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1) Display all the records in emp table?

2) Display all the records in emp table where employee belongs to deptno 10?
select * from emp where deptno=10;
3) Display all the records in emp table where employee does not belong to deptno
select * from emp where deptno<>30;

4) Display total number of records in Emp table?

select count(*) from emp;

5) Display emp table with salary descending order?

select * from emp order by sal desc;

6) Display first five records in employee table?

select * from emp where rownum<=5;

7) Display all the records in emp table order by ascending deptno, descending
select * from emp order by asc deptno and order by desc sal;

8) Display all employees those who were joined in year 1981?

select * from emp where hidate like('%-%-81');

9) Display COMM in emp table. Display zero in place of null.

update emp
set comm=0
where comm is null;
10) Display the records in emp table where MGR in 7698,7566 and sal should be
greater then 1500
select * from emp where mgr in(7698,7566) and sal>1500;
11) Display all employees where employees hired before 01-JAN-1981
select * from emp where hiredate<'01-JAN-81';

12) Display all employees with how many years they have been servicing in the

13) Display all employees those were not joined in 1981?

select * from emp where hiredate NOT LIKE ('%-%-81');

14) Display all employees where their hiredate belongs to third quarter?

15) Display all employees where their salary is less then the Fords salary?
select * from emp where sal<(select sal from emp where ename='FORD');
16) Display all the records in EMP table along with the rowid?

17) Display all records in EMP table those were joined before SCOTT joined?
select * from emp where hiredate<(select hiredate from emp where ename='SCOTT');

18) Display all employees those who were joined in third quarter of 1981?

19) Add 3 months with hiredate in EMP table and display the result?

20) Display the date for next TUESDAY in hiredate column?

21) Find the date, 15 days after todays date.

22) Write a query to display current date?

select sysdate from dual;
23) Display distinct job from emp table?
select distinct job from emp;

24) Display all the records in emp table where employee hired after 28-SEP-81 and
before 03-DEC-81?
select * from emp where hiredate between '28-sep-81' and '03-dec-81';
25) Write a query that displays the employees names with the first letter
capitalized and all other letters lowercase for all employees whose name starts
with J, A, or M
select initcap(ename) FROM EMP where ename like 'J%' OR ENAME LIKE 'A%' OR ENAME
LIKE 'M%';
26) Display all jobs that are in department 10. Include the location of department
in the output.
select loc from dept where deptno=10;
27) Write a query to display the employee name, department name of all employees
who earn a commission
select e1.ename,d1.dname from emp e1,dept d1 where e1.deptno=d1.deptno;
28) Display the empno, ename, sal, and salary increased by 15%.
select empno,ename,sal,(sal*0.15)+sal as Hiked_sal from emp;
29) Display ename, sal, grade. Use emp, salgrade table

30) Display all employees and corresponding managers

31) Display all the departments where employee salary greater then average salary
of that department.

32) Display all employees whose salary greater then the manager salary?

33) Display employees where length of ename is 5

34) Display all employees where ename start with J and ends with S

35) Display all employees where employee does not belong to 10,20,40

36) Display all employees where jobs does not belong to PRESIDENT and MANAGER?
select * from emp where job not in('PRESIDENT','MANAGER');

37) Display the maximum salary in the emp table

38) Display average salary for job SALESMAN

39) Display all three figures salary in emp table

40) Display all records in emp table for employee who does not receive any

41) Display all ename where first character could be anything, but second character
should be L?

42) Display nth highest and nth lowest salary in emp table?

43) Display all the departments where department has 3 employees?

44) Display emp name and corresponding subordinates. Use CONNECT BY clause.

45) Display sum of salary for each department. The output should be in one record

46) Display all department with Minimum salary and maximum salary?
47) Display all ename, sal, deptno,dname from emp, dept table where all department
which has employees as well as department does not have any employees. This query
should include non matching rows.

