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John Medical Center Employee ID # 712701


Journal Club Research Article Critique Form

Chaseton Brown, RN
Reviewer Name: _____________________ ED
Unit:______________ 6/29/17
Peripheral IV site rotation based on clinical assessment vs length of time since insertion
Research study:___________________________________________________________

Shelley Triplett Digitally signed by Shelley Triplett

Signature of Journal Club Leader: ______________________________________
Date: 2017.07.03 21:13:42 -05'00'

(required for verification of participation for PAS)

Please complete the following:
1. Description of the study
The purpose of the research is:
To see if complications associated with prolonged IV use could be reduced with changed site based on
assessment vs time sincee insertion.
Explain why this problem is significant to nursing practice:
Nursees in almost all areas insert, assess, and utilize IVs

2. Evaluation of literature
Describe the previous research pertaining to the topic that the authors reference (hint: look for a literature
review section in the article)
The researcher used online databases to review articles that were previously written regarding the subject. Many of
these studies seemed to suggest that IVs should be changed based on clinical judgement vs routine site rotation.

3. Study sample
The study sample was obtained from: (hint: describe the population and where the study is performed)
The study was performed on med-surg patients in a 500 bed hospital in the southeastern United States

What is the sample size?

71 patients, 89 sites
List the inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the study.
All patient on the med-surg floor who had their IV line in place for at least 72 hours

4. Study methods/design
Describe or identify the study design (hint: quantitative/qualitative, experimental, meta-analysis, etc)

Describe the study procedures. (hint: describe the intervention and how the data was collected)
Six nurses were involved in collecting data. Nurses on the unit were educated regarding the study. Nurses assessed the
sites at designatedd times and using specialized scales. The IV was changed if there were any s/s of phlebitis/infiltration.

5. Results
Describe the results of the study.
89 sites were assessed. One site showed minimal infiltration and none showed phlebitis. Some IVs were kept in place far
longer (one up to 350 hours!)

6. Clinical significance
Explain how you will use this information for your nursing practice at SJMC.
Present this to fellow nurses, including those on med-surg. Maybe policy will be changed to keep IV in longer.

Please use the back of this paper for other comments.

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