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Safety and Quality
Upon completing this chapter, the reader will be able to:
1-1 List the six components of the chain of infection and 1-7 Discuss the components and purpose of chemical
the laboratory safety precautions that break the chain. hygiene plans and Material Safety Data Sheets.
1-2 State the purpose of the Standard Precautions policy 1-8 State and interpret the components of the National
and describe its guidelines. Fire Protection Association hazardous material
labeling system.
1-3 State the requirements mandated by the Occupational
Exposure to Blood-Borne Pathogens Compliance 1-9 Describe precautions that laboratory personnel should
Directive. take with regard to radioactive, electrical, and fire hazards.
1-4 Describe the types of personal protective equipment 1-10 Explain the RACE and PASS actions to be taken when
that laboratory personnel wear, including when, how, a fire is discovered.
and why each article is used.
1-11 Recognize standard hazard warning symbols.
1-5 Correctly perform hand hygiene procedures following
1-12 Define the preexamination, examination, and postex-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
amination components of quality assessment.
1-13 Distinguish between the components of internal
1-6 Describe the acceptable methods for handling and
quality control, external quality control, electronic
disposing of biologic waste and sharp objects in the
quality control, and proficiency testing.
urinalysis laboratory.

Accreditation External quality assessment (EQA) Postexposure prophylaxis (PEP)
Accuracy External quality control Precision
Biohazardous Fomite Preexamination variable
Chain of infection Infection control Preventive maintenance (PM)
Chemical hygiene plan Internal quality control Proficiency testing
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Quality assessment (QA)
Amendments (CLIA) Occupational Safety and Health Quality control (QC)
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Administration (OSHA) Radioisotope
Institute (CLSI) Personal protective equipment Reliability
Electronic quality control (PPE)
Standard Precautions
Examination variable Postexamination variable
Turnaround time (TAT)
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4 Part One | Background

S A F E T Y received in the clinical laboratory. Understanding how microor-

ganisms are transmitted (chain of infection) is essential to
preventing infection. All health-care facilities have developed
The clinical laboratory contains a variety of safety hazards, procedures to control and monitor infections occurring within
many of which are capable of producing serious injury or life- their facilities. This is referred to as infection control. The
threatening disease. To work safely in this environment, labo- chain of infection requires a continuous link between an in-
ratory personnel must learn what hazards exist, the basic safety fectious agent, a reservoir, a portal of exit, a means of trans-
precautions associated with them, and how to apply the basic mission, a portal of entry, and a susceptible host.4 Infectious
rules of common sense required for everyday safety for agents consist of bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. The
patients, co-workers, and themselves. reservoir is the location of potentially harmful microorganisms,
As can be seen in Table 11, some hazards are unique to such as a contaminated clinical specimen or an infected
the health-care environment, and others are encountered rou- patient. It is the place where the infectious agent can live and
tinely throughout life. Safety procedure manuals must be read- possible multiply. Humans and animals make excellent reser-
ily available in the laboratory that describe the safety policies voirs. Equipment and other soiled inanimate objects, called
mandated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fomites, will serve as reservoirs, particularly if they contain
(CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- blood, urine, or other body fluids. Some microorganisms form
tration (OSHA), and strict adherence to these guidelines by spores or become inactive when conditions are not ideal and
laboratory personnel is essential. The manual must be updated wait until a suitable reservoir is available. The infectious agent
and reviewed annually by the laboratory director. The Clinical must have a way to exit the reservoir to continue the chain
and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) provides the of infection. This can be through the mucous membranes of
guidelines for writing these procedures and policies.1-3 the nose, mouth, and eyes, and in blood or other body fluids.
Once the infectious agent has left the reservoir, it must have
a way to reach a susceptible host. Means of transmission include:
Biologic Hazards
1. Direct contact: the unprotected host touches the patient,
The health-care setting provides abundant sources specimen, or a contaminated object (reservoir)
of potentially harmful microorganisms. These mi- 2. Airborne: inhalation of dried aerosol particles circulating
croorganisms are frequently present in the specimens on air currents or attached to dust particles
3. Droplet: the host inhales material from the reservoir (e.g.,
aerosol droplets from a patient or an uncapped centrifuge
Table 11 Types of Safety Hazards tube, or when specimens are aliquoted or spilled)
Type Source Possible Injury 4. Vehicle: ingestion of a contaminated substance (e.g., food,
water, specimen)
Biologic Infectious Bacterial, fungal,
5. Vector: from an animal or insect bite
agents viral, or parasitic
infections After the infectious agent has been transmitted to a new
Sharps Needles, lancets, Cuts, punctures, or reservoir, it must have a means to enter the reservoir. The por-
broken glass blood-borne tal of entry can be the same as the portal of exit, which includes
pathogen exposure the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and eyes, breaks
in the skin, and open wounds. The susceptible host can be an-
Chemical Preservatives and Exposure to toxic, other patient during invasive procedures, visitors, and health-
reagents carcinogenic, or care personnel when exposed to infectious specimens or
caustic agents needlestick injuries. Immunocompromised patients, newborns
Radioactive Equipment and Radiation exposure and infants, and the elderly are often more susceptible hosts.
radioisotopes Stress, fatigue, and lack of proper nutrition depress the im-
Electrical Ungrounded or Burns or shock mune system and contribute to the susceptibility of patients
wet equipment; and health-care providers. Once the chain of infection is com-
frayed cords plete, the infected host then becomes another source able to
Fire/ Open flames, Burns or transmit the microorganisms to others.1
explosive organic dismemberment In the clinical laboratory, the most direct contact with a
chemicals source of infection is through contact with patient specimens, al-
though contact with patients and infected objects also occurs.
Physical Wet floors, heavy Falls, sprains, or Preventing completion of the chain of infection is a primary ob-
boxes, patients strains jective of biologic safety. Figure 11 illustrates the universal sym-
From Strasinger, SK, and DiLorenzo, MA: The Phlebotomy Textbook, third
bol for biohazardous material and demonstrates how following
edition, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2011, p 52, with permission. prescribed safety practices can break the chain of infection.
Figure 11 places particular emphasis on laboratory practices.
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Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 5

Break the link Break the link

Immunizations Disinfection
Patient isolation Infectious agent Hand hygiene
Nursery Bacteria
precautions Fungi
Healthy lifestyle Parasites
Susceptible Viruses
host Reservoir
Patients Humans
Elderly Animals
Newborns Insects
Immuno- Fomites
compromised Blood/body
Health-care fluids

Portal of exit
Portal of
entry Nose

Means of transmission
Break the link Contact Break the link
Hand hygiene Vector Sealed biohazardous
Standard precautions Vehicle waste containers
PPE Sealed specimen
Sterile equipment containers
Hand hygiene
Standard precautions
Break the link
Hand hygiene
Standard precautions
Patient isolation

Figure 11 Chain of infection and safety practices related to the biohazard symbol. (From Strasinger, SK, and DiLorenzo, MA: The Phlebotomy
Textbook, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2011, with permission.)