48) Display all ename, sal, deptno from emp, dept table where all employees which
has matching department as well as employee does not have any departments. This
query should include non matching rows.

Note: In the below query, employee will always have matching record in dept table.
Emp, dept table may not be good example to answer this question.

49) Display all ename, sal, deptno from emp, dept table where all employees which
has matching and non matching department as well as all departments in dept table
which has matching and non matching employees. This query should include non
matching rows on both the tables.

Note: In the below query, employee will always have matching record in dept table.
Emp, dept table may not be good example to answer this question.

50) Display all ename, empno, dname, loc from emp, dept table without joining two

51) Display all the departments where department does not have any employees

52) Display all the departments where department does have atleast one employee

53) Display all employees those who are not managers?

54) Display ename, deptno from emp table with format of {ename} belongs to {deptno}

55) Display total number of employees hired for 1980,1981,1982. The output should
be in one record.

56) Display ename, deptno from employee table. Also add another column in the same
query and it should display ten for dept 10, twenty for dept 20, thirty for dept
30, fourty for dept 40

57) Display all the records in emp table. The ename should be lower case. The job
first character should be upper case and rest of the character in job field should
be lower case.

58) Display all employees those who have joined in first week of the month ?

59) Display all empoyees those who have joined in the 49th week of the year?

60) Display empno, deptno, salary, salary difference between current record and
previous record in emp table. Deptno should be in descending order.

61) Create table emp1 and copy the emp table for deptno 10 while creating the table

62) Create table emp2 with same structure of emp table. Do not copy the data

63) Insert new record in emp1 table, Merge the emp1 table on emp table.

64) Display all the records for deptno which belongs to employee name JAMES?

65) Display all the records in emp table where salary should be less then or equal
to ADAMS salary?
66) Display all employees those were joined before employee WARD joined?

67) Display all subordinate those who are working under BLAKE?

68) Display all subordinate(all levels) for employee BLAKE?

69) Display all record in emp table for deptno which belongs to KING's Job?

70) Display the employees for empno which belongs to job PRESIDENT?

71) Display list of ename those who have joined in Year 81 as MANAGER?

72) Display who is making highest commission?

73) Display who is senior most employee? How many years has been working?

74) Display who is most experienced and least experienced employee?

75) Display ename, sal, grade, dname, loc for each employee.

76) Display all employee whose location is DALLAS?

select e.ename,e.deptno,d.loc from emp e, dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.loc='DALLAS' ;

77) Display ename, job, dname, deptno for each employee by using INLINE view?

78) List ename, job, sal and department of all employees whose salary is not within
the salary grade?

79) Use EMP and EMP1 table. Query should have only three columns. Display
empno,ename,sal from both tables inluding duplicates.

80) Delete emp table for detpno 10 and 20.

81) Delete all employees those are not getting any commission?

82) Delete all employees those who employeed more then 28 years

83) Add duplicate records in emp1 table. Delete the duplicate records in emp1

84) Delete the employees where employee salary greater then average salary of
department salary?

85) Delete all employees those who are reporting to BLAKE?

86) Delete all levels of employees those who are under BLAKE?

87) Delete all employees those who are only managers?

88) Remove the department in dept table where dept does not have any employees?

89) Remove all grade 2 employees in emp table?

90) Remove all the employees in SMITH's department

91) Remove least paid employee who are reporting to BLAKE ?

92) Remove all employees who were joined before SMITH joined?

93) Rename the employee name JONES to ANDY

94) Change the WARD's hiredate to one day ahead

95) Update MARTIN salary same as SMITH's salary

96) Increase the salary 5% for employee those who are earning commission less then

97) Increase 250$ commission for BLAKE's team

98) Increase 100$ for employee who is making more then averge salary of his

99) Increase 1% salary for employee who is making lowest salary in dept 10

100) Reduce the commission amount from employee salary for each employee who were
joined after ALLEN joined.

101) Increase commission 10$ for employees those who are located in NEW YORK.

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