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ISSN : 0974 - 7524 Volume 8 Issue 1

An Indian Journal
Trade Science Inc.
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PCAIJ, 8(1), 2013 [1-4]

Volumetric properties of some drugs of pharmacological importance in

water and 0.02 mol kg-1 MgCl2. 6H2O at 298.15 and 308.15 K
Muhammad Asghar Jamal1*, Muhammad Rashid, Ijaz.A.Bhatti2, Khurram Shahzad1
Department of Chemistry, Government College, University Faisalabad, 38030, (PAKISTAN)
Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, (PAKISTAN)
E-mail : asghar020@

The volumetric properties of four anti-tussive drugs viz., ephedrine HCl, Volumetric;
dextramethorphan HBr, aminophylline and diphenhydramine HCl includ- Solute-solute and solute-
ing Apparent molar volume, V, partial molar volume, Vo, pair interaction solvent interactions;
parameter, SV, partial molar expansivity, Eo2 and isobaric thermal expan- Partial molar volume;
sion coefficient, 2 in water and 0.02 mol kg-1 MgCl2. 6H2O are determined Partial molar expansivity.
at 298.15 K and 308.15 K. All these parameters have been computed from
the measured solution densities obtained by an electronic vibrating tube
density sound analyzer (DSA 5000). However, applications of volumetric
measurements to the study of solvation of above mentioned drugs re-
flects theoretical frame work to rationalize the measured volumetric
observables in terms of solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions in
water and 0.2mol kg-1. A least square fit method is used in computation of
above mentioned properties. 2013 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA

INTRODUCTION The partial molar volume, Gibbs energy, is a sensitive

parameter for evaluating the solute solvent interactions.
There are many drugs which show their activity by Since volume is an additive property, gross changes in
interacting with biological membranes. Interactions of volume of the system with its components can be as-
the drug with excipients can also affect their bioavailability sessed. Molecular interactions with in the system can
and stability. Perceptible thermodynamic changes are also be assessed from volumetric data. Various pro-
found to be associated with the processes of drug ac- cesses in solutions such as electrostriction[8], hydropho-
tivity[1,2]. In drug protein binding a strange behavior has bic hydration[9], micellization and co-sphere overlap
been observed with respect to certain drugs[5]. Due to during solute-solute interaction have been interpreted
the complex structure of biomolecules it is difficult to to large extent, from partial molar volume data of many
carry out in physiological media. That is why it is sug- compounds including amino acids, peptides and also
gested that each component of these systems must be some drug compounds[6].
studied individually before going to more complex sys- Ephedrine HCl, diphenhydramine HCl,
tems. The thermodynamic methods are well known and dextramethorphan HBr and aminophylline are well
better for studying the molecular interactions in fluids. known cough suppressant and energy pills and provide
2 Volumetric properties of some drugs of pharmacological importance PCAIJ, 8(1) 2013