Proper hand hygiene, correct disposal of contaminated of all needles and sharp objects in puncture-resistant contain-
materials, and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) ers. The CDC excluded urine and body fluids not visibly
are of major importance in the laboratory. Concern over expo- contaminated by blood from UP, although many specimens can
sure to blood-borne pathogens, such as hepatitis B virus contain a considerable amount of blood before it becomes vis-
(HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodefi- ible. The modification of UP for body substance isolation
ciency virus (HIV), resulted in the drafting of guidelines and (BSI) helped to alleviate this concern. BSI guidelines are not
regulations by the CDC and OSHA to prevent exposure. In limited to blood-borne pathogens; they consider all body
1987 the CDC instituted Universal Precautions (UP). Under fluids and moist body substances to be potentially infectious.
UP all patients are considered to be possible carriers of blood- According to BSI guidelines, personnel should wear gloves at
borne pathogens. The guideline recommends wearing gloves all times when encountering moist body substances. A major
when collecting or handling blood and body fluids contami- disadvantage of BSI guidelines is that they do not recommend
nated with blood and wearing face shields when there is danger handwashing after removing gloves unless visual contamina-
of blood splashing on mucous membranes and when disposing tion is present.
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6 Part One | Background

In 1996 the CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control and reprocessed appropriately. Ensure that single-use
Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) combined the major items are discarded properly.
features of UP and BSI guidelines and called the new guidelines 6. Environmental control: Ensure that the hospital has
Standard Precautions. Although Standard Precautions, as adequate procedures for the routine care, cleaning, and
described below, stress patient contact, the principles can also disinfection of environmental surfaces, beds, bedrails,
be applied to handling patient specimens in the laboratory.5 bedside equipment, and other frequently touched sur-
Standard Precautions are as follows: faces. Ensure that these procedures are being followed.
1. Hand hygiene: Hand hygiene includes both hand 7. Linen: Handle, transport, and process linen soiled with
washing and the use of alcohol-based antiseptic blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions in a man-
cleansers. Sanitize hands after touching blood, body ner that prevents skin and mucous membrane exposures
fluids, secretions, excretions, and contaminated items, and clothing contamination and that avoids the transfer
whether or not gloves are worn. Sanitize hands immedi- of microorganisms to other patients and environments.
ately after gloves are removed, between patient contacts, 8. Occupational health and blood-borne pathogens:
and when otherwise indicated to avoid transferring Take care to prevent injuries when using needles,
microorganisms to other patients or environments. scalpels, and other sharp instruments or devices; when
Sanitizing hands may be necessary between tasks handling sharp instruments after procedures; when
and procedures on the same patient to prevent cross- cleaning used instruments; and when disposing of used
contamination of different body sites. needles. Never recap used needles or otherwise manip-
2. Gloves: Wear gloves (clean, nonsterile gloves are ade- ulate them using both hands or use any other technique
quate) when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, that involves directing the point of a needle toward any
excretions, and contaminated items. Put on gloves just part of the body; rather, use self-sheathing needles or a
before touching mucous membranes and nonintact mechanical device to conceal the needle. Do not remove
skin. Change gloves between tasks and procedures on used unsheathed needles from disposable syringes by
the same patient after contact with material that may hand, and do not bend, break, or otherwise manipulate
contain a high concentration of microorganisms. Re- used needles by hand. Place used disposable syringes
move gloves promptly after use, before touching non- and needles, scalpel blades, and other sharp items in
contaminated items and environmental surfaces, and appropriate puncture-resistant containers, which are lo-
between patients. Always sanitize your hands immedi- cated as close as practical to the area in which the items
ately after glove removal to avoid transferring microor- were used, and place reusable syringes and needles in a
ganisms to other patients or environments. puncture-resistant container for transport to the repro-
3. Mouth, nose, and eye protection: Wear a mask and cessing area. Use mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, or
eye protection or a face shield to protect mucous mem- other ventilation devices as an alternative to mouth-
branes of the eyes, nose, and mouth during procedures to-mouth resuscitation methods in areas where the need
and patient care activities that are likely to generate for resuscitation is predictable.
splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions, or 9. Patient placement: Place a patient in a private room
excretions. A specially fitted respirator (N95) must be who contaminates the environment or who does not (or
used during patient care activities related to suspected cannot be expected to) assist in maintaining appropriate
mycobacterium exposure. hygiene or environment control. If a private room is not
4. Gown: Wear a gown (a clean, nonsterile gown is ade- available, consult with infection control professionals
quate) to protect skin and to prevent soiling of clothing regarding patient placement or other alternatives.
during procedures and patient care activities that are 10. Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette: Educate
likely to generate splashes or sprays of blood, body health-care personnel, patients, and visitors to contain
fluids, secretions, or excretions. Select a gown that is respiratory secretions to prevent droplet and fomite
appropriate for the activity and the amount of fluid transmission of respiratory pathogens. Offer masks to
likely to be encountered (e.g., fluid-resistant in the coughing patients, distance symptomatic patients from
laboratory). Remove a soiled gown as promptly as others, and practice good hand hygiene to prevent the
possible, and sanitize hands to avoid transferring transmission of respiratory pathogens.
microorganisms to other patients or environments. The Occupational Exposure to Blood-Borne Pathogens
5. Patient care equipment: Handle used patient care Standard is a law monitored and enforced by OSHA.6,7 These
equipment soiled with blood, body fluids, secretions, controls are required by OSHA to be provided by or mandated
and excretions in a manner that prevents skin and mu- by the employer for all employees. Specific requirements of
cous membrane exposure, clothing contamination, and this OSHA standard include the following:
transfer of microorganisms to other patients or environ- Engineering Controls
ments. Ensure that reusable equipment is not used for 1. Providing sharps disposal containers and needles with
the care of another patient until it has been cleaned safety devices.
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Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 7

