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Effective ways of fading paraprofessional support

Fading Make contact with the individual

physical Communicate what is going to happen in a way that the
individual can understand
Prepare the individual physically for the routine
Perform the steps of the routine in ways that require the
individual to participate as much as possible
Incorporate the principle of partial participation

Fading Highlight similarities among students

social Help students invite each other to socialize
Provide behavioral supports that are social in nature
Provide your student with activities that are interactive and
Encourage peer support
Encourage independence and interdependence
Fade your cues

Fading Focus on strengths

academic Keep expectations high
Break tasks into smaller steps
Extend time on tasks
Present limited amount of information on a page
Make things concrete
Teach organizational skills
Offer support only when needed, do not just give it

Fading Know the students crisis intervention plan.

behavior All behavior is communicative.
Build a relationship
Match instructional practices with student strengths
Set up the environment in a way that promotes positive
Meet the students needs
Task analysis
Visual schedules and supports
Self-management strategies

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