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Lecture 2: Applied Matlab Programming................................................................................................ 2

Creating Matrices ................................................................................................................................ 2
Use colon to refer to an entire column or row ................................................................................... 3
String manipulation............................................................................................................................. 3
Mathematical Operations with Arrays................................................................................................ 3
Presenting Results............................................................................................................................... 3
Plots .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Lines and Symbol Types in Plotting ..................................................................................................... 4
Multiple Plots per Figure Window ...................................................................................................... 4
Other Formats ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Functions ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Text output from Functions ................................................................................................................ 5
The fprintf command .......................................................................................................................... 5
The feval command............................................................................................................................. 6
Relational operators ........................................................................................................................... 6
Logical operators................................................................................................................................. 6
Logical functions ................................................................................................................................. 6
For Loop .............................................................................................................................................. 6
While Loop .......................................................................................................................................... 7
If condition .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Switch and Case .................................................................................................................................. 7
Break command .................................................................................................................................. 7
Lecture 3: Nonlinear equations, Bisection method, Fixed point iteration, Newton- Raphson method,
Secant method ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Lecture 2: Applied Matlab Programming
Creating Matrices
- ones(m,n): matrix with m rows and n columns with all elements 1
- zeros(m,n): matrix with m rows and n columns with all elements 0
- eye(n): square matrix which diagonal elements are equal to 1
Use colon to refer to an entire column or row

String manipulation

Mathematical Operations with Arrays

- A*B only if number of columns in matrix A = number if rows in matrix B
- ^ power of a matrix
- .* element- by- element multiplication
- ./ element- by- element right division
- .\ element- by- element left division
- .^ element- by- element exponentiation

Presenting Results
- All plots displayed though figure window: figure()
- Activate 3rd figure: figure(3)

- 2D plots: plot()
Lines and Symbol Types in Plotting

Multiple Plots per Figure Window

- subplot(nrows, ncols, thisPlot)
Other Formats
- format long: 14 decimals
- format bank: 2 decimals
- format short (default): 4 decimals
- if integer is entered, there are no trailing zeros

- function [out1, out2] = FUN (IN1, IN2)
- command function must be at the first line of code
- FUN is the name of the function (should equal to M- file name)
- Local variables: functions use this only while function is executing
- Global variables: share variables between functions
- Functions call other functions: function disp_my_plot

Text output from Functions

- Output to the command window: disp(simple but limited control over appearance of output)
or fprintf

The fprintf command

- fprintf(outFormat, outVariables)
- fprintf(fileHandle, outFormat, outVariables)
The feval command
- feval command evaluates value of function of functions argument

Relational operators

Logical operators

Logical functions

For Loop
for ii = 0:5
a(ii+1) = ii;
While Loop
ii = 0;
while ii <= 5
ii = ii + 1;
- advantage over for loop: loop counter is not going in one direction. We can have statements
within loops such as increase, decrease and reset counter.
If condition
if expression
elseif expression

Switch and Case

- used when a series of paths exists for a given variable

Break command
- used to terminate the execution of for and while loop
Lecture 3: Nonlinear equations, Bisection method, Fixed point
iteration, Newton- Raphson method, Secant method
Solving nonlinear equations
- solutions in the form of roots may be obtained from functions such as quadratic equation.

Iterative Methods
- solved by initial approximation and is improved using iterative methods
- successive use of iterative methods result in approximations which approach the solution,
Iterative method is then considered to be converged
- approximate error estimate is needed to detect is method and converged sufficiently

Useful Theorems

Initial Approximations
Note: initial approximations can be found by neglecting middle term
Graphical Method

- roots occur when function f(x) crosses x- axis. It has 4 roots.

- equate both equations, bring them all to one side to equal 0 and find x (roots)
- used to obtain rough estimate of roots

Internal Halving (Bisection) Method

- requires initial range x1 < x <xr with sign change so that f(x1).f(xr) < 0
- for each iteration, halve the interval, evaluate the function at midpoint and make new
interval the half with a sign change
- ensure function is continuous or else function may converge to a discontinuity
Newton rhapson

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