2. Requiring discarding of needles with the safety device dermatitis, which produces patches of dry, itchy irritation on
activated and the holder attached. the hands; delayed hypersensitivity reactions resembling poison
3. Labeling all biohazardous materials and containers. ivy that appear 24 to 48 hours after exposure; and true, imme-
diate hypersensitivity reactions often characterized by facial
Work Practice Controls
flushing and breathing difficulties. Hand sanitizing immediately
4. Requiring all employees to practice Standard Precau- after removing gloves and avoiding powdered gloves may aid
tions and documenting training on an annual basis. in preventing the development of latex allergies. Replacing latex
5. Prohibiting eating, drinking, smoking, and applying gloves with nitrile or vinyl gloves provides an alternative. Any
cosmetics in the work area. symptoms of latex allergy should be reported to a supervisor
6. Establishing a daily work surface disinfection protocol. because true latex allergy can be life-threatening.10
Fluid-resistant laboratory coats with wrist cuffs are worn
Personal Protective Equipment
to protect clothing and skin from exposure to patients body
7. Providing laboratory coats, gowns, face shields, and substances. These coats should always be completely buttoned,
gloves to employees and laundry facilities for nondis- and gloves should be pulled over the cuffs. They are worn at
posable protective clothing. all times when working with patient specimens and are re-
Medical moved prior to leaving the work area. They are changed when
8. Providing immunization for the hepatitis B virus free of they become visibly soiled. Disposable coats are placed in con-
charge. tainers for biohazardous waste, and nondisposable coats are
placed in designated laundry receptacles. Shoes must be
9. Providing medical follow-up to employees who have
closed-toed and cover the entire foot.
been accidentally exposed to blood-borne pathogens.
The mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth
Documentation must be protected from specimen splashes and aerosols. A va-
10. Documenting annual training of employees in safety riety of protective equipment is available, including masks and
standards. goggles, full-face plastic shields that cover the front and sides
11. Documenting evaluations and implementation of safer of the face, mask with attached shield, and Plexiglas countertop
needle devices. shields. Particular care should be taken to avoid splashes and
aerosols when removing container tops, pouring specimens,
12. Involving employees in the selection and evaluation of
and centrifuging specimens. Specimens must never be cen-
new devices and maintaining a list of those employees
trifuged in uncapped tubes or in uncovered centrifuges. When
and the evaluations.
specimens are received in containers with contaminated exte-
13. Maintaining a sharps injury log including the type and riors, the exterior of the container must be disinfected or, if
brand of safety device, location and description of the necessary, a new specimen may be requested.
incident, and confidential employee follow-up.
Any accidental exposure to a possible blood-borne Hand Hygiene
pathogen must be immediately reported to a supervisor. Evalu-
ation of the incident must begin right away to ensure appropriate Hand hygiene is emphasized in Figure 11 and in the Standard
postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). The CDC provides periodi- Precautions guidelines. Hand contact is the primary method
cally updated guidelines for the management of exposures and of infection transmission. Laboratory personnel must always
recommended PEP.8,9 sanitize hands before patient contact, after gloves are removed,
before leaving the work area, at any time when hands have
been knowingly contaminated, before going to designated
Personal Protective Equipment break areas, and before and after using bathroom facilities.
PPE used in the laboratory includes gloves, fluid-resistant Hand hygiene includes both hand washing and using alcohol-
gowns, eye and face shields, and Plexiglas countertop shields. based antiseptic cleansers. Alcohol-based cleansers can be used
Gloves should be worn when in contact with patients, speci- when hands are not visibly contaminated. They are not recom-
mens, and laboratory equipment or fixtures. When specimens mended after contact with spore-forming bacteria, including
are collected, gloves must be changed between every patient. Clostridium difficile and Bacillus sp.
In the laboratory, they are changed whenever they become no- When using alcohol-based cleansers, apply the cleanser to
ticeably contaminated or damaged and are always removed the palm of one hand. Rub your hands together and over the
when leaving the work area. Wearing gloves is not a substitute entire cleansing area, including between the fingers and
for hand hygiene, and hands must be sanitized after gloves are thumbs. Continue rubbing until the alcohol dries.
removed. The CDC has developed hand washing guidelines to
A variety of gloves types are available, including sterile and be followed for correct hand washing.1,11 Procedure 1-1
nonsterile, powdered and unpowdered, and latex and nonlatex. demonstrates CDC routine hand washing guidelines.4 More
Allergy to latex is increasing among health-care workers, and stringent procedures are used in surgery and in areas with
laboratory personnel should be alert for symptoms of reactions highly susceptible patients, such as immunocompromised and
associated with latex. Reactions to latex include irritant contact burn patients.
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8 Part One | Background

Hand Washing Procedure 3. Rub to form a lather, create friction, and loosen debris.
Equipment Thoroughly clean between the fingers and under the
fingernails for at least 20 seconds; include thumbs and
Antimicrobial soap wrists in the cleaning.
Paper towels
Running water
Waste container
1. Wet hands with warm water. Do not allow parts of
body to touch the sink.

4. Rinse hands in a downward position to prevent

recontamination of hands and wrists.

2. Apply soap, preferably antimicrobial.

5. Obtain paper towel from the dispenser.

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Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 9

PROCEDURE 1-1contd
6. Dry hands with paper towel. 7. Turn off faucets with a clean paper towel to prevent

Biologic Waste Disposal

All biologic waste, except urine, must be placed in appropriate
containers labeled with the biohazard symbol (Fig. 12). This
includes both specimens and the materials with which the
specimens come in contact. The waste is then decontaminated
following institutional policy: incineration, autoclaving, or
pickup by a certified hazardous waste company.
Urine may be discarded by pouring it into a laboratory
sink under a Plexiglas countertop shield. Care must be taken
to avoid splashing, and the sink should be flushed with water
after specimens are discarded. Disinfection of the sink using a
1:5 or 1:10 dilution of sodium hypochlorite should be per-
formed daily. Sodium hypochlorite dilutions stored in plastic
bottles are effective for 1 month if protected from light after
preparation.12 The same solution also can be used for routinely
disinfecting countertops and accidental spills. The solution
should be allowed to air-dry on the contaminated area. Ab-
sorbent materials used for cleaning countertops and removing
spills must be discarded in biohazard containers. Empty
urine containers can be discarded as nonbiologically hazardous
waste (Fig. 13).

Sharp Hazards
Sharp objects in the laboratory, including needles,
lancets, and broken glassware, present a serious bi-
ologic hazard, particularly for the transmission of
blood-borne pathogens. All sharp objects must be
disposed in puncture-resistant, leak-proof container with the
biohazard symbol. Puncture-resistant containers should be
conveniently located within the work area. The biohazard Figure 12 Biohazard symbol. (From Strasinger, SK, and DiLorenzo,
sharp containers should not be overfilled and must always be MA: The Phlebotomy Textbook, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2011, with
replaced when the safe capacity mark is reached. permission.)
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10 Part One | Background

removed as soon as possible. No attempt should be made to

neutralize chemicals that come in contact with the skin. Chem-
ical spill kits containing protective apparel, nonreactive
absorbent material, and bags for disposing of contaminated
materials should be available for cleaning up spills.

Chemical Handling
Chemicals should never be mixed together unless specific in-
structions are followed, and they must be added in the order
specified. This is particularly important when combining acid
and water. Acid should always be added to water to avoid the
possibility of sudden splashing caused by the rapid generation
of heat in some chemical reactions. Wearing goggles and
preparing reagents under a fume hood are recommended safety
A precautions. Chemicals should be used from containers that
are of an easily manageable size. Pipetting by mouth is unac-
ceptable in the laboratory. State and federal regulations are in
place for the disposal of chemicals and should be consulted.

Chemical Hygiene Plan

OSHA also requires all facilities that use hazardous chemicals
to have a written chemical hygiene plan (CHP) available to
employees.13 The purpose of the plan is to detail the following:
1. Appropriate work practices
2. Standard operating procedures
3. PPE
4. Engineering controls, such as fume hoods and flamma-
bles safety cabinets
5. Employee training requirements
6. Medical consultation guidelines
Each facility must appoint a chemical hygiene officer, who
is responsible for implementing and documenting compliance
with the plan. Examples of required safety equipment and
information are shown in Figure 14.

