly changing. The internet of 3 years ago, is very different from the
internet of today, and so it will be in another 3 years.

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Web development is typically split between front-end and back-end. The front-end developer
uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to code the website and web app designs created by web
designers. Front-end developers are responsible for writing the code that runs inside the
users web browser, whereas back-end developers work on code that runs on the web server.

Weve compiled a long list (just call it a megalist) of useful tools that every front-end
developer should have in their toolkit, split up by different segments. Read on and learn
about some of the latest and greatest front-end developer resources on the market today.

Libraries and Plugins

1. jQuery
jQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries available, which front-end developers
use to make such things as HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling,
animation, and Ajax much simpler. jQuery comes with an easy-to-use API that works across
multiple browsers.

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2. Backbone.js
Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that developers can use to set up and
structure the client-side applications that run in a web browser. It offers an MVC framework
which abstracts data into models, DOM into views, and binds these two using events. It
works via an API connection over a RESTful JSON interface.

3. Alertify.js
Alertify.js is a JavaScript framework for developing light-weight, high-performance browser
dialogs and notifications. Its known to be a great option for adding basic style to alert,
dialog, and prompt and log messages even on low bandwidth connections.

4. HTML Boilerplate
Billed as the webs most popular front-end template, HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional
front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.

5. AngularJS
AngularJS allows developers to extend HTML vocabulary for their applications and build
those dynamic views in a way that is expressive, readable, and quick to develop. The
framework collects data from the server, then compiles the templates locally for presentation,
and does this through a client-side MVC framework.

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Templates and Themes
6. Wrap Bootstrap
Wrap Bootstrap is a marketplace where designers can sell their own themes and templates
based on the Bootstrap framework.

7. ThemeForest
ThemeForest is a marketplace for buying and selling HTML templates as well as themes for
popular CMS products like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

HMTL5 Editors
8. Notepad++
Notepad++ is an open source code editor that supports several languages and is popularly
used for HTML. One of the classics among code editors.

9. Aloha Editor
One of the most powerful web-based HTML5 editors out there, Aloha Editor also has the
advantage of being small and simple to use. With Aloha, you can edit just about any DOM
(document object model) element.

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10. Prism
Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in

CSS and HTML5 Frameworks

11. Bootstrap
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive,
mobile first projects on the web.

12. Foundation
Listed as the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world, Framework
offers front-end developers a way to design beautiful responsive websites, apps, and emails
that look amazing on any device.

13. Framework 7
Framework 7 is a free and open source mobile HTML framework that allows developers to
build hybrid mobile apps or web apps with the look and feel of an iOS and/or Android native
application. It also serves as a great prototyping tool to display a working UI mockup.

Browser Add-Ons
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14. Window Resizer
This extension re-sizes the browsers window in order to emulate various resolutions. The
tool is particularly useful for front-end designers to test their layouts on different browser

15. ColorZilla
ColorZilla is a Firefox add-on that assists web developers and graphic designers with color
related tasks by allowing them to get a color reading from any point in the browser, and then
quickly adjust this color and paste it into another program.

16. LiveReload
LiveReload monitors changes in the file system, and preprocesses them so that when files or
images are saved the browser is automatically refreshed.

Debugging and Testing

17. CSS Lint
CSS Lint is an open source CSS code quality tool for basic syntax checking. The tool also
looks for problematic patterns or signs of inefficiency in the code.

18. Responsive Design Testing

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A tool that allows developers to test their responsive websites during the design stage by
entering a URL into the address bar.

19. Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is the worlds largest question and answer site for professional and enthusiast
programmers. A great resource for any developer needing answers to even the most obscure
coding issues.

Versioning and Cloud Storage

20. GitHub
GitHub is a central repository and web hosting service that allows developers to host and
review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of other developers.

21. Bitbucket
Bitbucket is a web-based hosting service that allows developers to collaborate on code-based
projects, using a revision control system.

22. Team Foundation Server

Team Foundation Server is the Windows version of GitHub and Bitbucket and offers an
integrated way to store and collaborate on code across teams with unlimited private
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Learning and Education

23. Codecademy
One of the leaders in the code learning revolution, Codecademy is an online interactive
platform that offers free coding classes in 12 different programming languages including
Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript (jQuery, AngularJS, React.js), Ruby, SQL, and Sass, as well as
the markup languages HTML and CSS.

24. Treehouse
Treehouse is an online technology school that offers beginner to advanced courses in web
design, web development, mobile development, and game development taught by a team of
expert teachers.

25. Lynda is an online education company offering thousands of video courses in software,
creative, and business skills. Purchased by Linkedin in 2015 for $1.5B, has
become the worlds most popular hub for high-quality video tutorials with over 100 courses
in web development alone.

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Published at DZone with permission of Jeffrey Walker. See the original article here.
Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.

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