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the relief against cough and watery eyes and influenza. Where Vcav and Vint are the contribution due the forma-
These drugs strongly bind to plasma proteins[10]. As a tion of cavity and from intermolecular interaction re-
part of large term objective of present work is to inves- spectively, o is the isothermal compressibility of the
tigate the thermodynamic aspects of biomolecular pro- solvent R is the gas constant T is the absolute tempera-
cesses involving such drug macromolecule interaction, ture. The creation of cavity is a positive contribution to
the results of determination of apparent molar volume, the partial molar volume of solute where as the attrac-
V,, partial molar volume (Vo), solute-solvent interac- tive intermolecular solute-solvent interactions cause a
tion parameter, Sv, partial molar expansivity, Eo2, and negative contribution i.e shrinking the cavity.
isobaric thermal expansion coefficient, 2 of four drugs In magnesium chloride the expansivity of cavity
mention above in water and 0.02 mol kg-1 MgCl2.6H2O takes place in diphenhydramineHCl and aminophylline
at 308.15 K are reported in this work. on increasing the temperature but opposite trend in
ephedrineHCl. Isobaric thermal coefficient of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ephedrineHCl and dextramethorphanHBr decreases
with increase in temperature. It means when tempera-
Apparent molar volume were first calculated using ture increases density decreases resulting in a decrease
following equation[19] of partial molar isobaric thermal expansion (2). Similar
1000(d d ) M / d trend was observed by Iqbal and Verall [6] but in other
V , (1) two drugs an opposite trend was observed i.e in
mdd 1
diphenhydramineHCl and aminophylline this trend was
Where d, do, m and M are the densities of solution
comparable to Neal and Goring[17].
solvent, molality, and molar mass of solute. V, data
It has been observed that some drugs show posi-
were found to vary linearly and were fitted to following
tive Sv values. It is believed that solvent molecules are
more structured in bulk phase than in the solvation sphere
V, = Vo + Sv m (2)
of bulk solvent[14], the characteristics of co sphere de-
Where Vo is the partial molar volume of solute mol- pends upon the drug structure, size, shape and
ecule. The values Vo and correlation coefficient have solvophobicity[15]. It has been seen that partial molar
been estimated by the least square fitting of the appar- volume, partial molar expansion E2o and isobaric ther-
ent molar volume data in equation (2). Only Vo and Sv mal expansion 2 are independent of concentration since
are sufficient to interpret the data. the changes in the solution structure are very sensitive
The values of partial molar expansivity were then to temperature changes.
calculated[13] from the partial molar volume by the fol- Transfer Volume of drugs from solutions in water to
lowing relation[21] aqueous Magnesium Chloride solutions are calculated
E20= (Vo/T)p (3) as,
Since the changes in solution structure are very sensi- Vtr = Vo (in aqueous magnesium chloride solution)
tive to temperature, the partial molar expansion is a Vo (in water) (6)
better criterion for the detection of solute solvent in- The Positive values of transfer volume indicate the
teractions. From the partial molar volume, Vo, data effect of hydrophilic parts. Ion-hydrophilic group con-
the isobaric thermal expansivity coefficient of solute tributes positively to the volume transfer because of the
at infinite dilution, 2 was also calculated by the fol- water structure that is formed around this group as a
lowing equation[22]. result of co sphere overlap. This indicates that hydro-
2 = 1/Vo (Vo/T)p (4) philic-hydrophilic interactions are dominant over hydro-
[16] phobic-hydrophilic interactions.
According to the scaled particle theory (SP) , the
expression for partial molar volume of solute dilution is
given as follows.
Vo= Vcav + Vint +o RT (5)
The drugs, dextramethorphanHBr, aminophylline,
An Indian Journal
PCAIJ, 8(1) 2013 Muhammad Asghar Jamal et al. 3

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ephedrineHCl, DiphenhydramineHCl were purchased samples are purified by recrystalization from ethanol
from sigma, the purity exceeds 99 %. The solvent used water mixture. Water used in this case is doubly dis-
were water and 0.02 mol kg-1 MgCl2.6H2O. The tilled and degassed.
TABLE 1 : Partial molar volume V0 and Sv in 0.02 mol kg-1MgCl2.6H2O at 308.15 K and 298.15 K
0.02 mol kg-1MgCl2.6H2O 0.02 mol kg-1MgCl2.6H2O Water
Compound T= 308.15 K T=298.15 K T= 308.15 K
Vo (cm3mol-1) Sv (cm3mol-1) Vo (cm3mol-1) Sv (cm3mol-1) Vo (cm3mol-1) Sv (cm3mol-1)
EphedrineHCl 149.906 0.117 -5.662 0.163 147.978 1.20 -5.375 0.161 134.212 0.044 -9.354 0.119
Aminophylline 320.559 0.135 - 38.287 0.515 316.830 0.318 -29.577 1.316 230.472 0.083 -8.908 0.335
DiphenhydramineHCl 232.182 0.135 -7.668 0.410 230.132 0.558 -1.634 2.338 285.183 0.029 -3.915 0.321
DextramethorphanHBr 343.508 0.006 -8.151 0.024 339.289 0.043 -6.647 0.174 306.183 0.065 -24.777 0.420
TABLE 2 : Transfer volume, V0tr at 308.15 K and hydrophobic hydration around the aromatic rings
V0 in 0.02 m 0
V in Water V0tr
on these drugs. Higher values of partial molar volume
Compound MgCl26H2O 3 -1 3 were obtained when solventsolvent interactions were
No (cm mol ) (cm mol -1)
(cm3 mol -1)
1 Ephedrine HCl 149.906 134.214 15.694
higher than solute solvent interaction.
2 Diphenhydramine HCl 232.182 230.472 1.71
3 DextramethorphanHBr 343.508 285.183 58.326
4 Aminophylline 320.559 306.183 14.375
The financial assistance (project No.20-1353/R&D/
TABLE 3 : Calculated data for partial molar expansibilities
09/4539) of HEC for the purchase of density sound
analyzer is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.
Compound Eo2/ cm3 mol-1 K-1
EphedrineHCl -0.1928 REFERENCES
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