Chemical Labeling
Hazardous chemicals should be labeled with a description of
Figure 13 Technologist disposing of urine (A) sample and (B)
their particular hazard, such as poisonous, corrosive, flamma-
ble, explosive, teratogenic, or carcinogenic (Fig. 15). The
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed the
Chemical Hazards Standard System for the Identification of the Fire Hazards of
Materials, NFPA 704.14 This symbol system is used to inform
The same general rules for handling biohazardous firefighters of the hazards they may encounter with fires in
materials apply to chemically hazardous materials; a particular area. The diamond-shaped, color-coded symbol
that is, to avoid getting these materials in or on bod- contains information relating to health, flammability, reactivity,
ies, clothes, or work area. Every chemical in the workplace and personal protection/special precautions. Each category is
should be presumed hazardous. graded on a scale of 0 to 4, based on the extent of concern.
These symbols are placed on doors, cabinets, and containers.
Chemical Spills and Exposure An example of this system is shown in Figure 16.
When skin contact occurs, the best first aid is to flush the area
with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes, then seek
Material Safety Data Sheets
medical attention. For this reason, all laboratory personnel The OSHA Federal Hazard Communication Standard requires
should know the location and proper use of emergency show- that all employees have a right to know about all chemical haz-
ers and eye wash stations. Contaminated clothing should be ards present in their workplace. The information is provided
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Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 11

in the form of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) on file

in the workplace. By law, vendors are required to provide these
sheets to purchasers; however, the facility itself is responsible
for obtaining and making MSDSs available to employees. In-
formation contained in an MSDS includes the following:
1. Physical and chemical characteristics
2. Fire and explosion potential
3. Reactivity potential
4. Health hazards and emergency first aid procedures
5. Methods for safe handling and disposal
6. Primary routes of entry
7. Exposure limits and carcinogenic potential

Radioactive Hazards
Radioactivity may be encountered in the clinical lab-
oratory when procedures using radioisotopes are
performed. The amount of radioactivity present in
the clinical laboratory is very small and represents
little danger; however, the effects of radiation are cumulative
related to the amount of exposure. The amount of radiation
exposure is related to a combination of time, distance, and
shielding. Persons working in a radioactive environment are
A required to wear measuring devices to determine the amount
of radiation they are accumulating.
Laboratory personnel should be familiar with the radioac-
tive hazard symbol shown here. This symbol must be displayed
on the doors of all areas where radioactive material is present.
Exposure to radiation during pregnancy presents a danger to
the fetus; personnel who are pregnant or think they may be
should avoid areas with this symbol.

Electrical Hazards
The laboratory setting contains a large amount of
electrical equipment with which workers have fre-
quent contact. The same general rules of electrical
safety observed outside the workplace apply. The danger of
water or fluid coming in contact with equipment is greater in
the laboratory setting. Equipment should not be operated with
wet hands. Designated hospital personnel monitor electrical
equipment closely; however, laboratory personnel should con-
tinually observe for any dangerous conditions, such as frayed
cords and overloaded circuits, and report them to the supervi-
sor. Equipment that has become wet should be unplugged and
allowed to dry completely before reusing. Equipment also
should be unplugged before cleaning. All electrical equipment
must be grounded with three-pronged plugs.
B When an accident involving electrical shock occurs, the elec-
trical source must be removed immediately. This must be done
Figure 14 Chemical safety aids. A, emergency shower; B, eye wash
without touching the person or the equipment involved to avoid
station. (From Strasinger, SK, and DiLorenzo, MA: The Phlebotomy
transferring the current. Turning off the circuit breaker, unplug-
Textbook, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2011, with permission.)
ging the equipment, or moving the equipment using a noncon-
ductive glass or wood object are safe procedures to follow. The
victim should receive immediate medical assistance following
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12 Part One | Background


Figure 15 Chemical hazard symbols. (From Strasinger, SK, and DiLorenzo, MA: The Phlebotomy Textbook, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2011, with

discontinuation of the electricity. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Extinguish/Evacuateattempt to extinguish the fire, if possible
(CPR) may be necessary. or evacuate, closing the door
As discussed previously, laboratory workers often use
Fire/Explosive Hazards potentially volatile or explosive chemicals that require special
procedures for handling and storage. Flammable chemicals
The Joint Commission (JC) requires that all health-care should be stored in safety cabinets and explosion-proof refrig-
institutions post evacuation routes and detailed plans erators, and cylinders of compressed gas should be located
to follow in the event of a fire. Laboratory personnel away from heat and securely fastened to a stationary device to
should be familiar with these procedures. When a fire prevent accidental capsizing. Fire blankets may be present in
is discovered, all employees are expected to take the actions in the the laboratory. Persons with burning clothes should be
acronym RACE: wrapped in the blanket to smother the flames.
The NFPA classifies fires with regard to the type of burning
Rescuerescue anyone in immediate danger
material. It also classifies the type of fire extinguisher that is used
Alarmactivate the institutional fire alarm system to control them. This information is summarized in Table 12.
Containclose all doors to potentially affected areas The multipurpose ABC fire extinguishers are the most common,
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Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 13

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS floors, bend the knees when lifting heavy objects, keep long
CLASSIFICATION hair pulled back, avoid dangling jewelry, and maintain a clean,
HEALTH HAZARD FIRE HAZARD organized work area. Closed-toed shoes that provide maxi-
Flash Point mum support are essential for safety and comfort.
4 Deadly 4 Below 73 F
3 Extreme Danger 3 Below 100 F
2 Hazardous 2 Below 200 F
Slightly Hazardous
Normal Material
Above 200 F
Will not burn
2 The term quality assessment (QA) refers to the overall process
of guaranteeing quality patient care and is regulated throughout
3 1 the total testing system. Quality system refers to all of the labo-
ratorys policies, processes, procedures, and resources needed to
achieve quality testing.15 In a clinical laboratory, a quality assess-
ment program includes not only testing controls, referred to as
quality control (QC), but also encompasses preexamination
4 May deteriorate variables (e.g., specimen collection, handling, and storage), ex-
3 Shock and heat
Oxidizer OXY may deteriorate amination variables (e.g., reagent and test performance, instru-
Acid ACID 2 Violent chemical ment calibration and maintenance, personnel requirements, and
Alkali ALK change
Corrosive COR 1 Unstable if technical competence), postexamination variables (e.g., report-
Use No Water W heated ing of results and interpretation), and documentation that the
Radiation 0 Stable
program is being meticulously followed. The original terms pre-
analytical, analytical, and postanalytical have been replaced with
Figure 16 NFPA hazardous material symbols. the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard
terms of preexamination, examination, and postexamination.
Included in a QA program are procedure manuals, internal
but the label should always be checked before using. It is im- quality control, external quality control, electronic quality
portant to be able to operate the fire extinguishers. The acronym control, calibration or calibration verification, standardization,
PASS can be used to remember the steps in the operation: proficiency testing (PT), more formally known as external
1. Pull pin quality assessment (EQA),16 record keeping, equipment main-
2. Aim at the base of the fire tenance, safety programs, training, education and competency
assessment of personnel, and a scheduled and documented
3. Squeeze handles
review process. Essentially, QA is the continual monitoring of the
4. Sweep nozzle side to side entire test process from test ordering and specimen collection
through reporting and interpreting results. Written policies and
Physical Hazards documented actions as they relate to the patient, the laboratory,
ancillary personnel, and the health-care provider are required.
Physical hazards are not unique to the laboratory, Having written remedial actions mandating the steps to take
and routine precautions observed outside the work- when any part of the system fails is essential to a QA program.
place apply. General precautions to consider are to QA in the urinalysis laboratoryor any other laboratory
avoid running in rooms and hallways, watch for wet departmentis an integration of many factors. This section

