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Rudolph W.


July 29, 2010

Dear Fellow Republican:

Wow! That was my reaction when I first heard about Michael Grimm—former Marine, former
FBI agent, attorney, small businessman, and much to my delight, candidate for Congress.

I thought: Here’s a person who can have a career in any number of money-making areas, but
decides, at age 40, that he wants to give additional years of his life to public service. I needed to
know more about this very different type of congressional candidate—a non-politician!—so I
found out more. And the more I found out, the more excited I became.

Mike Grimm is a Republican whose thinking perfectly reflects the mood of our country today.
He gets really angry about the out-of-control growth of government because, he says, it translates
into more red tape regulations, greater spending, higher taxes, and bigger deficits that threaten to
bankrupt our beloved America. Sound familiar? That’s the message of Tea Party types and
scores of Republicans throughout the land.

When the discussion shifts to national defense and security policies, there is not only anger but
also worry—worry about America’s position in the world and safety at home. What Mike
Grimm wants is a beefed-up military (which he considers the best road to peace) and tougher
security measures against terrorist plots (which he sees as the only way to detect and minimize, if
not eliminate, actual attacks). These may be considered the expected views of a former U.S.
Marine and FBI agent. But they actually convey only the beginning, not the full scope, of what
Michael Grimm represents—and that’s where I become most excited by the prospect of Mike
Grimm as a member of Congress.

Just consider: This man, who won battle awards as a Marine, and brought numerous corrupt
politicians and gangland figures to justice as an FBI agent, didn’t rest on any laurels, but insisted
on developing his abilities and experiences even further. This is a man who earned a business
degree in the fields of accounting and finance…a man who wanted to be an attorney, so earned a
law degree and was admitted to the bar in New York and Connecticut…and a man with an
entrepreneurial spirit who wanted to become a small business owner and became one.

Now Mike Grimm, a doer if there ever was one, wants to do something else—become a
Congressman. Think about that: A determined doer in an institution filled with talkers. How
refreshing is that! The special nature of this candidate is absolutely glaring. Usually, people
who run for Congress come out of the political process—party leader, political aide, council
member, whatever. Mike Grimm is not about politics, despises politics-as-usual, and is primed
to work tirelessly to break through the clogged arteries of government in order to pave new ways
to the solutions of long-existing problems.

But isn’t Mike just one person? And if so, what can we expect from a single Congressman
named Michael Grimm? The answer is that lots of great things throughout history began with
just one very different and very special person, who then attracted a few colleagues here, a few
more there, and suddenly a movement was underway. In this case, we would be talking about a
movement right in the halls of our current Congress—a Congress that hasn’t been listening very
well to what the American people want. And Mike Grimm’s goal—in fact, the entire purpose of
the Grimm-for-Congress campaign—is the launching of a great effort (finally!) to get America
back on track.

It’s going to take many more Republicans of Mike Grimm’s caliber in Congress to reverse the
leftward lurch of the Obama Administration. That means Republicans who not only say they
stand for Republican principles, but aren’t afraid to work at implementing them. Our nation IS
spending too much. Taxes and deficits ARE too high. Government IS too big and its regulations
ARE too burdensome. The health care nightmare recently passed needs to be repealed—and
replaced with a program that is much less costly, confined to the private sector, and able to zero-
in on the truly uninsured in ways that lower the overall costs of premiums for everyone. And it
goes without saying that we need to strengthen our national defense and toughen-up our anti-
terrorist policies.

Republicans who share these views—and want a Congressman who’s itching to implement
them—should want a Republican like Mike Grimm in the forefront of the effort to turn things
around. I know a bit about turning things around, and I see Mike as a Republican Congressman
who can be the spark that gets things moving…gets America working again…gets America back
on track.

The mood in America this year offers Republicans a rare opportunity to nominate and elect a
fellow Republican with an exceptional background, a tremendous appeal to thoughtful
independents, and most important of all, the extraordinary ability to make things happen. That
sums up why Michael Grimm has my enthusiastic support. What he especially needs right now
is YOUR support. Please give it to him. You’ll love the job Mike does as your congressman.

Thanks for your consideration, and very best wishes to you and your loved ones.


Rudy Giuliani

P.S. – The Republican Primary will be on Tuesday, September 14th. Between now and then,
you’ll have ample time to add up all the terrific reasons why Michael Grimm is not only
the right candidate to defeat the Democrat who now represents your district in
Congress—but also the person who has what it takes to then make one heck of a
Congressman. You can play a role in helping to elect this incredible candidate by
completing and returning the enclosed Grimm-for-Congress Reply Card. Once you’ve
learned all you can about Michael Grimm, you’ll join me in knowing everything that’s so
impressive and promising about this man. Thanks again.


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