Table 12 Types of Fires and Fire Extinguishers

Fire Type Extinguishing Material of Fire Extinguisher
Class A Wood, paper, clothing Class A Water
Class B Flammable organic chemicals Class B Dry chemicals, carbon dioxide, foam, or halon
Class C Electrical Class C Dry chemicals, carbon dioxide, or halon
Class D Combustible metals None Sand or dry powder
Class ABC Dry chemicals
Class K Grease, oils, fats Class K Liquid designed to prevent splashing and cool the fire.

From Strasinger, SK and DiLorenzo, MA: The Phlebotomy Textbook, third edition, FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2011, p.73, with permission.
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 14

14 Part One | Background

will provide a collection of the procedures essential for provid-

ing quality urinalysis. In the following chapters, the methods
of ensuring accurate results will be covered on an individual URINALYSIS SECTION
basis for each of the tests.
Documentation of QA procedures is required by all labora-
tory accreditation agencies, including the Joint Commission Prepared by:
(JC), College of American Pathologists (CAP), American Associ-
ation of Blood Banks (AABB), American Osteopathic Association Initial approval:
(AOA), American Society of Histocompatibility and Immuno- Procedure placed in use:
genetics (ASHI), and the Commission on Laboratory Assessment
(COLA); it is also required for Medicare reimbursement. Guide- Revised:
lines published by CAP and the CLSI provide very complete Reason for revision:
instructions for documentation and are used as a reference for
the ensuing discussion of the specific areas of urinalysis QC Effective Date Supervisor Approval Medical Director Approval
and QA.1618 Reviewed
Documentation in the form of a procedure manual is Reviewed
required in all laboratories, and this format is used as the basis
for the following discussion. Reviewed

Urinalysis Procedure Manual Reviewed

A procedure manual containing all the procedures performed

in the urinalysis section must be available for reference in the Figure 17 Example of procedure review documentation. (Adapted
working area and must comply with the CLSI guidelines. The from the Department of Pathology, St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, NE.)
following information is included for each procedure: principle
or purpose of the test, clinical significance, patient preparation,
specimen type and method of collection, specimen acceptability between departments and adequate training on the correct pro-
and criteria for rejection, reagents, standards and controls, instru- cedures for ordering a test, collecting, and transporting the spec-
ment calibration and maintenance protocols and schedules, step- imen improves the turnaround time (TAT) of results, avoids
by-step procedure, calculations, frequency and tolerance limits duplication of test orders, and ensures a high-quality specimen.
for controls and corrective actions, reference values and critical TAT is defined as the amount of time required from the point
values, interpretation of results, specific procedure notes, limita- at which a test is ordered by the health-care provider until the
tions of the method, method validation, confirmatory testing, results are reported to the health-care provider. Laboratories
recording of results, references, effective date, author, and review determine the TAT for tests including both stat and routine tests
schedule. Current package inserts should be reviewed and avail- as appropriate. The laboratory can then monitor the TATs to
able at the workplace. Electronic manuals are acceptable and determine areas in the process that need improvement. This can
must be readily available to all personnel. As with written proce- be determined by creating a cause-and-effect diagram, as shown
dural manuals, electronic versions must be subjected to proper in Figure 18.
document control (i.e., only authorized persons may make
changes, changes are dated/signed [manually or electronically], Specimen Collection and Handling
and there is documentation of periodic review).17,18 Specific information on specimen collection and handling
Evaluating procedures and adopting new methodologies should be stated at the beginning of each procedure listed in
is an ongoing process in the clinical laboratory. Whenever the manual. Requisition forms and computerized entry forms
changes are made, the procedure should be reviewed, refer- should designate the type of urine specimen to be collected
enced, and signed by a person with designated authority, such and the date and time of collection. The form should include
as the laboratory director or section supervisor (Fig. 17), and space for recording (1) the actual date and time of specimen
personnel should be notified of the changes. Documentation collection, (2) whether the specimen was refrigerated before
of an annual review of all procedures by the designated author- transporting, (3) the time the specimen was received in the
ity must also be substantiated. laboratory and the time the test was performed, (4) tests re-
quested, (5) an area for specific instructions that might affect
Preexamination Variables the results of the analysis, and (6) patient identification infor-
Preexamination variables occur before the actual testing of the mation.18 The patients sex, age or date of birth, and, when
specimen and include test requests, patient preparation, timing, appropriate, the source of the specimen and the time it was
specimen collection, handling, and storage. Health-care person- collected must be documented.15
nel outside the clinical laboratory control many of these factors, Patient preparation (e.g., fasting or elimination of inter-
such as ordering tests and specimen collection. Communication fering medications), type and volume of specimen required,
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 15

Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 15


Collection Transport
Missed collection Delayed delivery
Incorrect specimen type Contaminated specimen container
Missed pick-up Distance
Insufficient urine volume Insufficient container Specimen misplaced Transport staff
Patient misidentification unavailable
Special conditions not followed Lost label No requisition Leaking closure lid Incorrect storage

Incorrect container Patient preparation No chemical preservative

Not refrigerated
Time of collection not indicated Not fasting Medications
Incomplete requisition
UA results
Interfering substances
Instrument malfunction Report not charted
Computer down
Procedure failure
Wrong specimen tested Printer error
Failure to send report

Inadequate volume

Test analysis Reporting

Figure 18 Cause-and-effect diagram for analyzing urinalysis TAT.

and the need for sterile or opaque containers must be included an example of a policy for handling mislabelled specimens.
with the specific procedure. All urine specimens should be Written criteria for rejecting specimens must be documented
examined within 2 hours. If this is not possible, written in- and available to the health-care provider and nursing staff.18
structions for preserving the specimen must be available.18 Table 14 lists the criteria for urine specimen rejection.
Instructions of a general nature, such as procedures for Laboratory personnel must determine the suitability of a
collecting clean-catch and timed specimens, specimen process- specimen and document any problems and corrective actions
ing, and printed instructions that are given to patients, are also taken. An example of an internal laboratory quality improve-
included in the manual. ment form is shown in Figure 19. It is used as a tool to doc-
Criteria for specimen rejection for both physical charac- ument a problem at the point of discovery, describing what
teristics and labeling errors must be present. In Table 13 is happened and the immediate corrective action taken. This

Table 13 Policy for Handling Mislabeled Specimens

Do NOT assume any information about the specimen or patient.
Do NOT relabel an incorrectly labeled specimen.
Do NOT discard the specimen until investigation is complete.
Leave specimen EXACTLY as you receive it; put in the refrigerator for preservation until errors can be resolved.
Notify floor, nursing station, doctors office, etc. of problem and why it must be corrected for analysis to continue.
Identify problem on specimen requisition with date, time, and your initials.
Make person responsible for specimen collection participate in solution of problem(s). Any action taken should be
documented on the requisition slip.
Report all mislabeled specimens to the appropriate supervisor.

From Schweitzer, SC, Schumann, JL, and Schumann, GB: Quality assurance guidelines for the urinalysis laboratory. Journal of Medical Technology
3(11): 568, 1986, with permission.
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 16

16 Part One | Background

Table 14 Criteria for Urine Specimen Rejection when limitations or linearity are exceeded, such as dilution
procedures, must be clearly stated in the procedure manual.
Unlabeled containers Instructions detailing the appropriate recording procedures
Nonmatching labels and requisition forms must be included.
The most frequently encountered instruments in the uri-
Contaminated specimens with feces or toilet paper
nalysis laboratory are refractometers, osmometers, automated
Containers with contaminated exteriors reagent strip readers, and automated microscopy instruments.
Insufficient volume of urine Refractometers are calibrated on each shift against deionized
Improperly transported or preserved specimens water (1.000) and a known control, such as 5% saline (1.022
0.001) or 9% sucrose (1.034 0.001). Two levels of commer-
Delay between time of collection and receipt in the
cial controls are available for the osmometer, urine reagent
strip tests, and hCG kit tests. All control values must be
recorded. Automated urinalysis systems and reagent strip read-
ers are calibrated using manufacturer-supplied calibration
enables the laboratory director to capture the information to materials following the protocol specified by the manufacturer.
determine the root cause analysis and develop a preventive or Both positive and negative control values must be run and
corrective action plan. Laboratory information systems have the recorded (Fig. 110). Evidence of corrective action for any
capability to electronically generate these forms for review. An failed QC tests must be documented. No patients testing may
acceptable specimen requires verification of the patients identi- be performed until QC is acceptable.
fication information on the requisition form and the container Equipment found in the urinalysis laboratory commonly
label, timely transport to the laboratory, the presence of refrig- includes refrigerators, centrifuges, microscopes, and water
eration or recommended preservative if transport was delayed, baths. Temperatures of refrigerators and water baths should be
and collection of an adequate amount of the correct urine spec- taken daily and recorded. Calibration of centrifuges is custom-
imen type in a noncontaminated, tightly closed container.18 arily performed every 3 months, and the appropriate relative
centrifugal force for each setting is recorded. Centrifuges are
Examination Variables routinely disinfected on a weekly basis. Microscopes should be
The examination variables are the processes that directly affect kept clean at all times and have an annual professional clean-
the testing of specimens. They include reagents, instrumenta- ing. A routine PM schedule for instruments and equipment
tion and equipment, testing procedure, QC, preventive main- should be prepared as mandated by the JC or CAP guidelines,
tenance (PM), access to procedure manuals, and competency and records kept of all routine and nonroutine maintenance
of personnel performing the tests. performed.
Deionized water used for reagent preparation is quality
Reagents controlled by checking pH and purity meter resistance on a
weekly basis and the bacterial count on a monthly schedule.
The manual should state the name and chemical formula of each All results must be recorded on the appropriate forms.
reagent used, instructions for preparation, when necessary, or
company source of prepared materials, storage requirements, and Testing Procedure
procedures for reagent QC. The type of water used for preparing
reagents and controls must be specified. Distilled or deionized Detailed, concise testing instructions are written in a step-
water or clinical laboratory reagent water (CLRW) must be avail- by-step manner. Instructions should begin with specimen
able. A bold-type statement of any safety or health precautions preparation, such as time and speed of centrifugation, and in-
associated with reagents should be present. An example of this clude types of glassware needed, time limitations and stability
would be the heat produced in the Clinitest reaction. of specimens and reagents, calculation formulas and a sample
All reagents and reagent strips must be properly labeled calculation, health and safety precautions, and procedures. Ad-
with the date of preparation or opening, purchase and received ditional procedure information including reasons for special
date, expiration date, and appropriate safety information. precautions, sources of error and interfering substances, helpful
Reagent strips should be checked against known negative and hints, clinical situations that influence the test, alternative pro-
positive control solutions on each shift or at a minimum once cedures, and acceptable TATs for stat tests are listed under the
a day, and whenever a new bottle is opened. Reagents are title of Procedure Notes following the step-by-step procedure.
checked daily or when tests requiring their use are requested. Reference sources should be listed. Manufacturers package
Results of all reagent checks are properly recorded. Reagent inserts may be included but cannot replace the written proce-
strips must never be refrigerated, and must be recapped im- dure. The laboratory director must sign and date new proce-
mediately after removing each strip. dures and all modifications of procedures before they are used.15

Instrumentation and Equipment Quality Control

Instructions regarding the operation, performance and fre- Quality control refers to the materials, procedures, and tech-
quency of calibration, limitations, and procedures to follow niques that monitor the accuracy, precision, and reliability
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 17

Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 17

Quality Improvement Follow-up Report


Instructions: Section I should be completed by the individual identifying the event.

Date of report: Reported by:

Date of incident: Date/time of discovery:
Patient MR# Patient accession#

Section I
Summary of incident describe what happened

What immediate corrective action was taken?

Provide the ORIGINAL to team leader/technical specialist within 24 hours of incident discovery
Forwarded for follow-up:

Section II. Management investigation: Tracking #

Instructions: Section II should be completed by laboratory management within 72 hours

Check appropriate problem category

Unacceptable patient samples Wrong tube type

(Due to hemolysis, QNS, or contaminated)

Equipment-related event Misidentified sample

Standard operating procedure deviation Wrong location

Communication problem/complaint Other (explain)


Explain answers:

Preventive/corrective action recommendations:

Technical specialist/team leader: Date:

Medical director review: Date:

Quality assurance review: Date:

FDA reportable: Yes or no Date reported:

Figure 19 Sample of Quality Improvement Follow-up Report form. (From Danville Regional Medical Center Laboratory, Danville, VA, with
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 18

18 Part One | Background

QUALITY CONTROL Month:__________20_____

Positive control Negative control
mg/dL mg/dL 1.0 mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL 1.0 mg/dL
Control values


Lot #

Figure 110 Sample instrument QC recording sheet. (Adapted from the Department of Pathology, Methodist Hospital, Omaha, NE, with

of a laboratory test. QC procedures are performed to ensure and the mean and standard deviation is calculated. The control
that acceptable standards are met during the process of patient mean is the average of all data points and the standard devi-
testing. Specific QC information regarding the type of control ation (SD) is a measurement statistic that describes the average
specimen preparation and handling, frequency of use, toler- distance each data point in a normal distribution is from the
ance levels, and methods of recording should be included in mean. The coefficient of variation (CV) is the SD expressed
the step-by-step instructions for each test. QC is performed at as a percentage of the mean. The CV indicates whether the dis-
scheduled times, such as at the beginning of each shift or be- tribution of values about the mean is in a narrow versus broad
fore testing patient samples, and it must always be performed range and should be less than 5%. Confidence intervals are the
if reagents are changed, an instrument malfunction has oc- limits between which the specified proportion or percentage
curred, or if test results are questioned by the health-care of results will lie. Control ranges are determined by setting
provider. Control results must be recorded in a log, either confidence limits that are within 2 SD or 3 SD of the mean,
paper or electronic. Patient test results may not be reported which indicates that 95.5% to 99.7% of the values are expected
until the QC is verified. Both external quality control monitor- to be within that range.
ing and internal and electronic quality control processes are Values are plotted on Levy-Jennings control charts to
practiced in the urinalysis laboratory. visually monitor control values. Immediate decisions about pa-
tient results are based on the ability of control values to remain
External Quality Control within a preestablished limit. Changes in accuracy of results
External quality controls are used to verify the accuracy (ability are indicated by either a trend that is a gradual changing in
to obtain the expected result) and precision (ability to obtain the mean in one direction or a shift that is an abrupt change
the same result on the same specimen) of a test and are ex- in the mean (Fig. 111). Changes in precision are shown by a
posed to the same conditions as the patient samples. Reliability large amount of scatter about the mean and an uneven distri-
is the ability to maintain both precision and accuracy. Com- bution above and below the mean that are most often caused
mercial controls are available for the urine chemistry tests, spe- by errors in technique.
cific gravity, and for certain microscopic constituents. Analysis Corrective action, including the use of new reagents,
of two levels of control material is required. The concentration reagent strips, or controls, and the verification of lot numbers
of controls should be at medically significant levels and should and expiration dates, must be taken when control values are
be as much like the human specimen as possible. Documenta- outside the tolerance limits. All corrective actions taken are
tion of QC includes dating and initialling the material when it documented. A protocol for corrective action is shown in
is first opened and recording the manufacturers lot number Figure 112. A designated supervisor reviews all QC results.
and the expiration date each time a control is run and the test Laboratories may participate in a commercial QC pro-
result is obtained. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stan- gram. Results from the same lot of QC material sent by the
dards require that control material test negative for HIV and manufacturer to participating laboratories are returned to the
hepatitis B virus. External controls are tested and interpreted manufacturer for statistical analysis and comparison with other
in the laboratory by the same person performing the patient laboratories using the same methodology.
Control data are evaluated before releasing patient results. Internal Quality Control
Data obtained from repeated measurements have a Gaussian Internal quality control consists of internal monitoring systems
distribution or spread in the values that indicate the ability to built in to the test system and are called internal or procedural
repeat the analysis and obtain the same value. The laboratory, controls.16,19 Internal controls monitor the sufficient addition
after repeated testing, establishes the value for each analyte, of a patient specimen or reagent, the instruments/reagents
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 19

Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 19

A. Record all actions taken and the resolution of any problems

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 B. Use the flow diagram below:

+ 2 S.D. 1. Run control

+ 1 S.D.
X In control Out of control
1 S.D.
2 S.D. Proceed with Go to Step 2
In Control testing

+ 2 S.D. 2. Inspect control for: Outdate (age), proper storage,

+ 1 S.D. correct lot number, signs of contamination
1 S.D. Yes there is a problem No obvious explanation
2 S.D.
Shift Make new control Retest
and retest
In control Out of control
+ 2 S.D.
+ 1 S.D.
X Proceed with Go to Step 3
1 S.D. testing
2 S.D.
3. Make up new bottle of control

Figure 111 Levy-Jennings charts showing in-control, shift, and trend In control Out of control
Discard old control Go to Step 4
interaction, and, for lateral flow test methods, whether the and proceed with testing
sample migrated through the test strip properly.16
4. Open new can of reagent strips and test with new control
Electronic Controls
External quality control (EQC) uses a mechanical or electrical In control Out of control
device in place of a liquid QC specimen. This type of QC can be
internal or an external component inserted into a point of care Discard bad reagent strips Switch lot numbers
(POC) instrument. EQC verifies the functional ability of a testing and proceed with testing and retest
device, but it does not verify the integrity of the testing supplies. In control Out of control
Many test systems use a combination of external and internal
controls to verify that the entire test system is working properly. Discard entire lot, Notify supervisor or
notify manufacturer, resource person: do not
Proficiency Testing (External Quality Assessment) and proceed with testing proceed with testing
PT or EQA is the testing of unknown samples received from an
outside agency, and provides unbiased validation of the quality of Figure 112 Out-of-control procedures. (From Schweitzer, SC,
Schumann, JL, and Schumann, GB: Quality assurance guidelines for
patient test results. Several commercial vendors provide profi-
the urinalysis laboratory. Journal of Medical Technology 3(11):567572,
ciency testing such as CAP. Laboratories subscribing to these pro-
1986, with permission.)
grams receive lyophilized or ready-to-use specimens for routine
urinalysis and Kodachromes or color plates for sediment con-
stituent identification. The results are returned to the proficiency and training, continuing education, competency assessment,
testing vendors, where they are statistically analyzed with those and performance appraisals. Each new employee must have
from all participating laboratories, and a report is returned to the documentation of training during orientation to the laboratory.
laboratory director. The laboratory accuracy is evaluated and com- This is a checklist of procedures and must include date and
pared with other laboratories using the same method of analysis. initials of the person doing the training and of the employee
Corrective action must be taken for unacceptable results.16 The being trained. Up-to-date reference materials and atlases
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) man- should be readily available, and documentation of continuing
dates comparison testing for laboratory accreditation.19 education must be maintained.16
An adequate, uncluttered, safe working area is also
Personnel and Facilities
essential for both quality work and personnel morale. Stan-
Quality control is only as good as the personnel performing dard precautions for handling body fluids must be followed
and monitoring it. Personnel assessment includes education at all times.
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 20

20 Part One | Background

Postexamination Variables Errors may be discovered in the laboratory through a QA

procedure known as the delta check that compares a patients
Postexamination variables are processes that affect the report- test results with the previous results. Variation outside the es-
ing of results and correct interpretation of data. tablished parameters alerts laboratory personnel to the possi-
bility of an error that occurred during the testing procedure or
Reporting Results
in patient identification. Autoverification is often programmed
Standardized reporting formats and, when applicable, refer- into many laboratory analyzers.4
ence ranges should be included with each procedure covered Erroneous results must be corrected in a timely manner
in the procedure manual. A written procedure for reporting, to assure that the patient does not receive treatment based on
reviewing, and correcting errors must be present. incorrect results. Errors can occur in patient identification,
Forms for reporting results should provide adequate space specimen labeling, or result transcription. The patients record
for writing and should present the information in a logical se- should be corrected as soon as the error is detected; however,
quence. Standardized reporting methods minimize health-care the original result must not be erased in the event that the
provider confusion when interpreting results (Fig. 113). health-care provider treated the patient based on the erroneous
Electronic transmission is now the most common method results. Appropriate documentation of erroneous results should
for reporting results. Many urinalysis instruments have the ca- follow institutional protocol.
pability for the operator to transmit results directly from the The telephone is frequently used to transmit results of stat
instrument to the designated health-care provider. It is essential tests and critical values. Calls requesting additional results may
that the operator carefully review results before transmittal. Re- be received from personnel on hospital units and from health-
sults may also be manually entered into the laboratory com- care providers. When telephoning results, confirm that the re-
puter system and then transmitted to the health-care providers. sults are being reported to the appropriate person. The time of
the call and the name of the person receiving the results must
be documented according to the facilitys policy. The Joint
Commission Patient Safety Goals require that when verbally
reporting test results the information must be repeated by the
person receiving the information and documented by the per-
Quantitate an average of 10 representative fields. Do not quantitate son giving the report.
budding yeast, mycelial elements, Trichomonas, or sperm, but do Written procedures should be available for the reporting
note their presence with the appropriate LIS code.
of critical values (Fig. 114). In laboratories analyzing pediatric
Epithelial cells/LPF
None: 0
Rare: 05
Few: 520 Reporting Critical Results In Urinalysis
Moderate: 20100
Casts/LPF For children age 2 years and younger:
None: 0
Numerical ranges: 02, 25, 510, >10 All results positive for ketones should be telephoned to the
RBCs/HPF appropriate nursing unit.
None: 0
Document the following information in the computer as a
Numerical ranges: 02, 25, 510, 1025, 2550, 50100, >100
WBCs/HPF chartable footnote appended to the result:
None: 0 Time of telephone call
Numerical ranges: 02, 25, 510, 1025, 2550, 50100, >100
Crystals/HPF Initials of the person making the call
None: 0 Name of the person receiving the telephone call
Rare: 02
Moderate: 520
Many: >20 For children age 2 years and younger:
Bacteria/HPF All Clinitest results should be telephoned to the appropriate
None: 0 nursing unit.
Rare: 010
Few: 1050 Document the following information in the computer as a
Moderate: 50200 chartable footnote appended to the result:
Many: >200 Time of telephone call
Mucous threads
Rare: 01 Initials of the person making the call
Few: 13
Moderate: 310 Name of the person receiving the telephone call
Many: >10
Figure 114 An example of procedure instructions for reporting
Figure 113 Sample standardized urine microscopic reporting critical values in the urinalysis section. A procedure review document
format. (From University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, with similar to that shown in Figure 17 would accompany this instruction
permission.) sheet.
3920_Ch01_002-026 23/01/14 9:20 AM Page 21

Chapter 1 | Safety and Quality Assessment 21

3. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Clinical laboratory

SUMMARY 1-1 Quality Assessment Errors waste management: approved guideline, ed 2, CLSI Document
GP05-A3, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne,
Preexamination PA, 2005, CLSI.
Patient misidentification 4. Strasinger SK, Di Lorenzo MS, The Phlebotomy Textbook, ed 3,
2011. F.A. Davis, Philadelphia.
Wrong test ordered 5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for
Incorrect urine specimen type collected Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious
Agents in Healthcare Settings, 2007.
Insufficient urine volume 2007isolationPrecations.html.
Delayed transport of urine to the laboratory 6. Occupational Exposure to Blood-Borne Pathogens, Final Rule.
Federal Register 29 (Dec 6), 1991.
Incorrect storage or preservation of urine 7. Occupation Safety and Health Administration. Revision to OSHAs
Examination Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. 2001. Department of Labor. Web
Sample misidentification 8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated U.S.
Erroneous instrument calibration Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occu-
pational Exposures to HBV, HCV and HIV and Recommenda-
Reagent deterioration tions for Post-exposure Prophylaxis. MMWR June 29, 2001:
Poor testing technique 50(RR11); 142. Web site:
9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated U.S.
Instrument malfunction Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occu-
Interfering substances present pational Exposure to HIV and Recommendations for Post-
exposure Prophylaxis. MMWR September 17, 2005: 54(RR09);
Misinterpretation of quality control data 117. Web site:
Postexamination 10. NIOSH Alert. Preventing Allergic Reactions to Natural Rubber
Latex in the Workplace. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 97-135.
Patient misidentification National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincin-
Poor handwriting nati, OH, 1997.
11. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guideline for
Transcription error Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings: Recommendations of
Poor quality of instrument printer the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee
and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force,
Failure to send report MMWR 2002:51(RR16). [Inclusive page numbers]
Failure to call critical values 12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guideline for
Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008.
Inability to identify interfering substances Web site:
13. Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laborato-
ries, Final Rule. Federal Register 55 (Jan 31), 1990.
specimens, this should include the presence of ketones or 14. National Fire Protection Association: Hazardous Chemical
reducing substances in newborns. Data, No. 49. Boston, NFPA, 1991.
15. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of
Interpreting Results Health and Human Services: Clinical Laboratory Improvement
Amendments, Updated Regulations, Brochure #1, How do
The specificity and the sensitivity for each test should be in- they affect my laboratory?
cluded in the procedure manual for correct interpretation of Brochures.asp Accessed November 2006.
results. Sensitivity and specificity vary among manufacturers. 16. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI): Quality
Practices in Noninstrumented Point of Care Testing: An
All known interfering substances should be listed for evalua- Instructional Manual and Resources for Health Care Workers.
tion of patient test data. A well-documented QA program Approved Guideline. CLSI document POCT08-A, Wayne,
ensures quality test results and patient care. PA, 2010.
17. College of American Pathologists: Commission on Laboratory
Accreditation, Urinalysis Checklist. College of American
Log on to Pathologists, Skokie, IL, 2005. 18. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), Urinalysis:
for additional content related Approved Guideline-Third Edition, CLSI document GP16-A3,
to this chapter. 2009.
19. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of
References Health and Human Services: Clinical Laboratory Improvement
1. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Protection of labora- Amendments, Brochure #4: Equivalent Quality Control Proce-
tory workers from occupationally acquired infections: approved dures. Accessed
guideline, ed 3, CLSI Document M29-A3, Clinical and Labora- November 2006.
tory Standards Institute, Wayne, PA, 2005, CLSI.
2. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Clinical laboratory
safety: approved guideline, ed 2, CLSI Document GP17-A2,
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne, PA, 2004,

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